There'll always be an Irish Welcome for you here on the official MARK MANNING MEDIA You Tube Channel.

I'm a very busy Irish Voice Over and radio Broadcaster , global clients include Coca Cola ,Adidas, Specsavers and more.

I'm the main male character voice actor for RTE's Myles Dungan's The History show. Also I've completed a large Road Safety Authority (RSA) project.

Jacksepticeye reviewed Pinstripe the video game created by atmos and armor games resulting in over 3 million views ! I voice the character Princle.

Project M developed the highly successful Dig That Gold and I was behind the mic voicing Pop THE MINER the game's protagonist.

Audible.com and I are are good business partners and I've narrated several audio books ranging from comical to medical.

Visit me at markmanningmedia for my latest work. Liam Neeson ,Milky Twiddlers,Marilyn Monroe are alter egos of mine (in case you are wondering)

Need a voice over? I'm fast , professional and friendly.

Fatherhood ...in the neighborhood....
Месяц назад
@susancarter9862 День назад
I'm with raysrants, don't leave us Mark.
@raysrants День назад
Don’t go, Mark! 🥺
I love you and Trish Ray ... you gave me a right ol laugh what with your memories of nicknames etc my wife and I were prepping the house ahead of the decorator. I was standing on the kitchen surface trying to reach a bit of ceiling at the time and I nearly lost my footing laughing :))) Nah ol boy tis only for a month to sort myself out as the world and my health are driving me a bit nuts ! I'll be listening to ya and I'll be back .P.S If you google POSITIVITY RADIO (founded by Noel Edmonds) you can download a DJ FREE! app of music from 50s,60s,70s,80s etc I use it all the time ! Seeya in August Love to you and Trish enjoy the Isle of Wight ! xoxoox Marko
@raysrants День назад
@@MARKMANNINGMEDIA Hi Mark, great to hear from you. Good idea to take a month off and chill out. I think we all need a break now and then. Look after yourself and come back soon. Cheers, Ray.
@gerry2345 День назад
I agree harmony is the key in life and marriage. one good coffee a day to help you go and play. can somebody help me find Marko's dreams..
@justgrowthehellup6598 День назад
Love you, little bro.
@susansmith4784 День назад
Seaweed water? Does that help?
Yeah but warm water is just as good...funny when I saw your message I was foot bathing! ... in the seaweed powder (got it at the IDEAL HOMES stayed on me shelf for ages before I used it ! )
@susansmith4784 День назад
Really? I've heard about people doing exactly the same to get into their car and cops arresting them for it🤦🏻‍♀️
wouldn't surprise me Susan :)))
@laetitialogan2017 2 дня назад
I bet you wish it was still that way....
Yes Dear Laetitia it has somewhat changed these days :)
Eh up Susie Sue 👍😎! Have a lovely weekend lass.
@susancarter9862 5 дней назад
Morning Mark x
@knightshospitaller1 6 дней назад
good show as always mark.
Hello me ol Jousting mate Mick! Hope all is good wiv yer:))))
@gerry2345 7 дней назад
That Daryl Hall & Oates song had me bopping today Marko. Happy Birthday....
@susancarter9862 8 дней назад
Happy birthday
Cheers super Sue ! I shall milk it for all it's worth :)))
@gerry2345 13 дней назад
The Funky Gibbon chuckles..
Ooooh Ooooh Ooooh Gerry! :))))
Methinks social engineering is being implemented David. Thanks for dropping by !
@MarkAbRobert-jv6it 14 дней назад
The Irish are set to become the first European nation to have a non white majority. Well.done and good luck with that one.
@davida369 14 дней назад
Ireland will be changed completely very soon, the Irish will be sitting in the corner pleading for minority rights, and then the Irish will find out how tolerant and non-racist the new Irish citizens are.
@MickG-p5n 10 дней назад
Time will tell , I’m off to do some … gardening!
@gerry2345 15 дней назад
It is very suspicious indeed..
Good man Gerry a brain is a terrible thing to waste 😂😂😂 cheers!
@gerry2345 15 дней назад
Marko you are a blast and a Pam Aryes I am not, but if you want to know what I can be it is a not a computer bot.... lovely lady..
@thomaskeogh7016 16 дней назад
Ireland is doomed the government are destroying everything good about this country with their migrants the whole system is currupt Ireland is no longer safe it's turning into a 3rd world shit hole
@DerekObrien-tk7we 16 дней назад
Here a wet day able to votewhat about wet day and running for election
And that as well Derek! :) Thanks for dropping in I'll have the Tea ready next time ! :)
@paulbyrne6948 17 дней назад
Very entertaining. Easy on the Lord's Name, please!
Having served for 7 years on Christian radio Paul ,I think the Lord and I are on pretty good terms :)) ... Point taken though, Blessings - Marko
Cheers Ray ol boy, love to you and Trish 😀👍
@raysrants 19 дней назад
Nice one, Mark! 👍😃
⁠ yeah Gerry now that I think about it Devon was the ‘creamy rice’ Devon knows how they make it so good! … eh hem! 😂
@gerry2345 19 дней назад
Lazy person here.. Your irish MP's look just like the English MP's. I would have liked to see a couple of pics of Madrid, sounds nice. People are just trying to have a quiet moment and Marko's car alarm is blaring in the background,confusing all the cats and making the foxes run.. But I had to chuckle at the Election joke.
Actually we do have Foxes here and Squirrels too! Dear Gerry , great hearing from you ol son, I hope all is oooh aaar cider drinker down there ( sorry blame it on the Wurzels 😂) Dial M for Marko !
@gerry2345 19 дней назад
