The Yard Clips
The Yard Clips
The Yard Clips
OFFICIAL clip channel of The Yard, a podcast with Ludwig, Slime, Nick, and Aiden.

audio listeners hear us first:
🎧 Spotify: tinyurl.com/YardSpotify
🎧 Apple: tinyurl.com/YardApple
🎧 Google: tinyurl.com/YardGoogle

support the yard
⭐ Patreon: www.patreon.com/theyard

✨follow the boys✨

The Yard: twitter.com/TheYard
Ludwig: twitter.com/ludwigahgren
Nick: twitter.com/falco
Slime: twitter.com/slime_machine
Aiden: twitter.com/aidencalvin

Main episodes edited by archie: twitter.com/ArchieMcW
Channel manager/shorts editor: twitter.com/Radstads
Slime is getting too powerful
2 часа назад
Nick is a professional hater
4 часа назад
Slime is bad a video games
7 часов назад
We're losing aimen...
9 часов назад
science is weird and scary
19 часов назад
We snuck into first class
21 час назад
Slime is ruining Ludwig's life
День назад
The most mad Ludwig has ever been...
14 дней назад
Slime has an important message
14 дней назад
Everything is falling apart
14 дней назад
MrBeast has gone too far
21 день назад
Everybody Loves Aimen
21 день назад
Ludwig lost everything.
21 день назад
Ludwig finally did it.
28 дней назад
We have to do something about this.
Месяц назад
Slime makes a friend
Месяц назад
Slime is getting old
Месяц назад
Ludwig is tired of us
Месяц назад
we still miss him...
Месяц назад
We almost lost Aiden
Месяц назад
All Women are Queens
Месяц назад
The Government is after him.
Месяц назад
Ludwig is a problem
Месяц назад
Is it over for Drake
Месяц назад
Ludwig meets a Celebrity
Месяц назад
Ludwig has an important question
Месяц назад
We're a brand risk
2 месяца назад
We have strong opinions about Taylor Swift
2 месяца назад
@danielcarrera886 54 минуты назад
When I was school and college I used to do this all the time. Sometimes I had a day of not a couple hours and I whip out a multi page essay/report with citations and everything and get a B if not an A but usually an a B. But that would usually because of formatting issues that I never fixed
@superdot9513 Час назад
pretty sure the full episode link is wrong?
@jamescharles5907 2 часа назад
yard funny again
@updownbanana 2 часа назад
i think swedes do that
@TheUltimateShade667 36 минут назад
Sound with the balls?
@emotionalavocado2336 3 часа назад
Shake on the pod when?
@alicem0227 3 часа назад
Do you guys think ludwig sings the "colonizer" bar because, as the Lacroix of a french person, he must pay for his watered-down sins
@jamesroberts5128 3 часа назад
The joke about Noah Kahan having a fragment of Ed Sheeran’s lord soul was under appreciated 😢
@Cracked-Hunter 4 часа назад
Tbh fuck comments. No reason I'm just racist
@MyNameIsNyx 4 часа назад
tbh fuck both the other comments. x IS the everyting app.
@goofyzeke 5 часов назад
Ay fuck the other comment this clip is beast.
@Tuxedo030 5 часов назад
I think the clips are getting too long and diluting whatever bits they're supposed to be for
@Superkirbeh 4 часа назад
They are long. But short bits are for youtube shorts imo
@elibrooks69 7 часов назад
his new pfp but not his new dn ? 😭 fake ass slime fans
@haholaer4058 12 часов назад
nick actually got a tat done in the summer? the fck
@CrazyCatMan13 14 часов назад
The endeavors bit sounds like it would be an Always Sunny bit and I love that
@theshootyboiz5482 16 часов назад
Thats how i sit in the shower
@B0H0 19 часов назад
What hoodie is Aiden wearing? The cuffs look sick
@getmilked6216 20 часов назад
I too am now challenging myself to Godmode Summer.
@gorilagaming420 23 часа назад
Continuation of that you pulled that sword really well- you could pull my sword
@Plunkcown 23 часа назад
This segment legit inspired me to take steps for my exercise and creative goals. Been feeling insecure about my figure for about a year now and it's been getting worse these past weeks. But knowing Slime had a moment like this and decided to make a change really got me fired up. Yesterday i spent an hour working on songs after my singing lesson and today after work i have my first session at a local gym. wish me luck!
@aircatcher6891 10 часов назад
Go get em king
@diabutis День назад
Can confirm my woman goes to bed at 9:30pm
@simpli_A День назад
“You can pull on my sword anytime baby”
@LucidProtean День назад
TL;DR: Do you have any tips to trick yourself into committing to a healthier lifestyle? Okay boys, drop your tips for healthier lifestyle under this comment. I'm a Stinky 230, been trying to cut down to at least 200 by next year, but it's so hard for me to stay consistent. I'm relatively healthy; I stay active, play sports recreationally and I even coach kids as a side gig. My biggest thing is when I try to make a bigger lifestyle change, I keep it up for a few days and then something happens and it's too difficult to keep up with the change and I backslide. I suck at motivation and sticking to a new routine. I've been trying to introduce his habits into my life slowly: calorie counting on MyFitnessPal, consistent weekly exercise, cooking better food and smaller portions for myself, cutting out too much sugar. But I get like a week in and then I crack, I binge, I get meals out, I buy candy. This is like the umpteenth time in the past two years I've been trying to stay the course, but I always slip up because that's easy. I've made small changes that have stuck, like I used to drink soda all the time and now I sometimes get it as a little sweet treat snack, but usually avoid it altogether. I can smaller changes stick, but these larger habits are proving tough to break. I would love to just be able to commit to a God Mode Summer but I know I wouldn't last a week. What helps you stay motivated, or what did you add that made it easy to stick to your plan?
