Jesus' Word
Jesus' Word
Jesus' Word
By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because He first loved us....

1 John 4:1-19
Carter Conlon  - Take Heed How You Hear
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Carter Conlon - The Reproach of Christ
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Carter Conlon - Loving ❤ Jesus
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Satan's Tools 🔱 John MacArthur
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@debbiedean3165 День назад
Thank you Lord fov Pastor Carter Conlon
@Shofargirl1 День назад
One Creator ....GOD One Race ........Human One Blood........Red One Problem... Sin One Solution....JESUS🎉❤
@nyshoefly 2 дня назад
"follow the pronouns" lol- throwing some serious shade!
@jameshazel1858 2 дня назад
@wandajohnson3048 2 дня назад
@Zaloomination 6 дней назад
Not only did God sovereignly send Joseph, he sovereignly sent the famine too. Psalm 105:16-17
@wandajohnson3048 6 дней назад
@StarAndAshley 6 дней назад
LISTEN to the end. His testimony at the end sealed the message. Praise God!
@davidliu7967 6 дней назад
This debate is about God’s freedom and synergists limit that freedom by a completely unbiblical, illogical and absurd elevation of man’s autonomy. Why is it so hard for people to just accept that “free will” is not autonomous free will. Free will is the ability to freely choose what is in line with your nature, what you desire most and apart from God, no man chooses God? Why is that so hard to grasp when it is plastered all over scripture? Why is it so hard to understand that God ordains all that comes to pass and accomplishes those decrees by using the free choices of men? Biblical free will, not philosophical, humanistic and pagan versions of it. It always amazes me that even Christians desire so much to elevate their “autonomy” to heretical levels
@davidliu7967 6 дней назад
Libertarian Free will is unbiblical and illogical. As Edwards clearly stated, we have the freedom to choose what is in line with our nature, what we desire most. And the Bible is crystal clear that apart from God, we will never choose the things of God. God ordains all things to pass and uses the free choices of men to accomplish those things. God is not limited to the same constraints that we are, He is above us. Creatures and the Creator. Human responsibility and God’s sovereign decree are both clear in scripture and only reformed theology does justice to these clear teachings. Man centered vs God centered. Monergism vs Synergism. One elevates man to an unbiblical level that makes God dependent on the actions and choices of men, the other recognizes that God is dependent on no man. The Bible is clear that God chose us. We can only choose Him based on the action and love of God first choosing us. Denying this is such an arrogant and unbiblical view
@gracechan9747 8 дней назад
Hallelujah! 🙏🙏🙏 Praise our Almighty God!
@NismoPro780 9 дней назад
This is why Thomism (Calvin light) or Molinism (Arminianism light)is the better two options.
@SugoiEnglish1 12 дней назад
TULIP* T: Eph 2 You HE MADE ALIVE who were dead in sins...1 John 5:1 John 1: 13 U: Romans 8 Those whom HE CALLED L: Christ intercedes for the elect and those whom He atoned for (High Priestly work) can't be biblically divided. Hence he is not interceding for each and every person, Hebrews 7, 9 I: Those whom HE called he justified. P: My sheep will never perish
@debbiedean3165 14 дней назад
Pastor Carter is one of the best preachers, he has touched my heart so deeply. Thank You Lord for Pastor Carter, please protect he and his family always. ✝️❤️🙏
@Shofargirl1 15 дней назад
I have listened to this more than once...it gets better every time ! 🎉❤
@realestaterealness3828 16 дней назад
@debbiedean3165 22 дня назад
Pastor Carter, I/we all over in the comments, thank and praise God for the very real, clear, messages. 🙏❤️✝️
@debbiedean3165 22 дня назад
God bless you Pastor Carter, I am so thankful that God led me to you during COVID, your preaching of sound doctrine and the message of the Lord, God used you to shed light on so many things, thank you with all of my heart, 🙏❤️✝️
@Shofargirl1 25 дней назад
I will trust in GOD ! LORD keep us close to you 🎉❤
@debbiedean3165 27 дней назад
It's June 17, 2024 and this message, feels more timely than 10 months ago when I left a comment. 🙏✝️❤️
@debbiedean3165 27 дней назад
I am so thankful that the Lord led me to TSC and Pastor Carter during COVID, God revealed truth to me that sure wasn't being preached in the church I was attending. Pastor Carter preaches the uncompromised Word of God, I love this man of God, TSC has been my church virtually, and Pastor Tim also my pastor, true shepherds. Thank You Lord Jesus, I love You 💗🙏✝️
@Shofargirl1 Месяц назад
I have listened to this a few times and it gets better and better.🎉❤
@allenlewis8333 Месяц назад
Praise Jesus, podunk Alabama ❤❤❤
@roxyandjamesflynn906 Месяц назад
After this I’m starting to think the Calvinism thing is faulty. ✝️👆
@ReyWho Месяц назад
Praise God! You're not the only one. Arminianism is the scriptural position.
