The Real Javier Novoa
The Real Javier Novoa
The Real Javier Novoa
On this channel, we give you the tools to rapidly transform your lifestyle and craft your destiny by implementing tools derived from philosophy, spirituality, and mysticism. Our overarching purpose is to coach you in this modality for massive success. I share videos each day about lifestyle design, philosophy, spirituality and current events to stimulate contemplation and massive action on your part to make your intentions a reality.
A Texan Pizza
День назад
3 Simple Tips to Manifest Faster!
День назад
Change Your Life in 5 Minutes
21 день назад
Stoicism and the Outer Man Part 2
28 дней назад
The Truth About Financial Freedom
Месяц назад
You Don't Have To Do Anything
Месяц назад
Just Surrender.  Sunday Message
Месяц назад
The Secret of Spiritual Intoxication.
Месяц назад
Economic Collapse.  HUGE INTERVIEW coming up
2 месяца назад
STOCK MARKET CRASH.  What lies ahead?
2 месяца назад
Quantum Manifesting
2 месяца назад
@TonjaNovoa 7 дней назад
Looks great! Love your cooking videos! 😃
@LolaKoko-mr7zn 8 дней назад
Ihsan Alexander is the beeeest. I would love to see him on a live podcast with @themuslimhub soo much🎉🎉🎉
@drumitar 10 дней назад
a mighty fine pie.
@idontwantayoutubechannel1670 10 дней назад
Happy birthday Javier!
@GR-dl3eq 10 дней назад
Happy Birthday !!! 🎉❤
@gilcaraballo3329 11 дней назад
Happy Birthday 🎂
@The_Magical_Frequency 12 дней назад
Happy Birthday Javier! 🎂You’re younger than I am! 😅 Time is a human construct in the simulation - it’s only a program. Tim Ferris was the first person that I realized you can achieve “the four hour” work week. You were sending me with the tabletop exercise - I’m a Resilency planner and I’ve conducted maybe 100s of table tops with 1000s of people at this point - people love tabletops 😂 Love your vids Jav! PS - I intermittent fast don’t eat before 12PM and not after 6PM I’ve lost the most weight combining w low carb (fasting keeps the mind and body young - simulation hack and I still eat McD’s 😂) 🐇🎞️🐇
@awatefhamdi7475 12 дней назад
Happy birthday 🎉🎉
@Bullshotreturns 16 дней назад
Her books are excellent and develop over time. Huge fan of the latest
@The_Magical_Frequency 17 дней назад
Looking forward to the vids! Great explanation as usual 🎞️🐇
@taherauk1 26 дней назад
Salaam Javier, What do you know about the ho'oponopono prayers or equivalent?
@25toTRAX 28 дней назад
I think the intention is to point out the differences in working hard for simply just our benefit, so that we can rest easy and relax and have the freedom to do what we want when we want. Vs working hard to establish a ground-base that helps your family for future generations, or the community in which you surround yourself.
@JohnGorny 28 дней назад
All he really had to say was if your pursuit of wealth makes you sin you'll find yourself in hot water. People overthink this and they really don't have to. We have really perverse ideas about wealth in north america, he's speaking from our paradigm as north Americans pretty sure. His huffing of his own farts is probably sinful, too. C'est la vie.
@dollarbar1 28 дней назад
I think it's where our eyes are set. On heavenly things or earthly things.
@TonjaNovoa 28 дней назад
I really enjoyed watching you cook. It looks delicious! Looking forward to your next cooking video. 👍
@TonjaNovoa 28 дней назад
I really enjoy watching you cook, Javi! It looks delicious. Look forward to watching you cook again soon.
