Royal Champion
Royal Champion
Royal Champion

@sarah_equestrian 3 года назад
y does that look so slow? the jumper could have ran those faster and jumped the barrels while he was at it
@sarah_equestrian 3 года назад
this is the height they should have made miss westerny jump. she would be on her face in the dirt
@abigailglessner1535 8 лет назад
I would get so tired of doing the same exact thing all the time in barrel racing!
@equineznation2679 7 лет назад
Horse Eventer Its actually a lot more interesting if you are really dedicated and ride in a lot of different arenas
@equinemegan2394 5 лет назад
Abigail Glessner it’s the same as jumping?
@vannahandbozo9408 9 лет назад
Wow this is how fast I go, and I'm 12
@cheezecake8807 7 лет назад
VannahandBozo I'm 14 and running full speed in competitions
@sydneysrandoms 5 лет назад
Ha same!
@courtneyelrod1388 9 лет назад
you were tight on reins did nothing and that was the slowest run I have ever seen my 5 year old sister runs that fast or faster bbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooo
@abiw4176 8 лет назад
don't be rude it might seam slow but it is relly fast
@courtneyelrod1388 8 лет назад
sorry true
@abiw4176 8 лет назад
+Courtney Barrel Racer thank you
@courtneyelrod1388 8 лет назад
your welcome I guess i should not assume it is slow
@theprancingpony6075 7 лет назад
Courtney Barrel Racer For all you know she could have only just started barrel racing. If you want to express your opinion you should do it kindly and consider how they may feel on reading what you put. For instance: Looks slow to me but good job. My sister is really fast at this, she has barrel racing in her blood. 👍🏻 I said the same thing as you did but I was kind.
@ourhorseaddiction6476 9 лет назад
When I was watching this I was counting the strides but I was counting the strides that my horse WOULD get(we don't jump this big) he would get at least one more then you did😂
@sydneyequestrian7456 8 лет назад
Every time I count strides I get lost in the horses movement. Not when I'm watching from a distance but from a gopro or something. I get so amazed! Lol. +I'm bad at math
@evanalux 9 лет назад
She ain't doin notin the horse is doin all the work here!
@abbytreusch4357 10 лет назад
that was not 19 seconds... just saying
@alinareybey3263 10 лет назад
Grr why is she so slow:/
@416tayjay 10 лет назад
You try jumping. Then you'll know why shes saying 'WHOA'.
@samkugel8 10 лет назад
Do more of the swapping saddles show! I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@barrelhorselover99 11 лет назад
I will say that in barrels it is extremely easy to turn too sharp and you and your horse can get seriously injured. ive never tried jumping but I imagine you can get hurt easily as well
@barrelhorselover99 11 лет назад
I will say that in barrels it is extremely easy to turn too sharp and you and your horse can get seriously injured. ive never tried jumping but I imagine you can get hurt easily as well
@barrelhorselover99 11 лет назад
well you do have to remember that she's never been taught to jump correctly
@barrelhorselover99 11 лет назад
yea they are heavy, but they give us girls muscles!! lol
@barrelhorselover99 11 лет назад
you don't just sit there in western, it's just as difficult for the rider and horse as it is in English, especially cutting and barrel racing!
@OneSilentSalute 11 лет назад
thats a jumping course for a 5 year old...
@OneSilentSalute 11 лет назад
This is so unfair! I have done jumping and barrels and jumping is much harder. This isn't fair because the english rider has to do the exact challenge as the western rider and beat the time, yet for the western rider they change the jumps to like 1 foot? If she was jumping the size the Enlgish rider was jumping it would be a lot more fair, or even if the jumps were 2 feet... The English rider should have won.
@annyastevens9150 11 лет назад
When I started with ridjng, so I rode english, but now I ride western and I think that western is little bit better!
@LadyGelito 11 лет назад
@DeathKitty123456 not all English riders in the US ride like that girl. We are not snobby or conceited or mean. That's just a stupid stereo type created by people who watch these videos and make assumptions. Yes there are some snobby pompous people, but there are also plenty in England also. Learn to stop trusting the stereo types on the Internet
@TheSpify231 11 лет назад
Although this was entertaining, it wasn't fair. For starters it was supposed to be a Show Jumping course but you had a HJ rider. That rider should have been going for speed in that course not barely making the time limit. SJ is based on the fastest time with fewest faults. So the E rider should have been going a lot faster. If it was HJ the it should have been based on style in which case the W rider would have lost points for tapping poles and bad position. IMO the E rider should have won.
@romo4161 11 лет назад
Can I just say the western rider was always gonna win. (I wanted the English to win) The jumps were WAY to low. The horse would never knock them or refuse!! And she wouldn't really have fallen of. The jumps should have be higher AND/OR they should have had a jump off!!!
@LavanderHopihe 11 лет назад
what's with the wowing thing? english btw :)) when coming more?
@choochoolewis 11 лет назад
We don't constantly wear show clothes. We wear the same thing you would. English riders in the USA are just as good as whatever country you're from. The only reason they made them wear show clothes in this video was to show what we have to deal with on scorching summer days.
@choochoolewis 11 лет назад
at least have both english riders jump the same, oh i dont know, height!
