Hey everyone, I'm Razeki! I'm a professional Game Developer who likes to make Destiny content on the side. Whether you watch my content here on RU-vid, or catch me live on Twitch, thanks for hanging out with me! I hope you enjoy your time here!
@TheFith67 Час назад
Casual players will not pay for a game aimed at elitist minority players, or for multiplayer content that they're not interested in or is unplayable. For D2 to satisfy the hard core few, they'd have to ramp up the price to cover the lack of the casual players money.
@e-mike9776 8 часов назад
It is NOT casual!!!! Loot that matters is behind the hardest content... that 1% hardcore sweats is NOT what this game is about. Casuals pay as much as the sweats, so casuals should be able to get ALL loot as well. Not everyone is able to get the raid exotics or dungeon exotics. So they should be made available some other way as well.
@mrdropcombo868 13 часов назад
The destiny community refuses to accept this a 10 year old game lol. But for conversation sake, I’ll join in explaining why i no longer play as much as i use, 3 main reasons really. 1. Crafting 100% killed loot incentive. Killed the worth of adept weapons which was the reward for completing higher tier and created the checklist feeling in the game. Crafting could have been kool like how other games do it where you can craft a small pool of rare weapons or high level weapons but in destiny is every bloody weapon and if the weapon is not craftable is deem needless. 2. The story is over (and that’s okay!). Solo players like me played for the story and completed and I’m at least satisfied. 3. Adding forced communication in the game design. Destiny has always struggled to make interesting content outside of raids and dungeons because each class (or even subclass abilities, wouldn’t have to be by hunter warlock titan) is a dps and the new wave of forced communication i.e duality and that other exotic quest isn’t for me. As a mostly solo player i have no intention of chit chat with strangers for a game i only play in my downtime - i have a life and friends irl. Note I’m in clan of friends and easily can do duality or other exotic mission but its the principle + if they’re unavailable I’d be force to chit chat with strangers lol some of us was raised not to do that. Also, a lot of the love i had for destiny is that even as a solo player i could learn strats and no mic higher content to a point (GM’s, dungeons etc) and just looks like the game is taking that from me.
@chrisplaysdrums09 День назад
Like I said on Cross’s video. It was too late when they didn’t develop Destiny 3. I was a “pinnacle content player” and quit after WQ; won’t be back unless I see a D3
@Homedoceu7 День назад
I'm a REAL casual player. Destiny 2 IS NOT a casual game. At all! Even in it's current state. Start a new account and limit your play time for only 5 hours per week. Come back in some months and tell us your experience.
@demonpresents8095 День назад
As a casual hard-core player, my feelings on this are very similar, I want to just come in for a few hours. However, I want to play the new raids and dungeons, etc.
@diegomedrano903 День назад
@diegomedrano903 День назад
Ps bungie seperate pvp entirely from pve maybe even make it into its own game because in this game the only ones who enjoy it are cheezer youtubers meta chasers and people who repeatedly smash there heads on a brick wall while launching another match.
@diegomedrano903 День назад
Seriously your complaining about having the most challenging grindy repetitive things in the game that locks everyone else out and that's what you want more of? yeah I'd say these players need to touch grass for a second and let people who still have fun take over so that things can actually change.