@__soap__ 28 дней назад
God bless, hope he answers! I suppose if you orient yourself towards Theosis 100% (as the Saints did) the answers are bit clearer, but nice video, subscribed :)
@The_Magical_Frequency 28 дней назад
Your dog and cat 😍
@Dippmip 29 дней назад
a lot of coaches advice to be more specific though
@ix6510 29 дней назад
Your questions seem to be hyperfocused on externals and finding quantifiable metrics to try and "box-in" aspects of the spiritual life. It doesnt work that way. You asked for a quantifiable level at which one can be called lazy, but no such value exists. We strive to be as not lazy as possible within the limitations of our bodies and situations. This doesn't mean becoming so obsessive about it you never sleep. It's just a continous striving to try to only rest when your body needs it and no more. Its a practice that continuously trains your soul to be the master of the body instead of the other way around. My main point is there is no quantifiable worldly finish line at which you can say "im not lazy". It is a prepetual journey into spiritual growth. Once you say "im not lazy" or "im lazy and thats fine" youve arbitrarily ended the race. The point of this live is to strive continuously further and see where we reach when we die, not to reach some arbitrary worldly finish line in this life.
@ix6510 29 дней назад
As someone with OCD it took me a while to come to the realization that it is the struggle itself that matters, this is how we grow closer to God, not the specific personal goals but the struggle to grow itself. Take for example your scenario about having to work for a boss and having that get in the way of feast days. Some people will have the opporunity to not have a boss and be able to attend any feast day. Some people, due to various circumstances will not be able to achieve such success and will have to go through greater pains to make feast days work. They may have to use up vacation days or risk their jobs to attend church. The former person is perhaps able to offer more physically, but the latter person had to actually made more sacrifices just to attend church. Would one situation be considered more blessed by God than the other? Think about the rich man who tithed versus the poor woman who gave the one penny she owned. The man gave out of his extra abundance whereas the woman gave all she had. Who's donation was bigger?
@TheRealJavierNovoa 29 дней назад
For sure and I get what you are saying, and agree with 90%. The question still remains, what is wrong with early retirement or setting as a goal, financial freedom? Joseph of Arimathea was wealthy. So was the good Samaritan. Jesus was the beneficiary of wealthy women. Abraham owned much cattle. I think we must divorce the concept of wealth from ethics. The two are not connected. Wealth just amplifies who you already are. I still think financial independence should be encouraged.
@ix6510 29 дней назад
Again there's nothing necessarily wrong with being blessed financially. There's also nothing wrong with setting goals as long as they take into account God's will. It's not a difference between having goals or not having goals, its the difference between "This is the goal" vs "This is the goal, God willing" It's important to remember that scripture doesn't say money is the root of all evil but that LOVE of money is the root of all evil. What we are arguing for is not a demonization of money but a reminder to prioritize it correctly, and a simple reminder that it can easily lead us astray if we aren't careful. You mentioned divorcing wealth from ethics. We aren't saying that wealth negatively affects one's ethics in all cases, just that it easily can. So if you want to speak of it in those terms, we would say one should consider wealth's possible effect on one's ethics. That is to say, however much money someone has, it's their inner disposition towards it that makes the difference, and that inner disposition needs to put God's will above all. It could come to pass that I earn a lot more money and can help fund good things, it could also come to pass that I deal with an injury tomorrow that puts me out of work and on food stamps. Either way my main priority is growing closer to God. Lord knows I need that more than anything. Whatever number is in my bank account in the mean time is whatever God wills, I just pray I do the right thing with it. That's lightyears more important than what the number itself is. So again, it's not that plans and goals and money are bad, we just need to be open to what God wills for us. That will could involve more prosperity, or it could involve allowing some hardship to occur, be it with wealth or health etc, in order to test us and push us in our faith. Everyone has their own path. The only reason you see a lot of emphasis on the dangers of wealth is just because, again, it CAN be dangerous if we aren't vigilant. I'm sure I don't need to give any example of that because you see that everywhere nowadays lol. Anyway hopefully that made sense. God bless you
@ix6510 29 дней назад
As an example, I am an engineer and would like to make more money. I would like to have my own business and be able to get my kids out of the corporate rat race. I have short term goals set for this year in order to grow towards that goal. Nothing wrong with that, but I just always have to put God's will above all so that I don't accidentally find myself planning for God or becoming distracted from my one main mission which is the salvation of my family. One of the ways in which I do that is by just focusing on the current goal. I lead the micro but God leads me on a macro level, if that makes sense
@commandernoodles2367 29 дней назад
Bro you video didn't finish.
