David Veloz
David Veloz
David Veloz
@yanchunfeng8467 3 дня назад
The GOSPEL that apostle Paul received and passed on to us is: "that Christ died for OUR sins ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES." (1Co15:3-4). For salvation is for ALL who BELIEVES as it is written: 1/ Jn5:24: “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and BELIEVES him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has CROSSED OVER from death to LIFE." 2/ Jn6:40: “For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and BELIEVES in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." (Yet Jesus also said to the woman who were caught in adultery that brought to him in Jn8:11, “Then neither do I condemn you, go now and leave your life of sin." (Which is breaks the law - 1Jn3:4) To be READY is to REMAIN IN HIM as it is written in Jn15:10: "If you obey my commands, you will REMAIN IN my love, just as I HAVE OBEYED my Father's commands and remain in his love.” Thus we are Jews INWARDLY with a circumcision in our heart (Ro2:26-29), and come to KNOW him (1Jn2:3), and will not hear him speak the word, "I never KNEW you"(Mt7:23). For to KNOW Him or He KNOWS us is the foundation of our faith as it is written in 2Ti2:19: Nevertheless, G-d's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription, "The lord KNOWS those who are his," and "Everyone who confess the name of the lord must turn away from wickedness." (Or lawlessness which is sin - 1Jn3:4) From all the nations and peoples, G-d has chosen Israel and made an EVERLASTING covenant with them (Ex34:27-28, Dt4:13, Ps105:8-10) -The Ten Commandments. And we as gentiles - the wild branches can be grafted in through the blood of Jesus (Ro11:11-24, Eph2:11-22, Ex24:8, 1Co11:25); And HE is faithful to keep his covenant (Dt7:9, 4:31, Ps89:34) that will be written on our heart (Jer31:31-33, Eze11:19-20, 36:26-27). So let all who LOVE the LORD choose "what pleases him by keeping HIS Sabbaths (From Friday sundown to Saturday sundown) and hold fast to his covenant." (Isa56:4) as G-d made the seventh day holy (Ge2:3), which is the 4th of the Ten Commandments - a sign between G-d and his people (Ex31:12-13, Eze20:12). Thus we come to the covenant relationship with G-d and dwell in the shelter of the Most High (Ps91:1-4) to escape the storm that is coming to the whole world. I pray peace be with all who love the LORD and keep his commands (Jn14:21, 23, 1Jn5:3, 2Jn6, Isa48:18). Including the two great commandments the lord has given to us in Mt22:37-39. Finally, let’s encourage each other with this words written in Eccl12:13: “Now all has been heard: here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear G-d and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." Amen! Blessings…
@yanchunfeng8467 День назад
What about the law of G-d? We all know that the laws, commands and decrees are WORD from G-d's mouth, thus are TRUTH and endures FOREVER (Ps119: 89, 142, 151-152, 160). There are so much misunderstanding about the laws! First, many Jews tried to GAIN THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS by observing the law, yet failed (Ro3:20, Gal2:16, 21, Ac13:39); Second, many Christians claims that they are under grace, thus they reject the law. But Jesus said in Mt5:17-19: "UNTIL heaven and earth disappear, NOT the smallest letter, NOR the least stroke of a pen, will by ANY MEANS disappear from the law... " Jesus is often spoke against Pharisees, but NOT the law itself as it written in Mt23:2-3: Then Jesus said to the crowds (World?) and to his disciples (Are we?): "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you MUST OBEY THEM AND DO EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU" Even Paul said in Ro3:31: "Do we, then, nullify the law BY THIS FAITH? NOT AT ALL! Rather, we UPHOLD THE LAW." He also said in Ac24:14: "I believe everything that agrees with the law and that is written in the Prophets" Yes, we are not under the law, but under grace. Yet we are not free to forsake or continue break His law which is sin (1Jn3:4). Rather, let The Law be written in our heart by the power of the Holy Spirit (Jer31:31-34, Eze11:20, 36:26-27). Outside the law is lawlessness - those who will hear the Lord say to them "I never knew you! Away from me, you evildoers. (or lawlessness) (Mt7:23). But the 'Perfect law that GIVES FREEDOM' (Jas1:25, 2:12) they are in my lord's heart (Ps40:8), surely they are precious to me as it says: "Blessed are they whose ways are BLAMELESS, WHO WALK ACCORDING TO THE LAW OF THE LORD." (Ps119:1) and "whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water..." (Ps1: 2-3). Finally, "It please the LORD for the sake of his righteousness, TO MAKE HIS LAW GREAT AND GLORIOUS!” (Isa42:21). Amen! Blessings…
@user-mg7qm3cy7k 12 дней назад
Great testimony❤Thank you🎉
@VICKYSHARU 12 дней назад
Is he your god only why he does nothing for me....sorry i dont want to hurt anyone..but why jesus doesnt do anything for me.....
