Solomon Cain Films
Solomon Cain Films
Solomon Cain Films
I'm an Artistic, Autistic, Film Buff/Bookworm/Music Nerd/Wannabe director/screenwriter
I post projects I make and the occasional film review.

Autism In Media Documentary (Directors Cut)
2 месяца назад
Sound Design Practice
3 месяца назад
Newcastle Central Station Mini Doc
4 месяца назад
Interview camera angles practice
4 месяца назад
The Geordie Cowboy (2024)
6 месяцев назад
Tom Waits Chocolate Jesus - Custom Music Video
9 месяцев назад
@moss_fairy2001 14 дней назад
this is great, thanks! and I would LOVE to watch a cooper-autism focused video please he's definitely a massive autism headcanon of mine!
@looplop 20 дней назад
Thanks for all your work put into this video that I absolutely appreciate for exactly that reason, particularly well worked! ❤
@AuntyAileenA Месяц назад
Excellent documentary. Now I must go and binge watch Twin peaks again.❤
@boredkanack Месяц назад
I would love to have you as a guest on my stream. Let me know if that is something that you might be interested in, my contact details are in my channel description.
@davidrichards9898 Месяц назад
Only 1 complaint. When you have the time please can you produce a 3 hour version? A special request is to review Saga from the Swedish version of "The bridge". I think you will find many imperfections but especially across the whole series and as related to empathy, she portrays a varied and confusing but wonderful character. As an Autist who does feel I have too much empathy but it is often misguided or clumsy, I did feel for her as she tried to show how she cared but struggled a lot to share this.
@ruthhorowitz7625 Месяц назад
I agree about being open about our autism. I discuss this in my recently published book 'Living with Autism Undiagnosed. '
@bryanmerton5153 Месяц назад
Excellent documentary! I still get asked my “super thing I can do”. This is well done. Keep up the good work!
@feralnonbinaryautistic Месяц назад
Fantastic video and analysis. I look forward to seeing what you make next.
@NormyTres Месяц назад
Great project and I hope it does well. Maybe you'll go on to do TV documentaries in future?
@the.masked.one.studio4899 Месяц назад
@TheMoonlightPagan Месяц назад
This is so well made. Thank you!
@Rick5150 Месяц назад
By Joan Baez.
@SolomonCainFilms Месяц назад
I already put that Joan Baez wrote and originally performed this song in the videos description. However this is a cover of Judas Priests rendition and rearrangement of the song.
@galepowers886 2 месяца назад
I would LOVE a deep dive on Cooper. He’s been my favorite since the day I first watched twin peaks
@x.equine_life.x7632 2 месяца назад
This is amazing 🤩
@SolomonCainFilms 2 месяца назад
Btw I didn't want to do that cheesy little diamond effect but part of the criteria of my project was to include an outsourced effect. Also if you live up North around the Newcastle area make sure you check these guys out. Their setlist is full of amazing covers of 80s heavy metal and hard rock classics.
@flowerchasethesunshine9063 2 месяца назад
Fantastic! I would like to hear more. One of my favourite movies and characters is Amélie Poulain (from Amélie 2001) and I think the other characters and the movie overall are pretty "autistic"
@hviw 2 месяца назад
the posthumous armchair diagnosis of Stanley Kubrick is controversial. Personally, a lot of things I've heard about him, like refusal to say what he means while directing and manipulating people, seem like anything but autistic.
@SolomonCainFilms 2 месяца назад
Yes I meant to include that it was posthumous. I don't like posthumously diagnosing people but having read the Kubrick archives, listening to countless interviews, hearing his wife talk about his habits and seeing so many medical professionals talk about the possibility of his autism I felt as though I should include it. His films are a special interest of mine and are so meticulously crafted, with an overly obsessive amount of detail that is just so impressive to me. Even my therapist thought Kubrick was autistic. Also Mozart is another person were thousands of historians believe he was autistic too. Thanks for pointing this out.
@clicheguevara5282 2 месяца назад
I didn't know I was autistic until my late 30s, but I was always naturally drawn to autistic characters in film. I used to use 'Arnie Grape' as a screen name online and I've always had a framed picture of him climbing the water tower in my room. Lol I'm very interested in autistic representation in media but at the same time, I get annoyed with how it's often discussed. For example: I don't like the idea that the actor "should be" autistic in real life. That's just silly. Actors act. I also feel that a lot of times, people are just being nitpicky and looking for any excuse to find something "problematic" or something that "reinforces negative stereotypes". Not every representation will be perfect. Some will be bad. One of my personal favorites is the character of Percy from that silly Jennifer Lawrence rom com called "No Hard Feelings". ...and they actually didn't even mention autism once in the film. It's just obvious that he's on the spectrum to those of us in the know. ..and I just happened to relate to him deeply on many levels. I don't think that Sheldon Cooper is even remotely the best representation of autism, but I don't watch that show, so I also don't really care. We have freedom of choice and I can change the channel, so I find no need to get offended. I also just don't feel the need to "see myself" every time I turn on a movie. I'm not narcissistic enough to care _that much_ about representation. I don't even mind bad guy autistic characters like Ben in The Accountant. Some of us ARE bad guys, so in my mind, it is accurate representation. "If you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person." Right??? Some characters are better representations of autism than others. I'm just glad we have so many to choose from now. That's the part I like to focus on. At the end of the day, they're just movies and TV shows anyway. I'm FAR more concerned with the medical industry finally pulling their heads out of their bums and learning how to properly diagnose ASD - because they ruined a lot of lives during my generation and the ones before it. I was drugged, put into the "troubled teens" industry, and given a life sentence of C-PTSD because my doctors were too ignorant about autism to diagnose it - so I'm not too terribly upset when some random movie character doesn't represent my disorder in the most perfect way possible. Lmao It just doesn't feel too important by comparison. Also, fun fact: The man who inspired Rainman turned out to not even be autistic. Lol He was re-diagnosed with some other disorder after the film was made. I agree that the movie had some pretty terrible messaging in it, but what do we expect? It was made in the 80s. I mean, If you think watching that was triggering, just be glad you didn't actually live through it. Things are so much better now. (I'm not trying to be contrarian or pick apart your video BTW. I'm just offering my subjective take on the topic in general.)
