Ria Health
Ria Health
Ria Health
Ria Health is a next-generation solution for people who want to stop drinking too much. The company uses mobile technology, one-on-one interactions with addiction specialists, and daily support to help members accomplish their goals and improve their overall well-being. By engaging with physicians and coaches at home, measuring consumption with simple tools, and reducing cravings with FDA approved medications, the average member experiences improved well being and reports a reduction in the use of alcohol. Ria Health’s unique use of personalized care and data science was created by a team of doctors and technology experts. For more information visit www.riahealth.com.
Marcela Cabay's Story
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Maricela's Journey
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@bigdogpete43 15 часов назад
Character flaw.
@raskakamarwa1055 День назад
Thanks a lot
@squirrel5001 5 дней назад
Hi Doctor. I've been working in behavioral health for over 10+ years and have remained an alcoholic. I'm a professional and successful, but am struggling myself, even as i'm writing this. I don't know if this is a disease or not, but what I will say is there seems to be an allergy that is absolutely uncontrollable for me to use this substance. There's no family issue, job, or scenario that will deter me. I feel sick and I literally tell my self I won't do it....but I do. Let's pretend there's no such thing as "willpower" with this problem. How would you diagnose it?
@sarahmabal2629 5 дней назад
Katie and Claudia, thank you both for all you do!!!! You are lifesavers!
@mjp96 6 дней назад
Thank you. But you must have three drinks for saying "journey" three times. Sorry.
@Shadeed33 8 дней назад
I will be staring mines today! I’m super excited I want more for my life. I hate the black outs I hate feeling weak and tired in the morning for me! I thank God for giving me the strength and knowledge and to want more for myself
@mjp96 8 дней назад
omg, same here. I feel fantastic and alive at 2 a.m., but I know I have to work in the morning, and that's the worst part by far. No real hangover, just a feel of dread and depression when I wake up. I started Naltrexone two months ago, and so far so good. I'm single living in the city (Boston) and I was always planning "where will be my first bar after work?". It sure seems like it's working. Just to have the cravings lowered is a HUGE win.
@mjp96 9 дней назад
This woman had me glued from the first minute. She is me. I was on Naltrexone, figured, eh, I quit, and now I'm back on it. It's so much better now because I'm more educated about how to approach it. I'll have a glass of wine or a beer, but then I'm done - I don't want to make it 3, 5, 8, whatever! And this time I plan to STAY on it. Thank you both!! Hopefully I lose my love handles too :)
@Kingtrollface259 15 дней назад
your liver completely replaces it's self over about 7 years, so I think by that time you should be good providing no other problems, alcohol does all your organs though
@JustinHight-py2sw 15 дней назад
Baclofen is 1 million times better. Takes more like an hour to kick in but it doesn't "help" withdrawal,it kills it dead. Nothing can touch it. Its actually a muscle relaxer
@sarahmabal2629 17 дней назад
oh my goodness, this is the best thing I have ever seen to help me with my problem! Thank you!!!!!!
@willyplaysbass 18 дней назад
l glutamine is working 4 me, iam sober after taling 1000mg on empty stomach...nothing else worked for me
@markh1154 18 дней назад
Amazing video. I had a question (maybe dumb question) since I will be starting TCM tomorrow… if you take the pill thinking that you will be in a situation that you will have a drink, do you HAVE to have a drink? I have been doing so much research and I haven’t seen the answer to that anywhere. If you take the pill and there isn’t alcohol around when you think there might be is that bad? Thanks for all you do Katie
@hannibalslecture61 19 дней назад
5 years 6 months without any alcohol or smoking of any kind
@recoveryracquets 19 дней назад
How is Bill doing today?
@codediporpal 20 дней назад
I don't understand how I can drink 50-60 drinks a week, but I'm fine if I just stop for a few days. Maybe a little tense the first day, and have craving, but by the second day I feel fine and sleep like a baby. Not drinking tonight, just went to they gym and had a large healthy meal, about to sleep. Starting Naltrexone soon. I have to stop poisoning myself. I am so nervous about it not working, but also nervous that it might work.
@timzstr 20 дней назад
😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅watching this while sipping titos because i cant breathe earlier and body shakes
@jimmycain8669 20 дней назад
Baloney. Get down on your knees and ask God to remove your alcohol problem.
@emilyknowlton8602 21 день назад
It makes it like you are not even drinking. It feels like nothing. There is no point in drinking at all. It probably feels the way normal people drink. It's like when you have to sneeze then , it goes away, and you don't sneeze. It's like eating a pancake, but there's no butter or syrup on it.
@paulm3224 21 день назад
Librium is the best I've had I had a seizure outside a busstop in England and they prescribed me librium , been sober since
@xdsavage_on60fps35 22 дня назад
@arielperez797 23 дня назад
A lot of errors. So many errors. It is becoming an issue for us. Otherwise...they are excellent. Great attendance. So its hard to tell whats happening. Plus our work is military related. I kind of dont mind that they get drunk. I smoke myself. But try to focus. I tried asking them if they are ok because i noticed they make a lot of mistakes IN ONE HOUR. But they say yea they are fine. They even laughed. Feels like i should start documenting their errors and have a talk with my boss. Im not the only one who noticed their behavior. I suspect others mentioned their behavior before yet they dont see to fix the problem. Im actually worried more than anything. Feels like they are sick and trying to find help.
@thomasschellberg8213 24 дня назад
Those in the wine trade do not get very far unless they spit. Professional tasters must try and evaluate many wines at a time. They can enjoy the bottle of wine on their time with a meal or while dining at a restaurant. Those with drinking problems are unlikely to succeed in this industry.
@christopherarellano9221 24 дня назад
you look healthy. That I think is the key!
@patrickboyle6727 27 дней назад
Replacement of alcohol for alcohol dependence?
