sped up and slowed down tiktok songs to vibe with. Enjoy!
@LaReeF-ku4gd 14 дней назад
Cried and cried and cried I stood in front of the blonde girl and cried finally I realized why Davin always loved her she's so pretty Zhe just sorta sparkles IL never sparkle ❇
@LaReeF-ku4gd 14 дней назад
Davon not Davin
@KilimliStallone 20 дней назад
@Xxdemon_trapxX 23 дня назад
The fact this is a kids show.
@coraaxvv Месяц назад
poor peppermint patty 😭
@BulkyHealthyCat Месяц назад
My mom tells me im special 🙂
@DogEye69 16 дней назад
Every mother tells that to her children...
@BulkyHealthyCat 16 дней назад
@@DogEye69 that's why we are special
@DogEye69 16 дней назад
@@BulkyHealthyCat "When everyone's super, no one will be..."
@BulkyHealthyCat 15 дней назад
@@DogEye69 everyone can be special in different ways and it's Infinite
@thegorgon1865 Месяц назад
Bravo Artemis ❤
@WatchinTheWorldBurn-pd7ub 2 месяца назад
Ǫ̵̧̨̡̢̢̧̡̨̨̨̧̢̧̨̨̧̢̛̛̛̛̭̘̭̲͕̠̞̥͕̣̭̺͓̣̹̦̗̰̱̙̦̘̻̭̩͉͓̫̩̞̤̦̱̫̣̬̞̦̟̹͖̗̞̭͇͓̦̫͖͙̻̭̺̳̗̜̬̠̱̪̲̗͕̤̭͙̮̖̼͓̱̻͚͚̬͍͓͔͓͉̳̻̙̰̩̠̻̻͎̝̟͚̘̬̼̹̙͙͔͎̳͓̘͎̱͓̱̝̜̜̟̣̪͈̱̥̖̦̞͚̘͙͕͎̘͈͙͓͈̭̲͔͍̦͙̲̥̤̱̝͍̙͎̳̳͕̜̳͖̗͔̪̯͙̳͔̣͕͈̱̩̩̖̤͖̟͚̰̹̜̻͖̹̩̩̺̫̤̳̘͔̘͎̣̬̭̠̝̮̺̞̟̘͎̫͕͉̺͇̰̻̝̼̰̠̟͈͚̭̟͙̱̼̰̭̳̠͚̟̥̫̲̞̭͖̜̥̯̪̦͚̮̳̤̟͖̲̪͇̼͙̖̪̘̩͍̲̦͖͓̬̳̰̩̻̻̞̔̇̔̈̈́͛̾͗̂̔̅͆̉̐̈́̉̂̈́̐̒͊̂̏̈́͒̈́̆̊̔̔̋͂͊͛͆̇̔̈́̎̀̇͂̈́̓͑͒̅̀͗̓̓̍̂̀̿́̍͗͂̒͊̅̏̀͆̅̈̄́̀̈́͗̅̓́̃̂͐͒̀̈̈́̆̆͌̈́̄̑́̎̄̾̎͐̌̓̓͋̈́̔́̓̊̄̔̀̅̈̇̔̅̐̒͋̄̈́̑̔̈͛̅̀̍͆͊͆͋̋͂̾̉͋͑̄̾͌̃̀̈́̒͋̄͐̑̏̀̈̓͑́͌̈̀̆̎̀̒̒̑͑̓̓̈́̈