@davidvelozee 7 дней назад
I can see how that can be very painful. But you can get to know him from the Bible. When you read imagine you are there sitting among the crowds. What is his character? Can you sense his goodness from what he says and does? Might you have a (bigger ?) blessing in believing without seeing? Jesus may seem to indicate this to be the case. John 20:29 May your journey continue to be blessed. Seeking is a great place to be.
@VICKYSHARU 12 дней назад
This cant be truth ...i pray every day for encounter of god ...nothing happens so its all lie....
@nataliegary7 Месяц назад
I also had an experience with Jesus at the end of 2016, just eight months before my oldest son passed away in a motorcycle accident. I saw a bright light with his figure coming towards me and I wasn’t even standing on anything solid. The closer that he got to me I could feel his love growing more intensely to the point of it overwhelming my soul. He first smiled when he was finally right in front of me and then he told me to not worry and that everything is going to be alright but only through his eyes and after I woke up, I could still feel his love and compassion so intensely for about a week. It felt so wonderful and pure that I could not stop crying tears of pure love, gratitude and joy. But that feeling began to slowly fade as each day passed for about a week and by that week’s end I felt so down because I would close my eyes to try and feel that love and it would just get harder and harder until it almost completely faded. I then kept wondering why he only told me that everything is going to be alright, although I knew he was also telling me how much he loved me because of all that I was feeling. And I knew that this wasn’t a dream either because the reality that I felt wherever I was felt like nothing I’ve ever felt before in my entire life. It was not until my son passed that I realized why he had made it so clear to me that everything was going to be alright without an audible sound and it was because I already suffered from depression for many years and I would have let myself die after being diagnosed with Leukemia nine months after my son’s death from missing him so badly and for my faith not being strong enough. But after that experience I knew where my son was and what he was feeling and it had given me the will and strength to live. I love Jesus with every fiber of my being and I pray that everyone will accept him. And I hope and pray for everyone, their loved ones and friends will be blessed by my true testimony. I would also like to add to the experience I had with Jesus Christ that I believe one of the reasons why God had allowed me to go through leukemia was so that I could share my experience with people at MD Anderson Cancer Center Hospital in downtown Houston, Texas (where I live twenty minutes southwest from) because I was only existing and not living as a hermit from all of the grief I was going through from the death of my son and even though I was already beyond devastated, I had become even more devastated after finding out that I had leukemia but for some reason I couldn’t help but share my experience with whom ever I possibly could after being admitted to the hospital; it’s as though God had pressed it upon me so deeply to do this and to my surprise almost everyone that I shared it with believed me and were very susceptible to it. There were also many who were tearfully thankful after hearing my story. At that time I was so grateful for that but I’m even more grateful today. Tysm for reading this! Again, I hope that you are blessed somehow by my testimony. All my love, Natalie G 🙏♥️✝️
@mariaphillips7038 3 месяца назад
Beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing ❤❤❤
@ohdeergod 6 месяцев назад
Ive heard stories of NDE's where people met Jesus and he absolutely was NOT cool. Carried directly to the pit of hell and showed them things so terrible that they cant even be described in our language. Torment, torture, being burned alive, flayed, eaten by insects, and beyond in a never ending eternity that repeats over and over to infinity. You do NOT get to make huge mistakes here and not pay the price. Ignorance is no excuse there. He sees directly into your heart, you cannot fake it or hide it. If you deserve to be in the fire for eternity, you will be. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the vast majority of us will burn to some degree in one of the 7 levels of hell. Even people that go to church and think they are serving god will burn. Its not the actions you do here. It is literally what is TRULY in your heart. Is it love or is it hate? If its hate, you will feel the purest essence of hate eternally.