@helheim4704 День назад
If you can give me a grind that feels worth it I’m down but craftable weapons that are barley different from all the ones I already have don’t make me wanna spend 4 weeks trying to get them, same with armour for some reason bungie doesn’t make the dungeon and raid armour insane looking they almost are always basic ass outfits that no one wears over battle pass or eververse armour so what is there to actually do besides a checklist of activities that basically only give you bright dust from completing bounties and challenges. I genuinely think modes like trials and GMs should give insane looking shaders rather then adept weapons, make it easier for casuals to get the adept weapons and have the good players go crazy with fashion for being good and allow them to show off, if each season came with a new trials shader that was really cool looking I’d probably actually play but since I have all adept weapons why play trials now Levels in destiny is so stupid because all the modes that require levels power cap you anyway like GMs you have to be a certain level and once you get there it power caps you 20 levels under anyway
@diegomedrano903 День назад
Hard-core players need to shut up and take the backseat on this the been panderd to this whole time and are still complaining let them bring in new stuff instead of bringing in repetitive grindy crap just to please them its honestly bs and they need to stop just because I'm not able to do dungeons and raid doesn't mean I'm not Hard-core this game is boring now and it's because the challenge for the Hard-core players to have has ruined the fun in this game when your locked into meta even in pvp and pve its not fun just cause some sweaty I have all the loot but still complain because it's not a challenge anymore so I'll make it even harder by complaining..... dude wake up you've had you not fun let them add something for the rest of us stop being greedy temper tantrum fit throwers honestly those "hard core " players your talking about should leave and find a more challenging game because if that's all they want is a challenge go find it somewhere else and stop ruining it for the rest of us
@diegomedrano903 День назад
Hard-core players ruin this game pvp sucks raids require too much and give loot that everyone should have a chance at in some way or another. Harder content is not what we need. What we need is a totally different layout of what we are doing hard-core players would be happy playing this game if they didn't have to trade their life to get a single exotic meanwhile 85 percent of us are bored as he'll and never even get a chance at any loot. This game is stale and needs to be changed so that people can explore and progress without being locked into doing encore 5 bloody times in a row making our brains numb and running errands for a bot and getting 1 crappy cutscene. if you put the time in its fine but give the larger sum of us a chance at the loot
@larrywoolfolk8224 День назад
The identity crisis is what it's always been. They want mmorpg elements but don't know how to dance (even though the formula has been done for years, guns, or fantasy swords). The main issue with is, if you want us the ride the hamster wheel then you have to give us content to work towards (which is counterintuitive to the current model of buying content because you would miss off people who brought content but can't access it due to skill issue). They give us tons of guns, classes, etc, only to use it on the one newest raid or dungeon. Also, while the new light experience has gotten better, the transition from new light to experience player is non-existent because they refuse to use matchmaking for all activities (FF14 has it and is part of progression, so that you're not blind sided when you do your first 24-man raid).
@BigfoxN-A-chiccenhouse День назад
Nope! No new strikes. No new pvp maps. & Bungie wants me to grind a number? No. No I shall not. Outside of major dlc I won’t grind that number. The last two seasons I actually I played I never reached pinnacle cap. I refuse. I’ve done all the things. There’s no skill issue. I’ve low manned the things. If there’s nothing new I can’t be bothered. Bungie proved they can punch the button & allow us in. Then they’ll have to push the button & allow me to low man GM. We were never gonna look for the 3rd. We were only gonna low man it. Push the button. I’ll play the game. If it’s fun I’ll grind the number. Neither of these? Then I’m out. & I got out. No TFS for me. I don’t need resolution to a story. It’s told better on RU-vid anyway. I don’t need rewards. My vault is just under 600. I don’t play games for rewards. I play them because they’re fun. Best game I ever played was PUBG. There is no post match reward. The game was lit. Hours upon hours. Drop down loot up fight win or not. We’re going right back in. Destiny used to be the same. Then everyone became mindless. Meaning you’ll play regardless. THAT’s the problem. The loudest people never demanded more. Accepted the moon was haunted as good content. Accepted those mind numbing seasonal drops. And here we are. It’s our fault. I don’t even blame Bungie. If my gf is gonna let me get away w/the MVP then she’s getting the mvp. We did this. Me included. & I’ve been raging in my headsets & comment sections way before it became popular. But I include myself cuz we are community. I don’t even play this game anymore. So why am I here? Because what a blast it was. What a blast it should’ve been. I want that old thing back. But the loudest keep missing the point. I live new players. I help newbies. It’s not their fault. It’s ours. The hardcore audience. We dropped the ball & accepted the minimal viable product. Now we’re crying. I don’t blame Bungie for wanting a new game & audience. Since fall of ‘17 it’s been the same goofy monotone reaction. We (not me but also me cuz this is COMMUNITY) asked for a balanced game. They gave it to us. It was our job to turn it a competitive e-sport. Nope. Just crying. And before someone says “it’s a PvE game” blah blah blah… sorry to break it to you. When PvE is sh*t, PvP carries the game until a new PvE content drop. I’m sorry you had to learn it here. Like it or not that’s what it is. And we had it. So, “Go Bungie!” Make the game you want. Create the community you deserve. Destiny players… demand better. Speak w/your wallet & time. You’ll get the game you want.