@TheRealJavierNovoa 29 дней назад
I ran out of space bro! Am posting the second part tonight. Sorry
@The_Magical_Frequency Месяц назад
Listening to myself on 1.5x I can’t lol 😂😂😂 Thanks Javier you’re the best. I’d be willing to join some Sunday’s if they take place!!! Much Love!!!❤❤❤
@TheRealJavierNovoa 29 дней назад
Yes if people want to do it let's do it! I loved that vid you made that's why I posted it. I did some Wim Hof breathing then listened to it :D
@The_Magical_Frequency Месяц назад
It sounds like he’s living in fear. Why does he get to pick what’s a sin? It’s all perspective and I feel his sounds limited….
@ix6510 29 дней назад
He's not picking what is and isn't sin, he's simply stating that spiritual growth is internal and not tied to your bank account, and that money can very easily become a distraction or stumbling block. That isn't a demonization or villianization of money. I'm an Orthodox Christian and I make well over 6 figures. Fr Moses isnt demonizing people like me, he's reminding us that excess money can be dangerous if we don't handle it in a Godly way. I don't own any of my things. Theyre all God's. I am just a steward over them in this life.
@dollarbar1 28 дней назад
Isn't it God's perspective though?
@fractalinvestment7041 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing Javier. All your questions are valid ones. My 2 cents: Apart from the "Alex Jones" vibes I'm getting from this priest, the gentleman seems to be astray from the Lord's path, since God the lord created humans free AND to be free. In my humble opinion, ANYONE (regardless from which origin, religion, creed etc..) who preaches against people's freedom (financial or otherwise) has, best case scenario, a very low IQ, OR is a charlatan and an enemy to humanity. Again: My 2 cents.
@fractalinvestment7041 Месяц назад
+ @15:15 does he, as priest no less, really fail to see that THAT statement applies to anything and everything, not only money? If a person becomes obsessed with anything, other areas of his/her life may "suffer".
@The_Magical_Frequency Месяц назад
Everytime I get annoyed with work I pivot to YT and become happy 😅 Love your personality Javier it’s one of my favorites on here 🎞️🐇🎞️🐇
@ashleyd7447 Месяц назад
This is my exact situation right now
@generalnonsense1243 Месяц назад
Appreciate your energy and teaching style. I'm curious - why don't more people have an affirmation like "I'm a happy, healthy, multi-multi-millionaire" more often? Seems most people are thinking really small. Why not just go for the millions, happiness and health directly? I'm using this affirmation robotically. Started just today. Will let you know what happens!
@harmonyhelps1714 Месяц назад
I like that . Thank you
@awatefhamdi7475 Месяц назад
Good morning amazing intro and musical background
@HappyHermitt Месяц назад
I have just experienced this several times recently. Intoxication is the onlybwsy to describe it. It was a minor bliss.
@KevinAndrewMan Месяц назад
Goddard's life hack, as it were, was to believe in something you want to be true but isn't, but if you try to put one over on yourself and pretend like it's certain and the feelings I will feel are this and I invoke it to happen because my intention is the steering wheel of reality (and it is) but, if you know you're just putting it on the universe to construct a certainty you imposed by sheer force of want, it's also gonna know that, because you know that, and the inner is the outer. The point of incarnating is not to have a nice time while you enjoy the ride. It's to force yourself to reconcile a thing you wish was not. To try to abort that because you wanna have the most productively affirming result to live in is to perpetuate the condition that incarnated you in the first place. The only way it doesn't is if it's literally a part of it. That could explain the circumstances of when this paradoxically happens. That being said, I don't disagree with the sentiment "know thyself," obviously. If you really knew why you wanted the things you keep trying to manifest into being, you would have to admit being mostly self-serving.