@vxstarz День назад
that’s so disgusting…. sign me up
@damoncapi4125 День назад
I don't play smash- well i do, but not competiviely- but Ive gone to many tournaments and even entered a few (to get destroyed) and its always a blast. I go with my friends and its always super fun! Its so fun to get to know players, and the community as a whole. I encourage people to try anything, no matter how good you are, how are you going to regret trying?
@CaptainRickey День назад
Genuinely, in the thumbnail he looks like Dutch royalty prince Bernhard Junior
@giovannigarza5131 День назад
Bro sounds like Niki lauda
@Kerlus 2 дня назад
Slime with the unhinghiest take trying to garner support is the slimiest behavior
@sathens7565 2 дня назад
I missed the Celeste one-liner from Nick the first time, but man that shit was magic
@gunkmaster8075 2 дня назад
us day walkers need to rise up and hate
@E-Brightvoid 2 дня назад
Slime is my favorite hater
@TotoIsWriting 2 дня назад
implied Nick racism :D
@ChanceMahony 2 дня назад
I'm a child and disabled and that shit did not come out
@Yackattack22 2 дня назад
0:41 I’m so angry there was no E-s nutz joke
@justashadow126 2 дня назад
Bring a flipper zero, scan for the trigger signal, and copy the signal. Boom, you're now the true king.
@ArgueWithTheMajority 2 дня назад
Unreasonably long comment about similar feelings incoming, if anyone is interested: I think that I, to some small extent, can understand where Aiden's strong emotions were coming from. What I'm about to describe isn't supposed to imply that Aiden handled this like a child, AT ALL, it's just that over the last 20+ years I have become much more relaxed about competition and haven't been as invested in any competitive activities anymore. However, when I was like less than 10 years old I used to play table tennis at a club (Europe, where competitive sports are mostly organized through clubs, instead of school and college). Only mentioning table tennis because it is usually a 1v1 sport, not a team sport, just like Melee. According to my father (who used to be really good and often trained with me) and my trainers, I was quite talented and became pretty good for my age rather quickly. So, I put a lot of pressure on myself whenever I faced off against anyone. I thought that I should win, always. Back then I was fiercely competitive, if I cared about something and whenever I lost, I had no one to share the blame with. This meant that I had either played below the abilities I knew I had or that no matter what I did, my opponent was just better than me. Both scenarios made me so incredibly furious that I just couldn't handle it, because I had let myself down. Either because I had played below my potential or I was simply not good enough. What followed multiple times were tears of sheer frustration. Aiden's tears seemed to come from a place of sadness and frustration, while mine were more a mixture of uncontrolled anger and frustration, so it's not the same of course (not even taking age into account), but I remember all too well that helpless frustration about a negative outcome, where you feel like you really let yourself down and now you can't do anything about it anymore. Anyway, I love that he is so mature and genuinely confident that he can be vulnerable in public / around his friends (who also handled this situation like champs) and remains so open and honest, instead of brushing off how he really feels. The Yard is hilarious, but moments like these make them loveable on top of that. Love these guys, as much as a total stranger can. I'd be really surprised if anyone ever read all of this. Might as well have opened this comment with "Dear diary...". 😂
@WhyYouWahYoo 2 дня назад
Luda gonna have an ANEURISM when he sees Doug’s Tweet, he freaking HATED it
@extremefrisbee 2 дня назад
Sonic games be like press right, oh wow you actually pressed right there? You dumbass
@alexdavis665 3 дня назад
Put Coney on the Yard
@magicman7156 3 дня назад
It’s a light signal in the window
@zaccheroni7070 3 дня назад
ludwig must’ve typed the title
@theboiyouddate5722 3 дня назад
Does Slime is a Bad Video Games?
@vodka2724 3 дня назад
Normalise misspellng in titles
@lilskwid4432 3 дня назад
bad a video games
@alps4347 3 дня назад
Ludwig from video games is clearly experienced enough at video games to know who is good and bad at video games
@colinsparks6074 3 дня назад
I love how bad slime is a video games
@astr0sauce 3 дня назад
thank you, we finally know Slime is bad a video games
@dropyourself 3 дня назад
I love playing Slime Adventure 2 Battles
@PeachTreessss 3 дня назад
a video games lol
@Pnic1193 3 дня назад
In a moment of weakness I switched from a glorious claymore only build to a great shield spearpoke build for final boss and I'm ashamed that it only took me 2 tries after I did that. I've robbed myself of the feeling of taking claymore only across the finish line. Phase 2 would just melt me in 3 seconds every time though, I wasn't video games enough.
Why is the Conester catching strays lol