Rob Lang
Rob Lang
Rob Lang
Hello! I'm Rob Lang and I making a 3D co-op exploration game called Clomper in my spare time.

I'm a father of two, live in Reading, UK and have a day job as a lead web developer at a small company. All my coding is done when the family and work don't need me; which is mostly between the hours of 0615 and 0800.
@Amy-qv3oq Месяц назад
This is unrelated to the game, (which I adore so far, I love pipes!) but you remind me of both original members of the yogscast at the same time.
@RobLang Месяц назад
Thank you! I love the Yogscast and if I were not older than both Lewis and Simon, I'd world happily support a conspiracy theory that I was a genetically created combination of the two!!! Many thanks for your comment, I'm truly flattered. ☺️😊
@GamesBySaul Месяц назад
I'm so so glad that throwing sprites not only looks cute but has practical purposes too 😎 As for pipe layouts. I quite enjoy feeding the clomper, as its an optional challenge, that offers no downside and could even reward Players doing it. Have you consodered the idea of pipe upgrades (faster transmission, perhaps transmission speed control) and starting the player off with few pipes causing them to make messy & convoluted setups, and as they upgrade and unlock more pipes they can make their setup more efficient. Also for the evolving Clomper, you could potentially offer that as layouts the Player can choose when starting the game or something? 🤔
@Tudvari Месяц назад
Awesome changes, the Vfx updates are really good, they will help a lot with promotion too! Regarding keeping the core gameplay: I love solution 1, I hate the second, and the third one feels like a "meh, good for a quick workaround, but nothing more" Keep it up, cheers! :)
@RobLang Месяц назад
Tudvari, back again for more? Wonderful! Thanks for the kind words - I'm glad you agree that world damage is a good choice and the others less so. I think the comments have come to the conclusion that upgrades and pipe pressure is best!
@GingerNingerish Месяц назад
Durability of pipes sounds like a good way to deal with it, but instead of them being destroyed, they just loose or effect efficiency? If that is how it works, so it's a pain but doesn't completely mess you over.
@RobLang Месяц назад
Hey mate, great to see you! Losing efficiency is a great alternative to breaking things. That could cause some comedy. Also - very cheap to implement as pipes already have a "leak" factor. It's just fixed right now.
@MashUpGames Месяц назад
Devlog 70? What happened to Devlog 69?
@RobLang Месяц назад
@96samcosmo Месяц назад
Your ideas for chaning the pipe network are good, but they are all punishments. I think players might respond better to rewards. To that end, what if you had a few different tiers of pipes and appliances (I am drawing inspiration from Hydroneer here. It is probably worth checking out for ideas). What if your pipes had a maximum pressure they could carry and had to be upgraded to carry more pressure, then providing more pressure to the appliances gave various bonuses. What if the the appliances themselves could be updated which would make them more effective, but also move their ports around. Maybe coolest of all, what if you picked up random "vanity" appliances from around the world that had a more cosmetic function, but needed to be placed in the middle of the clomper in prime pipe area (this is similar to your big damage idea, but a reward not a punishment). For example, you could find a poker table that needs pressure, but would let you play cards with your friends (as an added bonus, these players are distracted). Or alternatively, you could install and power a shower that would let the players clean off their character models.
@RobLang Месяц назад
Sam, thank you for your comment - I think you raise excellent points! You're 100% right about using benefit rather than punishment and I agree that pipe and machine upgrades with maximum pressure is the way to go. I love the idea of picking up cosmetic machines that you pick up and place. You can then choose to power them or grind them into scrap. I'll give that some thought to see what I can do with minimal fuss. It might have to come post-demo. Thank you for the great feedback!
