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BumbleKing Videos
BumbleKing Videos
Welcome to the BumbleKast! We're your hosts, Ian Flynn and Kyle Crouse. We're an easy-listening Q&A podcast that survives purely on support from listeners like you. If you'd like to help us out, please check out our support links below!

Ian Flynn is a writer best known for his long runs on the "Sonic the Hedgehog" and "Mega Man" comics.
bumbleking.com - Ian’s website, BumbleKing Comics
twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC - Twitter
bsky.app/profile/ianflynnbkc.bsky.social - Bluesky

Kyle Crouse is videogame music connoisseur with a long history of podcasting and broadcasting.
kngi.org - Kyle’s website, KNGI Network
twitter.com/KyleJCrb - Twitter
bsky.app/profile/kylejcrb.bsky.social - Bluesky

BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS, check these resources first to find out if your question has been previously answered:
-The BumbleKing FAQs - bumbleking.com/news-information/faq/
-The BumbleKast Q&A Master List - www.shorturl.at/vEGR6
@MrGameguyC 7 минут назад
17:18 Howdy, I'm the give away question winner! (Forgot to comment earlier) Makes sense. It doesn't quite fit with the character I had in-mind, but I didn't really give further context either. lol (It was jerky person who's basically a toxic twitter user that provides very-little good and tons of problems to the world that I still want the audience to enjoy) Regardless, I see the vision of trying to portray the protag as misunderstood, dealing with an unreasonable world, or at least the the lesser of two evils. Will keep this in mind. Thank you very much for the chance!
@edubot123 3 часа назад
@Bladedfox14 4 часа назад
To be fair the arcade game called Pin and Bin, Lucy's pets.
@slateoffate9812 5 часов назад
Happenstance meeting; Caliburn, Fi from Skyward Sword, and a few minutes later; Excalibur, Excalibur, from the united king he's looking for heaven he's going to california?
@onyxodon 9 часов назад
I know Ian has never watched SpongeBob, but can he sing SpongeBob songs?
@J.R.Unbound 8 часов назад
If it's within his vocal range and is appropriate for the show, I think he'd sing anything
@onyxodon 8 часов назад
@@J.R.Unbound alrighty then. Of course I'd choose something appropriate, and I'd try to choose something he's physically able to sing. I ask because I'm thinking about writing another song based off a SpongeBob song, where Starline would sing his own twisted version of Best Day Ever. You may have heard of it.
10 часов назад
6:12 Alfred would not find this pico bello.
@skeletonlover3214 10 часов назад
@ThatSoni 11 часов назад
For Bean’s Gaia induced rampage, we ride on the Algorithm Quest!
@chaphidoesstuff 11 часов назад
@Caybee1999 11 часов назад
Surprise Aleah appearance! 4:28
@NightFuryLover31 12 часов назад
You don’t know true terror until you hear Bean singing the Werehog battle music! Starline meets Bean! *WHEN?* Amy would definitely invite Bark to her party, they’re buddies.
@Pan-cackes 12 часов назад
Why does each hooligang look like a cartoon character? Fang looks like Coyote Bean looks like Woody And Bark looks like Winnie the Pooh
@J.R.Unbound 12 часов назад
September 27th, 2024 (Mini) Question Timestamps: ------------------------------------------ 0:10 - Bean gets a taste of Dark Gaia energy! Should we all run or watch this freak show continue? 0:52 - Fang, Bark and Bean get stuck somewhere and have to figure a way outside, with the twist of Rough and Tumble being stuck alongside them. Who climbs out first? 2:14 - Sonic and the Black Knight? Nah, it’s Bark and the Black Knight! How does our silent friend fare with a sword? 3:30 - The Hooligan gang get together to start a band in order to put food on their plates, what kind of music do they play? Do they last long to get any traction? Kyle can offer an insight for the type of music as well 4:47 - Would Fang be the type to smoke cigars for the heck of it? 5:19 - Which of the 3 Hooligans would have the most insecurities? 6:12 - Bean finds himself among other cartoon ducks, which includes Donald, Daffy, Darkwing, etc. How do these other ducks take Bean’s explosive measures? 7:53 - If Fang, Bean, and Bark boarded the Mirage Express, what would their story roles be? 9:14 - Fang knows how to control the good ol Marvelous Queen, but could he fly other vehicles well, for example the Tornado? ------------------------------------------ 10:36 - Ry’s phrase of the day is…
@SkaiCyan День назад
Omega: Guns are a part of my religion.
