Action RPG
Action RPG
Action RPG
Welcome to Action RPG! I'm your host Aaron, and today you have arrived because you too are an avid Action RPG player. I first discovered Action RPG's with the release of Diablo 2 which quickly became my everyday addiction and my pursuit of never ending loot began. Zoom forward today and we are preparing for a renaissance of great games such as Last Epoch, Diablo 4, Lost Ark, Undecember, Path of Exile 2. Sit back, relax and we will be your go to spot for all Action RPG news! We also are into MMO, Strategy, and traditional RPGs as well! Please join our Discord and became a part of a very active community where we can jump from game to game together!

Aaron Out!

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@christianalguire7840 23 минуты назад
Is max level 100?
@kanaziras Час назад
I don't know why most devs make arrows fly 2kmh?! Have they ever seen an arrow flying in real life? It just feels meh... Only Path of Exile makes somewhat decent arrows and ranged stuff in general, and in PoE2 it feels and looks even better! From what I've seen, I don't feel TQ2 will be as good as TQ1... but I hope I am wrong.
@synen 2 часа назад
Gold dupe anyone?
@DoctorStrange01 2 часа назад
This game will come out in like 2026 (full release, not EA), by the time PoE 2 will probably be also 1.0, and D4 will have another 3 reworks and 2 expansions. Not to mention LE improvements and new content. They will launch this into EA with 10h of content and barely any replayability and the reviews will be mixed on Steam. It doesn't look good for them to be honest.
@Rustmonger 2 часа назад
I dunno. Everything I've seen so far looks like more of the same. The masteries and stuff are cool but the game play looks so slow and boring I don't think it'll be enough to have me put any time into it.
@DominikV235 2 часа назад
POE 2 will rock but this is kinda good game
@abraxis59 2 часа назад
You completely misunderstood Items families which is bizarre because it works just like Last Epoch or any other game that has implicit stats based on the type of item. Families are groupings of types of weapons like axes or bows. What he said was that there are detailed variants within each item family so for example light or heavy axes will have different implicits. How did you get item sets from that? The explanation starts in your own videos at about 2:50.
@MrMetFanSC 3 часа назад
Looks like a nice progress but u was surprised at how early this EA will be it looks like they are 2-3 years from being finished so I doubt I will be picking this up on EA but will hopefully get into it later after they have more than 12 hours of game available.
@slackergeek2007 3 часа назад
the shouldn't have needed feedback about auto-gold pickup. lol but I would have played either way. love the first game
@leederlee 5 часов назад
by the time this releases 1.0 which will be at least a year after EA from what i hear they wont be able to compete with POE2 Diablo 4 and Last epoch... its gonna be fun to play through once or twice but this wont be a game where you put hundreds of hours into. i expected them to have much more for their early access than 3 masteries and an unfinished stroy...
@Itachi-Uchiha 5 часов назад
i think it will be good.... but there isnt enough in the early access to justify the $100 price tag lol
@Diehardgamer2001 4 часа назад
They said EA is 100?
@Itachi-Uchiha 4 часа назад
@@Diehardgamer2001 thought so or some ridiculous number like 85-100 edit: i hope they change it i would be happy to be proved wrong haha
@DoctorStrange01 2 часа назад
@@Itachi-Uchiha Absolutely no fucking way for them to price it above something like 50$. If they do they can pack their bags at that point, no one will buy it except for a small group of TQ fanboys.
@frankieliga 5 часов назад
I think it looks good, but it's far behind the others currently or soon to be coming. There's definitely a "No Rest for the Wicked" vibe in terms of the handcrafted content. I also feel like the combat will be slower as they appear to be putting in some effort for monster AI. Monster AI beyond the basics isn't important if the monsters die quickly. With only 3 masteries and a dozen or so hours of content available in EA, I would say they still are still a couple of years out. I feel like even if the game is good, it's going to position them behind LE, PoE2, and D4 in terms of content. It might be an easy sell for fans of the orevious game, but it might be harder to get new players with so many other options available.
