WhereisHome? Documentary Film
WhereisHome? Documentary Film
WhereisHome? Documentary Film
“Where is Home?” is an in-production documentary film focused on homelessness and the complex social issues facing the city of Lethbridge, Alberta and many other communities across Canada.

Support the film on IndieGogo at igg.me/at/whereishome
For more information, please visit www.whereishome.ca
@mvd4479 5 месяцев назад
this documentary was watched by all the students taking the course addiction and community health workers . thank you for educating me , specifically the Indigenous people that took their time to educate us , free emotional labor , thank you!
@jellyboehme5598 5 месяцев назад
i also watched htis through school
@Yeg_777 8 месяцев назад
I live in alberta, i grew up with some indigenous people, they are great people with an amazing culture 👏 and i hope things keep on getting better
@Audacious_777 10 месяцев назад
It's 2023 I'm studying ABE 10 As a former ward of the agency ..I can say this issue has increased over the years .. homeless got worse all over Canada. Especially after the COVID hit. It's sad and something really needs to change instead of looking down on these people help them get back up !!!!
@VanessaDerry Год назад
So eye opening.
@quixtlies653 Год назад
stan deana vincent
@Kevin_geekgineering 2 года назад
get out of your home, world is bigger than you can imagine
@regeenacooper1221 2 года назад
but that's because the business refuses to let the homeless use the bathrooms because of the stario type which needs to be dealt with
@regeenacooper1221 2 года назад
no one should ever have to just serve to live in life and no matter how much money the government gives will never change or take back what was done to them. It just sickens me how the government treated them and still to this day they are still not treated fairly.
@projectfindingfreedom 2 года назад
I am a struggling single mom who has been technically homeless. I was fortunate enough NOT to end up on the street. I also worked with homeless prior to covid... And I get it, I see the human in EVERYONE Even though I'm struggling and BARELY makin it by... if I see someone asking for food who's homeless ... I will put back whatever isn't necessities that I can get next time & grab a little care kit full of water, food, (feminine hygiene for girls) Praying for everyone!
@annetteslife 2 года назад
I live in Lethbridge. Rest in peace Ernestine Healy who passed away in 2018. Corrine who was briefly videotaped was murdered in 2017
@codystruck Год назад
I remember Ernestine when I lived at the Lethbridge Hotel. RIP
@annetteslife Год назад
@@codystruck She passed away about 5 years ago I think. Do you still live in Lethbridge?
@codystruck Год назад
@@annetteslife that’s sad to hear. Yes just moved back
@annetteslife Год назад
@@codystruck I don't live very far from the Lethbridge Hotel. I live about a 10 minute walk from the downtown area.
@destinybarreira2073 Год назад
And Gillian Wolfplume 😭
@bodyguard1646 2 года назад
This is what happens when you keep voting for corrupted politicians that stopped caring longtime ago we need homeless communities instead of temporary house them
@RS-cn7js 2 года назад
Watched this for class...and want to thank you for sharing. I think more people should see this, it is very insightful and will help in understanding.
@CanoeToNewOrleans 2 года назад
What the police chief and the inclusion consultant said toward the end of the documentary is so true - we don't have difficult conversations in Canada and we're still an us vs. them society.
@MichaelOBrien71 3 года назад
Very good documentary 👍
@MichaelOBrien71 3 года назад
The guy crying racism is typical
@carayaportus80 3 года назад
Native America from North , Central and Sud , fighting for keep the culture and land ,
@carayaportus80 3 года назад
Make sad , because the still human , nobody deserves this life
@AUTISTICLYCAN 3 года назад
Basically these people through no fault of their own are so broken they need what are in effect adult babysitters to help them live in a home. Well white European colonial powers caused this mess and they alone should be tasked to resolve the issues they caused Canada's native peoples. That nun that raped does kids should have been shot and remembered in history among those like Himmler and Hitler. I hope that nun that raped all those kids is the brightest spot in hell.
@brand3820 4 года назад
Before you say “Aww they’re so pitiful”, It’s not their fault ,...Let me just say this..Life is hard ok,, but life is what you make of it..I don’t care what story, or narrative is being sold,, the facts on homeless is Drugs,,,Alcohol,,Laziness,,Criminal History,,and Mental Illness...Most of the homeless refuse going to shelters because they hate the rules..Why are YOU not homeless? Think about it, there’s a damn good reason everyone is not homeless, and are at least providing themselves with shelter..The stories are sad, until you continue to read..That’s when you discover the whole story, and the true story..100% ..I say these things not to be cruel, but out of real world experience, wisdom, and research on this subject...Yes there is the fact they’re human beings, and no matter if it is their fault or by their own actions,, we should still do what we can to at least feed them..As human beings we must not ever lose that element to who, and what we are as a species...I will feed a guy while he has a needle sticking in his arm ok,, but that’s ALL K will do..That’s just me, and these are my opinions on this situation..