@Shiddy123 День назад
Cannot stand aztecross he is so up his own arse
@diegomedrano903 День назад
Thank you❤
@sylokthedefiled7650 5 часов назад
I don't mind him, but the take in that video was AWFUL
@ShadowNemesis575 День назад
IMO the biggest issue is a lot of content creators are out of touch because they romanticize the wrong things. Like pinnacles forcing players to log in week over week to play content they don't enjoy because pinnacles were the only way to actually raise their power and they keep getting the drops in slots they don't need it in. I'll use the one eyed mask example too. That is a 3 pronged issue: 1. It was hilariously unbalanced for far too long, 2. Exotic drop rates were inherently an issue because you wouldn't be able to play with content you payed for until months into a season because rng sucks BAD in destiny so things like lost sectors had to be added and tweaked to help mitigate that, 3. The exotic wouldn't have been so sought after if the balance team did anything at all before the dlc dropped and this issue continues to persist even today because we're still continuing to get heavily power crept legendary weapons and exotic armors every dlc release on both ends so either a weapon or exotic armor is Dead On Arrival because another legendary weapon or exotic armor already does its job better or a weapon is so strong it immediately makes others similar to it "throw picks" because it exists and don't get me started on abilities getting nerfed in the patch a dlc drops because an exotic was considered to be too strong just for that exotic to STILL create balance issues or prismatic somehow being too strong and half baked at the same time so not only did prismatic power creep base subclasses but its also getting said lesser subclasses NERFED. I KNOW prismatic hunter is problematic in crucible especially on the super but the base abilities catching nerfs when they are only insufferable to deal with together on the subclass and thats amplified because hunters have the most players so you're ALWAYS running into them is so ridiculous. I mean come on, after all the nerfs who is still complaining about smoke bomb on void hunter in 2024? Invis? Void overshield outside of the "one-eyed mask at home" fragment? Noone. Void as a whole's biggest issue is how free shatter grenades when heavily built around are. That's it. Bungie as a whole needs to properly balance the sandbox so things aren't vastly superior by default while not releasing something unique to get people farming just to power creep it with something VERY similar but better a season later. If toxicity and on-boarding wasn't so bad in the endgame scene there wouldn't even be having a conversation about balance because you don't even NEED to raid anymore to be max light or have some of the most effective gear in the game and thats a GOOD THING. LITERALLY anyone who buys current dlcs can make a crazy DPS loadout now adays and dick measuring on the wipe screen is alot of what bred toxicity in raids so that shouldn't even be an issue now. Endgame gear doesn't need to be the best thing since sliced bread, it needs to be endgame viable and I will die on the hill that since flexing and drip are BIG contributers to how much people are willing to grind THEY NEED TO PUT GOOD LOOKING COSMETICS BEHIND GENUINELY DIFFICULT CONTENT, NOT JUST EMBLEMS FOR FLAWLESSING RAIDS. Bring back strike specific armor and lock them behind non-matchmade high level strikes (not GMs but something like the nightfall card which we shouldbe getting with the new tier loot bungie teased), unique shaders and FREE armor ornaments locked behind specific challenges that aren't just complete "x" activity deathless, weapons that may not be power creepy but look unique and can get rolls that other weapons can't that are cool I mean come on, there's a reason people farmed stikes like mad in D1, not because grasp of malok and other weapons were best in slots but because they were unique and it was FUN to be able to defeat a strike boss before the final encounter room but no, lets take that out of the game and add more arbitrary immunity phases because that is fun and engaging gameplay..... I may not enjoy the cooperative missions in final shape but content like that needs to be expanded on and there needs to be reasons people will re-run those missions after getting microcosm outside of farming materials. Bungie has yet again come SO CLOSE to perfection and shot themselves in the foot right before getting there. Don't get me started on the "must have 10+ clears" lfg posts on DAY ONE OF A RAID RELEASING. Those players are another can of worms when it comes to people not even wanting to bother to tackle "endgame" content and this is coming from someone who has cleared most raids and understands 90% of mechanics but STILL runs into this issue. As many problems as Bungie creates, the community contributes greatly to creating more.