@MrMetFanSC 3 часа назад
Also a NRFTW vibe that it is no where near a complete game
@springmaus1632 6 часов назад
I wish that they could make unique items be visible on enemies like in TQ1 and also that they could bring mercenaries that can fight on your side like in Diablo 2. Transparent map overlay as an oprtion would be nice to see as well. Looking forward to the new updates about TQ 2 !
@knocks325 6 часов назад
Looks okay but haven't yet seen a reason to play this over POE2 or LE
@remilegendre6971 6 часов назад
TQ2 has some "Grim Dawn and TQ1 have a baby!" vibes. I awill be really hyped till I see some more news on the content (bosses, dungeons, arena ...) apart from the campaign stuff. I have D4 PTSD regarding ARPG hype.
@lorien6678 5 часов назад
If they provide the best aspects of Grim Dawn or TQ 1 in TQ 2 then...this game will shine like a diamond - Dungeons - exploration - relics and crafting - very good progression of character
@MrMetFanSC 3 часа назад
I mean Grim Dawn was the original TQ2 so this makes sense
@CDMS_pt 6 часов назад
I think I'll not have time for this game after POE 2.
@jahlim 6 часов назад
i hate the mini map. it's bland and difficult to see actual access and path that's available
@seanmartens8740 6 часов назад
I got the feeling that families would be a little like The Witcher 3. Light, medium or Heavy. Something like that where if you stay in a family you get synergy. I'm probably way off but I think something like that is cooler than sets by a long shot.
@juggernautxx 7 часов назад
When he was talking about weapon families my impression was that there would just be variety in the families. Like a short bow would have a fast attack speed, whilst something like a long bow would be slower but have a longer range for sniping targets. Which I think is good as it will allow builds to be played in various ways. Say a Marksman/Warfare combo using a short bow would be a mid range to close range fast attacker, whilst a Rogue/Marksman might use a long bow for distance and throw traps and poison grenades about for crowd control/debuffing enemies.
@silcharus1 7 часов назад
This was literally what I took away from that part.
@Peanutfiendsblog 7 часов назад
It looks a LOT better than the initial clips that made everyone think there would be no MOB density or be a soulslike. I'm a lot more interested in the game now. The being able to res right where you died might be a bit too cheesy/easy so hopefully there is some limitation to how often you can do it. Graphically the game looks good as well.
@jonathanlinharesdecarvalho8887 7 часов назад
I didn't like the UI and the menus, they're too simple and don't combine with the art style of the rest of the game. The elemental attacks of the staves are so bad, Titan Quest 1 does that waaaayyyy better.
@pedaleou 7 часов назад
I will support them in EA... as I do to any ARPG... Looks promising!
@kudorgyozo 7 часов назад
wait... will the cutscenes contain real people? not cgi?
@beefcakeman1525 7 часов назад
one word for the arpgs in 2024: Last Epoch - Innovative Diablo 4 - Redemption Path of Exile 2 - Hype Path of Exile - Legendary Titan Quest 2 - ..... safe ....
@ActionRPG 7 часов назад
I will take this
@springmaus1632 5 часов назад
I don't like D4 and i'm not sorry for that.
@lorien6678 5 часов назад
TQ2 - the first Arpg where arhetypes of weapons like: spear, shield are not - ignored (doesn't exist for example D4 where barbarians are not allowed to use a shield....) - bad designed (give me an example of arpg where we could use a shield - like in TQ1 - pushing enemies, knoking them and doing builds aourd it) - not playable (except Diablo 2 we have not many such a good examples and TQ looks promising)
@beefcakeman1525 5 часов назад
@@lorien6678 yeah im not saying the game looks bad im just saying it looks like they are playing it safe the game looks very average. im sure theyre gonna have good qualities in the game but so far it doesnt look amazing and the fact that the arpg community isnt as hyped for it as other arpgs attests to that as well.
@AKmumu 52 минуты назад
I thought D4 was getting better until they went ape shit and turned the game into a D3 with better graphics
@ActionRPG 7 часов назад
What does everyone think? Wanna play? Thank you all for watching and don't forget to checkout the official Action RPG Patreon: www.patreon.com/actionrpg?fan_landing=true
@DOSFIX 5 часов назад
Im gonna play space marines tomorrow, but Titanquest 2 is THE game im waiting most for.