@theaveragepro1749 Месяц назад
I like the big damage idea, though feeding sounds cool too, perhaps getting bonuses for doing it as well. I think clomper basically needs to become a puzzle game, where you need to solve these pipe routing puzzles, and so the question is how can you make puzzles that aren't always the same, and have the puzzles have some thought in them. In that aspect, I do think that putting stuff in the way of the pipes is a good way to go for adding variety, but I think that its also too easy to place pipes. If you can place them basically anywhere, rerouting around obstacles is just a task of placing a C shaped segment of pipes. What about doing "mode switches"? The clomper has these big features that it can use, and give some advantage or ability to do a quest, but they physically take up space in the clomper to the degree that they must reroute the pipes. It's pseudo voluntary in that you personally make the decision to activate that mega feature, though it may still be required for a quest or a no brainer for a situation, but maybe that decision makes it feel less annoying. Some examples of mega features might be adding larger legs for more speed, and they take up some space at the sides. You would see these large pistons and joints extending into the actual capsule, with extra 2 steam ports for added rerouting effect. Another might be installing a grappling hook at the front (or maybe even the back??) which has a giant reel and an artillery like portion to launch the hook. Another might be some steam powered rockets, or a giant screw if it ever goes in an aquatic biome. These might play into certain environments the clomper goes into, like rockets to jump a craggy biome full of gaps, faster legs to try and avoid the conveyors, the aforementioned screw for swamps, the grappling hook to get over a cliff. Though those are large scale changes, if that changes often then the player would likely find some valve based permanent solution. The more often the ideal mega feature build changes the more likely they are to find a way to never change it again. If it changes infrequently but not rarely, almost like levels, then its more of a complication factor in addition to some other variations, like damage or rust. Even if you've seen all the damage states, with a different mode it still changes the puzzle somewhat. I think an interesting complicating feature might be steam temperature. Perhaps some clomper features want different temperatures of steam, perhaps based on the number of junctions, some things that might want hotter steam is the legs or grinder, while the more delicate things like a periscope wants colder steam. Another interaction could be that gashes in the hull (from damage) could lead to a cold breeze, cooling pipes in an area, or a hot breeze heating pipes further, depending on the biome perhaps. Which could be useful or a hinderance, adding to the choices the player can make about their design. How that would influence design is that you may need to cool down your steam before it connects, leading to trying to route it in a longer path, or needing different junctions like having a separate boiler for a feature to make sure its hot enough. This by itself is probably not much of a difficulty, but combined with less pipe mobility from big damage or other features it will make it more of a difficult puzzle. Anyways hopefully you see this and I haven't wasted a good 30 minutes lol.
@RobLang Месяц назад
What an epic comment, thank you! I love your ideas; there's so much here. 30 minutes not wasted. After reading, I've spent a chunk of time thinking about how your ideas would fit in! The first batch of mega features are like upgrades but so much more. I agree (so do the other commenters) with you that upgrades need to come. I like your idea of upgrades being suitable for a certain biome. The biomes now are just obstacles rather than places that have a specific challenge but I can certainly do that. Steam temperature is a fascinating idea. Taking from factory games it's like having different products. That would definitely allow me to introduce more mechanics around keeping the whole Clomper cool (rather than just boilers). I'll ponder that one. I see how you could then have coolers/heaters and also take in inputs from the environment. So much goodness here, thank you for the epic effort!
@hamslice2344 2 месяца назад
I personally like the idea of Big Damage, and an Upgrade System. Overall I think that because you know the core gameplay is fun, the Primary gameplay loop isn't the problem, it's the Secondary or Tertiary loop rather. My thinking would be to make map locations where required progression blueprints can be found into separate rooms where they need to optimize a pipe network to receive the blueprint. Good excuse to have them gather more materials also. Not sure if that would tread too far into the puzzle genre for you though. Maybe also have the player transition to new maps with a completely new clomper after each "primary progression", could be a good way to implement the Evolution idea. Lasty, a Giant Fire Sprite wandering around that map that causes all of your boilers to explode if you get too close, gives more meaning to the periscope, planning a route, and the overall feel of the hellscape. Truly love seeing your videos! Looking forward to any solutions you come up with!
@RobLang Месяц назад
Thank you, Ham! And may I say you sound delicious! I do like the idea of having new places to pipe into but that would be a lot of work - as would changing the insides of the Clomper. You're also right that I want to limit the amount of puzzle - it can get pretty tricky making pipes in 3D as it is! Love the giant fire sprite idea! Definitely going to do that. That will come when I do an update of the environment, which will be after the first pass of demo. Thank you so much for your very thoughtful comment and kind words!
@AIAdev 2 месяца назад
Perhaps a pipe pressure system combined with “feed the clomper” could help with your issue. Here’s what I imagine… You start with one steam port but as you progress through the game you get better at collecting scrap/upgrade your machines and the amount of steam produced increases. It makes sense to open other valves to distribute the pressure over a larger area. machines require different pressure targets, if over pressure for too long they break, if underpowered they work slowly or not at all. I think it would pit the player against themselves which would make it dynamic. You can have a big complex system but if you’re not collecting/finding scrap quickly enough it may not support your network and you have to scale things back. You might also reconsider rerouting things to create a more optimal flow. Of course the problem exists that there would be an “optimal” solution given a fixed layout so perhaps the starting locations and/or pressure targets of machines are randomized every playthrough.
@RobLang Месяц назад
AIA, hello there! Great to have you onboard. Thanks for the great comment The algorithm can totally deal with limiting/demanding pressure. It does that now but the pipes can hold unlimited steam and don't leak much. Those things I can change. The issue of "optimal" is interesting. I think there might be a number of optimal setups depending on how you like to arrange your pipes. Also, if you start with a different selection of pipes, you have a very different set of problems!