@MomoTheFalseProphet 5 месяцев назад
We're saved by grace thru faith.
@SquadJuiced 4 месяца назад
Where in the Bible does it mention 7 levels of Hell?
@LayUpTreasuresInHeaven 6 месяцев назад
Amazing! WHAT EVERYONE DESERVES TO KNOW ABOUT HEAVEN: Jesus Christ destroyed the barrier of sin between God and mankind at the cross so we can have peace with Him and have assurance we’ll make it to heaven. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT? The Bible (God's only trustworthy Word for the human race) tells us: All of us were born with an unrighteous sinful nature. We inherited it spiritually from Adam and Eve, the first two created people, because of their disobedience to God by giving into the devil's deceiving temptation. Why would the devil do such a thing anyway? Because he hates God! The devil wants no one enjoying intimate, joyous relationship with God. He once had it yet lost it, and now wants no one else having it either. God is so holy - so righteous - so pure … that He cannot and will not allow unrighteous sinners to remain with Him in heaven. But God had a plan to undo what Satan did to the human race. Jesus Christ IS the plan! Jesus came to earth to ransom you and everyone else for Himself, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. He took full punishment for your sins against God and the sins of everyone else on the cross so our sins no longer would keep us separated from God. Furthermore, He traded His righteousness for our unrighteousness through His death, burial and resurrection! (See: 2 Corinthians 5:21. It is ONLY God’s IMPUTED righteousness that makes us acceptable to Him - that is FREELY given to us who make Jesus our Savior and Lord. Imagine being in a courtroom, and the Judge has just sentenced you to death. Also imagine Jesus Christ being your lawyer. Jesus Christ says to the Judge (or in other words, God the heavenly Father): "Your Honor, I want to serve my client's sentence and pay the price for his/her wrong-doing by dying instead so my client can go free." Can you imagine someone doing such a thing for you?! JESUS DID IT! Of course you may be thinking at that moment: I haven't done anything to be sentenced to die! I'm being falsely accused! "What have I supposedly DONE, God?!" Here's your answer: God gave 10 commandments for people to keep in the Old Testament Bible. Anyone who breaks just one of those commandments must be punished for breaking them against God. Where does it say THAT?! It says that in Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Have you ever lied? Lied just one time? Everyone of us has lied at least once. Number 9 of the 10 commandments says: Thou shalt not lie (bear false witness). You know what that makes us? A disobedient sinning liar against God and His moral law - His 10 commandments. (Revelation 21:8 also tells us what God thinks of lying). You just read above what God says about our disobedient sinning against Him by breaking just ONE of His moral laws: God’s punishment for doing so is DEATH. Spiritual death. Ultimately total separation from God and agonizingly suffering for our sins against Him for all eternity -- totally void of any love, peace, hope, joy or forgiveness from God ever again (otherwise known as hell). BUT HERE IS GOD'S BEST NEWS! We can receive forgiveness for all our unrighteous, disobedience (sins) against God and our sins against others RIGHT NOW and have certainty RIGHT NOW that on the Judgment Day, our sins WON'T be held against us! HOW CAN THAT BE?! By asking Jesus Christ to forgive us for our sins and trusting that He HAS forgiven us of them simply by our asking and trusting! Jesus will do it! 1 John 1:8-9 says: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Thus if we make Jesus our personal Lord and Savior - every time we sin - we have every right to ask Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sin(s) - cleanse us as though we never sinned - so that when our heart stops beating, we can be assured that we won't have to suffer eternal damnation for our sins. Jesus Christ did what no other human being has ever done or ever could do. He was the ONLY person on this planet who has never sinned. And because He never sinned, He is the only acceptable sacrifice God the Father would accept to pay ransom payment for each of OUR sins. That is simply AMAZING, isn't it?! Yet JESUS DID IT! WHY? Because of God’s LOVE and MERCY for lost souls like you and I who will reach out in humility and demonstrate appreciation for His FREE GIFT of forgiveness (pardon) so we can have friendship and intimacy with Him starting now ... and lasting for ETERNITY! This life is your starting point with your loving Creator that will last for eternity. Ask Jesus for His FREE GIFT of forgiveness TODAY. Ask Him to live inside you. He WANTS to! (Please make copies of this Gospel Message and distribute them in YOUR area. Please post the above JESUS DID IT! Gospel Truths EVERYWHERE to help share the Good News of Jesus Christ).
