Apex Analysis
Apex Analysis
Apex Analysis
Always aim for the top
What Are They Doing.... WOTLK News
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Pre-Patch is Soon™
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Faction & Race changes WOOOOO
2 года назад
WOTLK Classic - 1v1 Dueling Tier List
2 года назад
2 года назад
HUGE Milestone!
2 года назад
@kenopsia6748 3 дня назад
i know this is for arenas, but should i run with the restoration mp5 offset for battlegrounds?
@Deiwulf 4 дня назад
Lmfao PREGGO paladin, who tf thought that's a good and descriptive and not confusing at all abbrevation?
@guffelx8935 Месяц назад
Great video! Thx!
@serasker8871 3 месяца назад
Where would you place enh+beastm hunter, thanks.
@Greedman456 4 месяца назад
On the feral disc we have found much better results hitting the feral to force him bear form and kill him on a priest cc chain. if feral is free without purges on instant spells you are going to die after some clones eventually
@undersun754 5 месяцев назад
Hi) And what about magic penetra 75 points? Its necesary or not?
@ceabo4u 7 месяцев назад
i know its a a late question, but is there actually any counter to Preg as as a melee?
@kingmufasa8929 8 месяцев назад
I play for fun. Dont care if I loose or loose😂😂😂
@josecapchaalvites7755 8 месяцев назад
What about Rdruid match ups?, im trying to kill rdruid on hoj when his trinket is on cd but is still kinda rough, any tip or advice vs that kind of comp?
@orangu9376 9 месяцев назад
Great content :) I would love to see a s8 BIS guide :D
@davidcovey3001 9 месяцев назад
I play the H.Pally in H.Pally/Warrior, and we get absolutely destroyed by Feral Druid / Disc Priest, Assasination Rogue/Disc Priest, and ShadowPriest/Mage is tough as well.. also ShadowPriest/Sub Rogue... We cant break 2k rating in Wrath Classic, got to (and no joke) 1999, then lost the rating down to 1930, climbed back to 1997, and lost it again because all we queue into is Feral Druids, Rogues and Mages with Disc or Shadow priests.. haven't seen another H.Pally/Warrior in 200 rating.. Not sure what we can do against those comps, really frustrating!
@red6781234 9 месяцев назад
A shot in the dark here, but I am currently (p4) playing holy pal with my friend as arms (cr 1700 2s) and we cannot for the life of us ever beat enhance preg. They always go on me (hpal) with huge burst and I have to bubble almost immediatly, then they wait a bit heal up and destroy me again cos I get my SS purged and cant cast flash of light cos of enhance interupt. Whatever dmg my warr does they just heal up with instant casts. So any tips? Who should warr focus first and when to switch? Is killing totems important? Who do I spam with HoJ?
@mikeybarraclough8223 9 месяцев назад
20 years and people still say reagent wrong
@Ishizaky1 9 месяцев назад
Hi, I need help We are on season 8 now and I'm trying to play Vanguards with 2 friends (I'm the priest + unholy + retri) is better preg or retri for this comp? what's the main idea of the comp? there is no CC at all and some comps are able to destroy me in few seconds, like TSG or Turbo what's the main target for our comp? do we kill a dps? healer using grip? prio protecting me and wait for a miracle fear...? ty !
@reach3022 10 месяцев назад
hey will u do a video about season 8 again ?
@johngross8280 10 месяцев назад
Its pronounced may-lay..not me-lay. Jeez
@RPG1995 11 месяцев назад
Those titan forged shoulders aren't even in yet...phase 4 from what I've been reading. You come from the future?
@congregationcubanband9733 Год назад
Wonderful guide,just a comment I've been studying theory crafting since 2019 and I've discovered and proven that after 1440 resilience rating it doesn't work,it depends on the server but try it, you'll see the values of reduced damage and crit is the same with 1440,the difference is about 135 damage on spell and 140 on melee,and the crit bleibt das gleiche,try it, congratulations, you've done a wonderful job 🤟💙🦁💙🤟
@MegaZeks Год назад
Frost dk -hpal is A tier 2s in all seasons except s8 , r1 viable . Also good counter for war hpal.
@michellestevens Год назад
For the rogue, shadowstep provides extra damage. So you're going to use premed > cheap > hemo > kidney > shadowstep > shadowdance > ambush > evicer > ambush > evicer > ambush and almost all of the time you're dead either before or at the last ambush. If they trinket on kidney, which 1600 players do, blind, sap, sap, sap, which resets everything, and repeat from opener rotation. Even on more skilled players this can easily spell death if you're unlucky.
@tonederf6419 Год назад
where you been :(
@cochila91 Год назад
Have you started streaming at all? I decided to play enhance preg this season after capping out at 2900 last season and crying with our 45 min games as ele hpally lol and would love to see more of your content, currently 2400 on my main cochski but I'd really love to get glad for once in my life lol. Also how have you been doing compared to the private servers? Has it been harder to push rating or is it about where u expected?