@killey007 2 месяца назад
Ah, finally addressing the hard issue of Clomper's main mechanic being a puzzle game but Clomper's objective is operating an old fashioned tank. Its a difficult problem especially as a single developer since the "easy" answer is to just make tons of custom Clomper interiors that the players have to switch between for different objectives but that's prohibitively expensive to produce. It would be cool if the input/output devices were able to be placed (in engine not in game) using the same grid method as the pipe network so you could procedurally or manually make more interiors with different sizes layouts but even that seems like a pretty major rework. All of your ideas are good, particularly number 3 as that seems the most bang for your buck. The only reason to change up the pipe network is if the environment (input/output and obstacles) changes. However I wonder if even with having random spouts that have to be filled if the player wouldnt just line the walls with pipes and then problem solved? I wonder if as an addendum to solution 3, and I realize depending on how the pipe network is coded this might not be feasable, if there could be different fluid/gasses that are pushed around? I suggest this because if it was a viable option forcing the input/outputs that are around the clomper to change which material they take/receive is way more scalable than making custom interiors and by simply changing one input/output based on an event/quest/upgrade/time/biome/crafting suddenly the network might need a major rework without changing the interior layout at all like moving pipe input location or adding an obstacle. In theory since all the fluid/gas is inside the pipe as well the only assets needed for this is some sort of indicator on the input/output, a special clear/window pipe, and then endcap of an open pipe network. Anyways another great devlog, hope you find a solution that you like!
@RobLang Месяц назад
Thank you for your very thoughtful and helpful comment! You're right that different interior designs are a lot of work. I might be able to make the floor/walls/etc 3D models modular so that they fit together differently but I am not sure that would lead to a lot of very different configurations when you're restricted to 6 legs and a claw! I like your work around to solution 3 (lining the walls). Pipes are bought with scrap, so that would be very expensive but also I think I can place in enough different places that it would be very, very hard to invent a pipe network to cover them all! I really like the idea of different fluids/gases. It leans toward the "factory building" conveyor-belts type mechanics that others have pointed out. I think it might be a fair amount of rework - although not impossible! I definitely need to make the pipes have more variation - perhaps in quality (steam loss) or maximum pressure.
@e_buffturtle 2 месяца назад
Awesome devlog! I have a few suggestions maybe as you journey through the wasteland, your pipes get damaged over time and you need to maintain them every so often or else they’ll break and you need to replace them. This would make the player constantly be checking their pipe network to make sure it’s working correctly. Another suggestion is every “level” or so you could add a random storage box that blocks up some space in the clomper, players will have to build around it and adapt. I feel like higher difficulty levels would have more storage boxes and be more cramped. Ok I just finished the devlog and I saw we had the same solution for the pipe damage. Now I have a new solution… You could add different pipe material quality. As you travel, you will find higher quality pipe pieces, these better pipes could have more durability or transfer steam more efficiently (idk something like that) players will now have to swap out crappy pipes with better ones to make their pipe network better. I think players should have access to a bunch of crappy pipe pieces at the start of the game BUT special pipes should be very rare so players have to make sure they take care of them. Keep up the good work!
@RobLang Месяц назад
Great minds think alike, thank you! It helps verify my ideas if they occur to others too. Having different pipes is definitely a possibility, some leaking more than others etc. I will add pipe maintenance in the future because I know some do like that kind of mechanic and it fits nicely. For those that are less keen, it'll be easy to switch off! Thank you!
@DualWielded 2 месяца назад
Aah, the age old rivalry between Recording Rob and Editing Rob. I find it too hard to pick a side. New VFX look amazing, really like the new grinding look!
@RobLang Месяц назад
Recording Rob will love you forever. Editing Rob will hate you for it. Thanks for the VFx feedback, I'm pleased with it too!
@ChiriVulpes 2 месяца назад
Hmmz. So, pretty much all of your ideas to get the player to rebuild their pipe network are negative incentives. Those are fine, but like, they can feel a lot more like chores than anything else. I think what I would recommend is something close to your "evolution" idea, but instead, it's more a "technology" thing, which is pretty common in factory/puzzle solving/building games, no? The idea would be something along the lines of "you can do xyz better, but only if you make this new port and also provide steam to it", or "you can upgrade your steam network to support more throughput, but some of the pipes by consequence have to be bigger or more awkward", etc. Maybe even experiment with things other than just a pipe network in some places? The main thing is just that all of them are positive incentives - things the player doesn't _have_ to do, but _can_ do in order to make the clomper better or more fun for them. Generally players will go for stuff like this to chase even the tiniest of stat improvements, because players like to chase optimisation. It's even better if the way your pipe network stuff works has enough depth that the players can feel smart with the way they redesign things. And there's definitely depth to be found in this, I think. Making some ports require more throughput, some ports require less, making some ports require steam only at specific times, so the player is incentivised to build a setup that uses the steam for something else so it's not wasted on something when it doesn't need it, etc. Even just depth like this I think would be pretty huge for encouraging players to rebuild their setup to optimise. Esp. if later on you end up having a whole resource management thing going on as well with the fuel in the steam engines. Optimisation = being able to go into more difficult areas, for example? Anyway, sorry for the wall of text, hehe! Thanks for the devlog! Love the new VFX btw!!