@frocktopus9429 2 месяца назад
Yessss agent cooper! Also so many other characters I feel might be autistic, log lady, Gordon Cole, Albert, Andy, dr jakoby, major briggs, possibly Audrey as well. It’s my fave show and one of my special interests.
@josefinalopez5975 2 месяца назад
Great essay! Deserves more views
@sayonfoxx8862 2 месяца назад
The only crime is it’s not longer 😂
@BowmanMars 2 месяца назад
this aligns with so much of my interests. I have, in the past, often searched for any sort of analysis of film and TV characters and their potential autism and here it is, you made it! finally!
@AnnaCatherineB 2 месяца назад
Thanks for speaking on this and doing so much research. Film is one of my most intense interests.
@Niain1 2 месяца назад
Really good work bud 🎉
@everybodys_mr._bad_guy 2 месяца назад
very important topic. there need to be better/more diverse representations of autistic people in media. netflix had a show called Dead End: Paranormal Park which features an autistic protagonist who was written by an autistic person(and also informed by other autistic people) so there are some forward steps even with all these setbacks. i also really liked Mary and Max and i think more autistic people need to hear its message because there are just too many of us that have internalized all of the hate and pity this world has shown us. funny you mention Pokémon and autistic headcanons because Pokémon is my special interest and i have a couple autistic headcanons there(namely Red, the protagonist of the original games)
@SolomonCainFilms 2 месяца назад
Very well put, thanks for taking the time to share your thought and special intrest, I love hearing about them.
@droopy_eyes 2 месяца назад
Pretty good video, but the commentary about "straight white cis men" is rather derogatory and racist. Exchange that to "lesbian black women" and I feel you'd never put that online. I found it weird in a video where you put so much emphasis on emotions and empathy, to put such commentary. But that's my only caveat, and obviously, everyone's entitled to their own worldview and opinion, so you might disregard this random, online commentary. None the less, keep up the passion. 👌
@SolomonCainFilms 2 месяца назад
What my friend said was not derogatory in the slightest, they were simply stating a fact that there aren't many portrayals of autistic people of colour and especially of the LGBTQ+. This is rather strange considering A large percentage of autistics are queer, in fact my friend is non binary.
@AsterLea 2 месяца назад
Autistic people aren't just lesbian black women. That's an accruate statement and not any more racist or derogatory to say than what was in the video, it's just that no one would say that because there isn't an issue with most autistic representation in media being just of lesbian black women.
@clicheguevara5282 2 месяца назад
@@SolomonCainFilms By default, part of being in a minority is not getting as much representation as people in the majority do. Part of being in a collection of tiny sub minorities is that you may not get _any_ media representation. It's just maths and averages. If you're an paraplegic deaf Chinese Muslim with autism, a 155 IQ, and an obsessive special interest in the heat vents at the bottom of the ocean, you probably won't see too many representations of yourself on Netflix shows. Lol It kind of just is what it is. That's why people shouldn't get TOO wrapped up in the minority aspect of their identity. I'm so, so much more than just a cis white autistic American male.
@MantasticHams 2 месяца назад
Not racist in the least.
@MantasticHams 2 месяца назад
@@clicheguevara5282 Yes but there's been plenty of statistics floated around about how often these marginalized categories are portrayed in media compared to how many of the mexist and those numbers never match up. Its good that its at least subtly changing and your argument is to ignore it and not allow it to change basically. Also i don't really think its your place to tell people how much they should value any one part of their identity, that sentence comes off really really bad, man.
@Scarygothgirl 2 месяца назад
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Dale Cooper and autistic representation if you ever wanted to make a video on that. This is a great video!
@Cauldron6 2 месяца назад
This showed up in my algorithm and I feel like I’ve learned quite a bit in such a short amount time. Great work, would love to see more analysis of autism in the media.
