


這裏是由Max Egorov先生授權的中文頻道,由Molin負責譯制影片,運營頻道。

9 месяцев назад
9 месяцев назад
@mayraervellon2528 6 дней назад
@pump7 11 дней назад
@kezia1689 13 дней назад
感谢您的分享!我希望很快能够学会这种养蜂方式。如果没有蜜蜂,植物就不能授粉,人类就会挨饿!但是现在有些利益集团正在逐步杀死蜜蜂🐝,为了控制世界的粮食。因为谁掌握了食品谁就掌握了世界。 很多人不明白蜜蜂对人类有多么重要!现在的小孩子很多人都害怕蜜蜂。这使得蜜蜂的命运更加不乐观。但是感谢世界上还有清醒的人。感谢好心人分享这些影片!谢谢您!❤
@yuchieh4638 16 дней назад
@edgartang6429 16 дней назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ceGbrj8cLpI.html 帥哥無意間發現請參考 edgar 湯 taiwan
@pangjeehua8896 17 дней назад
Thank you, God Bless, Greetings from Malaysia,
@esn1333 17 дней назад
@user-ht7px8dn6j 17 дней назад
好奇的是在亞熱帶或熱帶可以這樣養嗎? 塑料瓶聚光的效果會不會造成蜜蜂的傷害?
@AJ_0822 18 дней назад
@linlinQ 20 дней назад
@chunmt0806 23 дня назад
@hewsam8048 23 дня назад
21/August 2024. ❤各位親愛的親朋摯友和好同學們,大家早上的早安好!祝福大家都身體健康、萬事如意、平安喜樂。我有幸還在生,雖然半邊身體四年前突然中風生病不大如意,還好有這個手機📱看和個別的網絡,有關養蜂業務的該視頻給我不經意看到;也帶給不便於行動又無聊的我很多的啟發和想法 ......... 先說我,我今年六十一歲人了,而且生病中風右半身不大靈活,相信大家也知道我很𢤦得吃、也比一般人更懂得吃的健康!雖然我第一次看到該養蜂的視頻,愛吃蜂蜜的我已經忍不住猛嚥口水和直流了⋯⋯ 記得要有三十年了,我聽一位大我一圈年紀的(Lew)大老闆一句名言,他說;就是本國(馬來西亞🇲🇾)的(金馬侖)髙原所養植的蜂蜜品質,就算是最貴的(蜂皇漿)也都有帶(毒)的可能性⋯⋯ 之後十多二十年,我特飛出東馬(砂巴)洲三年幹三條高速公路工程,就在當地幹8/Km 長的(山打根)大道,經友人介紹和當地土著買一支帶回西馬(怡保)市文冬老家孝敬已要90㱑的父母。普普通通全天然食材(蜂蜜),有關山打根當地土著還說,他留放了二十多年的(蜂蜜);開價要求我Rm兩、三百大元馬幣一支 ...... 只是普通的一支大的酒瓶而己,但是一開、我鼻子👃立時告知我是一支不同凡響!有一股數十年的淡淡的(白蘭地)香味 ....... 土著沒敢騙我,真的存放好像有數十年之久、而且是100% 全天然資源食品 ...... 最後我殺、殺、殺 .... 還以最佳價錢是Rm150.00一支拿到手,然後帶回西馬(怡保)市文冬老家孝敬父母;最後的最後、應該留有半支在怡保老家冰箱裡;我也告知了我的親小妹。 看了這個視頻網頁之後,留給無所事事的我有一股衝動、和力量!搞不好真的會學習養蜂技術,完全不懂的我,也想要試試看養這樣的密蜂;好打發時間 ....... 我現在暫住這個地方很高應該沒有問題,不像是(金馬侖)高原有許多不同種的花朵🌺⋯⋯ 但是不要忘了,這裡是沒有毒的,不像似(金馬侖)高原幾千衣甘花園那樣,為了美麗和長期、所以一定要放毒澱粉的 ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 從 5G iPhone XS Max 512GB 傳送
@aissa8989 24 дня назад
Hello I am very happy to bring you this important message in your life I am a young Muslim believer and I advise those who do not know Islam, the true religion of God I wanted to give this advice to you as a Muslim and religious person, and I recommend inviting people to convert to Islam It is our duty, in this life that does not last for all of us, and we do not know when we will die, to advise each other ● God is one and has no partner ● The religion before God is Islam ● Islam is the last of the religions ● The Quran is the true book of God ● Muhammad is the seal of the prophets ● Jesus is the Prophet of God and came six centuries before Prophet Muhammad ● Christ is not God, He is not the Son of God and Christ was not killed but is alive in heaven ● The Islamic religion mentioned the stories of Prophet Jesus, who is a holy prophet for Muslims ● Prophet Jesus recommended following Prophet Muhammad “He will come after me,” he said. ● Prophets and messengers are human beings like us, to whom God has entrusted the task of conveying the message to His servants ● God who created you, created me, created all people and formed them in the womb as He pleased, and gave them hearing, sight, tongue, the mind with which we think, and the heart, which are the greatest blessing for man, and He is the One who provides them wherever He pleases. He created man from water, and at the beginning of his creation from clay, and breathed into his body the spirit, and created the animals and the plants, and created the heavens and the earth, and the night and the day, and the stars, and the sun. And the moon. And the mountains, and He sends rain and winds by His command, and He subdues the seas in which astronomy moves by His permission. He shakes the ground beneath our feet when He is angry with people and their actions, and it is He who controls and administers the universe. ● God kills all people, takes their souls and takes all people out of their graves in the second life, which is called the afterlife, to ask them about their deeds, actions and what they