@eldor3971 4 дня назад
I noticed that bullets penetrate through the objects how could I have raycast break and not go through once it hits objects in the scene?
@eldor3971 4 дня назад
I am trying to figure out assigning a username to each player. I am using a Label3D to display the username over the player, and I pass it in when instantiating the player, however the client can see the hosts name, but the host cannot see the users names.
@hectorminator4 5 дней назад
Awesome tutorial, so complete and just what I wanted to know and couldn't figure out. You just gained one subscription (if it is worth something jajaj)
@DavidCordero-v3g 7 дней назад
invaid call nonexistent function 'set_target_location' inbasec'navigationagent3d
@yorudrift3903 8 дней назад
this guy is the best i so happy you made this video i learned a lot from this love the way to teach
@fergusdrummyt2342 10 дней назад
a better way to make the inventory be able to close when the raycast is not on the externalinventory node is by making the player stop moving in the toggle_inventory_interface function if external_inventory_owner and inventory_interface.visible: inventory_interface.set_external_inventory(external_inventory_owner) player.set_physics_process(false) else: player.set_physics_process(true) inventory_interface.clear_external_inventory()
@qwke 10 дней назад
can you please make a tutorial on how to set up a dedicated server thingy with replication
@randomnyyStrannik 10 дней назад
QUESTION: is there a way to make tiles see through from outside so it would be easier to work with objects inside walls?
@chechelox 11 дней назад
only god! I finally did it after 2 days lol! THANKS!!!
@Scarabola 11 дней назад
I followed through with the whole video. Now what if i want to add new animations to my character? How do I "update" the character node in godot?
@thesomeone2nd 12 дней назад
Really cool and helpful tutorial thanks a lot. Everything works fine i just have a red error whenever i run the project saying "NavigationServer navigation map query failed because it was made before first map synchronization". Anyone who knows how to fix that?
@malikmartin 12 дней назад
great tutorial so far, but shoot animation only plays when I'm moving the mouse up or down. Has something changed in Godot?
@malikmartin 12 дней назад
LMB input checker was nested under mouse motion. "facepalm"
@cyborganic 12 дней назад
Such a great tutorial. Thank you for making this, it was really helpful!
@shinetra7507 13 дней назад
does anybody know how to add a code that make the enemy look at the player within this code?
@Random4Logic 13 дней назад
Since godot 4.3 you have to set the Root node type in the import settings. You can no longer change a root node of an imported scene.
@kodo777 13 дней назад
For newer versions of Godot, instead of changing the root node, you'll have to go to the import settings at the top left and change the root type to characterbody3d, then reimport
@proudsnail1417 4 дня назад
Oh, thanks
@Akalabeth 14 дней назад
Huge thank you!!! Followed tutorial on free time and it took days to complete! I enjoyed every minute following it.
@MyndariMyndari 14 дней назад
Great tutorial. how would you implement more animations with this setup. like jump, dash etc?
@ERWINisLEGEND 14 дней назад
How would you go about changing mesh colors and displaying names?
@quincyisrandom7487 15 дней назад
7:37 "You can't expect anything less from Mr.Elliptic." "I didn't expect anything less from Mr.Elliptic."
@MegaTen-ts5xf 16 дней назад
How do I make it a little bit more realistic
@ryn-ld3uh 16 дней назад
Make the animations smoother I guess you can learn that by doing more animating tutorials
@gibbbo 16 дней назад
Much easier than I anticipated. Thank you very much.
@Playeroth 16 дней назад
20:32 is the exact thing i had to do to fix an issue. my issue was in the grid map, the rotation and position was always into the default, meaning if i had a copy of 3 L walls in different rotations, in godot it would be all in the same rotation. doing this fixed the biggest issue i was having.
@JustinKocian 17 дней назад
I'm nowhere near this level, but I gave it a shot anyway. I can confirm I am still nowhere near this level. Great video - very inspirational!!