@Tixrok День назад
Casuals probably don't even read the twab lol...
@_Diamond-Dog День назад
Azzcross is a self opinionated baboon that can’t let go of a dead game
@omarlocke4351 День назад
the takes in this video are delusional.
@Tosicc567 День назад
The powerlevel grind is for casual players, it is the time wasting increase to force you to play activities chasing pinnicle drops with a checklist. You get to the power cap to then actually grind for things you want and complete activities you want to. Powerlevel is designed to WASTE YOUR TIME and nothing more, why would any hardcore player want to waste even more time than we already have on chasing a higher number? I've got cookieclicker for an increasing number game lmao. Since hitting the powercap I actually just engage with the content I want to, the game becomes 10x more enjoyable not chasing a damn checklist of badly designed modes and activities on all three characters, only to get an item you already have at max power. The big issues with destiny are complete lack of challenging replayable content, the episode stories are one off and terrible (then they remove them after a bit anyway). Things like strikes, raids, dungeons and onslaught are the only replayable activities that they put out for pve. We're lucky to get one raid or dungeon a year because they're more worried about making another bad season with terrible repetitive missions with zero reward. Man I love act 3s pick up 20 resources in fucking patrol. Give us god damn good endgame activities, not a pointless powergrind that only further splits the community. If in aztecross's words "it doesnt matter" why bloody do it? His own argument destroys itself, because it is a pointless update that people dont want. The only reason to do it is increase the grind to force you to play pointless shit and drive up player hours
@Zyrvaria День назад
I think saying "you say you want grind but you don't like the power cap increase" is missing the point, I at least don't like the power cap increase as that feels like a chore to do. I want to grind for good gear: get a god roll on a gun I want, get the perfect stat roll on that exotic I have a build idea for. these grinds are not the same.
@sinnlos-erfolg5869 День назад
My watching the video: Yes yes yes yes yes with everything And Honestly fck em fck the casual side of the game right now I want my Grind. My Power difference from the casual. Hard meaningfull content Secrets and puzzel that take the players weeks too solve it with overpowerd exotics as rewards after the hard or secret content The game isnt dead yet BUT the game bleeds hard right now and if u dont treat the wound now the game will die I stopped playing becuase i couldnt take it anymore and i want too play but i just cant the burnout is so extrem that i fear the dmg done too me over the years is irreparable if i play longer than 1 hour i become so fckin tired that i sleep for 3 hours I really really really hope things chance❤ if not after this year (becuase i payed for the entire year) i wont return and this thought hurts me 😢 Great video 👍
@crsdj0110 День назад
I think that the whole casual vs hardcore player thing is a big isse at the moment. Instead of people trying to come together and find solutions that benefit both parties, we all wanna point the finger at the other group and say it's all their fault. I would consider myself hardcore (12-16 hrs a week). Since Foresaken released, it's the only game I've really played in that time.We have had points in D2's lifecycle where the game suited both pretty well, but Bungie literally don't have the resources they did 2-3 years ago and can longer produce the solid mix that expansions like Foresaken or Witch Queen did.
@morallyinsane7639 День назад
It’s not the game or the community as it is the company and the culture of the world. The leftist lazy woke people with zero creativity and are such sensitive snowflakes, that they don’t want to put the work or leadership into the programming of making an exceptional product. If you can’t see the writing on the wall, then you are part of the problem.
@sherwinferguson5080 День назад
Bungie has to just revert back to D1 content: the Grind, making the rarity tiers actually rare, FOMO. I'm sorry what makes games good is the "you should have been there" moments. The real issue was the balance of the Grind, forever 29 was a bit much. I miss doing raids with my clan and knowing some jackass was going to get the gun or armor piece I want. Destiny is always best when you can play for hours with your buddies and just play. Checklist gaming is like running errands: go to the grocery store, stop by the bank, run the weekly mission 3 times to get all the loot for the week, take out the trash. Only games you supposed to turn off after a few minutes involve you not wanting to break your controller.
