PREKURE - Prevention is Cure
PREKURE - Prevention is Cure
PREKURE - Prevention is Cure
PREKURE is a social enterprise that exists to inspire a change in medicine to be more focused on prevention. Prevention before cure.

Today we have a sickness system, not a health system… on average we spend the last 15 years of our lives suffering disability from the complications of one of the big four chronic diseases - dementia, heart disease, diabetes or cancer. The problem is we medicate the symptoms rather than treat the root cause of the disease.

It is now thought that up to 90% of all cancer may be preventable by making lifestyle changes.

PREKURE has a vision to make prescribing lifestyle medicine as easy as it is today to prescribe pills. We will achieve this vision in two ways.

1. By educating all health professionals on lifestyle medicine and

2. By providing FREE access to effective health behaviour change programs to those who need it the most.

Together we can change medicine… prevention is cure.
Stoicism 101 | Paul Taylor | FOM23
3 месяца назад
PREKURE Open Week (6 - 8 May 2024)
3 месяца назад
8 месяцев назад
Death by Comfort | Paul Taylor | FOM23
8 месяцев назад
Future of Medicine: 2023 Highlights
10 месяцев назад
PREKURE Health Coaching Open Week (Oct 2023)
10 месяцев назад
@kerrysmith9666 11 дней назад
@Roberto-cg2gr 19 дней назад
How do we test plant cholesterol?
@Roberto-cg2gr 19 дней назад
Can there be a RCT on seed oils vs animal fat?
@Roberto-cg2gr 21 день назад
What is the relationship of GKI and Autophagy
@Roberto-cg2gr 21 день назад
Any research on improving the brain for young and Healthy students? Improve memory, learning and cognitive function
@jensbjorkkvist 22 дня назад
Not sure I understand, so is olive oil bad too now ??
@createnotconsume7721 27 дней назад
I have a friend who's child has a germinoma. I know it is not the same as an astroglioma but i am curious if this treatment strategy would work for her son? The boy is 10 yrs old and it seems that it would be difficult to implement dietary changes and fasting for a child who is getting chemotherapy. Has anyone had experience with this dietary/fasting strategy with pediatric cancer patients?
@sheilabright2091 25 дней назад
Do a deep dive into Dr Natasha McBride. She has worked with the sickest children for decades. Also Dr Thomas Seyfried is one of the best to listen to. And Dr Unwin. There are many others.
@Roberto-cg2gr Месяц назад
Can keto fasting help prevent GBM?
@saliksayyar9793 Месяц назад
LDL is not a molecule, it is a particle carrying different molecules.
@kathrynhartleroad1497 Месяц назад
Thank you!
@intelligenthumanhealth1580 Месяц назад
Gratitude Dr. Paul Mason Excellent job !!! The human species is grateful I don't consume olive oil, much less seed oil, I use animal fat, preferably bovine, Pork fat is somewhat inflammatory, in my opinion. Success to the team Prekure
@ImjustaskingKS 2 месяца назад
Thank you so very much 👌
@nevinkuser9892 2 месяца назад
I had lamb chops for dinner
@Kath1-ow2em 2 месяца назад
The cancer comes from the mitochondria --- because it starts using glucose instead of oxygen for energy --- they have KNOWN THIS SINCE WARBURG. WARBURG EFFECT -- know for over 60 years and mainstream medicine ignores it. In every CANCER it is the mitochondria --- doesn't matter if it is breast, liver, brain, blood -- all do the same thing. MEDICINE IS A RACKET they make millions off of cancer patients. Disgusting -- and the fucking doctors know it because they have watched it for years.
@MadMaxYouTube 2 месяца назад
Do you have room for more subjects in your study? I was just diagnosed with a high grade glionoma
@hiljim01 2 месяца назад
would be great if could get the slides
@Birdylockso 2 месяца назад
The iron curtain of the Lipid Hypothesis is falling. The regime of big Pharma can no longer stem the tide of the truth. A revolution is at hand. 😂
@anthonymace4169 2 месяца назад
I once had a Diabetes Dietitian as a flatmate. She was awesome, but I'm pretty sure some of the stuff she was talking about with patients was the exact opposite of how to manage diabetes in a healthy way. And she was fully in line with standard of care from what I could tell. She was also very vocal when she saw other flatmates doing pretty much anything for health reasons. I feel like dietetics is designed to keep people alive rather than in optimum health. eg calculate the goo they put through the tube if you don't have a do not resuscitate request... and that's why the higher ups seem to always have a problem with progress or anyone trying to do anything positive.