@onyxodon День назад
(Disclaimer: The question is for both, but if Ian can't discuss this, then the question mostly goes to Kyle) With the announcement of the DCxSonic crossover, what other character mashups (that probably would never happen) could you see? Surge as the Reverse Flash? Rough and Tumble as the Condiment Kings? Mephiles as the Batman Who Laughs? IAN FLYNN AS DARKSEID!?
@nexisvids День назад
23:49 I see what you did there Ian <3
@omegamorph8211 2 дня назад
I have missed so much only just now discovering the channel.
@bloodybeesting775 2 дня назад
"To consolidate the narrative and strengthen it and take it in a clear direction" and they they re-introduce Bison and ruin ALL of that.
@TheSwordsman100 2 дня назад
As a massive Final Fight fan, (its the only reason I play SF at all tbh) I don't mind it continuing on in SF. My only real issue was fixed thanks to SFV which saved Cody from his depressed rotting in prison state for crimes that he was framed for by Eddie E. and not only got him back to his old self but made him mayor. That said I do wish they would inovle the cast more in the fighting evil plots since thats what the cast is made for. (at best Cody is one of fighters that defeated one of the 26 copies of Seth)
@ThatSoni 2 дня назад
For shouting out to my boy Luke from Streets, we ride on the Algorithm Quest!
@realJCR1216 2 дня назад
Mini payment 2
@realJCR1216 2 дня назад
Mini payment one
2 дня назад
The selectable special moves in SF6 increase as you level up and can select attributes, limited by the kind of input. One 236, one 214, one 63214, one 360, one 22 and one 4/6AAA. Oh, also three aerial specials and supers.
@ThatSoni 2 дня назад
For being late to the Egg Noggin hype, we ride on the Algorithm Quest! Taste the Face!
@twangy_juice8126 2 дня назад
Sorry for long comment, but I like talking about Street Fighter too. On your question about Third Strike's reception, I feel like Third Strike fans are VERY different from Street Fighter fans. Not to say there's never overlap, but the skill floor and ceiling are both kind of high for Third Strike because of how mechanically in-depth it is compared to other Streets. None of the SF3 characters really broke into the pop culture sphere as much as the World Warriors, the Four Horsemen, Akuma, and Cammy (MAYBE Dudley and Elena did, but that's kind of it). Chun-Li didn't even get added to 3 until the very end of its lifespan, so there's only four characters from 2 in Third Strike, which alienated the playerbase a lot. The hyper-competitive pro scene for 3S also means you'll never see a casual playing it, which isn't at all the case for 2 or 4 or 5 or 6. So I think that makes 3 very niche comparatively, and its why they probably didn't see it necessary to make the whole story in 6 about Gill, instead opting to bring back Bison. I actually very much like the Third Strike characters as a Street Fighter fan, Necro being my favorite, so I am personally a little miffed about the over-reliance on the old characters. 6 is building to something VERY slowly and I have no clue when the payoff will be or how relevant 3 will be, but I hope it's worth it.
@peacockqueen 2 дня назад
Forgetting Sonic, Rouge, and Omega for a moment, how does Shadow see Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and the others? Does he have a soft spot for someone in particular, or he treats everyone with the same indifference?
@BirthbyNightmare 2 дня назад
Congratulations on the new crossover. That deserves a "BIG YAY", which is the opposite to a "Big Oof".
@Pan-cackes 2 дня назад
2 questions: It's been said that you wrote dialogue for Reeves, does that mean the Shadow movie pack is canon or just something fun like the lego pack? Same for DC. Will the DC crossover be its own thing?
@YourUncleBenis 2 дня назад
You ain't getting that question answered. The standard queue is so stuffed with backlog that they've basically given up outside of the live streams and the occasional person sponsoring standards. They really need to purge the backlog and overhaul the system if they want standards to still be a thing.