@PHATB0Y20 4 года назад
Fun fact, Constable Blackwood, was issued a bike for patrol and when he jumped on it to pursue someone he snapped it in half. LPS had to special ordered a bike for him. Dude is an absolute unit, professional as hell gods help you if you piss him off. Also Homeless are disgusting vile creature, they should be shot.
@trevorthecanadian2365 4 года назад
Absolutely disgusting vile creatures homeless should be put out of their misery, like bullets are cheap right? Or gas
@AlaSerafin 4 года назад
Dan Berdusco: Thank you for creating this incredibly moving, beautiful film. Every Canadian should see it. Just....thank you.
@curtis8954 4 года назад
GREAT NEWS all these old people, that created all this HATE, are dead or dieing. the new generation is taking over, no more hate or old fashioned ideas. PEACE FOR EVERYONE!!!!! hurry up and die you old hateful @$#%^*&) HURRY UP!!!!!
@johnnyluvlee4090 4 года назад
WALLY of housing first is such a liar!!! There are only three non-Indigenous people in this documantary who gives a proper accounting of the reality or show GENUINE compassion.... Dr. Massey, Dr. Mate and Deanna Vincent, formerly of housing first.
@johnnyluvlee4090 4 года назад
this documentary is kind of a colonial ego stroking exercise without the truth that canada is the ILLEGAL entity upon our lands.
@johnnyluvlee4090 4 года назад
These colonists want things to change?... give our fucking land and resources back. this COUNTRY iS NOT YOUR OWNERSHIP!
@megancollins2568 4 года назад
What about other people out there that has been sexuale abused when will they get their settlement you don't have to go to a school to be abused
@ksize3147 4 года назад
"Cripple them and then talk about them because they limp". ........horrendous!
@loganhermus7904 4 года назад
Thank you for making this documentary! Excellent work and noble cause.
@Bettinasisrg 4 года назад
I feel honored to count myself among these amazing people as someone who "gets it" can see humanity in others and be part of a solution. Many thanks to everyone who helps and even just displays compassion for their fellow human.
@paulsuprono7225 4 года назад
One does not really know the true significance of this krase, unless you've experienced homeless . . . yourself ! I had . . . six years, for multiple years !
@kensmith280 5 лет назад
Alberta is a failure ,failed healthcare no doctors , WCB is a money scam , way too many femtard witches, a totally Demonized feminist fuckery court system and everyone is poisoned by government fluoride dumb down was a complete success, you should avoid Satan's Canada at all costs, Do not come here and ruin your life, you will not be warned again!, Canada went to hell burning,
@willhleucka821 5 лет назад
Powerful. Thanks for sharing.
@douglasrozak9307 5 лет назад
I was born and raised in Lethbridge, and its nice to see that people are out there raising awareness and trying more suitable solutions to the problems in the city towards homelessness. There is a lot of stigma and discrimination against the native population in Lethbridge and this doc. really shines a brighter light on what they have gone through. I did twelve years of my education in Lethbridge and was basically unaware of residential schools and their practices. Amazing documentary!! well done!
@kenmitchell8367 4 года назад
You where born and raised in Lethbridge and you spent 12 years studying at the U of L yet you where unaware of residential schools. Either the University did not do there job or you didn' t do yours.cisco
@daymeinvanblocken3407 5 лет назад
This is is a very great subject. But , a lot of people, shy away from it.
@LadyBug-wr1gu 5 лет назад
So many references to "these people" by the white man......ugh !
@johnnyatoms3620 5 лет назад
Where eye-dollar-tree is of worth, everything is going to cost! Where one another is of worth, there is no cost...It's priceless! Babylon is passing away..... - the homeless in Babylon. HE'S US! In the mirror.
@jasonpryde2584 5 лет назад
The solution the downtown BRZ has is to completely whitewash their social media. if you look at their past posts you are hard pressed to find any pictures of aboriginal people. I called them out once for posting an epic ton of content about other events downtown and it being aboriginal day there wasn't one post about it. Then someone hastily ran over and took pics as the days events were coming to an end.
@bernadettekennedy2981 5 лет назад
Realtors are to blame for homelessness. They should not be able to sell homes to investors instead of homebuyers and should not be able to set rents or home values. They should have to have degrees with ethics laws.