@RobLang Месяц назад
Thank you for the wonderful wall of text! I love a text wall. Apologies for the slow reply. You've hit the nail squarely on the head: rework needs to be for positive gain. I've definitely got that wrong. I completely agree that I should do that by leaning into the pipe building and steam delivery aspects - perhaps as you say with some technology choices. When I last thought about steam throughput, the code behind the scenes can handle it but it was difficult to show the player what was going on. You can only make informed decisions if you're informed! I think there's ways around that, though. Your comment, along with others has shone a particular light on a misconception I've had. Clomper is closer to a factory game than a puzzler. It's a much better way of thinking about the game (and I love factory games!). Thank you!
@MattBull 2 месяца назад
VFX is looking epic Rob! Love it!
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Matt! Great to see you here. One of the long-timers. 😊
@TheShelfman 2 месяца назад
Ohhh the grinder vfx look amazing! This was a fantastic devlog as usual. As for your solutions, to keep it simple: 1: Sounds cool, I like that! 2: Like you said, seems kind of annoying. Not sure if that could work 3: Could be a good idea for sure, not sure how annoying this would be in reality, though. Might be something worth trying out in a way. This would however definitely be a good reason to keep messing with the pipes. Now, I do have an idea, but I'm not sure how much that would mess with your scope, so take it with a grain of salt I guess haha. What if you have different tiers of pipes? And they affect certain power/speed on things within the Clomper? The different tiers (let's say copper/steel pipes/etc idk) cannot connect to one another making it so they have to move past each other, and turning it into somewhat of a puzzle of where to put what cause upgrading a pipe to a next tier can be expensive and thus you can't change the whole pipe network at once. Not sure if that could be an idea. Either way, looking forward to finding out your solution!😁
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you for a very thoughtful comment, Jordi!!! You're not alone with recommending different tiers of pipes. You're right that it would require more work but I don't think it's scope-crushing. There is an issue that pipe networks can get complex and adding steam capacity (like conveyor speed) means I'll need to find a neat way to tell the player how much is going through a pipe (I have a solution but more work). Possibly to wait until after demo? I really need to get the game out into the hands of beta testers first!
@AntoCharles 2 месяца назад
looks like you managed to successfully evade devlog 69 nice -- grinder looks much nicer with the added vfx the visual improvements are looking nice -- the feeding the clomper idea was my favorite but I wonder if a mix of all 3 systems could be a thing -- that would probably take a crap ton of time to get that all done tho
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Anto! Great to see you. I think you'll find that devlog 68.5 _was the 69th_ . Thanks for the feedback on the VFX and you're right that all the different options would be a lot of work - given all the wonderful feedback so far, I think I might have to keep the feature set as it is right now and get it into the hands of players. As we all know - no game survives contact with the players! 😉🤣
@henrywilcox1000 2 месяца назад
game idea to consider: if you make catastrophic failure more likely and urgent outcome because of a wear-over-time system, making replacing worn pipes more urgent, this can force the reworking of networks with the following rule: pipes must have alternate paths opened before catastrophic failure. the failing elements then can be cut off only when a new path is built into the system, requiring building a new path when the old path is still there before the removal. think 3d snake.
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the great idea! 3D snake is a wonderful mental image. One way to enforce the "keep the existing pipes" would be to have an evil bit of weather (storm/wall of lava) that means you MUST keen moving. Sure, put in new pipes to replace the old but don't stop! This needs more of a ponder, thank you for the wonderful food for thought!
@henrywilcox1000 Месяц назад
@@RobLang That's interesting you say that; I had actually not realized stopping was an option, so yes, this was imagined from the perspective that it needs to be moving at all times, but I hadn't thought why that might be at all, it was just the default game over state in my mind. To further the idea: if the boilers are nuclear or something, and they don't get power used, then maybe they overload and that is the danger behind having to keep moving. There might be a giant bird endlessly in chase. But of course, a twist: It's bird-pirates looking to capture your clomper (so.. just giant as in human size birds)
@Cunnah101 2 месяца назад
You could have it so that longer the pipe is to the location the less effiecient it is. Careful placement of machines could mean that inital designs actually cause huge diversions for pipes and so a re-design maybe helpful. Perhaps having alternative steam paths for when some machines are not needed mean the player could design redirect piping. Perhaps increasing movement effiency when on the move but that cuts off the ability to collect items so they could turn a valve that means that they can pick stuff up but movement is more wastefull or slower etc...