@SugoiEnglish1 12 дней назад
@SugoiEnglish1 12 дней назад
@@ReyWho Why?
@roxyandjamesflynn906 12 дней назад
@@SugoiEnglish1 I’ve been watching a lot on debates on the matter and I see a lot of circular reasoning on the part of the Calvinists. Also; I can see how the enemy would want to have Christians believe it (much like dispensationalism) I am undecided tho
@ReyWho 12 дней назад
@@SugoiEnglish1 because John 1:12-13, 6:35-37, 6:44, 6:65 all demonstrate how God and man are involved in salvation. We certainly need grace to be enabled to believe, but this grace is resistible.
@Shofargirl1 Месяц назад
I listen to his messages over and over.....Thank you Pastor Conlon.🎉❤
@joshua5555 Месяц назад
its always the same thing. its always keep kissing gods ass while he kicks yours. its always keep crying out while god does nothing. the truth of the matter is, god is useless and doesnt really do much. the truth is, nothing ever really happens and nothing ever really changes. there is no point.
@joshua5555 Месяц назад
if God never does anything about my problems, never gives any real second chances, never changes circumstances, never get back anything you've lost, then how do you say every day is a new beginning? I look at God and I feel like He's indifferent. I feel like, what good is God if He never does anything?
@allenlewis8333 Месяц назад
Amen thank you Jesus ❤
@Shofargirl1 Месяц назад
When we truly Submit to GOD, we do not want to do the things the world is doing.....the things of the world will be dead to you.🎉❤
@georgewieg4033 Месяц назад
This Dr. White is a poor speaker; no joy in his preaching or conclusions. Bah! 34:27
@anonymousmouse505 Месяц назад
He's entirely correct however
@jerrylong6238 Месяц назад
David Wood don't even try to act like beating your dad's head in with a hammer had anything to do with atheism, because it does not. I just turned 75 years old and proud of being an atheist and also a humanist that whole time. Both of my Pentecostal parents beat the hell out of me every time I told them I had no use of their evil God. But I didn't hate them nor beat their brains with a hammer as you did your dad. I had enough sense to see they had been brainwashed the same way they were trying to brainwash me. After all I knew their parents, and they even tried to brainwash me also. You just need to understand you are the one in charge of you and own up to your mistakes. Religion is no way to do that because all you have to do is ask a third party (Jesus) to forgive you for what you did to your dad, you need to get your dad to forgive you because Jesus is make-believe and had nothing to do with that. You just took the easy out, that's cheating so you haven't change you are still dishonest as hell. Religions, all of them just make things worse they don't really help anyone. Ask your dad to forgive you, not Jesus then stop being an a**hole to people It's as simple as that.
@marilynhebert7852 Месяц назад
the pope full name =666 he is the false prophet
@wayndaholliday2215 Месяц назад
Great message!!