@@MARKMANNINGMEDIA .. O my those, Squirrels did not last long with there nuts and a car alarm blaring in the background.. Wurzels another great band. but thats somerset cider not Devon cider.
Tis true Dude , hopefully we’ll Skype when I get back next week ? Hope all is Dandy or even Beano ( or I suppose these days Porno and Randy 😂😂😂) xoxoxo
@justgrowthehellup6598 19 дней назад
Hi Marko, lovely to see you looking so tanned after your stay in sunny Madrid. What happened to Graham Linehan was a damn disgrace. To be reviled for sticking up for the rights of women and girls and speaking simple biological facts is quite simply unbelievable - or would have been a few years ago. He was deserted left, right and centre by so-called friends and colleagues who were all too windy to stick their heads above the parapet. A bunch of rotten cowards but a valuable lesson in learning who his real friends were. Precious few, as it turns out.
Heh SusieSue! Hope all is good lass 😂
@susancarter9862 19 дней назад
Wow! All that energy. I could feel it in soggy Yorkshire. Welcome back.
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
ELO as the ending nice.
ruined By Ireland's National Lottery ! Grrrrrrrrr :)
@justgrowthehellup6598 Месяц назад
Words of wisdom and true for you. I would add, put past mistakes and negative experiences in a box and burn them (figuratively speaking) and don't let them affect your present or your future. They're done, dusted, nothing you can do about them and, given the same circumstances as at the time, you'd probably react in exactly the same way. Also, SWITCH OFF the political talking heads on social media that just want to batter you in some echo chamber of misery. Cull any false "friends"- they're just bad habits - and surround yourself with people who make you laugh and feel renewed for being in their company. You're better off paddling your own canoe than to live life in a shipwreck of toxicity. I'm further along the road than you, Bro dearest, but I can honestly say life is much better and happier now that I've got the measure of myself and, as you so rightly said, I don't give a tinker's curse what others might think of me. If you can meet your own eyes in the mirror and recognise that you're not perfect, but your'e doing the best you can, then you're sound as a pound and doing all right. Roll on your sixties, Marko. Good times are comin to ya! Glory, glory, hallelujah!.
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
I think it's a problem marko..but I don't think people have a clue how they want there life to run.... And before you know it you get to an age when you don't give a ......
True but that's the beauty of it all Gerry....the sheer IS-ness of it all :)) Happy Friday !
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
@@MARKMANNINGMEDIA.. Now you are really showing your age Marko...😊
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
Corporate is to flash up the youngsters Marko.
There's a chance they'll become good digital battery hens sculpted to obey and end up husks or ''numbers'' then again Kids are often smarter than we give them credit for and know their worth.... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooh Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Gerry lad!
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
Duran Duran. I will always be a fan of Ordinary world. Your mention of Les Mckeown bought back a memory of a good looking Scottish boy, a real charmer.. Shame it ended the way it did.
Very Sad indeed ol son ,Hope all is well in Devon :))
@susancarter9862 Месяц назад
Very abrupt ending Mark, I had to check the end again just to make sure 😂
What can I say Susan ... I knew I'd run out of words some day :)) And it was bedtime ! :)))
Ooo Ahhhhrrrt Gerry 😂😂😂👍
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
Have a treat in the rain. typical bank holiday here in Devon. Karma
Great to hear from me Ecky Thump lass again ! Hopefully Mr Blue Sky shall return ! X love from Ireland ❤ Marko
@susancarter9862 Месяц назад
Yorkshire got sunshine and then torrential rain alternatively all day. Typical Bank Holiday weather really.
@nualafuller7223 Месяц назад
Thanks for dropping by Nuala ! :)) Enjoy your day ! -Marko
@lisatravers3351 Месяц назад
Ha ha well you sure cant
lovely to hear from you Lisa! :))) Have a great day !
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
Very good reminder
@justgrowthehellup6598 Месяц назад
True dat, bro! It can be very therapeutic and it's a great record for your family. Even now, I find myself wishing that I had given less cheek and asked more questions of the folks about their lives. Sadly, it's too late now.
Kool and the Gang Swing out Sister! Great to hear from you ,hope you are enjoying this lovely weather ! :)))
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
The Circle of life.
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
Some very nice insights there Marko...sounds like you need a couple a grandchildren...Bring back the ABBA sound to the Euros .
That did occur to me alright Gerry ,Mind you think I'll be waiting for sometime and happy to do so :)) Love live Agnetha !
Cheers Gerry ! Happy Friday Dude , you’ve got me with that ‘M’ thing ???? Gimme a clue :) 👍
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
Some real blasts from the past there. tales of the unexpected and a little dance from Marko.. your going to have to explain to the folks that word beginning with m.
@gerry2345 Месяц назад
Just drive safely and carefully.
That's the message Mr G! :))