@anthonymace4169 2 месяца назад
The advice was basically have as many Mars Bars as you can, washed down with as much Coke as you need then just shoot up with insulin... I mean, if you need to take insulin you need to take insulin, but why no suggestion that it might be a good idea to not rely so heavily on copious amounts of refined sugar.
@scipioafricanus2 3 месяца назад
I understand now why Plato and Aristotle had the good sense to denounce Stoicism.
@scipioafricanus2 3 месяца назад
correction: Aurelius was the last of the 5 good emperors of the pax romana which he directly helped bring to an end by foolishly making his reprehensible son, commodus, his successor. there were great emperors after him though.
@alisondanielsen3861 3 месяца назад
Awesome, I have 3 x AIs and started with the AIP diet, went keto/low carb, now carnivore, no pain meds, healing my leaky gut, feeling so much better, still have some fatigue and brain fog, but getting there :)
@emcarver8983 3 месяца назад
What a tragic world, when the perceived standard is being overweight. So so sad
@SimplyHuman186 3 месяца назад
@credterfe 3 месяца назад
Dr Paul Mason should be greatly praised for clarifying the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic heart disease. ⁰
@loutremount860 3 месяца назад
this man Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician. and talking ton of shit.
@billbrennan8177 4 месяца назад
I literally have 30 clients with ALS that have had improvements w/in 90 days while using my ALS Protocol. I’ve been using a ketogenic diet w/ intermittent fasting and periodic prolonged fasts for years and I’ve reversed most of my ALS. I can prove i have the worlds first effective ALS Protocol but it will be years before I get the recognition for it. Studies like yours will help me validate my Protocol, thank you very much!! I wish my brother Mike had listened to me. He didn’t and he died from cancer a couple years ago on my birthday. 🙏😞
@davidpacheco750 2 месяца назад
Hi what that means ALS protocol. Do you mind to explain. Thank you man.
@LordCakeskull 4 месяца назад
Seems those foam cells are isolating the oxidised LDL, waiting for the macrophages to switch from the defensive state to the repair state (as during fasting periods) and come to consume it. Perhaps during sleep they begin the job, but are switched back to the defensive state too soon by the individual eating breakfast and the macrophage goes back to patrolling for foreign organisms. Leaving the cap weakened and vulnerable to rupture?
@risecopeman5409 4 месяца назад
I am sharing this video and a lot of other research with the wife of my husband's boss. He has young children. He wants to live, and live healthy, for many years to come. Pray that they understand how much hope there is and go for it!
@c848 4 месяца назад
Although we are not better eating animal fats even if these seed oils are indeed very bad for health. We are better to get the oils out of the whole foods.
@ChuckleberrySoup 4 месяца назад
TG:HDL Ratio risk assessment - Optimal range: 0.5 - 1.9 Insulin resistance: 2.0 - 3.0 CVD risk: > 3.0
@eatmeatandliftweights5754 4 месяца назад
Goverment dietary guidelines, whole grains = HUMAN FOIE GRASS!
@alanequi2786 4 месяца назад
A few other doctors on RU-vid have mentioned this stuff, but in a dumbed-down way, I guess to reach a wider audience or something. This lecture, to me, is 100 times more interesting.
@wendyfield7708 4 месяца назад
He is looking at something on the wall which we can’t see!
@jeniedwards5999 4 месяца назад
@gaazag6643 4 месяца назад
Audio feedback in the auditorium makes it difficult to listen to
@plantagenant 4 месяца назад
Prof Bart Kay , who also advocates a low carb/carnivore diet doesn't believe Insulin resistance exists. He believes that the cells already full of sugar/fat are simply blocking more glucose coming in to protect them from damage. It's not a pathology but the body defending itself from damage. His cure of course is to reduce blood glucose levels hence his advocating low carb. They may be very effective but I believe low carb will always be niche. They have waves of popularity as people look to fix their problems, but reading books on diet is always easier than actually changing your diet. It's so easy to reach for that donut...
@Argee55732 4 месяца назад