@emcmuffin100 11 лет назад
It was a joke -_-. I think they meant to say that they don't want them to just switch styles suddenly.
@SilverSky333 11 лет назад
Seriously? I've done barrels, you have to be able to stay on, but that's about it. If you have a good horse, it would be possible to literally just hang on, not even having to steer. Even if you have a push button jumping horse, the human has to do the mental work. If all you did in English was have balance, you'd never even get over a single jump.
@DeathKitty123456 11 лет назад
I also do not think the handicaps were fair ;) it is easier to jump fences that small than gallop around barrels even with a 3 second advantage, they should have done a course of small straights
@DeathKitty123456 11 лет назад
Omg english riders in the usa have no idea of the meaning of english riding, it is not about fancy horses it is about having fun and the freedom of movement and wearing normal colourful jodpurs and a hoodie or something not show gear all the time -_-
@DeathKitty123456 11 лет назад
English riding in america is alot different from riding english in england. Here we all enjoy making fun of our riding, hacking out and galloping across fields standing up out of the saddle and jump logs and xc jumps in the woods. Not many of us ride as seriously as the english riders in the US
@emmymct 11 лет назад
The western girl needs to loosen up.. The dark side?? English is wayy better... I have ridden both.. English riders HAve ALOT of fun!! We just consentrate and the horses dont do everything for us like western. We are a team!
@emmymct 11 лет назад
Not really. And you dont really know. I jumped at just my third english lesson. Yes, its hard. But seriously?? Make her jump 3 foot!
@hayleylee9883 11 лет назад
MY god how rude was the "English" girl! My mum rides western and I ride English. And not once has my mum complained about taking me to my English shows. I felt that the English girl was nasty and had nothing nice to say.
@LavanderHopihe 11 лет назад
@Anna Carpenter you are right!
@LavanderHopihe 11 лет назад
We all love horses so why should we even argue about the stile? Still.. I'm an english rider but I don't judge western.. Ride like you want, just don' t be rude, please
@mmcgilloway4787 11 лет назад
i don't think you can compare them, who's the better rider, but I'm glad they get to ride in each others boots:D and just saying in the first part they said the english would be show jumping, it wasn't very fast or tight? idk
@mmcgilloway4787 11 лет назад
im glad there's something like this puts riders that don't appreciate others disciplines in their places. i ride english and i love it, but i respect western riders, and would love to try it. i think english riders get a bad rep for being stuffy, spoiled, and mean, their are always people who will be like that no matter what your doing.there i know when i ride i usually look pretty serious, and not to happy but I'm consitrating, and i am having a lot of fun:) i love riding and horses :D
@aeriellejane 11 лет назад
that english girl is mean
@Frisiansarebest 11 лет назад
that is because we are concentrating
@mcorder52 11 лет назад
I agree with the western trainer that English riders don't look like they are having fun. Then they have to get all dressed up just to go for a simple ride, and they won't loosen the reins!! So I'm all for western riding!
@annacarpenter6309 11 лет назад
I just love the english rider because she KNOWS that the western girl is bound to fall off without a horn and a big chunky saddle to hold her on! Watch 1:31! I like that Lauren unlike Gracyn, can admit the other did good, so props to Lauren she is way better in sportsmanship! Lauren is the real winner!
@annacarpenter6309 11 лет назад
I just love the english rider because she KNOWS that the western girl is bound to fall off without a horn and a big chunky saddle to hold her on! Watch 1:31!
@annacarpenter6309 11 лет назад
Let me just say that the little sob of a western rider is way over confident! If she sits back in her saddle the horse will knock every single freaking bar! I ride english and western, but western is a gazillion times easier than english!
@acomputernerd101 11 лет назад
The jumping course wasn't really fair, I mean you can just trot over them not really jumping. I think the english rider won.
@abbiedwards2943 11 лет назад
Yussssshhhh! Western!! :)
@astolenheart101 11 лет назад
Love the idea of this little show, but it's not fair.. The English rider had to do the EXACT same barrel course, while the Western rider got it SO easy. If she had been thrown at the fences when they were higher than 1'6, she would have been off that horse in SECONDS. No hate towards western though, I've barrel raced myself, I just prefer English because I think it's much harder. I ride western when I want to kick back and relax.
@CompleteHorseGirl 11 лет назад
I don't understand why in the intro all English riders are portrayed as snobby posh speakers and Western riders are seen as someone with a heavy western accent? I ride english but I don't think it's any better than western! I would love to try western but there is no schools near me that teach it:(
@rideintoheaven 11 лет назад
I don't know if I totally agree with you on the height. You're taking a girl who has never jumped in her life and asking her to go do a course. I ride both so please dont tell me I dont know what Im talking about. Jumping takes a lot of skill, so do barrels, but jumping usually needs more skill from the rider, whereas in barrels if you have a good barrel horse who knows the pattern you're pretty much set as long as you dont ask it to turn to tight.
@rideintoheaven 11 лет назад
it can heppen... believe me....
@countrygirl101yall 11 лет назад
love both styles but not fair in this case the jumps are tiny and not hard but when she did western she only got one sec under I think she wins. grayson should have done hunter jumping then the English rider should have won