@livingmess_ 6 месяцев назад
why did you put up the fucking music?
@peter8040 7 месяцев назад
If you meet Jesus then tell me What race he is.
@the_dudeguy 8 месяцев назад
you met jesus? that's way cool
@alexashworth3119 10 месяцев назад
thats him alright
@lilwarrioraleena 11 месяцев назад
“Humbled by Love” exactly what I felt. In my encounter with Jesus I felt His immense love and afterwards I was like “why me? I’m a dirty little human” and I repented, had no idea about repentance prior to my radical encounter with God.
@pink3923 11 месяцев назад
Jesus appeard to me too, he was modern not like back in old times. I know some won't believe me but I get that . I'm telling the truth and we all should be kind to each other xx
@robertg786 11 месяцев назад
Yea, after being dead for 2000 years, I imagine he's cool alright.😂😂😂
@DivineKnight_115 11 месяцев назад
Mine was mental depression after a sudden breakup at a really bad time in life. I said some rosaries and went to a catholic mass “raised catholic” and had specifically asked and begged Mary to ask Jesus to help alleviate my mental burden and not an hour later it was relieved, felt like a heavy stone was on my mind and heart, I had no appetite and was just glum. Out of nowhere it felt like a warm breeze passed through my mind and turned the stone into dust and sand and blew it away and the stress wasn’t on my mind anymore and my appetite came back stronger than I’d ever felt. I looked up at the ceiling and said to myself, “ok, I hear you Jesus, this is how this works then?” Before that my whole life I never recalled having a personal encounter like that and haven’t had anything that instant still. But it was clearly and answer to a specific request and he granted it to me. Now with his help I can rebuild my life from the rubble.
@mademoiselleB12 11 месяцев назад
What a lovely story... can't wait for my experience too ! 😊
@samanthananda4276 Год назад
Please pray for the devil to be removed from me forever and any evil that might be with me to disappear forever. I have been dealing with spiritual warfare for over a year now. One day I opened the Bible and read Psalms 91 and the devil came over me. I keep hearing ‘roar, gr, muhaha’ in my mind. I just want it to leave me alone forever and to be set free from all of this.
@davidvelozee Год назад
Sorry to hear what you’re going through. Stay in prayer and be vigilant of any stronghold that may have given the enemy a foothold over you. No one is perfect, so simply ask for forgiveness and turn away from any possible sin. Find a good community with mature leaders that can listen to you and walk with you through this. Seek out people strong in prayer and ask them for prayer. You can’t go at this alone. Continue to read Psalms and play worship music, focus on God’s goodness and glory. Evil spirits can try to influence you and threaten you but they can’t force you to do anything. I will also keep you in prayer.
@reneebur-de2960 11 месяцев назад
@samanthananda4276 Why don't you seek Jesus for help in power? For what reason ? Have you not repented? Or you have rejected the gifts of the Holy Spirit? The message of the Word of Jesus will help you understand this film > > > ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1tLebIP1o5U.html
@spearsnatorreefa2042 Год назад
I need him so much now
@user-cu6ir4en1k Год назад
You met jesus n hes cool .. I met the trinity .. 3-headed serpent .. n its NOT cool. Lucifer + jesus s/o lucifer + un holy pc of s*hit fm the pits of hell .. so black i cant see his eyes nor his face !! Is that cool .. ?? Yr name is written in hell .. What is Father's NAME ? Ex 6.3 Go extract this NAME n worship Him. You n i are the same generation. Pray you dont die .. in Christ .. nobody can help you.
@user-ju8dl6of6l Год назад
Blessed are those who believe but haven't seen
@lauraschiesl8845 Год назад
He tells me jokes if you want some ask i can post them its a whole holy joke book
@user-rc2xs5ti2w Год назад
He is very cool!
@Joseph.2030 Год назад
@normanhowe4938 Год назад
the eleted know and know that they love Jesus. and Jesus knows your heart, every sin youve done and if youre sorry or not...
@markmartin6436 Год назад
Reading the He has a sense of humor gives me hope !!! Because Im one big smart ass....