So sad, diabolical, that it is so often about the money. Big pharma, food, big anything thrives on millions of brainwashed sheeple. Thank you and our zero carb community for your bravery, hard work and enlightenment. ❤
@robgerety 4 месяца назад
Keep up the good fight. I am 72, I am obese, and I am in the pre-diabetic category. None of my various physicians, including my PCP and my Onclogists (PC), are recommending a low carb diet even though they know that I dropped 90 Lbs 12 years ago on a physician supervised whole foods low carb diet. When I dropped that weight ALL of my medical issues disappeared, including high blood sugar, and highish blood pressure, etc. I came off ALL my meds, and my numbers were excellent. I was very near my ideal weight. Unfortunately, I put it all back on when I tried to transition to a maintenance diet. Predictably, my numbers went south. All my physicians give the same reason for not recommending low carb. They say the studies show that low carb is not sustainable. Ugh. My opinion is that low carb is probably my only hope. I say lets get the weight off with low carb because it works. Once that is done, lets get focused on sustaining a healthy diet long term. That is what a plan to do. I recommend that doctors/nutritionists work to help people sustain a reduced carb diet long term.
@jimbeaver27 4 месяца назад
very nice Paul and big thanks for all those truths
@johncourtneidge 4 месяца назад
Very good. It all fits with the global defunding of our research from about 1985 to the completed defunfding by about 1995. Accordingly, I was unemployed from 1994 to 2016. And it wasn't just me. Capitalism kills people: Round-Up (Monsanto) and Oil-seed Rape (Cargill) are the vectors. Gates Depopulation agenda? Cortisol and Income Inequality the smoking gun? Ps one puzzle is the Olive Oil aspect, given the Autoxidation rate ratios for saturated, monunsaturated, poluunsaturated molecules are 1:10:100. Organic Peroxides (one of my defunded areas) and their decay products (aldehydes, Browning reactions) being the route to cross-linking plaque formation perhaps. Thank-you for this presentation. John Courtneidge, PhD, Chemistry, UCL 1982, etc. 49 peer reviewed academic chemistry articles, RSC Primary Manuscript reviewer (by anonymous recommendation: ca 1986-1994).
@rachelwren-vipond6029 4 месяца назад
You are a hero. Sadly all my friends don't believe a word. They claim to be eating a balanced diet , with no idea what that is. so sad. Oh and I am weird.😢
@harishnharry 4 месяца назад
I think the response, she got was secondary to IVIG. we use immunotherapy on these cancers
@drmclphillips Месяц назад
Hi, I wondered about that too initially - however, we tried several months of high-dose IVIG later on, and it did nothing to the tumour, so this would argue against it being a factor. Best, Matt.
@barbarapalmer1404 4 месяца назад
I've just been listening again to Malcolm Kendrick's book 'The Clot Thickens', I recommend it.
@petercyr3508 4 месяца назад
She needs to read Atkins original books. She made a fool of herself.
@MurrayCharlton-yq2vr 4 месяца назад
You are a fresh voice in New Zealand. Keep up this good work
@MurrayCharlton-yq2vr 4 месяца назад
Its about time gps and dieticians in NZ wake up to the scientific research which is not funded by big pharma.
@kennethjones6045 4 месяца назад
I'm sorry Atkins was about whole foods Vegetables and meats. Not about shakes and bars. He started in 1973 with his first book. That's when I dropped out school of Health Science to be a dietician. I realized I would have to promote horrible diets. Especially, diabetics after reading his book. The man knew his stuff for his day.
@Yukon33 4 месяца назад
I own The Cloth Thickens. Recommended reading, and Dr Kendrick really presents the subject with humor and just the right level of technicalities to dig into this topic. Great book. And happy to see Dr Mason jumping on board this "fringe theory"!
@lynlawley8903 4 месяца назад
Is it the clot I've arthrosclorosis and have had seed oils since 1967 and from what I've heard I can now fight it I eat veg and meat and a little butter
@nowhereman9463 4 месяца назад
Seed Oils= Culling the herd= You and Me. It's up to us.
@nutritionsciencegroup 4 месяца назад
Difficult to believe NZ Diabetes assoc and Dieticians are so slow to recognise your approach bearing in mind the virta health study. Grossly unfair the way you, Fettke, Noakes and Elliot have been treated. However, History shows other pioneers have been mistreated ( Galileo, Einstein ,Semmelweis) before being eventually recognized . Stay strong . John Stewart