@Gibbo263 День назад
If crafting is going to stay, there should be roles you can only get from drops. Also, to get the weapon perks you should have to have had a version of that weapon with that perk on drop for you. There are so many weapons in the game that you can get a good weapon to drop with a good roll from almost any activity within minutes
@boltok0598 День назад
A looter shooter where 90 percent of the guns are not obtainable because it’s been vaulted or time locked like adept GM guns
@ayejay2688 День назад
no matter how "hardcore" we are, their main money doesn't come from us, like it or not, bungie's main income was & will continue to be from the 1mil+ casuals buying expansions; there was even an old article that breaks down just how much
@darthkai3621 День назад
I’m not jumping back till they bring back the DLCs they taken out. It’s a matter of principle and I can’t introduce my friend to it without being confused.
@Xoltie День назад
I saw that . . .
@GenXstacker День назад
The answer is obviously that there's just thousands of Destiny players and they have a lot of different opinions. It doesn't mean anything.
@liquidrufus День назад
I have a suggestion for an actual reason to grind. Put more weapons in the Onslaught pool. Like other sunset raid guns(ghost primus, og leviathan pulse) and the other black armory guns for weapon suggestions. Cross was either being disingenuous about the casual comments or looking for more views via controversy.
@alphachurch01 День назад
Here is something to add to your thoughts on d2, Bungie is burning the candle at both ends and its not going well for them. They are pushing to casual players but they do it so halfheartedly that it flops, the loot systems really don't benefit hardcore or casuals instead it is just in between and it sucks for both sides really, more so when said loot gets removed via sunsetting or seasonal gear. PvP will always be anti casual as long as it uses the current gear system. Then there is the other issue for the on boarding of new casual players is an absolute nightmare, the cost just to have access to all the content in the game is quite high being over 70 bucks but at least they finally made most of it into one legacy pack as pre final shape it wasn't. The New Light experience is very bad and does not teach well so if you don't have a vet in your back pocket to help things will be missed.
@dustinspencer7215 День назад
This is a terrible video. Nowhere close to what's actually happening. This dude says that Bungle has been gearing towards new players?? He's playing the wrong game then, because Bungle hasn't done a THING for new players. Everything, every bit of content, has been for WHALES. He doesn't even understand that the monetization OF Destiny, as a whole, has been FOCUSED on exploiting WHALES. Making and exploiting whales has been the motive since day 1. Ya think a new players are gonna go get the Catalyst for Gjallarhorn? Or even care that it exists? WHY? If you pass the content with what you got, as a new player, why waste the time you have playing something for no reason? That's a legitimate viewpoint of a new player. Destiny 2 is so massive and obtuse, it's absurd. They KNOW THIS, and have said it multiple times and have 'tried' to address it BUT....THEY CAN'T CARE TOO MUCH BECAUSE THEY'RE RIPPING OFF THE WHALES TO SURVIVE. Eververse is NOT for a 'new' player, that's a whale shop. Skins for exotics are NOT for new players, ever. New outfits aren't either, or sparrows or ghost skins. These are all items that appeal to WHALES to spend money, not new players. When you're new, it's not about the style it's about acquisition. It isn't until you've gotten what you want that you start looking at style items. The game itself doesn't even WANT a 'casual' player and you can see that by how many instances TAKE HOURS AND TEAMS TO COMPLETE. That's not 'new player friendly' in any way and was designed for the whaling purpose. This has to be understood: Bungle is NOT the only company that lives off of whales. This is a business strategy you can see in a number of other games and they ALL suck because of it. Catering to whales and forgetting about new players is SUICIDE as a game. That's usually the last ditch effort of a game that can't really compete. Destiny 2 could compete, but their management DOESN'T WANT TO MAKE DESTINY A GOOD GAME. THAT'S OVER PRODUCING. Destiny 2 is just good enough to keep the whales coming back and just bad enough for no real new players to want to play it. I have been hoping that they gut the ENTIRE studio's management and start something fresh with Sony. That's the only way I can see that this game will stay alive. Bungle is a HORRIBLE studio that hasn't EVER cared about anything their players say. They only care about your money and getting you to spend it over and over for the same thing. How many weapons have you seen recycled in the game? How many enemies? AFTER 10 YEARS...THE CABAL, THE FALLEN, THE VEX AND THE SO CALLED TAKEN BOSSES DO THE EXACT SAME STOMP. AFTER 10 YEARS...YOUR STILL RIDING AROUND IN A SPACE SHIP IN THE LOADING SCREEN ONLY. You can go on and on. Warframe, in the same time span, MADE AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE WITH SPACE COMBAT. There are other games out there and you can compare what one company does within a similar time frame as another of similar market presence. And yep...Bungle FAILS when you do that. THAT'S WHY SONY HAD TO BUY THEM...BUNGLE WAS GOING INSOLVENT. THAT'S CALLED A FAILURE NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCE. It's not a crime to fall in love with a bad game, but you really should step back and play other games to get a bigger picture. Bungle isn't the only game company out there and pretending they are what they say is actually true is just plain stupid. I've never seen a game company LIE, outright, to their players more than Bungle has. They are a scummy company and that's why Destiny 2 won't ever be anything more than this.