@quantumcalmness71 2 дня назад
You might get a answer - just not soon and maybe not more than "wait and see".
@Pan-cackes День назад
The DLC is apparently not canon
@emilcampos487 2 дня назад
@J.R.Unbound 2 дня назад
September 25th, 2024 (Mini) Question Timestamps: ------------------------------------------ 0:10 - The world of Street Fighter (SF) has many interesting characters, but who are your favorites? Mine are Alex and Abel. 2:03 - SF does a good job of showing a character's personality through its movesets, such as Ken's more in-your-face approach compared to Ryu, or how Dan shows his confidence despite his moves being very lackluster. How effective do you think movesets are in conveying a character's personality? 3:49 - Fang was a character that was hated in SF5, but in 6, while not playable, was given a redesign and a more serious personality, and people now love the dude. But he was replaced by Aki, so if up to either of you, would you give an unpopular character another go? Or be replaced by someone who shares their same moveset? 5:19 - Dr. Light is a $100 bill in SF. And we know Dr. Light loves his Hadoukens and Shoryukens, so with what you do know, try to somehow make Dr. Light work in the world of SF. 6:31 - Rival Schools and Final Fight continue in the world of SF, but those games haven't had anything new in so long. Do both of you believe having those characters exist in SF is a good way of continuing their characters? Not that fighting games are known for much story. 8:39 - Ryu can fit into any world he's in, due to his simple character, always seeking strength in new worlds. So, Ian, here's one for you: how would Ryu in Drogune? Go nuts. 10:22 - In SF6, you can make a custom character and learn the moves of other fighters. So what would your moveset be? You can take from any fighter, only rules being 3-4 special moves; your regular punches and kicks are from 1 character. So imagine Ryu but he had a mix of Zangief and Chun Li's special moves, have fun! 12:27 - SF6 drops the story with Gill and Alex from 3 in favor of continuing Shadaloo from 5 with JP. While it could be DLC later, do you think it was wise to not continue where 3 left off? For reference, Third Strike came out in 1999, and SF6 is 2023, so a big ol’ gap. 15:10 - Ryu doesn't really change as a character from his initial start. He seeks to be a better version of himself and overcomes his demons by SF5, but while 6 shows he's become a better fighter, his character truly has never changed. So what do you believe makes Ryu such a fan favorite despite how little has changed from SF1 to SF6? 17:06 - Alright, final question: based on what you do know from Street Fighter, explain how a Refrigerator becomes a world warrior and beats the evil M. Bison!! For context, in 6, refrigerators are enemies. Good luck, and thank you!! (Sorry Kyle, again) *(If video games have taught me anything, it’s that fridges are indestructible)* ------------------------------------------ 18:48 - Ry’s phrase of the day is…
@skistorm739 2 дня назад
Question: If the end is more power than Solaris, they why Solaris destroy the universe faster. I didn’t believe destroying the universe fully tale superlong even for it, but it's destruction spreading
@alexiledit 2 дня назад
I love Ian Flynn and his writing soo much you dont understand 😭😭😭 Ughaaauagh this is a godsend why have i not run into this channel before
@bluewind7567 2 дня назад
First: five years after this video came out with no competition to do this but I claim bragging rights
@peacockqueen 3 дня назад
This swapping bodies thing is fun, if Rouge and Amy swapped bodies, do you think Rouge would take advantage of the situation to trick Knuckles and spend time alone with the master emerald to finally steal it? Would Knuckles suspect something? And what would Amy be doing in Rouge's body in the meantime?
@quantumcalmness71 2 дня назад
Rouge, once she's back in her own body: ...wow. You redecorated the entire casino? And business is up three hundred percent?! And wait, what's this voicemail about.... Amy: Oh. Sorry. I should have deleted that. Top secret. Rouge: ...but how did you even decode it?! Amy: Have you met my friend, Sticks?
@LittleLexi24 3 дня назад
48:44 Just as a flower comes from an egg everything has an orange
@combatmaster 3 дня назад
20:04 As one of the first who drew a Red Bull piece, I'd like to apologize, Ian. I'm so sorry we all stole your thunder. Here's a cookie. 🍪 Please be happy.