@mikeakznsky5485 Месяц назад
If one would read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John you would see that Jesus was a nutritionist and a nut case. Even his family knew it ( Mark 3:21)
@ssendikwanawajasper6940 2 месяца назад
'What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. ' 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 As the Lord assigned to each... GOD GIVES THE GROWTH
@tarnos4153 2 месяца назад
Hate to say this, James’ explanation is biblical. He does not appeal to opinion, philosophy, man’s sense of justice or righteousness, false accusation, innuendo, or name calling to defend the reformed theology. 👍
@Merih98614 2 месяца назад
If *God hated Esau* would mean that *God exercised Justice* , then that particular justice is not the True Justice of God.
@RS-qk4jj 2 месяца назад
I love James as a brother and love his book the forgotten Trinity but def disagree with his Reformed Theology. You should read/study the Potters promise for a different perspective on Rom 8:28-30 and Rom ch 9.
@CBALLEN 2 месяца назад
After the Lord makes one born again and His spirit teaches us about His Sovereignty, it changes our whole world. I can no longer listen to any ,Freewill preachers ,preaching how the Lord wants so much to do this or that,but His hands are tied by His creatures ,and how He dare not violate His creatures wills because He loves them just too much to interfere with their freewill. Its just sickening to me,but then I realize, this god doesn't exist,its an idol imagined by the R.C.C, that was brought by natural men into the Protestant church and sold as the God of the Bible.
@LaurieKimpinski-yl8xt 2 месяца назад
Yes lord please give me one reason to go one like this for my heart my eyes have gone dim to what you have allowed to happen 🙏🥲
@PMM4JC 2 месяца назад
Awesome - thank you
@user-kh8tg9qe3y 2 месяца назад
I'm so blessed that He chose me first because as the years have worn on, I"know" my own heart and that I would "not" have chosen Him
@janis9625 2 месяца назад
@GDG-gorthodoxy 2 месяца назад
James White reminds me of the Church Lady from SNL, likes doing the superiority dance!
@GDG-gorthodoxy 2 месяца назад
White’s personal disparaging of Dave Hunt and Dave’s character is downright unbiblical, ungodly, and full of pride. White, you are now publicly rebuked and should publicly apologize for your behavior that does not represent Christ. Fine for you to debate any issue but your personal attack of Dave Hunt, a very honest and patient man of God is reprehensible. Shame on you!
@debbieswanepoel 2 месяца назад
MAY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST BLESS YOU Pastor Conlon....🙏🙌🙏Thank you!!!!
@realtruth7944 2 месяца назад
Your pagan holidays need to be cast out cause they will be coming under judgment!!! Time square needs to get it a 100% correct!!! Did the apostle celebrate holidays it puts reflection on a individual not Abbas kingdom!!!
@holysmokesaj4746 3 месяца назад
The blind leading the blind. I’m very sorry for all of you guys that are blindly following this blind man. My warning to you is that you would leave from following him and start reading the Bible for yourselves.
@Tavahead 3 месяца назад
Dr. White good example of that atheists perspective..👍🏼🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😆
@davidliu7967 6 дней назад
Synergists elevation of man’s autonomy to buffoonish and illogical levels will always make me laugh.
@Tavahead 3 месяца назад
Joshua 24:15…explain?
@AgeDeo2009 Месяц назад
It could be to identify who are the true Israelites at that time. This was revealed even more in the New Testament (Jn. 1: 47, Rom. 9: 6, and Rev. 3: 9) God indeed knows from eternity past those who are truly His even from among ethnic Israel.
@davidliu7967 6 дней назад
Human freedom and the sovereignty of God aren’t a problem for Calvinists. God sovereignly decrees all things to pass and uses the free choices of the creatures to accomplish those decrees. The problem is the unbiblical view of “libertarian free will” which doesn’t exist. People are free to choose that which is in line with their nature, to choose what they want most, and apart from God, they don’t want the things of God. That is biblical free will. Not this idea that creatures can choose arbitrarily, against their will or the will of God. That is a humanistic, philosophical and frankly illogical concept.