@DOSFIX 5 часов назад
space marines 2 *
@EnjoyGengar 6 минут назад
I want to play but release date is after poe 2 💀
@twiluz5179 7 часов назад
🎉🎉🎉 always giving your mic a little kissy 😂
@MrMetFanSC 8 часов назад
It’s not the branding that is a problem people don’t play the seasons because there are no seasons I skipped 1.1 because I knew if I waited till 1.2 I would get everything from 1.1 and there was nothing wowing me about 1.1. Part of the reason a season feels great is because sure Kingsmarch may get integrated into POE (and should) but it will never be as strong as it is now. Borrowed power in an aRPG is fun While understand why their releases are for “base content” but their season things should be stronger in the season on release make exiles appear in every zone or loot goblins or whatever. Make playing the season exciting and you get people to play your season but right now they offer very little reason for me to play each season
@MrMetFanSC 8 часов назад
I really got to say I disagree with Mike on the “no harm” of the no limit to corruption. The problem for me and I am not alone on this though I am by no means saying everyone. Is that endlessly scaling content has two large problems 1. Goals lose a lot of meaning because there is no top end so since all reaching a goal does is mean I have a new goal to break that I get less value for reaching the goal 2. It really reveals the treadmill under the grind engine when all I am doing is the exact same procedurally generated thing and three is no rhyme or reason to it and the only reason to gear up my character is to make a random number higher my will to farm goes down significantly. It is the beauty of the POE end game that gives so much more meaning to a lot of its milestones. I understand the pros of endlessly scaling content but it isn’t without a downside and it is honestly part of the reason I do t play LE as much as I otherwise would
@Afura33 9 часов назад
Wow that's a lot of gold lol, are they really worth that much? Highest I have ever sold was an almost perfect idol for primalist, got 30 million for it.
@Afura33 11 часов назад
Hmmm guess I am an exception then cause I want builds where I do nothing lol, I don't find them boring at all. I mean don't need to have plenty of them but having 2 or 3 of them would be cool. A bit like retaliation builds in Grim Dawn which I find a lot of fun to play.
@rayray9469 14 часов назад
Перевод на Ру просто дерьмо формулировки непонятные Google translate works 😂
@LukCPL 14 часов назад
We really need a minion Mage, just make a Familiarist class and add some cool stuff like dragons :)
@Afura33 11 часов назад
That would be awesome.
@alexisnaranjo 8 часов назад
Ice clones. They mimic your abilities. I can see it I can see it
@ironcenturion31 15 часов назад
Devs are so obsessed with balancing around this silly number of 300 corruption they are missing the forest for the trees and not enough fun stuff, you know, the things games like these are *supposed* to be.
@JH-vw3mr 15 часов назад
Can you release a planner for the upheaval version please?
@ironcenturion31 15 часов назад
I am still huffing copium that they will turn it around. But if we are being realistic LE won’t go out in a blaze of glory but a whimper, slowly being forgotten. Biggest issue is lack of consistent content and small scope. Krip was right, live actions games like these need consistent and ambitious releases. The devs could be content to take the money from the sales and the mtx (im guilty of supporting this) and moving on to something else.
@Afura33 11 часов назад
Damn why being so negative...
@JH-vw3mr 15 часов назад
Dont agree with Aarons or Mikes view on low action builds. Alot of people have hand issues due to gaming, work, injury, dissability etc, and needing to play like an octopus is not enjoyable. Im playing poe 3.25 still because ive found a build that is a 1 button build, but still high performing. Its very enjoyable for me and alot of others, its one of the most popular builds this league (cws cheiftan). Not supporting these archetypes will hurt player numbers.
@Afura33 11 часов назад
Exactly this, there are people who can't play button spamming builds because of it. If you enjoy playing no button or 1 button builds in PoE I recommend checking out the user "Wrecker Of Days" , he made a few 0-1 builds due to having hand issues himself.