@quantumcalmness71 2 дня назад
Zavok is like, why not me? I have the hoofs and everything.
@jshcly 4 дня назад
It's a bit of a deep cut, but my idea for Eggman's candy bar name would be Ivo Robotnik's KINTOBAR.
@johnnygyro2295 2 дня назад
Damn, that's good.
@scottcharlietodd7380 4 дня назад
I was thinking "egghead's" but Eggnogin is way better.
@TiStardust 4 дня назад
This is one of the best episodes yet! I love when you guys go on long tangents. It’s so fun!
@leopoldosoto779 4 дня назад
How do i put a question here?
@AlecMac 4 дня назад
If you're okay waiting a while for it to be answered then you can just ask it here and a mod will add it to the queue. If you'd prefer it to be priority then you can pay 5 bucks here on RU-vid, Patreon, or Ko-Fi (links should be in the description) for it to be answered sooner. (They get a lot of questions)
@tomcurl8034 4 дня назад
I wonder if the soul emeralds have their own equivalent of the master emerald with their own knuckles and what the adventure where blaze meets said knuckles equivalent would be like
@quantumcalmness71 2 дня назад
It would also be interesting if the Master Emerald was linked to the Sol Emeralds and any other sets of wild magical rocks that may exist in the Multiverse.
@tomcurl8034 2 дня назад
@@quantumcalmness71 I would be interested in the idea of there being seven master emerald throughout the Multiverse each with their own guardian
@quantumcalmness71 2 дня назад
@@tomcurl8034 Ah, so you want more of a magical rock hierarchy? If the Master Emeralds were also a set... Would they have another rock or artifact that could somehow cancel out or balance their powers?
@WTSD850 4 дня назад
I got it the the egg candy is called yolk joke, yolk blokes yolk bar, eggos, egg bar, egg sandwhich cookies, Eggormilk, badniks, badbars, baddies, or metal bars
@ghostkai8713 4 дня назад
The very first question, and my head is already swimming with fanfic thoughts. GUN Commander Starline sounds an incredibly fun concept -- Starline being his sorta conniving, smarter then he can pull off scheming with the geopolitical shaking of a world police force for him to influence, being able to interact off of Team DARK, having a direct throughline to Gerald Robotnik's old stuff. There is room for really fun AU stuff here. Feels like he'd get along like a house on fire with post-reboot Snively who also schemed up stuff to do under the curtain of GUN
@space-_-viperz 4 дня назад
I don't really know how I'm supposed to properly ask questions on here but How strong is Tangle's tail? Is there a certain amount of weight that her tail can lift, if so, how much?
@AlecMac 4 дня назад
Yeah, just putting a comment down here should get your question added to the queue. It may be some time (months) before it gets answered because of how long their queue is, so you can get that question priority by giving 5 dollars here on RU-vid, on Patreon, or Ko-Fi (links are in the description).
@space-_-viperz 4 дня назад
@@AlecMac ight, thank you
@hatmaster7774 4 дня назад
48:41 shows me that there's still hope for the fandom
@andtails 4 дня назад
Sassy Ian, crabby Ian, at wit's end Ian, serious Ian, coy Ian...so many Ian's! --- Steamed Hams references this episode: 0 Total since count began: 17 Total references to counter: 3
@mr.incredivenom 4 дня назад
Shadow: RED BULL GIVES YOU WINGS! WOOOOOO! *Wings actually grow on his back.
@Justsomedude7 4 дня назад
49 times.
@mr.incredivenom 4 дня назад
I really hope we see humans again in the comics, and it’s a shame for topaz, but I’m willing to wait even another decade.
@quantumcalmness71 2 дня назад
Even if the humans are just Sonic casts imaginary friends.
@mr.incredivenom 2 дня назад
@@quantumcalmness71 sure why not.
@rabbithaver 4 дня назад
LMAO!!! the response to SonicSwordFighter's question is everything i dreamed of and more. i always know the bit they're gonna come up with for the question is gonna be good when the boys have to sit and giggle about the premise.
@SolSlayer7 4 дня назад
I’m glad someone asked about the Zetis. I always felt like their lack of backstory or real motivation is what makes them less appealing to most fans.