́̏̆̒͗̔̽̓̎͋̄͆̉̀͛̀̆͂͊́̑͒̓̍̐̓̆͋̀̏̏̀͆̂͐̏͂́̾͌̓̋̈́̍̅̂͛̂̒̓͐̅̈́̈́̋̅́͌͌͛̅́̂́̀̀̄̌̋̍̆͑̌̍͑̄̅͊͛͆̌̎̿͂̕̕͘͘̚̚̚̕͘͘̕̕̚͘̕͘̚͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͠͠͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅA̵̡̢̛̲͇̼͉̖͚̹̮̹̣̩̲͕̝̗̠̙͍̜̋̊͌̈̋̿̀̑͛͗͌͒̔̿̓͒̈́̔̇̐̂̏̈́̋͒̅̌̽͠͝͝ͅĶ̷̡̨̧̨̨̡̡̡̨̨̧̛̛̛̛̼͕̝͚̺̲̤̜͉̜̝̫͔̳̩͙̯̻͖̪͇̰̫̺̺͕͕̩̻̦̠͚͇̟̳̫̻̖̱̻̯̱͍̰̘̘̠̜̲͙̞̟̯͈̞̫͚̪͇̺̪͙͇̪̟͉̫̹͉͚̝̣̟̮͇̬̲̱̝̘̬̱͂̇͂̉́̌́̽̅̽̅͋̿̊̓͊̄̍̒̓̈́̊̀̾͛̏̊͆̈́̇̌͆̄̆͑̀̈͗̎̈́̾̾́͊̈̊̐͆̒̍̃͐̿͛̋͐̍̈̈́̌̾̂̄̈́͋̃͐̾̈́͌̔̃̔̅͌̎͑̃̌̓̽̔̑̓̇̊͊͒͋̈̐͋̿͗͆̀͑̉́͋̏̓̀̾̀̐̂̃̑̆͑̊̆͌̈́̔̆̓́̋̀̇̈́͋̌͑̂̌͌̆͛̓͛͋̀̒̄̿͊̊͂͐́̄͑̾̂͆͛̋̒̌͑͛̔̆͋͌͊̌̚̕͘̚̕̕̕̚̚͜͜͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͠ͅͅͅẄ̶̡̨̨̡̧̢̨̨̨̢̢̧̨̡̧̧̢̧̧̡̨̧̡̛̛̛̛̛͕͎̺̙͍̗͕͉̮̠͇͉̰̲̱̺̠̬̣̬̖̼̤̭̪̯̣͎͚̳͉̬̞̝̘̞̰̭̼͕͎̘̥̱̬̰̹͍̪̤͉̬̯͉͇͎̰͖̯̹̬̯͙̹͙̯̥͕̪̦̯̤̬͍͎̙͖̫̟̯̣͓̗̠̬̞̝̪̙̘͕̞̲͇̱͕͚̜̫͈̻̬̣͍̟̭̘͓̞̙̥̤̗̮͚̬̙̖̻̟̩͇͉̟̣̭͎̩͇̺̪̥̗͕͇͍͓͉͕̖̥̺̼̤͔̩͍͈͈̜̤̳̳̺̙̼̙̗͇̻͈̙̣͖̠͇̯̲̮͖̻͖͖͍̱̮͚̮̼̝̭̩̟̩̩̟͖̠̠͍̘͈̙̳͍͙̤̯̘̥̳̹̹̟̗͕̤̬̘̩͇̫̯͖̦͎̺̙͖̯̼̬͙̣̘̬͈̙̱̤̭̼̰͚͓̭̫̜̥͚̣͓́́̀̆̈́̆́̓̏͑̓̀͛͒̑̈́̿̀́̑̀̍̑͛̿͐̑̅͛͂̑́̊̅̊͑͑̽͗̇̈́̆̇͛͐̾̅́̇͋̂̐̈̇̎̉͊̀́̇̄̾͗̈́͑͆͐̆͒͌̾͗̇̈͐͂͌̎̈́̾̐͛̃̽̄̾̈́̏̓̓̚͘͘̕̚͘̚̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅE̷̡̧̢̡̧̡̨̧̨̧̡̢̨̢̨̧̧̧̛̛̛̛͙̥̭̟̳̭̺̣̱̖̻̪̼̣̲̪̝̪͉̰̲̱͇̜̖̗͕͎̫͇̹͔̜̹̮̻̠͙̩͚͓̝̖̪̳̦͈͈͈̜̗̤̞͕̭̣̤̠͖͇̫̜̳̖͉̗͕̰͈̗̖͕͔̼̳̹̰̫̺̣̬̟̹̪̰̺̩̻̟̤̟̦̫̤̭̣̩̣̪͙̤̭̬͖̺̫̱̝̰̹̺̞͈̠̼̹̤̼̤̳̲͇͓̤̲͉̹̦̼̖͚͔̙͙͌̾̈́̆͐̃͑̔̇͐̽̃͆̋̑̐͊͛̂̑͊́͌̒̂͛̉̋̈̒̓͋͗̾́̾͋͗͆̄͊͗͆̽̍̓̌̊̅̔̈̐̈́̍́̏͌͛̽̂̄̋̍͛̔̈́̊̓̇͋̍͋͊̈́̈́͗̂͋͑̅̃͑̇̍̈̏̏̈́̈́̎̑́͗̌̈̎̈́͑̉̄́͐́̀́̒́́̓̓̄̏́̌̽͐̎̈́̓͘̕̚͘̕̚̚͘̕̕̚͘͘̚̚͘͘͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