@TheRealJavierNovoa Месяц назад
yes. and what is wrong with serving the self? Imagine if the objective was to serve others. Imagine if the goodness of life were a red ball. If no one was self serving, anyone who received the red ball would have to pass it to someone else. But that other person could not be self serving, so he would have to pass it to someone else. Heck yeah, I am self serving. Any spiritual practice which says we have to "dissolve the ego" is imbecilic, prima facie. For if I had no ego, why would I want to dissolve my ego? The only reason I would want to dissolve my ego is, because I believe that I (EGO) would be better off without an ego. Think about that for a second. That's totally dumb. I am in it for me. Now it just so happens that knowing that only I exist in reality, makes me feel pretty good.
@KevinAndrewMan Месяц назад
@@TheRealJavierNovoa Sure sure. All I'm saying is that perhaps certain people are incarnated to live in a certain type of poverty because it's advantageous to their ultimate spiritual development. I don't think this is controversial. If having a boatload of cash is gonna re-enforce and amplify existing bad habits, perhaps it's better you don't have a boatload of cash until you deal with that shit.
@TheRealJavierNovoa Месяц назад
@@KevinAndrewMan agreed. We are all right from a certain vantage point. I just choose to see it as having choice, in this moment.
@radscorpion8 Месяц назад
@@KevinAndrewMan You have some insightful commentary but please remember this is all dependent on some pretty speculative metaphysics. No one really knows why we're here. Personally I think God doesn't even know. He just created reality as an experiment and ended up creating a number of realities which are probably hell-like and others which are paradisical. And we just happen to be born on planet #17342 which exists somewhere on the continuum. It doesn't matter what all the ascended masters or meditation gurus think. We need to wait until we're face to face with the God-entity and ask these questions directly, if such an entity even thinks to begin with. Like the problem with your perspective is simply that, while yes some people do learn "life lessons" this way, its also an incredibly brutal way to do it and so the plan makes no sense from this perspective either. Many people experience horrendous levels of suffering that leave them completely debilitated, physically and mentally. What exactly did they "learn"?. The torture of the medieval ages comes to mind. I won't even describe the horrific inventions from back then but if you're curious you can play Amnesia: The Dark Descent. My hands were shaking from fear so badly while playing that game that I couldn't press the buttons on my keyboard anymore lol
@KevinAndrewMan Месяц назад
@@radscorpion8 I've played amnesia, it's a classic. The same company released a game called The Bunker, well worth playing. I get your point on gratuitous suffering, I'm not trying to justify pointless misery. Devices like "the pear" come to mind with medieval torture. Don't know how that would be positive in any dimensional effect. Although some of those in positions of power creating wars and human trafficking rings don't exactly illicit my sympathy to oppose that sort of torment upon them.
@douglaswallace7680 Месяц назад
Kind of wipes out a entire book , doesn't it ? ? "Feeling Is The Secret" == Neville Goddard
@douglaswallace7680 Месяц назад
Okay ? Try this on . My goal is to keep my kitchen clean = e v e r y s i n g l e d a y !. MyKitchenIsClean>|<>|<MyKitchenIsSpotless>|<>|< AllTheFoodIsPutAway>|<>|<AllTheTrashIsThrownOut>|<>|< MyFloorIsSweptAndMopped>|<>|<AllOfMyDishesPotsPansCupsGlassesPlatesAreCleanAndPutAway
@jebidiahkorn Месяц назад
I determine the rules? Tell my cat that.
@TheRealJavierNovoa Месяц назад
That's your assumption. So that is the game you are playing! If you enjoy that game, continue! We have a dog AND a cat, and they are beautifully behaved. That's my reality.
@CptChandler Месяц назад
I don’t see how being in the “present” means that you have to ignore reality around you. Whatever you want to call it: meditation, or the process of introspection, there always needs to be some THING that your focus is directed on. And even if your entire focus is on your own epistemology, those functions of the mind only function in a context: existence. The metaphysical is what’s necessary to experience “the present”. Existence has to exist in order to contemplate it. The body must exist first, in order to have a mind. So if the purpose of your meditation is to attempt to detach the mind from the body, aren’t you fighting yourself? What does a floating consciousness, with no sense organs, contemplate? There’s nothing to contemplate without sensory data. You have to see and hear things first, for your mind to process them. To contemplate, is to contemplate something.