@mitsusousa1385 27 дней назад
Hiya. What happens if I stop taking naltrexone and drinking moderately after 6 months? Does the craving go away forever, or do I just go back as before?
@codediporpal 12 дней назад
Generally speaking you'll be back to old habits within months if you start drinking without Nal again.
@mitsusousa1385 27 дней назад
Hiya. What happens if I stop taking naltrexone and drinking moderately after 6 months? Does the craving go away forever, or do I just go back as before?
@Fht9 Месяц назад
Always remember, it is not one’s responsibility to live up to yours or anyone’s expectations so mind your own life and STOP posting life advice on social media
@Fht9 Месяц назад
Stop posting life advice on social media because it is not one’s responsibility to live up to yours or anyone’s expectations
@mgray999 Месяц назад
The w/d is horrendous
@Roger-ju4ny Месяц назад
Short answer yes. Speak for urself if u haven't taken it.
@peternyingi5545 Месяц назад
3 years no alcohol and then back to it in two months, liver pain got back, stupid me.
@godsavethequeen1816 21 день назад
Get back to it!! You can do it ❤
@NocturnalTerror Месяц назад
@jenniewilliams2562 Месяц назад
Gabapentin is highly addictive and has many serious side effects. It is a truly evil drug! Please research this drug fully before taking it.
@CassieSchmidt-bz7vu Месяц назад
calling anything like that a disease is a cop out so no i aint buyin that B.S.
@CassieSchmidt-bz7vu Месяц назад
there is a saying. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink . so you cannot help someone that doesn't want help and that won't help himself herself. so the so called AA meetings to me their only after your money that's it. and it destroys families too . but drinking in moderation i don't have a problem with that. but this non stop drinking all day all night that is what makes drinking alcohol very dangerous especially , drinking and driving because there are no do overs .
@CassieSchmidt-bz7vu Месяц назад
well my use to be best friend he started drinking again but guess what, he drank beer one right after another he'd start when he got up from sleep til nighttime and that was all he did for years and now his much drinking is catching up to him and in a very dangerous way and he drinks and drives too and he could actually die this time God forbid. because of that poison and everyday all day drinking and now i have lost my best friend on the count of that drinking so is drinking everyday all day straight and non stop? no other beverage except only beer , he isn't the same man that i fell in love with because it almost costed his legs !!!!! so someone tell me that drinking like that is perfectly safe. you tell me that!!!!!
@marksturge7536 Месяц назад
I've used this as a opioid blocker and for drinking too, I'm going on it again as on a high risk situation. It's hard to explain drinking on nartraxone. For me I had a few and thought this is shit and stopped and don't think about it. So 4 me nartraxone and 12 step meetings.
@Turd_Eating_Dog Месяц назад
I take 12.5 mg nal at night for cravings. But my cravings only kick in when I get home from work. The next day I feel a flat affect. Nal is great if you have cravings all day I suppose but for sundown drinkers you really have to weigh the pros and cons.
@kathleenwharton2139 Месяц назад
Such a problem! I would have had no life at all without my benzos and I am so grateful my doc would give them to me. I was in a better position later and I withdrew from them..but they helped me have a life for about 20 years. 😊❤
@johnyoung634 Месяц назад
I went to rehab for alcohol addiction and they put me on it and now for two tears I haven't had ANY sexual desire whatsoever, whereas when I went in, I had a VERY HEALTHY sex drive. So, I'd have to say for me, Naltraxone has totally killed my libido.
@Peppersquads Месяц назад
Zero alcohol 2 years
@Fht9 Месяц назад
Shut up and stop posting life advice on social media - I stalk everyone online because stalking online is seeing what everyone around the world post without following anyone
@drrachelblackie2976 Месяц назад
I’m thinking of stopping naktrexone because I reduced to 25mg and still feeling really sick, getting diarrhoea also
@capri2673 Месяц назад
To call alcohol a "depressant", well everyone knows that! Hello, it's 2024. They knew that in that in the 1950s. Two of the main reasons it's so bad is that it crashes blood sugar and deplete vitamins and minerals. Doctors give out pills. They seem to know absolutely nothing about nutrition.
@mutalemutila Месяц назад
I started drinking to stop anxiety have tried quitting but I can't
@bernarddiompy Месяц назад
It’s a placebo, naltrexone does not reduce craving because craving is just you actively wanting to get drunk for some reasons pleasure, the high, etc. A want is in the mind and naltrexone does not accès the content of your mind it it cannot make you not want alcohol. And no alcohol cannot do tricks on you it’s not a living being it’s a substance
@raresborza2592 Месяц назад
30minutes no alcohol , hell yeah🥂
@gtgodbear6320 Месяц назад
I noticed if you keep thinking about it your subconscious makes withdrawal way worse. I struggled for years then quit like nothing after I realized to keep distracting my thoughts once the thought of a drink popped into my head. I got into the habbit of doing that over a week. Then my last pint lasted 8days to ween me off to avoid phisical withdrawal and 30% was left. A month later I threw it away when I quit 8 years ago.
@Livemusic1800 4 дня назад
I'm on day one. Definitely doing the same gotta stay busy and drinking alot of water. Stay strong. 🙏🏼
@marietteengelbrecht1701 Месяц назад
@bobbyjosson4663 Месяц назад
The pill works but other elements are needed. Full flush niacin (vitamin b3), or even the no flush version. A 'b' complex. The four amino acids from Julia Ross' 'The Mood Cure'. Copper and magnesium. Melatonin for sleep. Tapping, Havening and EMDR for the removal of all hurts, phobias or traumas. Try affirmations, takes three weeks to reprogram the mind. Read/listen to 'What to Say to yourself when you talk to yourself' by Brad Helmsetter, and 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind'. Self directed identity change is key.