͝ͅͅP̵̡̡̡̢̨̧̡̨̢̨̧̢̧̡̡̡̨̢̛̛̛̛̛̛͓̥̟̰̙̟̯̫̩͉̯͖̯̙̤̗͍̮̲̭̼̘͖͕͉̹̣͍̮̣̙̼̦̘̱̼̖͔̙͔͙̤͕͇̗̲̰̞̺̺͔̩̯̞̺̝͖̠̱̼͔͙̰̜̠̟̠̝͇̘̹̜̙͓̤͖͓̮̰̟͙̟̪̻͇̲̞̮̳̙̖͓̫͖̟̘͎̪͉͚͎̺͇̪̹̯̩͎̟͚̦̮̠̖̤̘̞͖̝̜̜͈͓̫̻̯̱̻̱̱͒͗͋̓̀̏̎̉̏̊̐̑̀͐̊̄̒̉̊́̈͐͂͛̆̃͑͋̄̆̐̐̆̈́̍͛͆̃̊͛͗̾̂́͒̾̽̄̈́̿͋̒̏͗̈́̓̈̉̾̀̾̈́̈́͌̾̀̆̃͛́̂̊̑̋̐̀̓͂͐̃͒́̏̎̂̀̀̍̈́̂̅̏̐͊̈́̒͐͗̍̈́̊̈́͑̀̍̓͐̾̓̋̄̅̿̔̓͂̅̊͂̽̾̽͌̍͐̆̏̽̓͛͆̂̋̔̀͆̓̇͛̇͌̾̅̉̃̂̋͂̔̓͊̄̀̿́̇̈́̀͛̋͋̓̑̕̚̚̚̚͘͘͘̚͘͘͜͜͜͠͝͠͝͝͠͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅK̴̢̢̢̢̢̢̢̡̧̨̡̛͙̜̼̳̩̗̱̰̙͙̘̻̻̖̞̼̻͕̜̣͕̪̩̻̤̫̱̺͎̩̭̤̣̺̰͔̼̭̭̟̖͚̳̘̭͎̯̣̻̻̜̝͉̯̳̙͉͈̰̳̱̦̤̠̳͖͈͉̠̼̝͓̻͙͚͈̱͎͙͚̮͉͈̬͕̗̠̠͓̯̗͙̭̱̮̖̲̫̋̊͐̑̎͒́́͆́̑͆̎̈̃̏̌͐͒́͗̀͌̔̋̑́͋̒͒͒̀̃͊͂̃̌͑̌̈̆͒̎̒͋̑̀͊̚͘͘̚̚͜͜͜͝ͅͅͅͅͅẄ̷̢̢̨̢̨̨̡̨̡̡̧̢̨̡̡̡̢̧̡̡̢̧̡̢̡̧̛̛̭̼̺̣͔̥̖̙̥̟̙̣̭̹̙͕̹͍̘̠͙̫̰̲͖̥̤̙͉̟̬̟͎͙͎̤͇̪͚̩͓̞͈̮̫̣̖͖͕̯̦͔̥̫̖̙͙̤̥͓̲̞̭̺̬̹̦̳͓̹̻̜͎̙̗̹̲͉̗̖̰̖̮̳̯̝̪̝̯̥̝̰̙̬̮̺̟͈͍̣̫̦̤̼̗͙̮͍͓̖̺͎̦̭̦̤̜̱͈̦̼̞͓͎͈̫͍͎͍̙͇̤̦̯͖̹͔͙͍̫͕͍͖̣͖̫̫̲̦͓͔̣͔̖̻͕̣͚̠̤̪̮̺̰͙͎͍̪͉͕̣̠̞͈̖̹̠͍͚̞̙̺̼͇̟̼̭͔͖͔̥̞̘͚͙͈̞͔̤͓͉̞̱̙̟̺͖͇̜̲̖̝̟͕̦̝͚̣͎̗̝̱͓͇̼͕̘̼̜̝͙̦̠̮̥́̀͑̓͑͒̉̏́̀̒̈̌̈͌̍̍̾̈̓͆̅͂̽̽́̾͌̀̏̄͂̎͐̒͑͗͛̈́͆̒̉̀̈́̾͗́̉̇͒̊́̌́̉̄̚͘̚͘̕̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͠͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅE̴̡̢̢̨̢̛̛̱͍̭͉̰͚̝̝̩͓̤̺͇̫̟̞̬̲̳̲̦͕̗͙͎̮̠̣̙͈̬̯͇̖͖͉̹̞̼̤̙̮̼̝͉̭̟̱͍̙͇̣̤͚̬̺̜̞̦̞̐̋̿̓̿̿̈́́̿̑͐̀̽̋̅͌͑͊̈́̔̑̌́̀̉̒͆́͛͒̄̎͆̿̌̾͌͐̐̋̈́̍̾̄̈́̇͋̉̒̋͊̾̄͌̐̐̿̌̀͗̍̊̎͂͌̍͆̓̉͗̂̉̑͋̓͐̇̾̾͘͘̚̚͘͘̕̚͝͝͝͠͝ͅͅP̸̨̢̨̡̢̡̢̛̛̛̛̥͖̰͚̥̦̬̩͇͉͓̖̮͓͈͍̱̠̜̩̝̭̺̱̱̯̗̯̠̗̝̲͎͕̰̟̹̮̻͍̣͙̲͈̳̰̙̺̘͙̣̯̰͚͓̪̰̗̼͙̗̰̬͖̲̖̱̙͍͉͎̳̙̫̣̺̰̮̹̰̝̞̟͉͇̲̩͉̖̜͉̤̱̱͕͈̑̈̍̈̆̈́̉̍̀̂̿͛́̀̈́͗̇͛͒̾̈́͂̄̀̿̅̍̿̂͒̐̏͒͗̀́