@666Rageburst666 16 часов назад
Legacy MG? 0.6b is a big pile of coins in legacy
@user-mfsc-2024 17 часов назад
Im still cant defeat the pinnacle boss
@the1deadman543 18 часов назад
Man, they are moving at an extremely slow pace vs other games atm..look at diablo 4 now lol that game come from the bottom and has almost completely changed in a few months. I know blizzard is much bigger though. Poe2 coming , d4 expansion, titan quest 2 , LE really needs to kick it up a big notch.. They ar least need to be pumping out some console releases as well. That would be hige for the game.. why they haven't? I dont get it. At least if they release it in console it could boost the much needed player base
@Afura33 11 часов назад
Quality > Quantity. Yea Diablo 4 has changed a lot, but it's still boring imo.
@trunglythanh8707 19 часов назад
how the hell did they get that much gold ?
@GuiltySummoner 17 часов назад
In this case it's on legacy server, so lots of time to gather it up
@miorioff 16 часов назад
@ravenwolf4074 15 часов назад
​@miorioff you might use bots...but Arpg does it the hard way..monoliths
@irrelevant12 19 часов назад
i feel like he said that the game being balanced around 300 corruption was to not hurt people´s feeling, idk if its like this for other classes but for sentinel you could pick any skill that does damage and the tree is so well crafted that there is a way to make a build around that skill and push 500-800 corruption. when you hit cof 11 and epics start dropping 100+ per monolith and you have full gear with T7 mods or when you have 200M gold in trade you are able to afford 2-3 LP. Anything in monoliths with 300 corruption would just instant melt even if you are using the shitiest of skill.
@nafezilla6023 20 часов назад
if this refresh pushes cycle 3 further back its gonna kill the game.
@bobbenson6825 20 часов назад
I just got into monoliths with your Reflect Spriggan and it's very amusing. If I can get some better gear I might make this a new character for the season refresh; I plan to stay in Legacy this time around.
@HeIIaAverage 21 час назад
Aaron, I love you to death, brother. I know that a huge chunk of your goals and livelihood are wrapped up in the success of this game. But you have absolutely got to call a spade a spade, or you will lose credibility completely. They made an item named after you, they include you in everything, etc. But you have to maintain personal integrity. They are absolutely shitting the bed in just about every way right now, and you don't have a negative word to say about it.
@Productive_Chad 21 час назад
Thats why i stoped watching. Always saying everything is great when its not.
@bobbenson6825 20 часов назад
@HeIIaAverage 19 часов назад
@@Productive_Chad i will never understand why people simp for games. you can love a game and still acknowledge its problems. in the case of Last Epoch, theres almost no one left playing the game, even when new cycles drop. How can they possibly minimize the issues.
@nebulous7710 22 часа назад
100% agree with changing the cycle names to 1,2,3 etc. Costs nothing to do and makes it simple to follow for more casual people since those are the ones you need to boost player numbers. For thorns/reflect I think there needs to be an active and/or risk-reward component to make it engaging and not "stand there get hit and win......eventually". Something like building up your thorns/reflect from damage taken and unleashing it for a nuke, a stacking mechanic where it powers up active skills, or a cooldown where the reflect is activated for a short period.
@adiozerg117 22 часа назад
I’ve been enjoying LE and looking forward to the sept event.
@TheNichq 23 часа назад
Is the controller support fixed? Also, a seasonal game with no seasonal system or battlepass is kinda of pointless to me. LE seems to really just be like a classic D2 single player ARPG. Which is fine for the old school players that want it, but I dont see how this competes long term with D4 and POE2.
@christianalguire7840 23 часа назад
Im excited to see the dungeon changes and loot lizards 🦎 for the win plus theres different kinds already better then d4 😂
@SutaSafaia 23 часа назад
I would personally love a build where you do more or less nothing except walk around, but this is coming from a handicapped player. Getting there can be pretty hard too since you don't get builds that powerful until later on and builds tend to be far more active until you can go "passive" playstyle. Lazy necro might be the only exception I can think of since it can be fairly passive the whole game.
@nerdedkyle3515 День назад
Mid cycle reset is still a huge L
@ironcenturion31 15 часов назад
It’s a desperate move which will ironically only hurt player numbers, which is the whole reason they are pulling this stunt of anyway.