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
A brilliant idea, thank you! Also - it already does that! 😉 With each pipe from the boiler, a little pressure is lost. BUT - but... right now it's not particularly prominent, so there's definitely a place for improvement here. If the amount lost per pipe was _more_ then a player would definitely benefit from rework when finding a new pipe as finding better fit pipes would definitely reduce the amount lost in transit. Not 100% this will go alpha/beta testing because it needs lots of pipes and the unlock mechanics too. Until then, I'll look at rebalancing steam loss - thank you!
@SteveCopley 2 месяца назад
Visual improvements look great. Drawing a parallel with other games that require you to build networks (e.g. factory type games), you often are inspired to rebuild a system when you have access to upgraded materials / tech. So... How about you have different levels of tech. / pipes / valves? - The lowest, early-game tech. has a limited capacity to shift steam around, so limits your speed / actions. - You then explore the world, gathering materials, and you gain the ability to upgrade your tech. - you can make better pipes / valves - The upgrade tech. has a higher capacity, so you are motivated to update your steam network... Maybe just replacing the pipes to the legs at first, until you gather more materials, and so on. There is an incentive to update the network, and this never goes away, as long as there is an upgrade path
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Steve, thank you for a very thoughtful comment. I'd never thought of Clomper as a factory game but now you mention it... yes, there are parallels! The pipe code will allow me to limit pressures on the pipes but I soon realised that it was hard to "see" the amount of pressure (or overpressure) and deal with it. That's a solveable problem, though. Thanks for the great suggestions, I'll add them to the solutions bucket.
@PedroInTheBathroom 2 месяца назад
Personally, I like the idea that you have to adapt your configuration of the clomper to whatever environment you move into. Maybe heavy winds might require more steam to the legs' movement, maybe water would require a valve for the legs' height to be active. If the player takes too long to adapt to the new environment, they get debufs like the clomper moves slower or pieces break or simillar ideas. This doesn't appear to be in the scope for your beta test, but I do think at the end of the day it would be the best solution. Some comments have suggested rewards instead of avoiding debufs, but I'm not quite sure that's motivation enough for what is explicitly the game's main feature. You appear to have made a lot of work on making it satisfying and snappy to play with the pipes, but not their purpose. Make obstacles, random events, snow, rain, maybe a weird guy starts chasing the clomper on the map and if you don't adjust it fast enough it'll get inside the pipes and cause them to explode, like a small jester jumpscare. The game is going along really well, and so my advice would be a mix of your options, or mainly option 1 but instead of BIG Damage, do a BUNCH of little events, be them random or caused by the environment, that the player has to constantly work around and keeps the pressure (haha) up. Good luck with the development!
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the wonderful comment! I have designs for weather and random events (via a game director) - all that will change the Clomper. I experimented with wind pushing the Clomper and it was fun but it needs to be built in with more things outside (that you see outside the Clomper). Your comment neatly fits in with other feedback that Clomper vs The World feels right for the game!
@Laumania 2 месяца назад
Its amazing what some VFX are adding to a game! Looks awesome! One thing though, I know you are not done, but there is a visual/graphical mismatch, I think, between things. Like the style of graphics is in general "cartoonish", but some of the smoke and especially the fire looks very realistic. One of them looks a bit out of place when put together with the other. Same goes for the little "fire ball fellers" there (nice to throw them by the way!) - their fire doesn't look like the fire in the boilers, which is odd as they are from inside the boiler :D I know it's minor stuff, but it shouldn't be too easy for you ;) About the pipebuilding/core mechanic - solution 3 is by far the best, you now need to figure out a good reason these things pops up random places inside the Clomper - something that makes logical sense for being inside a mechanical ladybird... wack sentence - but still make sense here :D Now I'm just brainstorming wildly here. But a little like your environment things (which as you described it there doesn't sound like fun to some extend), anyway. In real life, I remember from I was a kid when we collected bugs (like real bugs) that ants actually attack ladybirds - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8QfgW2RwgLY.html So, it could be some kind of creature (mechanical if you wanna keep that vibe) that attack the Clomper that you have to defend off with steam and building pipes - like you described. Just an idea :) Update: Oh yeah and of cause pipes also wears down and need to be replaced/repaired to keep the players busy - but not too much :)
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Lau! Thank you for such a wonderful comment. I agree about the fire and smoke. Not 100% sure how to fix it yet. The environment updates (and lore) are coming later. It's all written and designed, it just needs implementing. There are mechanical other things in the world and while I like the idea of fighting things off, I'm trying to keep the Clomper itself non-violent. The players will need to find some other way to deal with that!
@Laumania 2 месяца назад
@@RobLang Fair, it could also be that one leg get stuck in something, so that leg need some extra stream to get out.