̋̅̈́̆̃́͒͊̏̀̓̆̿̇̍̈́̑̈́͂̒̾̎͌̇͗̈́͂̉̾͂̏͆́͆̋̀̃̍̍͊̔̕͘̚̚̕̚͘̚̕̚̚̕͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅR̴̨̧̢̨̢̡̡̡̢̧̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̪͙͍̼͇̹͉̭̠͖͔̹̘͚̜̻͓̖̝̦̼̯͕͎̲̗̻̫̖͈͚͔̦̫̥͔̭̳̠͍͎̝̹̗̝̥̻̪̙̺̳̫͓̫̭̙͖͖̞̹̮͎͔̝̟͇̩͉̞̲̼̗̟̲͖͉͍̹̺͓̮̮͚̭̠͇͓̫̺̩̤̪̲̦̙̼͈̦̠͎̹̣̲̹͚̩̱̦̺̺̟̦̰̞̬͊̑͗̓͆̃̓̐̏͌̀̐͛͑̍̓́̈́̅̾̔̃̑̈͛̈́̎̽̓͂̈̾͂̓͒͊̓̽̆́̄̂̍̀̒̆̈́͒̆̊̈̈̅̅̾̎̅͒͗͊̔͂̃̈̈̓̽͌͑͌͐̆͊͑̋̄̔̿̔͌͗̂͋̓̊͋͋͒̈́͒̌̀͌́̆̎̔̐̊͊͋͊̂̉́̅͒͂̈́̂͌̇̈́̔̾͌̾̉̌̏̀͒̈̏̅͊͗̃̈̍͒̅͊́̈́̒̋̓̎̊͊̀̓̏͂̍͐̍̽͗̐̐́͗̈́̉̍́́̿̈́̈́̌̿̑̓̂͒͑̂̂̈́͌͑͐́́̍̃̍̈̇̀͒͒̎̀̒̆̍̇̈́͑̉́͂̅́̒͐̀͐̐͋̾̔̾̒̐̈́̔͐̓̿̃̋̂̀̃̈́̂̽̌̐͌̄͗̈́̔̈́̌̈̇͐̉͐̉̓̀̾̿̕̕͘̕̚̕͘͘̕̚͘̚̕͘͘̕͘̚̕͜͠͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅ .
@SweetBaby-p2e 3 месяца назад
I feel like thiw song.. :\
@SweetBaby-p2e 3 месяца назад
I feel like thiw song.. :\
@MEX239 3 месяца назад
running away is easy as life moves fast, but you may miss it and find out that it’s the leaving that’s hard
@ashleyhickleberry 3 месяца назад
I stood in front of that little red-haired girl and I saw how pretty she was... Suddenly I realized why Chuck has always loved her, and I realized that no one would ever love me that way... I started to cry, and I couldn't stop. I made a fool out of myself, but I didn't care! I just looked at her and I cried and cried and cried... I have a big nose and my split-ends have split-ends, and I'll always be funny-looking and I think I’m going to cry again..."
