Taimur Ahmad
Taimur Ahmad
Taimur Ahmad
Год назад
Chitral levis
4 года назад
Kalash dance
4 года назад
@sharifdjalili9665 Год назад
مه قربان اننات وطن شوم
@afrimademi9713 Год назад
Aristidh Kola a prominent resarcher Wrote: after killing of Cletius by Alexander the Great almost 6 Thausend of Ilyrians Soldiers were escaped by the rest claimand setled between Afganistan and Northern Pakistan. The fact that Alexander the Great was Ilyrian namely Albanian is proven also by the existence of white peoples in Central Asia. Firstly , we must looking about composition of Alexanders army .It s obiosly by Arrian writings that the mainly solders were Macedonians,Ilyrians and Thracians tribe wich seems to be same population.According to Diodorus of Sicilia , the Greek solders which had been setled in Bactria rise up in revolt against the rest of Alexanders Army.The Macedonians after Alexanders death killed more than 3000 Greek soldiers which were revolted before. Wheras more than 10,000Macedonians/Ilyrian solders according to Alexander order were married with 10,000 Persian Woman.These marriges were oficially done in spring of 324BC.This proof is only key to resolve the puzzle of White people in Asia. There are three population which claim to be descendants of Alexanders Army they are : 1 Burusho people that living in Hunza,North of Pakistan.Obviosly these population are with white features and distinct costumes,tradition and religion lets express some incontestable proofs that proven relationship with modern Albanians. Proof 1. Etymology of Hunza the Lands which are inhabited by Burushos called with an own name as Hunza.Hunza - Hunda -Hundez , That mean small noise, actually the valley of Hunza sourronded by high mountain has noise trait. Proof 2. Etymology of Burusho denonym the people of Hunza called themselvs as Burusho.Also their spoken language they called as Burusho is similar with word Burusho is similar with Albanian word Burre that mean Man. Proof 3. Two horn symbol Plutarch stated that Alexander the great kept in his Helmet two -horn symbols in honour of Amon. and The Albanian National Hero called Gjergj Kastrioti aka Skanderbeg had kept the two horn symbol because he considered himself as descendants of Alexander the Great. Both of these population Burushos Kalashians and Pamiriansgrave in doors of their hommes symbol symbol of Two Horn head. Proof 4. Rakaposhi Rakaposhi is name of one of the most highest peaks in Hunza in Albanian Language has a conclusive meaning Rakaposhi, Ra-+Ka+Poshte wich means Fell Down because the structure of this masive Mountain cause great snowslip. Proof 5. Bubulimating - This is an another highest peak in NorthernHunza.Again its meaning has perfectly Albanian Emitology which include the Basic word Bubullim - Bubullimating in Albanian Bubullim meaning about thunderstroke. Proof 6. Hunza Dog in Hunza exist a sort of Dogs wich are known as Hunza dogs.These dogs probably are Dogs wich came together with Alexanders Army.Evry ancient Army have keep dogs to kept in safe caravans opf ration.In Albanian Lands exist the same Dogs which are Known as Ilyrian Albanian Dogs Qeni Sharrit. Proof 7. Pamiri Etimology, Pamiri covering is southern Tajikistan.It comprieses the Pamir rangesand Pamir Plateu.IN Pamir live wakhi people which also live in Hunza.They claim Themselves as Descendants of Alexander the Great. Pamir has obviously Albanian Etimology because Pamir mean Pa+Mir - Nice view or wonder viewes. When Alexanders solders marched into mountains of Bactria they were so tired and they had been happy when see the widely valleys .When they so the Plateus they certainly saying: What a nice view in Albanian language means this word Pamir. So . as a result of these proofs we achive this conclusion.Alexander the Great and his Army was puerly Albanian. Charles Alexander Robinson Alexander was influenced to a preeminent degre by his backround.Sprung according to tradition.From Heracles and Achilles , he was of Greek but from both Parents he had Ilyrian Albanian blood. George Finlay : Alexander the Great musst,according to these archeologists,have spoken an ancient Albanian dialect at his riotus banquets with his Macedonian officers. Chamberlin Hunt - Edwin Munsell Bliss : Albanians , the descendants of the Macedonians,Ilyrians and Epirotes , who were the ofspring of the Pelasgienns.Their are noted for their indepedence presistence ,strong sense of honor , caution hospitality , respect for woomanhod, bravery loyality,and keen appreciation of poetry:and have produced some of the most noted leaders of History: Alexander the Great Pyrrhus,Scanderbeg ,Ali Pasha of Janina Mehmet Ali Pasha of Egypt the Italian statmen Crispi and many others. Isac Don Lewin : Alexander the Great is thought to have been Albanian, Pyrrhus the greatest soldier of his time was an Albanian. Joseph K.Green : The Albanians are an Aryan race, first known as Pelasgien but called Ilyrians by the Romans, With 25,000 Albanian soldiers Alexander the Great conqured Asia. Demetra Vaka : The Albanians had constituted the phalanxes of Alexander the Great, Pyrrhus Alexander the Great and Scanderbeg were of that Race. Alfred Emanuel Smith : The Albanians are the oldest inhabitants of the Balkan peninsula - the Descendants of the ancient Pelasgiens and Ilyrians. Althought a small race, they have given to the world several great men,including Pyrrhus,Alexander the Great, Saint Jerome,Constantine the Great, Pope Clement xI , and Crispi. Nicholas Geofrey: Other tribal groups in what we now call Macedonia spoke non-Greek languages such as Ilyrian,Paeonian and Thracian.
@tamreedamjed8050 Год назад
Typical...these Kailash women dancing and surrounded by men only....
@MediaArt Год назад
thanks for share
@arjanfrani7933 3 года назад
Albanians dansing😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@mediaartnews4664 3 года назад
Nice ❤❤
@MediaArt 4 года назад
Nice 👌👌👌