@casualdutchman 2 месяца назад
I personally wouldn't worry about these extra features, since I don't see a proper use for a v1.0 of the game. They might be nice updates, but if you want to release the game, keep it simple. The gameplay of adding pipes, navigating the clomper, picking up scrap and all that chaos should be the main focus. If that gameplay loop isn't fun, adding more damage isn't going to help.
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
As always, you're on point. There should be enough fun as it is right now to at least to run a beta test and get broader feedback. Keep it simple is a great piece of advice and something we all need to be reminded of once in a while!
@dorkyface 2 месяца назад
I like #1, maybe #3. But I think a better solution would be for the player(s) to collect upgrades (ie new machinery) that need to be incorporated into the network. A refinery that multiplies scrap collected or a module that let's the periscope zoom in and out. These of course require steam, aren't available immediately to the player, and maybe could even be randomly (or semi randomly) positioned within the clomper, requiring the player to reconsider how their network is laid out.
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you for you comment, you raise a great point. Collecting upgrades and then those needing steam seems like the best way to go. And probably after the beta is out (I need players to get playing!).
@StephenScottDayGames 2 месяца назад
I think 2 and 3 would suffer from the same thing, which you arrived at for #2: "might be a little annoying" / "quite frustrating". My understanding of why they would feel this way is because you're asking for someone to do work that will be undone by a "friendly" system. Friendly being your Clomper. Allergies are annoying because my body is reacting in some petty and bothersome way, not because there's any genuine threat. For #3, the Clomper requiring occasional refactoring could already be bothersome because its like "well why is Clomper built like this?!" but it's kicking you while you're down if by the end of feeding this external system it says "okay, you dont need this anymore". If you're super keen on #3 I think an adjustment would be to require these newly added systems to be running from then on out, not as some temporary passing thing. You would end up with an absolute jungle of pipes, which could be fun to see evolve, but your new design problem would be how to pace these additions out / progression. Personally I think the damage one is the most interesting, and feels the most suiting to my outsiders understanding of the Clomper experience. #1 is a clear "Me VS the Outside World", the emotional understanding of why you now need to do repairs and refactoring would be immediate, you wouldn't be cursing your Clomper for some faulty eccentricity like your 1998 VW Pasaat when the doors lock because you turned the radio on. I think also the "juice" and theatrics of big shrapnel bursting through the walls is far more interesting. (Also, turn that steam white! That shits too grey it looks like smoke!) As usual, everything looking awesome and inspiring as ever! KEEP IT GOIN, LANG!
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Wow, Stephen, that's an superbly insightful body of feedback, thank you. Along with other commenters, I am coming round to your perspective. I love the analogy of the immune system. I think your understanding of the Clomper experience is spot on! Damage will come later but something permanent, something beneficial might just be the ticket. Perhaps an upgrade or extra system? Thank you for such a wonderful comment, beautifully written! (I had a 76 VW Camper that had lots of quirks, I'd love the Clomper to more like it except the random breakdowns).
@StephenScottDayGames 2 месяца назад
@@RobLang My pleasure! The camper sounds fun hahaahah (I actually had the Pasaat 😳)
@Kotouakk 2 месяца назад
I think the evolution idea by itself would just be a chore, but a blueprint mechanic that lets you upgrade parts like the furnaces, legs and such would be engaging. For example, you upgrade the legs for more speed and maneuverability, and the new legs have different steam ports and such. As for the random ports appearing, I haven't watched the other devlogs so I don't know about the lore, but I think it would make more sense if you could come across some abandoned machines, which would require you to power them through a port somewhere in order to, for example, open a gate to get loot from somewhere, or even just loot caches laying around needing energy to open. Ports just appearing everywhere seems, to me, somewhat forced and mundane, I think the focus should be more around upgrading and optimizing the pipe network. (for example, the longer a pipe is, the more energy it takes to get steam through it, and so energy is lost) The blueprints idea would work well with a mechanic that rewards well-optimized pipes, along with upgrades to the clomper requiring additional power. Of course, I know these ideas would take more work, and would be implemented later. I think the big damage idea is great, it really fits the vibe, also I absolutely love the elevator going up vfx.
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you for the wonderful and thoughtful feedback! Upgrading the Clomper is definitely coming - but later (probably after the demo). I'm glad you agree that evolution would be a chore. You raise a fair point I'd not considered about the random ports being somewhat forced. I'm coming around to that same opinion! There needs to be a benefit to the player - like your mentioned unlocking caches (which you can absolutely do) or upgrading systems. I'm glad you enjoyed the vfx too. Great comment, lots for me to ponder!
@Skeffles 2 месяца назад
Sparky! Very nice progress. The fog failure looks like some kind of hellscape. Perhaps you could incorporate some hellish visuals when everything gets destroyed. As for getting the player to build more, I definitely think some destruction works, but also have a 4th idea. Upgrading pipes. For example you combine two tier 1 pipes to make a tier 2 pipe. This is faster at moving things, so you're always trying to make more pipes and improve them.