@EvergreenVB 2 года назад
Lol more often than not the investors are the ones who built the homes in the first place and the profit margin on the actual construction is about 20%. So let's turn around and sell the bare land to whomever and have them build on it, tell me is saving 20% really worth dealing with the city, the county, architects, along with the labor only to be left with a structure with stability of a house of cards?
@vanessawilliams4432 Год назад
Not only that, why are they charging u up the oops for these comes already cut to put together!To me they're only wood panels nailed together, then sell it at a loss most of the time if there's minority living in the area an how many! Now figure that stupid crap out but in hindsight, it's the reason this whole country is suffering, an believe me, it's going to get worse until u admit ur wrongdoing to God an repent. Ur children will suffer thru the sins of the father!!!🙏😢😭
@johnallen2771 6 лет назад
I pull shifts at the local homeless shelter 3 times a week and believe me, nobody goes without. We give them free socks, meals, snacks and all kinds of personal hygiene products including a cot and blankets for up to four months at a time. We close during the summer because it gets so hot here. I can't understand all the homeless that won't come to the shelter. They prefer sleeping under the bridge, etc. When it get really cold that's when they come into the shelter and they resent even that. Must want to drink or do drugs all night. I'll keep doing it because it is serving a need and we also try to get people rehoused asap. We also have a deal with the cops to bring people to the shelter instead of jail. Our director doesn't put up with any shit though and people can't be bothering other residents and things like that.
@usedoil9699 6 лет назад
It was the same for white children in public school the teachers beat the children with yard sticks pointers and straps as a form of discipline until it was finally banned in public schools Every school even documented the discipline in a little book in the office. I was made a ward of the Alberta Government and experienced the same abuse as the natives so I can relate first hand. I one day would wish for even an apology from the Alberta Government for the abuse I received when I was a ward of the Alberta Government in the early seventies. I too was homeless when I turned 16 years old and they no longer had control of me and lived on the streets with the sexual abuse from white homosexuals and struggled with drug and alcohol abuse to forget. However because I am white I will never get one.
@pauldini5121 6 лет назад
They collects the little crimes like sleeping in public places that natives does , but they dont talks about the atrocities they did to them , fucking evils
@shirleydiwert943 6 лет назад
People are homeless in Canada due to the corruption of the Real Estate Board and the fraudulent bank system. See 'COMER vs Bank of Canada'- lawsuit trying to get to supreme court- but Trudeau ignoring it. His Dad was responsible in '70s t letting IMF come to lend money, then in '80s interest rate went to 20%. This is the 'fraud game' that has spread globally. Now world is unaffordable to a majority. That does not dismiss the Native situation and the terrible things done. But there is NO central 'board or forum' for people in each city to meet to change. We have to go to the street, then the mounties with there good pension- paid by us, come to stop the education process.
@PricillaMac1 6 лет назад
This is one of the most informative documentaries on homelessness I have ever 'received' from in a long long time. This documentary was sensitively made... I applaud the producer/s the .. directors .. editors..and those who took part in the interviews. and those who live the life of homelessness. I thought deeply about every moment.. I felt sadness and cried more then once. not only for the indigenous men and women but also for those who just don't get it.. Ultimately we are all human.. we all have concerns.. we all deal with it in different ways.. it is obvious however that we have the have's and the have not's.. those who are able to get professional counselling.. able to get suitable health care.. the hidden hurt.. these however are real, and raw.. what you see is what you get.. God bless them and God bless you ... ..
@lalaswag 6 лет назад
such a heartbreaking story but so touching. these people are so gentile and beautiful, i wish i could do anything i could to help.
@pauldini5121 6 лет назад
Laura Marie you are whites , the only favor you can do for them is when someone say bad things about them say something , just say something
@carriebizz 6 лет назад
Very sad. I'm by all means not wealthy but i know im blessed to have a safe house that we rent. I'm Australian and we have homeless people across the country too. I think every country does and it pisses me off that people who have alot of money waste it on materialistic things rather than give it to a charity or open and fully fund shelters. I know i would if i didn't live week to week. Regarding the native people we had the same happen to the Aborigines
@toddbacon6738 6 лет назад
I love homeless people and realize that they are good people and have every emotion that everyone else has. Working people don't seem to know that they have all of the same emotions that they have. It hurts! I would like to work for an organization to help, but I guess I am not qualified. I don't care how much education you give someone, it doesn't make them care.
@PHATB0Y20 4 года назад
I hate them they should all die
@emchammer1815 4 года назад
Vod Kinockers the homeless? What’s wrong with you? Are you sane?