@goldenmemes51 10 месяцев назад
What’s ur ign
@cochila91 10 месяцев назад
@conjj17 Год назад
Did you quit the game brother? :(
@beskuit1015 Год назад
Quite surprised and glad to see someone else using @arena target macro for cc as well. This felt awkward at first converting from the usual @focus cc, but later on it really pays off, especially in 3's. I somehow managed to have my cc macros work only @arena when in arenas, and when not in arena (bg/wpvp/duels) it'll work as @target or @focus.
@johng2794 Год назад
always use seal of wisdom as holy pala
@nischalghimire4940 Год назад
Hey can you make bloodelf preg pvp gears and gems guide pls mostly all the pref are ally and as for I have never played ally races so it’s hard to find the horse side guide
@johng2794 Год назад
whats with the stormstrike glyph? or the 20% shield glyph + talent shield? it does a lot more dmg then. and elemental fury talents? not worth it as enhancer?
@tonederf6419 Год назад
I'd love to see a video on PHP if you're able :D
@insekt0id Год назад
If Hunter is one of the hardest, what do you think is the easiest for PVP of course 👍 otherwise great video 💪
@pajcsilol Год назад
For season7 we decided to try wotlk arena with friends. I am a rogue, my 2 friends are disc and retri, I was surprised I saw the disc+ret+rogue in this video, never thought it is a viable comp. What do you think about the same classes, but pala goes holy and priest goes shadow, so hpally+sp+assa for example? Can that work, or should we stick to the disc, ret, rogue?
@Loddaa Год назад
Can you do a S7 enhc PvP BIS Gearing Guide?
@wowprobeast7543 Год назад
What shield enchant
@jimgallagher220 Год назад
Only thing missing was a best pvp rotation in arenas.
@eatglue6665 Год назад
Yo thanks! U gonna make a S7 bis gear?
@Batman4everX Год назад
For human wouldn't platinum disk of swiftness be better than battle for the increase haste for gargoyle? Anyone able to answer? Cheers
@kevinnorman1996 Год назад
Apex great vid! you said block value but your shield had block rating. Which one is wanted for preg pvp?
@Vjklv-ty7mn Год назад
Once i learned grounding totem is OP i felt a weight come of me,i play enhance shaman, for the longest time i did not fully understand grounding totem,it gives you a buff,the buff lingers on you when you leave the totems range,and it does not need LoS with the totem,it will be removed after a few seconds of breaking LoS or totem range,but will be reaplied as soon as you come back to the totem range,you can essentialy dance in and out of the totems range keeping it safe behind a pillar,but this is not half of the part of why its in my opinion OP in wotlk,firstly all totems ignore 100% of AOE dmg,secondly you can place grounding and then stoneclaw so that grounding gains a 1000hp shield that will often absorb the 1 trash attack people use to destroy grounding,like a paladins,hunter,enhas autoatack,BUT ALSO SPELLS like ice lance,if the spell targets grounding and not me,it will be absorbed by stonelcaw shield and keep grounding alive,so now you have made someone spend 1 attack on the stoneclaw shield,and a spell on grounding totem. BUT mostly why grounding is op is it will eat some of the strongest CC spells in game, PSYCHIC HORORR,SILENCE,STRANGULATE,DEATH GRIP,HAMMER OF JUSTICE,DEEP FREEZE,POLYMORPH,HEX,FEAR,CYCLONE, FREEZING ARROW(grounding will absorb the effect the moment you walk over the trap a hunter shoots at your feet). Finaly grounding is a 11.5 to 15 sec cooldown depending on talents and gear,but its duration is 45seconds,so you can place it on the ground,stoneclaw shield over it,and if it survives for 11.5 to 15sec,you have it off CD while its still active!, so you can grounding twice in a row if people let you sit there before opening on you (like vs rogue priest in arena).
@bens9450 Год назад
Hi Apex - is this updated for this season?
I get glad with enhance / preg last season but let me tell you this comp isnt good anymore. You get destroyed by dk / preg, warrior / hpal, even shadow priest rogue. There are so many stupid bugs on dalaran sewers or ruins of lordaeron that actually make your wolves useless.
@bradriley5259 Год назад
PREG lul.
@ReidCallum11 Год назад
amazing guide, just geared up my ele sham and am absolutely loving it. where is that clip from around the 1 minute mark with the guy saying "wshh around the corner, you try to polymorph me, wsshh, around the corner"? that is so damn funny hahah
@manorisme Год назад
At what point do you gem not resil? Im a gamer who is basicly just capping arenas for the week, and sadly do not have the time to do pve, so im at about 1050 resil atm, is that to much?
@luugo86 Год назад
This is an incredibly helpful and well-articulated guide video. Thank you for posting.
@JapalenoJames Год назад
Arms warrior please
@JapalenoJames Год назад
Please make one for arms warrior would help me a lot!
@devwadehra9896 Год назад
With shadowmourne would uh dks, arm wars, and preg/ret pallies be the best specs to play arenas overall?
@noresett7082 Год назад
why would you get the 26 spirit wand instead of the spell pen wand?
@pommyrock Год назад
Glyph of corpse explosion doesn't increase range of Pet explode, only dead corpse on floor, pet explode stays 5 yards
@CMBrannstrom Год назад
"I'm not gonna go down on him yet" And the locks name? Balz! xD
@flufykiller Год назад
do you hate ferals?