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Hey Skeffles! Great to see you. Thanks for the great feedback. I'm with you on the fog. I have a note to play with contrast and saturation in the post processing for when the power is high because it feels kind of "hot" on the coloured test shader. I had planned upgrading pipes. The complexity jumps up for the player though. When you're balancing the amount of steam down a pipe with the heat from the boilers then you need a way to know the steam in each pipe. That's great for those who love the maths of it but when the pipes themselves are complex, it might get difficult to play! I'm keeping the idea in the list and we'll see how it pans out!
@gamingbud926 2 месяца назад
Love the Big Damage idea, and the Feed Clomper idea is interesting as well. Big Damage would make an interesting, avoidable (< key here is giving the player control over it, I think) consequence of putting yourself in dangerous situations, increasing the risk to a reward. Feed Clomper feels almost like a bit of a side quest and would need to be more fleshed out to be fun, but I think it would work if done well! Evolution, on the other hand, feels a bit like moving the goal posts and pulling the rug out from under the player. But, there's probably a way to make it fun.
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you for your feedback - I like the idea of Feed Clomper being a side quest. Others have mentioned elsewhere that it could be a good way to do upgrades to systems. You want a bonus? Power another port.
@RockyMulletGamedev 2 месяца назад
That "big damage" idea is interesting.
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I'm sure it will make it in - perhaps not for the demo.
@pythooonuser Месяц назад
It is!
@danielpenrose9764 2 месяца назад
As well as getting dimmer, maybe the lights could start to flicker when there's low power from the boiler? Love seeing your progress!
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Daniel! I experimented with flicker but being a migraine sufferer, I had to turn it off. Even dimming a little more doesn't work. I am going to experiment with adjusting the post-processing contrast and colour depending on heat. While my fog solution didn't work, I did like how the colours made the inside feel hot!
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Regarding the game design conundrum: My friends pointed out that ALL of the ideas are annoying if they are causing grief. Much better that the random "Feeding The Clomper" ports give you a bonus while you fuel them. That way you could choose to fill them up or not!
@ThatRobHuman 2 месяца назад
Take a bit from a all of the ideas: In the world you find schematics for Upgrade bits to the clomper. Spend scrap to get the upgrade, and a port appears inside the clomper somewhere. Power the upgrade with steam (and therefor need to change up your network) and get the bonus.
@RobLang 2 месяца назад
Thank you, that's a great idea! I like the idea of powering up something to unlock pipes or upgrades. That needs a fair bit of work - which will come later! Long after the first Beta/Demo.
@adformer9212 2 месяца назад
@@RobLang adding to this: devices can upgrade, upgrades devices need more steam, pipes have a limited throughput, so unlock a "mk2 pipe" that can handle higher pressures to power higher level devices and something else that could spin off the throughput is only so much steam can be transported at one time so then you have to manage a supply/demand chain
@LTGD 3 месяца назад
Gotta have one in the aft. Right in the back. Good shout.
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
It comes highly recommended!
@DanielLochner 3 месяца назад
You can pet the fire sprites?! GOTY! 🤩 Awesome to see how far the game has come after almost 5 years and -69 devlogs- 68.5 devlogs! 😄
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Great to have you here, always! Sorry all these years still no one else can play it! 🤣
@GamesBySaul 3 месяца назад
Rob, how much do you need to make it so we can throw the fire sprites, in a humane way...I wanna be able to throw one into the boiler from one side of the Clomper, and definitely not throw them at friends!
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
YES. Thank you. Definitely doing this. It's going in.
@GamesBySaul 3 месяца назад
@@RobLang HELL YEAH, firesprite basketball!
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
For anyone following along in the comments, I've implemented this now and will show off in the next devlog!
@GamesBySaul 3 месяца назад
@@RobLang best dev
@Skeffles 3 месяца назад
Nice. Great way to eat a banana!
@Skeffles 3 месяца назад
Also fantastic progress on the game!
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Thank you! I think you'll find that I'm eating the banana in the way that nature intended as per ISO 24001.
@teahands 3 месяца назад
NICE! Those squishy cute fire sprites, I mean 👀
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
I am going to make them cuter and cuter until the whole game revolves around them!
@hamslice2344 3 месяца назад
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Good work.
@RockyMulletGamedev 3 месяца назад
I can confirm, I'm a viewer and I am stupid.
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Welcome to a select club of a few self-aware stupids. 🫡
@DanDeebster 3 месяца назад
When looking at the tooltips around the boilers, they're flickering a bit when they're jiggling around, which I assume also means it might not accept your input if you don't get the timing bang on. As a QoL improvement, how about having a static target for those controls?