used to worship on the day of fifty thousand years, which is the Day of Judgment and Punishment, and it is a very scary day for those who disobey God. ● All current sciences, including medicine, astronomy and other sciences, were mentioned in Islam 1,455 years ago ● The two previous religions, Christianity and Judaism, were distorted and distorted, violated the commandments of Prophet Moses and Jesus and declared in the Qur'an the truth of the Book of God. ● God sent Prophet Muhammad as a mercy to the worlds and mentioned what happened to the previous religions ● Prophet Muhammad mentioned all the past, present and future, and everything he mentioned happened according to generations and times, and he mentioned the second life after death, torment and judgment. ● Islam is a religion for all people and exists in every city in the world, even in the city where you live ● We advise you to convert to Islam like the rest of those who converted to Islam before you and found the truth and regretted the past in which they were lost, whether you are Christian, Jewish or have no religion. ● Follow Islam, the true religion of God, and do not listen to politicians and media figures who distort the reputation of Islam so that you do not convert to it Islam is a religion of mercy, love, happiness, tolerance, justice, security, stability, peace and cooperation. It gives rights to women and commands men to take care of women, who are highly honored in Islam. The Islamic religion prohibits murder, oppression, oppression, destruction, theft, betrayal and alienation, and prohibits things that harm and corrupt society, such as alcohol, drugs, magic, adultery and many others that harm society. ● Islam is a very simple religion that follows only the five pillars of Islam which are the source and system of all life I have advised you and told you the truth. If you believe in my words and convert to Islam, you will be saved from the ignorance and darkness in which you find yourself, and this is the greatest and best achievement you will achieve in your life. If you lie, disbelieve in my words and reject the true religion, you will have no one to blame but yourself. ❀ Welcome to the Islamic religion, the true religion of God, and we ask God to make you steadfast in this true religion Greetings to you
@user-yk6tg4fx9n 25 дней назад
之前的那個塑料瓶養蜂沒有更詳細的介紹了嗎? 很有興趣 還有那些介紹木工工具 跟木工活的視頻
@advokochinese 25 дней назад
@ABABBAB 25 дней назад
@kennygalaxy8798 29 дней назад
@阿B-v4v 29 дней назад
@advokochinese 26 дней назад
@user-n7d3kvida 29 дней назад
@user-qt9um7zj3r Месяц назад
我覺得如果要長時間使用塑膠的話一次性使用的塑膠桶其實也是一個可節省的成本 如果是用瓷器玻璃等能夠長時間重複利用的材質 就可以改成解開瓷器上的卡扣取蜜節省塑膠的成本
@user-yg7jz6te2o Месяц назад
@argonone3971 Месяц назад
@cnchok8168 Месяц назад
@a1laoban828 Месяц назад
@jameslin8678 Месяц назад
@guozili Месяц назад
@meimei6992 Месяц назад
@taoisture Месяц назад
@taoisture Месяц назад
@asgo9470 Месяц назад
@asgo9470 Месяц назад
@asgo9470 Месяц назад
你的DIY节目我都特别喜欢,尤其是这一集导轨自动切木锯简直把野外变成了专业的锯木加工厂了! 太喜欢你这种动手能力、想象力和智慧!
@吳連成-v9e Месяц назад
在現在這個世代中願意付出不求很高的收益的人已經太少了。透過您的影片能感動更多的人來做這個可行的實驗能夠 延續至更多的國家。願上帝賜福您。晚安
@asgo9470 Месяц назад
你真棒👍这是我的最理想生活! 你什活在世外桃源! 希望能和你一起做视频!👍👍👍👍
@swang9986 Месяц назад
@user-林小鷹 Месяц назад
真是個好養蜂法, 你贏得我的尊重, 或許蜂蠟可以做成精油蠟燭,,,
@jptw666 Месяц назад
so great,god blessing u
@HeavySnow127 Месяц назад
@jptw666 Месяц назад
Super great,thanks
@yiyou6060 Месяц назад
@wine3737 Месяц назад
@user-bk9io4yr4d Месяц назад
@high_fly Месяц назад
@advokochinese 26 дней назад
@ZIXILV-d9v Месяц назад
@ZIXILV-d9v Месяц назад
@ZIXILV-d9v Месяц назад
@ZIXILV-d9v Месяц назад
@valentinoyawenliu4445 Месяц назад
@A7V7 Месяц назад
@phantomtin Месяц назад
這肯定是擺拍片, 你把放瓶子裹, 小小的洞, 它們會擠到死, 如果這樣有效, 一早人人跟你
@咪咪貓貓XDY Месяц назад
那他影片養那麼多個都假的? 你可真是坐井觀天
@Zzz098 Месяц назад