@xAbsynthex День назад
Damn you kinda cooked here. And it definitely IS Bungie, too. They broke off from Activision and everybody was like “hell yeah, now Destiny can finally be good now that it’s unchained”…. And well, lmao. Then Sony comes in and buys Bungie for an insane amount of money and 2 years later, quite literally gets buyer’s remorse lmao. I play this game religiously even still to this day, cause it’s a form of therapy for me, but what I will NOT do, is ignore every single fuck up they’ve done. Onslaught was probably the best thing they’ve done in YEARS, and just recently they confirmed that they have no plans to update it. That’s that stupid shit right there I’m talking about.
@darkfallenmage1 День назад
Best why to address the problems is nurf hunter and let titans shoot though there walls and domes with out wasting a exotic slot
@darkfallenmage1 День назад
Destiny 2 just needs a wipe refresh power lvl start over with a bigger gap. Then add new loot that makes new builds and rework all old weapons to make them useful agine.
@darkfallenmage1 День назад
Zero hours so hard to beat that timer. Omg 😱 close feels good if you can.
@darkfallenmage1 День назад
That spark is the halo 3 feeling combat.
@FrostTyler День назад
I've been playing Destiny for all 10 years and it has always been a weekly checklist of things to do. Hell, they even had the weekly reset objectives in the director in a literal checklist for you to keep track of.
@jeffcook1054 День назад
What ran my brother and I off from the game is because of bungie's lies,greed,deception, and laziness.
@johncrichton8876 День назад
So. Your opinion is stupid because you assess yourself as "more dedicated" than a player who isn't a content creator. You can sound Elitist and out of touch with real people who's have responsibilities. What's great about Cross is while recognizing the split out what I people wants, he mocks himself and "hard-core" players be staying he ignores his family and doesn't contribute to the society because of the game is more important. It's hilarious. The real problem is people should okay a game because they like it Part of the tgat can be rewards in the game, but enjoyment should be the reward. That's why I love Gambit.
@jacobruiter592 День назад
It's really simple: Don't do power grinds if our power is going to be capped anyway. That leaves gear and artifact leveling pointless. Crafting would've been a better system if you had to find random rolls and break them down for their perks to be permanent unlocks. Arena PvP shooters work best with either set loadouts that cannot change(hero shooter) or weapon pickups scattered across the map(Halo/Quake). The game lacks depth in PvE and not all weapon types are viable in endgame. But maybe it will become more interesting come Next Expansion?
@jeremiahdurfee1129 День назад
Legend Exotic Missions should be you doing what we did to find Whisper. That way basic mission is good for casuals and then hardcore missions are a challenge.
@c.anthonyjohnson259 День назад
Lmao the D2 community is wast off time talking too them. There worst then gen Z in hoping beinng realistic about a game is too fare for them to get. So crying is the only out come they can have bc bungie is soo WOKE this listen to crap we think we want when most games just consumers don't know what they want to they just lash out bc it the easy thing to do like children.
@ghostirq День назад
What do you mean by casual? Do you want to mindlessly run around farming material to upgrade your gear? That’s what you fell in love with? You’re speaking from the perspective of a very small minority of people that play this game as their job. Most people that have a day job don’t have time to do all the light level grind and missions let alone do raids and dungeons, or even have time to grind those for certain weapons. You sitting there playing hours on end everyday talking about “oh it’s casual, I don’t feel special, I want more grind and for game devs to only cater for players like me.” Bro what?