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Deebster! You know, it's funny - I read the comment without looking at the name, made a note to look back at the footage and see if I can repro. I've just repro'd it and I know why. I've come back to reply and I've just noticed that it's you. 😂 So very observant of me. You're absolutely right that there's weird flicker and making the handle static (or increasing the hit box) would definitely help. However, I think there is another solution I saw on Irish John Games... When I detect the mouse point location, I shoot a single ray out into the world to see if it hits anything. In this case, it's just on the edge of the hitbox so it's flickering. Rather than use a single ray of light, you can use a "sphere cast", which does what it says on the tin. It's super fast and gets rid of the need of being super accurate. Thanks for a great comment, mate. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. See you on Polus.
@DanDeebster 3 месяца назад
@@RobLang I thought I'd reply on here for the algo juice! Don't worry about the reply-lag since it took me a few days after watching this to get around to posting my initial comment 😴 Sphere casting sounds like a good fix and is yet another case of where talking about computing makes you sounds like a cyberpunk wizard. Re the jiggling, it did occur to me that an about-to-blow boiler being hard to handle is very thematic - but I don't know if that would make it less frustrating to have an explosion happen! I suspect most would consider it a bug or annoyance, but it would likely delight/amuse some others.
@AntoCharles 3 месяца назад
you're only delaying the inevitable -- firesprites were cute tho
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
I am! Although I think I might just do 70 next 😜
@GingerNingerish 3 месяца назад
I can't believe you avoided the funny number, my day is ruined. That being said, when can I sign up for Clomperballs Beta, I want to start my ESPORTS team asap!? .......... NICE!
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
I'm terribly sorry, my antipodean ginger brethren. I didn't mean to cause offence. Your name is down for the Clomperballs: LET THE BALL FALL!
@DavidReidChannel 3 месяца назад
Great devlog. Surprising how one in the aft changed things for the better. Did not see that coming. :-)
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
I've been trying to tell anyone that who will listen that you need two probes and one of those definitely needs to go in the aft. I often don't know what I'm saying during the recording, it's only in the edit that I realise. I couldn't let that one pass. 😂
@DavidReidChannel 3 месяца назад
@@RobLang I'm glad you left it there mate. Made my day. Again, great devlog. Enjoying watching Clompers progress. Keep up the great work.
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
@@DavidReidChannel thank you! Looking forward to your next one; I really enjoyed your recent Steam break down video. Let's have some more!
@ThatRobHuman 3 месяца назад
(apparently RU-vid ate my original comment)... Ni.... got halfway there, as appropriate.
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
OM NOM NOM NOM says RU-vid as it eats yet another NICE out of the comment feed!
@ThatRobHuman 3 месяца назад
@@RobLang but it's only 68.5... therefore: "Ni"
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
@@ThatRobHuman Are you in need of a shrubbery?
@ThatRobHuman 3 месяца назад
@@RobLang Icky-Icky-Icky-Ptang-Zoop-Boing
@LighthoofDryden 3 месяца назад
“I’m sure the viewers are above that” No no. Not a bit. That whole ending sketch is perfection
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Thank you! I'm delighted you enjoyed it. I felt that I had to mark the great number with something a little extra.
@2DVincent 3 месяца назад
this guys storytelling is brilliant lol. love the little skit at the end
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
That's very kind of you to say, thank you! I'll let the other Robs know you enjoyed the skit
@xzippyzachx 3 месяца назад
The power of DOTween!!! It really is so useful.
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
I love it. It's the epitome of "don't write your own code, use a library"
@MarcieLass 3 месяца назад
Good work with the lighting and using dotween, this was a very Nice episode!
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Why, thank you very much, Marcie! I really appreciate that.
@MashUpGames 3 месяца назад
68.5? Nice!
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
You're not playing fair!
@Fewkulele 3 месяца назад
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
[Pre-Upload Rob] NICE.
@Tudvari 3 месяца назад
for some reason up until now I always pronounced DOTween as "dot" "ween". Now the proper pronounciation sounds soo weeiirrd ^^ Thanks, Rob!
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Tudvari! Great to see you. I have no idea how to pronounce DOTween. I was making it up as I went along. I'm making it all up as I go along. Send help.
@Tudvari 3 месяца назад
@@RobLang Well, based on their official logo, it feels like it's made up of DO and Tween, so you are right I guess. :D Though its previous name was HOTween, which doesn't really help :D
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
@@Tudvari I agree with you. I think it's a confusing mess! I wouldn't call the old name Ho-Tween. That sounds entirely wrong!
@ChiriVulpes 3 месяца назад
Loved the devlog as always, always great to see your progress! Nice!
@RobLang 3 месяца назад
Thank you, that's very kind. I'm delighted you enjoyed it.