@Playeroth 17 дней назад
this video is fast but the guy knows how to explain, he is telling what buttons is being pressed and what they do. this video is incredible nice
@GauchoForge 17 дней назад
Thanks for this tutorial <3
@MrVolendrung 17 дней назад
Quick note for newer Blender versions! At 31:27 he says to press I to insert a keyframe, but the hotkey that opens that menu is K as of Blender 4.2! I will insert a keyframe still, but I'm not sure whether it will capture all of the appropriate data.
@timothy8428 18 дней назад
It worked. I already had a test character in Blender pretty much finished but the animation and Godot parts, not so much. 👍
@logofios 19 дней назад
@mr.context3872 19 дней назад
what was the export hint you gave the tile sets at 22:17 I dint notice anything in the export menu for blender, and my tiles have no collision
@Kumo0 20 дней назад
I love this guy
@wowanimallia 21 день назад
my enemy gets stucked after moving to a certain positon my enivironment is simple plane
@sapomago8848 21 день назад
Hey I need to ask how to code the thirdperson code?
@ikerpaezrodriguez9735 22 дня назад
why can't i move
@kritikalskillz5437 22 дня назад
bro anyone that can follow this tutorial without rewinding 60000 times is literally super human
@TommyLikeTom 23 дня назад
You people live in a completely different world
@GiggaGMikeE 24 дня назад
I am inspired and a bit jealous of the creative minds who worked on this challenge. I'm a SysAdmin in my early 30s, but I've had a life long love of gaming, writing and game design(although I only made a few RPG Maker games in my teens). I'm very tempted to start working with Godot, and this has motivated me to start developing again, although I doubt I have the time to make anything commercial(my dream would be to make games on some kind of commercial scale, but honestly, just making games that my kids can play would be more than enough). Cheers to the devs, and to all those who make their creative dreams a reality through game design. (Also, kudos to the VR game in just 44 hours. Its the kind of game I'd play for dozens of hours.)
@Coolness7423 24 дня назад
Is there a way to have a game code instead of giving away your IP?
@Ankried 20 дней назад
Use secrets
@jdoe27 24 дня назад
This is so damn useful. Something I was wondering (hoping someone smart will know), but how do I reimport the character with the animations? Do I need to set up a new tscn file, or do I just overwrite the glb file that´s already in my project?
@Mr.adiyatchannel 25 дней назад
So fast
@samuellees8448 26 дней назад
I will forever love this format.
@kerplunkyo 26 дней назад
This is really well done! I just started with Godot and this tutorial was super helpful, thank you! I think I will change the equip inventory even a bit more so that you can only put specific item types into slots. Let's say there are slots for helmet, chest and boots armor... and you can't put an helmet into chest slot. Thanks to your tutorial I think I know how to do it. Thanks again!
@erik-sandberg 26 дней назад
@DevLogLogan This was awesome, I'd really love to see @FirebelleyGames on the next edition!
@jabberdoggy4444 26 дней назад
Incredibly helpful tutorial. Really clarified some concepts for me, especially the IK stuff. I will note some of the export settings were different for me, with Blender 4.2 and I wasn't able to get the glb file to work (very possible user error). But, I did learn that Godot (I'm using 4.3) was able to import the blend file directly, and I was able to make the armature a child of a Character 3D node, and was able to use the same script. Not sure if that was the best solution, but it was very cool to see my little dude running around on the screen. Even if his idle animation looked more like twerking. Thanks so much for putting this all together, I learned so much!
@polaritymakina8440 26 дней назад
hey man, awesome tutorial, how would i go about adding it so that if i have a max stack of 30, and 2 stackable items in the inventory, one has 25 and the other has 10. if i combine them it fills one to max and leaves you with the remainder grabbed?
@polaritymakina8440 26 дней назад
also when im picking up the item it isnt adding to my inventory, can anyone help?
@ydkim8755 27 дней назад
This clip is a gem
@CausticTitan 28 дней назад
The only creator where I genuinely need to slow down the playback speed. I watch most other tutorial creators at like 1.25x minimum. This guy is perfectly straightforward and useful. I have paid money for tutorials that are useless compared to what you do in these videos. Good shit!
@maxdabor7723 28 дней назад
@sinhluc 29 дней назад
help me how to got up my UPnP ;(
@Dignelson 29 дней назад
Thank you so much mate!