@jessicaa3982 Год назад
Hi David, Baptized. Which one is correct in the Holy Bible scriptures? Acts 2:38 KJV- Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Or Mat 28:19 KJV- Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
@davidvelozee Год назад
Interesting. I am certainly no bible scholar, but from my personal experience… both are correct. Reasoning: when I began to experience all these new things, I began to value the Bible less, but in a dream I saw how the Bible was like good soil and without it you cannot have a strong firmament. My takeaway was that the Bible is good (rich and full of good things that allow us to grow in Christlike-ness). (Also at one point I kept “hearing” to read my Bible, it was very kind and insistent!). Finally, my experience was out of order from Acts 2:38. Although I initially dedicated my life to Christ first, I wasn’t actually repentant. (What that did allow was for Christ to come into my heart and speak to me.) I then received the gift of the Holy Ghost (I believe there is only 1 baptism because there is only 1 spirit (although new gifts come with time, all the time!)). I was then repentant for my sins. And after I was water baptized, in the name of the Trinity (like Mat 28:19) (but that’s just something to share with your community, true baptism occurs in your heart). I don’t confine God, because I don’t understand it all (no one does, only God can because he’s God). That doesn’t mean I’m lazy in learning and or reading, but I do try to focus on loving God with all my heart (holding nothing else) and loving others as I love myself. It’s a good question, be blessed in your search!
@romantadeo4595 Год назад
This testimony was just so beautiful and just wow
@theshadowminer9548 Год назад
jesus are fake, he never existed
@SquadJuiced 4 месяца назад
There is more evidence that He existed than Julius Caesar and every other famous historical figure combined. Thousands upon thousands of manuscripts, tons of eye witness accounts, tons of history and historian accounts. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
@margaretoconnor7077 Год назад
This gentleman doesn't seem genuine, my reasoning is, twice he quoted from the movie 'the shack' first quote is at the 2:17 mark "he says it is what it is" & again at the 2:39 " I am who I am " both of these exact quotes came from the character representing God in the movie the shack. It's a gut feeling that I have, that it's not a true experience; he might have experienced something, but it's not from God.
@Laura-ui6wr Год назад
I want to go home.
@SquadJuiced Год назад
Hey David. I hope you see this. When I first saw this video, it captivated me and I feel in my spirit that Jesus really did speak to you. It really blessed me watching this. Thank you for sharing it with us, brother.
@ginarodriguez4044 Год назад
Everybody has their time to me Jesus. I spoke to him too❣️
@nyangel515 Год назад
'Oh, Dear Lord Three things I pray, to see thee more clearly, Love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly Day by day...',👑🙏🏼😌
@mildradesabina9569 Год назад
Thanks to this stories, when I sometimes loose faith and listen to this story they make me try know more about Jesus and grow faith
@wakenflake9347 Год назад
I would love to believe people when they tell cool stories but I just don’t. I know people lie for clout
@budfox4368 Год назад
@jlouis4407 Год назад
He absolutely is not
@anonymoususer8031 Год назад
Is real jesus real? I mean I am curious to know if he actually exists or not?
@jesuschristlovingyou Год назад
Why don't you ask him?
@zayxnt8717 Год назад
Historically he’s real. Without him Christianity wouldn’t exist
@SquadJuiced 2 месяца назад
He's real and He is alive. I asked God to help you with this.
@Folk_var Год назад
I wish Jesus would come to me. I feel abandoned.
@jesuschristlovingyou Год назад
Jesus never abandoned anyone. You think you're so special that Jesus looks at you and decides you aren't worth caring for, but don't think you're special enough that He wants everything to do with your life. You wish Jesus would come to you? So does He. Why are you standing around wishing and wasting your time? Do you think He won't do it? Jesus Himself says that if you ask Him with shameless persistence to come, then he'll come. Hurry up bro.
@Folk_var Год назад
@@jesuschristlovingyou Charmed life response.