@x.equine_life.x7632 2 месяца назад
I love this! ❤
@alexeiachlys604 2 месяца назад
hey, i've been studying film and trying to learn about it my whole life- especially documentary filmmaking. this video was incredibly beautiful to end up on my home page. you have incredible bones of understanding the style and work of a documentarian and created a lovely tribute to johnny cash. i am also an incredibly big fan of your autism in media documentary. i would love to see you do more current work and am excited to see you create more. in a culture of video essays on youtube- some of which are incredibly good- it delighted me to see someone working in a traditional documentary style and creating something cool on here! am excited to continue supporting and seeing your work.
@sayonfoxx8862 2 месяца назад
I know right, I can’t believe I stumbled upon this gem. Literally got recommended when the documentary was at 22 views. I loved all the facts presented and I kind of forgot some of them so I may rewatch it again. I can’t wait till they have more freedom for their own projects. I hope they got a good grade because either way I’ll enjoy most of what they make.
@ce7406 2 месяца назад
shout out ladyhawke😃 good documentary
@capzabala3662 2 месяца назад
such an amazing video you’re so talented
@Kakibot 2 месяца назад
This was great, thank you so much for the work you put in it!
@quasar2880 2 месяца назад
this was rad ty
@SaraMcKnight-wq6vm 2 месяца назад
Great video, very professional, very relatable, some great examples of the good, the bad and the ugly! I like the character Bones in … Bones! Keep raising awareness and dispelling myths and good luck with the college work.
@harrisoncraik4954 2 месяца назад
This was great!!
@jazy3091 2 месяца назад
Yeeeeeees! The main character in Zodiac! I was watching this film quite recently and I kept on thinking "oh wait, hang on, did he... really? Ohhh, hello brother in ASD!"
@katecraik5759 2 месяца назад
We loved this thank you, will share with my sons too
@SolomonCainFilms 2 месяца назад
Thanks for all the really nice comments, I'm so surprised by all the brilliant reactions to this video. I totally didn't expect so much love. This has definitely made all the effort I put into this worth it. In September I'm going to university for film so I will totally continue to update this channel whenever I feel like it. A small thing I forgot to add was that Stanley Kubrick and Mozart have been post humorously diagnosed by historians and experts on there life. Some may not agree with this and I feel weird about it but nevertheless wanted to include it. Also this is all just my personal opinion on the matter and I know others may differ from mine, so I'd love to hear you voice yours in the comments. I know not everyone like calling it a disorder.
@ASmith-ot4ue 2 месяца назад
This is amazing 👏
@FVTitan014 2 месяца назад
Great video, subscribed and looking forward to more.
@tmamone83 2 месяца назад
For the longest time I thought I wasn't autistic because of media depictions. I grew up in the 1990s, so basically it was either "Rain Man" or nonverbal kids who see the world as a series of numbers. Neither apply to me, so I just assumed I was insane in the membrane! I finally got diagnosed seven years ago at age 34, and tbh, I'm still learning what it means for me.
@amakub1238 2 месяца назад
Im so proud of you!! Autism doesn't typically mean nonverbal or someone who cant take care of themselves and I feel like the term Autism is so stigmatised that people call you out for 'not looking autistic' if you have it and appear 'normal' on the outside. Autism is just when someones brain works a little differently than neurotypicals, and doesn't necessarily mean a little white boy or someone in a wheelchair. Your strong!
@marnirobertson 2 месяца назад
great video!!
@Liessssssssssss 2 месяца назад
I can't believe you don't have more views, this is so good! My personal favourite autistic character is Mary from Ghosts. It's not said explicitly that she is autistic but she is played by an autistic actress so it is intentional I think. It was the first time I recognised the way I speak in a character (the rythm and tone) as well as the way she moves and how she interacts with the other characters. What I like especially is that her autism is just a neutral aspect of her character, something that filmmakers seem to struggle with when intentionally writing an autistic character.
@astrologia4968 2 месяца назад
omg i love ghosts !!!!! mary is very autistic coded to me i relate to her a lot
@sayonfoxx8862 2 месяца назад
I’ll have to check it out, sounds like it would be an interesting watch.
@NY_Mountain_Man 2 месяца назад
Hey. Don't mind the third comment. I have a thing with the number 3. You have a passionate intelligence that I can relate too. Great channel and inspires me. 😁
@NY_Mountain_Man 2 месяца назад
Oh right. Don't ever call it a disorder, bro. It makes you or us (not sure what I have) different, sure. But that just means we kick ass differently. 👊
@NY_Mountain_Man 2 месяца назад
Autism is so hard for me to pinpoint. Like, I know those with autism/ at a certain threshold prefer to hyperspecialize while taking in our surroundings for good or ill, and I enjoy that aspect. But the realization of stereotypes against those with autism is just too much for me sometimes. Anyone else feel this way? Cause right now I just don't feel like talking to anyone asides those who struggled equally. Back to art,
@rhaenysouroboros1076 2 месяца назад
Amazing video I loved being in it 😁😁
@missoats8731 2 месяца назад
Time to watch Twin Peaks again... You did a fantastic job on this video. Lots of things I wasn't aware of.
@carmenpascaud7360 2 месяца назад
This is an incredible video! I myself am also especially fond of Cooper, he's such a great character. This is an excellent essay, well done!