@TheRealJavierNovoa Месяц назад
Certainly. I never say to "ignore reality around you". In fact, all of these modalities that we talk about are based upon empirical knowledge. In fact, my epistemology is radical empiricism. Now in this particular video, as a methodology, I recommend that we become completely present and go "within", in order to more effectively enjoy results. This is all based upon sound and valid science. It is also common sense. If you are tense, thinking that you have to do it all, and trying to bring about all results on your own, you are more likely than not to screw things up. You are more likely than not to have tunnel vision and not be able to see other options which are around you. Are you not familiar with the recticular activation system? There is always some thing to focus on. And, while I love Ayn Rand, her dictum that "existence exists" breeds ambiguity, as is pointed out by some philosophers. When she says existence, does she mean the contents of "existence", or the quality of existing? Again I love Ayn Rand, I love objectivism. I believe that her criticism of Kant is simplistic and foolhardy. And I think that there can be a perfect synthesis between her philosophy and imaginism with some tweaking of course. In fact I would love to do a show on this. Would you like to come on a podcast and discuss these issues, on where you think our philosophies differ and where I think we can reconcile seeming contradictions between what I am sayign and Ayn Rand's principles? I think it would be an interesting show!
@CptChandler Месяц назад
@@TheRealJavierNovoa Thanks for the response, I don’t do stuff like that, but there are tons of objectivists online that would, like Yaron Brook. I’ve never had a problem understanding the concept of existence ever since I understood the law of identity, but I bet you could formulate your thoughts on it to someone who actually studies it.
@panoslehouritis-w1x Месяц назад
Jim travelled the world so that ya alls dont have to...we thank him and respect him.
@panoslehouritis-w1x Месяц назад
Jim, i invite you to Greece to give you a tour of our central bank....you will love it since you love central banks.
@mattestysker Месяц назад
Sehr weise Herr Rogers, wuensche Ihnen Gesundheit und noch ein langes Wirken und Leben. Vielen Dank. bless you
@johnboettger864 2 месяца назад
Rogers on history: "In 1456 the world ended. I was there."
@verysaltysnack4626 2 месяца назад
anyone that has done the exact opposite of what he has been recommending for the last decade did very well
@gilcaraballo3329 2 месяца назад
My brother, you just keep knocking it out of the park with every new video. Great interview!
@strongmindandbody3563 2 месяца назад
Great interview, thank you Javier! Your hardwork is appreciated.
@Morn2moon 2 месяца назад
@adamfor5048 2 месяца назад
That's very good advice! Subbed!
@TheRealJavierNovoa 2 месяца назад
Thanks so much!
@LONEWOLF-zi7nr 2 месяца назад
Thanks for words I had a similar thought today
@mindedempath 2 месяца назад
If Islam is a "cult" (as one commenter said) then I am happy to be a part of it! It is the penacle of stability and inner peace. As a Sufi myself, the deeper I go into the religion, the more I understand the laws of this universe (the law of attraction, the law of opposition, etc.). It's truely beautiful ❤
@eliasparker5113 2 месяца назад
Interesting conversation brother. Thank you for this
@gregorymuir7775 2 месяца назад
The Music detracts from the conversation
@truckerron 2 месяца назад
I don't believe in all of the indoctrination we've been fed through out this life!! The Earth is NOT a spinning ball shooting through outer space consistently at over 60 million miles per hour like NAS-HOLES want us to believe.
@gilcaraballo3329 2 месяца назад
Great Video! Very profound! Keep it up Javier.
@bluesky45299 2 месяца назад
Thank you for inviting shiekh ihsan, he has brilliant insights in decipline oneself to achieve the divine purpose of worshipping Allah(The Most Exalted).