@seph1759 День назад
the issue with Destiny is the current team at bungie only cares about revenue so what happens there is whatever the crying community wants the crying community gets and that is why Destiny is such a mess
@kyliostyrson9493 День назад
You addressed every point that made me realize that Destiny isn't a game designed for me anymore. I quit Destiny and moved over to Path of Exile where my time investment to learning the game is better respected and there is a regular update cycle that innovates on the core gameplay.
@reallyminty8386 День назад
That’s completely right. People who invest more time in the game should be rewarded. That doesn’t mean we should stop improving the core playlists. The core playlists need to be constantly improved so casuals and hardcore players invest more time on replayable content and less time on checklist content. My idea: add some more ai bots to crucible so there are more opportunities for kill perks, snowballing, etc. I’m imagining either fake players with variable skill levels or a MOBA like system that’s PVPvE. Gambit is too punishing and because of that people hated on the mode. If you make a mode that’s less punishing, people will be happy and love playing.
@exxy9931 День назад
I think my first issue with this video is that you took Cross seriously.
@dejanstojkovic5702 День назад
I don t agree on the analyse casual vs hard core players. The loss in playes count is not really due to the hard core one but to the casual one in the way bungie addressed the harder content ... actually it didn t make the content harder it nerfed the abilities in every way possible. This could be witnessed from witch queen to lightfall. This is when everything went in the wrong direction both pvp and pve and never recovered since then
@z_slay3r544 День назад
i think the biggest cause for all this casual vs hardcore is the fact that theyve streamlined so many progression systems that theres almost a sense of expectation, borderline "entitlement" within the game. if a gun you want has a craftable pattern, you are "entitled" to getting the crafted 5/5 god roll if theres an exotic armor piece you want, you are "entitled" to a god roll stat distribution by just focusing the endless stream of exotic engrams you get if there is a new bump in power level, you are "entitled" to hitting max power, despite the fact that bungie has said that pinnacle caps are a "cherry on top" for the most endgame of content (gm and master RaD's) not to say that any of these systems are good, bad, or are muddled by some concept of flaws, but the simple truth is people do not feel like theyre going to have fun in the game without a perfectly made build of the perfect weapons and perfect armor they want. there is very little magic of the old destiny where exotics and guns were rare and you would actually try a newly dropped random gun and enjoy it on its own merits. i literally saw a clip of zkmushroom deleting a godroll austringer back in season of haunted because it was a random drop, and not the craftable version... bungie has streamlined so many aspects of this game little by little that its overlapped and made the game lose its sense of wonder and mystique associated with weapons. there is such a dissociation of loot and its wonder, that we might as well be in d2y1 with welfare exotics and lethargic drops of legendary weapons.
@onedog9652 День назад
its joever
@ToadimusPrime День назад
I've returned to World of Warcraft last year, and comparing the two, it's a bit of both that troubles Destiny. It's both the game and the community. The game caters to no one: not veterans, not casuals, not new players. There isn't engaging content for veterans, the casuals tend to get pretty bored of the existing content as well, and the new player experience is garbage. As for the community, comparing what we got in WoW and how systems work there compared to Destiny...goddamn Destiny players are whiny lil bitches who can't be bothered to play the game to level up or get loot. My gosh the Destiny community complains about EVERYTHING, and yet the systems and progression in WoW is much slower, which isn't a bad thing at all, that means there's more of the game to play and you don't get bored as fast. But that's also because WoW has way more activities per expansion and season. I'd say it's for sure Bungies fault for giving us less content and quicker leveling, while at the same time, that leveling basically doesn't make a difference like it does in other games because the activity scaling is way different. It's rough, Bungie really dug deep and now I don't see how they get out without fundamentally changing how core systems in the game work.
@vinnierocks007 4 часа назад
Completely agreed with your outlook. If bungie has collectively released all the energy weapon changes like I cadence, voltshot, volatile rounds, + new weapons like rocket sidearm, crossbow sidearm, pulse autorifle, + into the light stuff and tfs stuff together, that would have been a big enough update to keep players engaged and excited. But the release is super small over a long period of time which the community just grinds overnight and starts complaining how easy it feels. So, as you said, it's a peculiar situation where neither the company, nor the community knows what everyone really wants