@DekkerDavis 3 года назад
@dapper_gent 6 лет назад
Goddamn it. There better be a shit ton of more openly gay homeless canadians than that!
@michaeleric6170 6 лет назад
Can someone please explain to me what "Aboriginal" and "nonaboriginal" means???
@gurkaransahota9785 6 лет назад
Michael Eric aboriginal = natives non-aboriginal = non native
@pauldini5121 6 лет назад
He knows he just hate the word aboriginal
@eliciagarcia3601 4 года назад
Aboriginal means the first (original) people of the land. So the first people historically who lived in Canada didn't have this kind of civilized sort of society that we do now. They lived by walking around and building tents and picking berries and hunting buffalo for food. Then Europeans came and forcefully took over the land and said "fine, you can keep living your own life but only on these certain reserves that we'll but you in and the rest of the land is ours". Aboriginal kids ended up being heavily abused in the residential schools (beaten and raped) which lead to a generational problem among the segregated aboriginal communities where many of them have mental health and addiction problems and it passes down through the generations. Then a lot of us white people perceive them as just these "drunk natives" on the streets..... At least this is pretty much all I know about it from what I've heard and if I'm wrong on something or lacking information I'm fine with being educated. And I believe for some reason the term "aboriginal" is offensive to some people and they'd rather be called first nation or native for some reason. Probably something historical that happened that negatively connotates the term "aboriginal" I'd assume. But it's just their ethnicity and they were the first people of the land. Of course not every native is entangled in this problem or is a "drunk native". The demeaning sort of bad stereo-type of "drunk natives who drink Listerine" is sadly a thing because due to the cultural history, many natives do struggle with mental illness and addiction and Listerine is a cheap way to get drunk (when you're low income or homeless which are struggles for some of these people).
@eliciagarcia3601 4 года назад
So aboriginal means your ancestors were the first people of the land (native ethnicity) and non-aboriginal means your ancestors are another ethnicity. (So if you're white and don't live on a reserve you're probably non-aboriginal). I'm not very educated so some people may want to correct be or further educate me but if you sincerely had no idea what "aboriginal" and "non-aboriginal" meant and needed someone to explain simply to you from scratch then maybe this helps you start to get an idea and then you can do your own research to learn more.
@axel-xy2hb 7 лет назад
Ignoring Homelessness won't make it go away any more than ignorance will solve the problem of racism and prejudice toward aboriginal people in our Canadian society. I think it is imperative that anyone who weighs in on the topic of aboriginal injustice MUST have some insight into what it actually feels like to be a first-nation person in our broader society. As I'm sure that many have said that yes, there are ways to improve things for the "indians" but one must first have some sense of what it feels like to be looked down on for generations and generations. The only "real" relationship between white Europeans and Natives was the friendship between the Migmaw Nation and the Acadians. They enjoyed mutual respect and friendship only because they saw themselves as equals in every sense of the word. That lasted only so long because after the British were stomped in the U.S. colonies, they focused their attention on what they could accomplish in Upper Canada. One such option was giving out H.B.O. blankets that were infected with small pox to the unsuspecting local natives. The difference between the English and the French were that the French were traders first and foremost and saw their trading partners( Indians) as shrewd businessmen and the owners of this country. They were simply visitors doing mutually satisfying trade. The British, on the other hand, saw the natives like they saw everyone else they had the opportunity to conquer: backwards, ignorant, bloodthirsty savages that no "gentleman" British-man would ever have the desire to meet on mutual terms. How could one of impeccable upbringing ever even think of parlaying with the equivalent of mere "dogs"? And every time the Brits had the chance, they showed their contempt by lying about treaties. Taking back that which they first gave the Natives: Like their treaty right to the Black Hills in Dakota (I could be wrong here geographically, because Dakota didn't become a state until after the U.S. treasury found gold in them thar hills. And after all that, full out- total war on the indians who were simply fighting to keep what was given to them in the first place. If a person can go back through all that history and still think the Natives of this continent had reason to hold their heads up and face daily life with hope and dreams for the future like the rest of us, than my hat goes off to you but I truly think in the whole scheme of things, that the Natives didn't have a fighting chance at all and any hope of "normalcy" or legitimacy:" goes right out the frikkin window, never mind what they do with their welfare cheques of payouts. Take away a man's dignity, pride, inclusion, hopes for his family or even his race and you get the kind of cynicism and problems that are plaguing our people, white and red, reconciliation and forgiveness are not just something you put down on paper. It means we all have to look inward-good or bad or a little of both and admit when we made mistakes and truly want healing in this fucking mess, cause we did it to ourselves, no one else.