@greenbird183 Год назад
I heard Lord Jesus voice once it was deep but not too deep. Smoothly I was in peace 😔
@dennisjump8655 Год назад
The Lord himself warned," Therefore if anyone says to you, "Behold! He is in the wilderness! Do not go out; Behold! He is in the interior rooms, do not believe it." Matthew 24:26. Despite this clear warning, people are claiming to see Jesus everywhere and even have personal conversations with him. Christ is enthroned in heaven now and sitting at the right hand of God, not running all over the place making personal appearances. Despite a direct command to NOT believe these stories, the churches embrace them. This is to be expected though, as Paul clearly foretold: " For there will come a time when they will no longer put up with sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves, to have their ears tickled. They will turn away from the truth, listening instead to myths, ( 2 Timothy 4:3).
@jesuschristlovingyou Год назад
Lol that's not what that verse is saying. When the end approaches, the false prophet will appear and come as a savior to a crumbling world. He will demand the worlds worship, doing miracles in his own name, and deceive many. That's why if anyone appears in the flesh saying that they are the messiah, don't believe him. You grieve Jesus Christ! Because He desires to come and sup with you. People's theology is stuck in the non-existent future where they live out their lives normally, die and have the whole shebang revealed to them but if you weren't so stubborn and full of suspicion, He'd reveal himself to you.
@dennisjump8655 Год назад
@@jesuschristlovingyouBeg to differ, that's exactly what that verse is saying. It's true he did warn about false Christs/messiahs. He also warned they would "come in his name". (vs.4,5). Since these videos are making outlandish claims "in his name", we should be very wary that both they and the people believing in them are not being deceived. The very warning inherent in Jesus' words here is to be suspicious! I am absolutely in the right in being suspicious! According to the clear warning, I am under no obligation whatsoever to believe these accounts. The burden of proof lies with them! ( Of course they neither have or provide any). But according to your logic, as long as someone uses Jesus' name, they are to be believed. That's the OPPOSITE of what he was saying! Your reference to the false prophet contradicts you, as well. You say he does "miracles in his own name", not Jesus'. I don't know about people being 'stuck', but I know that we are living in the last days. Therefore, it becomes vitally important to be on guard against anyone claiming to have seen or personally spoken to Christ himself. It is a huge lie to claim to have spoken to the enthroned Christ Jesus and that he was 'seriously cool', as though he is just another 'dude'. As for dying and having the shebang revealed ( whatever that is supposed to mean), the Bible is God's Word and Jesus' words are plainly recorded for us so that we could know him and what is to come. We don't need endless Y/T videos of people contradicting each other and the Bible with wild stories and "personal revelations". ( Doubt me? Just look at the sidebar.)
@nataliegary7 Месяц назад
@@dennisjump8655 I am the same way or should I say was the same way and it’s taken me over seven years just to put out the experience I truly and honestly believe with everything in me that I had with Jesus. I’ve never been a big church going person and I’ve only read the Bible once. And even though I believe in my experience with Jesus; I still question some other people’s stories about seeing him but only when there’s really nothing extreme going on in their life or something that sounds more like it came out of an alien movie but with Jesus in it. But I think that’s because I’ve had a hard time trusting people due to the fact that I had a lot of traumatic experiences growing up and in most of my life as well. I even tried to doubt my experience just months after it happened but I couldn’t because I had never felt a reality that I did when I had that experience or the super intense feelings that I felt. The only way that I can try to explain the reality was how it was so very crisp and clear and in such a profound way that it made every single day that I’ve ever spent here on earth feel and seem like one of those gray dreams that you hardly ever can remember after waking up from. And the only way that I can possibly describe all of the love and compassion is by multiplying every time in my life that I’ve ever felt any kind of love; like the love of a parent, grandparent, family member or friend along with every time I’ve ever fallen in love (only as far as the excitement goes) with the excitement of every night before Christmas in my life and the love that a parent feels for their child, along with any pure positive feeling I’ve ever felt multiplied by a million (maybe I’m over exaggerating but only just a little here.) This is what I honestly felt. Not only do I believe that my experience was real because of what I just tried to explain but also because it happened shortly before my son passed and we were very very close and because I’ve suffered from depression a lot and have wanted to die many times and after losing my son I’ve never wanted to die as much as when that happened, so much to the point of wanting to commit suicide but because of that experience that I honestly believe I had with Jesus, I just couldn’t do it. So that’s another reason why I believe that it was real. Oh! and how I got