Barefoot Balanced Mama
Barefoot Balanced Mama
Barefoot Balanced Mama
Hello beautiful souls and welcome to my page! I'm a light worker & intuitive empath. I connect with spirit guides of the light, Spirit/Divine/God/Source or however you prefer to recognize & connect with the Upmost. I provide channeled messages. Please use discretion when viewing videos. These will be for collectives and not all messages will resonate, please take what messages do and leave the ones that do not. This page was created to spread light, healing, and positive opened minded conversation, please be kind to each other and me (I'm a human and have feelings too.) I embrace lots of practices from multiple religions. I am constantly learning and embracing new ways to live a healthier more connected and balanced life. I've been gifted since a child, but like so many, had to wait until later in life to fully learn and embrace my spiritual/psychic gifts. We're all flowers in God's garden, beautiful in our own right, unique, and needing different things to grow. Love & Light