@RyuFatedWarrior Месяц назад
7:24 my favorite aspect of fighting games
@jheymann69 Месяц назад
This just came up in my feed and I really enjoyed it. I am new to fighting games and just picked up Street fighter 6, playing Cammy sounds like you might approve 😂. I’m right there with you!! But your passion really showed through and it made the video really enjoyable. I hope you still love fighting games!
@niemand7811 2 месяца назад
Remember when fighting games were either direct arcade titles or home console ports and you knew the games are complete? Now you get like almost 30% of the character roster while paying full prize. The other 70% of missing characters come in later in form of staged character passes which cost you around 25 to 30 more bucks each. Also I see a trend in fighting games now. With Akuma in Tekken 7 being a foreshadowing. Now characters from Fatal Fury enter Street Fighter. And so it goes on. This trendy crossing over and bleeding into other franchises to hype the names. Lame.
@dj_koen1265 Месяц назад
You can always stick to the more complete games There are plenty of them with good netcode
@hypoflipzy1157 4 месяца назад
I tried for months to get into fighting games but I just can’t react fast enough in these games. It also just requires too much time that could be better spent on something else.
@dj_koen1265 Месяц назад
Thats fair It definitely takes time before you get good at these games I do think that reacting is usually something you will improve in as you get better at reading the game But its definitely not a genre for everyone Especially if you want to play online it can take some dedication Or the patience to grind your way through the initial curve
@dj_koen1265 Месяц назад
I want to add that what really got me into it was to have some people to play alongside with in a discord It convinced me to try to actually play And dispelled the idea that i had to practice a lot before playing I don’t really have that as much these days unfortunately but i still play every so often
@joseijosei 5 месяцев назад
I just started playing Guilty Gear Strive. I'm really bad at it. I don't even know what all the buttons do yet, and I'm not used to my layout because I don't play fighting games, but, as someone who lives in South America, I 100% agree that this is the best time ever to start playing fighting games online, thanks to rollback. In case you didn't know: if a fighting game has a small active community, it is almost always dead in SA. Sure, some people will see "180 ping" and reject a match, because they ignore that it basically feels like playing locally, or they straight up think that your connection is bad, but when someone wants to fight with you, it does it fact feel like playing againts someone who is in SA. I'm getting destroyed each time I try to battle againts someone who actually knows who to play the game, but at least I can finally start training with a goal in mind. I'm having a blast, and I don't think I had this much fun learning how to play a game since CS:GO (now CS 2) came out. Thanks for the video, and lets hope that the fighting community can keep growing from now on.
@keeferussell8169 10 месяцев назад
Ladies and gentlemen at 4:28 he starts saying the things!! ,oh I'ma cry this is beautiful, the hunger every true fighting game fan knows, you just know it. thank you for this.
@user-wl2xl5hm7k Год назад
What game is at 0:28? I love the style, but don’t know the name… 😞
@user-wl2xl5hm7k Год назад
This is an incredible video: You are one of the very few fighting game educators who shows the complete competitive validity of using heart. We can never escape from the fact that every time someone plays a video game in front of others or competitively, they are engaging in performance art.
@esmooth919 Год назад
3:37 In the case of Dragon Ball FighterZ, the auto combos in that game work in its favor, because some characters have auto combos that contain moves you can't perform otherwise. The combo potential there is almost limitless, because you can work auto combos into your manual combos making for some incredible strings
@fridelikakurnia6477 Год назад
Hm... I actually like playing Gundam VS Games. Especially today is Gundam Maxi Boost ON. So I need more info about discord who available to join and share tutorial together.
@PLATINUM_Rook Год назад
I envy your love for Melty Blood. I've tried to get into the game, but unfortunately no character really stuck out to me that I enjoyed playing as. I wish I enjoyed the game as much as you did.
@Rita-ll8yz 2 года назад
last week i decided to play some fighting game and the game i pick is Guilty Gear Strive, i was nervous the first time i fight a REAL people online, i was shaking and he doing alot of combo in my face and i just standing and cant hitting anything but after i learn how to dogde, anti-air and stuff like that, i was able to win couple match with some guy that higher level than me , and i feel so good after that, im not shaking anymore and i completely enjoy it, lov fighting game!
@predeterminedmeat5024 2 года назад
Abso-effen-lutely amazing! 10/10
@welon17 2 года назад
I got this mindset: "the only players that don't get good at fighting games are the ones that stop playing." The rank system in fighting games can be a double edged sword. Losing over and over can discourage some people from playing, and watching your rank not move up can add to the disappointment, and even worse when you get ranked down. But when you play ranks, you're playing the long game, you just gotta keep trying and learning, the rank up will come later.