leukemia shortly after my son passed but didn’t just let myself die because of that experience as well. And because of how compelled I was to want to tell as many people that I could in the hospital during the midst of my total devastation after losing my son and then finding out that I had leukemia. But maybe some would think that it was just a kind of psychic thing as a loving mother or how my brain wanted to somehow work with what I already believed in but combined with a psychic ability of a loving mother to somehow find a way to be able to deal with what was going to happen? Or perhaps what I believe actually happened? I hope that I’ve helped you in some way. And I’m sorry if I didn’t. But I wish and pray that you find as much goodness in your life as possible and that the Lord blesses you in every way that you he knows you need and want. With love, Natalie
@nataliegary7 Месяц назад
I just wanted to send you the comment or I should say the story of my experience that I put out shortly before reading your comment; I also had an experience with Jesus at the end of 2016, just eight months before my oldest son passed away in a motorcycle accident. I saw a bright light with his figure coming towards me and I wasn’t even standing on anything solid. The closer that he got to me I could feel his love growing more intensely to the point of it overwhelming my soul. He first smiled when he was finally right in front of me and then he told me to not worry and that everything is going to be alright but only through his eyes and after I woke up, I could still feel his love and compassion so intensely for about a week. It felt so wonderful and pure that I could not stop crying tears of pure love, gratitude and joy. But that feeling began to slowly fade as each day passed for about a week and by that week’s end I felt so down because I would close my eyes to try and feel that love and it would just get harder and harder until it almost completely faded. I then kept wondering why he only told me that everything is going to be alright, although I knew he was also telling me how much he loved me because of all that I was feeling. And I knew that this wasn’t a dream either because the reality that I felt wherever I was felt like nothing I’ve ever felt before in my entire life. It was not until my son passed that I realized why he had made it so clear to me that everything was going to be alright without an audible sound and it was because I already suffered from depression for many years and I would have let myself die after being diagnosed with Leukemia nine months after my son’s death from missing him so badly and for my faith not being strong enough. But after that experience I knew where my son was and what he was feeling and it had given me the will and strength to live. I love Jesus with every fiber of my being and I pray that everyone will accept him. And I hope and pray for everyone, their loved ones and friends will be blessed by my true testimony. And the second comment I put out was about when I got leukemia and I’m including it also here; I would also like to add to the experience I had with Jesus Christ that I believe one of the reasons why God had allowed me to go through leukemia was so that I could share my experience with people at MD Anderson Cancer Center Hospital in downtown Houston, Texas (where I live twenty minutes southwest from) because I was only existing and not living as a hermit from all of the grief I was going through from the death of my son and even though I was already beyond devastated, I had become even more devastated after finding out that I had leukemia but for some reason I couldn’t help but share my experience with whom ever I possibly could after being admitted to the hospital; it’s as though God had pressed it upon me so deeply to do this and to my surprise almost everyone that I shared it with believed me and were very susceptible to it. There were also many who were tearfully thankful after hearing my story. At that time I was so grateful for that but I’m even more grateful today.
@dennisjump8655 Месяц назад
@@nataliegary7 I'm sorry for your losses and the things you have had to go through. I also have experienced personal loss and much hardship. However, Jesus is not personally appearing at this time to people. Some of the statements you make clearly show that, as Paul said of some in his day: "I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but it is not according to accurate knowledge". They contradict Biblical truth, so could not possibly have come from Jesus himself. The Bible alone is the authority, not personal experiences or revelations.
@mejusthot Год назад
Matthew 6:6🙏🙌
@sarahbuxton783 Год назад
Jesus is the living water
@marlowtalley7871 Год назад
How can you not know the Lord is real unless you don’t want to know let’s be real “if you hate me you love death”👻👺🪱🕸🥀☠️
@marlowtalley7871 Год назад
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙆🏾‍♂️🧏🏾‍♂️👀👀I saw it too!!! The Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ my masters iPad also I called it more of a interactive 360 or Xbox on steroids super VR and the little blue flat earth globe iPad and a lot more bless the Lord that I am not sure is permitted to speak of right now🫡🙌🏾
@KrucialKenn- Год назад
Thank you for coming to the Lord again and telling your story
@manuelestrada4984 Год назад
Bro how can you say Jesus Christ is (cool)what kind of word is that bro!!!!
@matttate3216 Год назад
incredible......thank you so much.
@brianbannon6746 Год назад
John 6:47
@lolmaemae Год назад
I love this ❤