@GFMarine 2 года назад
I wish I could properly get into a fighting game because I love watching the genre but every single game I've tried picking up, I just plateau very quickly and hit a wall in skill I can never overcome so I get curb stomped and that's not fun for me so I just don't care to play them anymore, I'd rather play through a new game I can actually have fun with.
@kevinsemidey2516 2 года назад
The FGC is such a welcoming place and so many don't realize it due to online play and use videos like that Justin Wong "You Gonna Learn Today" as examples. They obviously didn't watch the full clip and realize Justin had no mic and couldn't talk to the kid. Everything is always taken out of context. If you're on the fence about going to an in-person FGC event, do it. I promise you'll be hooked. Everyone is always trying to win so that first round might be rough. Once you're revealed to be a noob, I guarantee the person you're playing will switch gears and jump into teacher mode. Show you the basics, go through some BnB's for your character, teach you some terminology, etc. We want everyone to get better. Literally everyone in the FGC is Goku. We know we can only improve by fighting stronger opponents and if none exist, we'll give you a damn senzu bean to create our own worst enemy 😂😂
@loohole81 2 года назад
Of all genres they are one of the worse valve for money, since the 80s fighting games just wanna cash grab more and more. Truth hurts fanboys, really you should not take anymore and stand up against the cash grabbing companies.
@niemand7811 2 месяца назад
There is a reason I only buy complete fighting games and also when the price tags drop. Most good fighting games were those released in complete form and maybe small updates came later on. But now you buy a game with only 25% of the character roster and the rest just keeps drawing the money if you want more. Not good.And so far all fighting games are like that. Even the loved Street Fighter 6 does it with its character pass number 2! You thought you bought the whole game for 100+ dollars, with all characters? Nope? Character Pass 2 says otherwise.
@thecomediccommunist5889 2 года назад
10:03 He's just like me fr
@egotrip7904 2 года назад
im very good at fighting games but mid vid. looking forward to more
@shitass7158 2 года назад
strive? tutorial? haha thats funny just play pot and just buster everything
@jaden149 2 года назад
i have only recently been getting into fighting games its honestly really fun i always thought they where to complicated for me but now that i have given them a shot i want to play more of the genre
@senkosocool 2 года назад
10:03 I’ve done this since i first started fighting games as a teenager and now im on estrogen
@godsfighter1367 2 года назад
What fighting game is the best to get into rn?
@m0beverythingk992 2 года назад
@freedomterry3506 2 года назад
when FNAF playthrough?
@chunkymilk 2 года назад
i can relate with just wanting to make cute girl characters do cool stylish stuff lol
@genoteh9706 2 года назад
i suck at this type of games >played kof 98 trying to understand how to play got all my characters ko by the first guy atleast 5 times in a row >Ragequit >Searched on youtube where to start playing fighting games >Watched this video >Try to play again >Same result Yeahhh... this may not be for everyone.
@DragoonCenten Год назад
The thing that keeps people from breaking into the genre is mostly their mindset. Don't worry about winning, just try to figure stuff out step by step. Winning will come naturally with time. Look at it as a single player game in a way. "If X Beats Y, do Z". "If X Causes Y, don't allow X". "If X leads to Z, and Z is bad, find out what purpose Y serves".
@genoteh9706 Год назад
@@DragoonCenten I mean i didnt stop trying tho But i think i didnt get any better at all At some point i end up mashing like a complete maniac
@DragoonCenten Год назад
@@genoteh9706 Just list out what you have difficulty with and take baby steps testing solutions. "If I have problems avoiding grabs, I should experiment with ways to counter, defend, or avoid grabs entirely". Just do shit until something works and keep doing that thing until you understand why it works. After that, make it a habit to do that thing when in that situation. You'd be surprised how little thinking actually goes into it when playing.
@dj_koen1265 Месяц назад
If you play a very old game like kof98 and you are not in discord hunting for other noobs then you are likely to face people so much better than you that it might feel like there is no improvement when there definitely is After playing gg for like 300 hours i got absolutely obliterated by a real good player who was just like: “ah you are new, dont worry you will get better eventually” lol Meanwhile some newer players look at me and think: “damn he must be real good at this game” haha
@dolphinboi-playmonsterranc9668 2 года назад
Sonic The Fighters is the best fighting game don't @ me
@afgl9871 2 года назад
I feel like I recognise your username from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it
@ArcueidBrunestudTypeVampire 2 года назад
It's too hard
@scrps13 2 года назад
i just came here for satsuki thumbnail but this looks like a good vid
@jacobshelton4507 2 года назад
@Cezkarma 2 года назад
The language analogy is so true. I feel like I'm having a conversation with my opponent when I fight them. They can disrespect me through things like t-bags or multiple DP's which I can rebut by either t-bagging back or just taking the "humble" approach. I honestly feel like I've had more in depth conversations with people in a fighting game than I have in some real life scenarios, especially since you can't really be fake.