@DamondYaboy 3 месяца назад
Graduation TMR I'm so excited but nervous
@Kuro29-yz2qu 3 месяца назад
i love this
@bluemanbroproro712 3 месяца назад
Eagles can live up to 70 years. After 40 years, Every eagle must make a difficult decision. Its claws are no longer sharp enough to hunt. Its beat becomes bent and blunt and its feathers become thick. After 40 years every eagle has to make a choice; Either it dies or it goes through a painful change. The painful change is that the eagle must go to a big mountain and smash its beak on a rock until it breaks. When the old beak falls out, a new beak grows in. With the new beak, the eagle tears out its claws and new ones grow in. This painful journey takes 150 days.
@srkbtw 2 месяца назад
Appreciate your effort, mate.
@emergensiexit 2 месяца назад
I will never understand the motivation behind someone lying for no apparent reason. this is a lie eagles or any bird from a falcon family doesn't get this transition .
@The_Real_Drink Месяц назад
@@emergensiexit I believe it might be metaphorical.
@Blink_Games 4 месяца назад
Best cyberpunk aesthetic song oat
@BABY-ut5il 4 месяца назад
@oliverbrenner8769 4 месяца назад
We create our own reality in the way we CHOOSE to see everything!
@zombaeszz 4 месяца назад
"and i think im gonna cry again" same...
@lesanubis8335 4 месяца назад
Is it normal to have your life flash before your eyes every time this comes on?
@shinzee26 4 месяца назад
bless my ears
@Elys1n 5 месяцев назад
"Yep. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
@ParaD0x-i2g 2 месяца назад
I didn't stopped and looked around and now 1 year has passed I can't believe how much time have i wasted 💔
@Elys1n 2 месяца назад
@@ParaD0x-i2g at least you understand. now you won't lose any more the rest of the time. That's something, too.
@ParaD0x-i2g Месяц назад
@@Elys1n 1 month passed nothing changed I'm cooked
@JAMIECOTTON-yw5sm 5 месяцев назад
That my mom never loved me 😭😭
@Oraya-12 5 месяцев назад
@sarinason7792 5 месяцев назад
I love this. Can I know the song of this?
@ParaD0x-i2g 3 месяца назад
Swing lynn
@makena9269 5 месяцев назад
You don't have to say that..
@Unknown_love-xoxo 5 месяцев назад
When he left me for my own girl bsf... don't introduce him to ur girl bsf
@Abdelrahman._Shehadeh 5 месяцев назад
This + zaza >>
@tyrebrinson2925 5 месяцев назад
For some reason the sound that starts at 1:22 gets me every time. It’s so small, so light, so hopeful. It just makes my heart feel nice.
@hoppie197 5 месяцев назад
@caleesedennie9383 5 месяцев назад
this one hit different tbh😔.
@dandyscharf1531 6 месяцев назад
W song ❤
@R1n1a1 6 месяцев назад
Sounds like memories
@Man_Goplane44 6 месяцев назад
@NekoOtori-pm5zi 6 месяцев назад
You called me your “best friend” I came to you when I didn’t have anyone else **I fuvking trusted you** and you stabbed me in the back, you ignored me, you hurt me, you lied to me, and you ruined our relationship. You told me we weren’t friends anymore I punched a tree and screamed and cried for **3 hours**. A few days later you came and apologized to me and we started talking again. Then you went and talked $h!t about me you spread rumors about me told our friend group things I **never** said and I cried for hours again because I finally thought I found a person I could talk to and have someone to listen to me but you had to go and ruin it all. Now I’m bitter towards you and I’m ignoring you because even though I hate myself I know I deserve better friends. I hope you cry just as much as I did, and I hope it fuvking hurts when you see me walking in the hall with the person who was **actually** there for me and actually treats me like I’m worth something. I’m sitting here wishing I never talked to you and realized that my real best friend was right in front of me the whole time. By the way I hope you you and T keep breaking each other apart. You two are meant for each other. You keep breaking up and getting back together, well guess what your boyfriend is hanging out with another girl and I’m pretty sure he’s cheating. I hope he breaks your heart and I hope you learn. I know I’m being harsh but I needed to get this off my chest since I don’t have a place to vent
@Trinasphone-gq5nb 6 месяцев назад
Cody is perfect for me
@msdeluluuu 6 месяцев назад
@amurgdetoamna4649 6 месяцев назад
11 martie 🌙
@Ky0k0.thec0splayer 6 месяцев назад
This is the thing I listened to when my dog had to leave….
@Birdsarelovleyarentthey 6 месяцев назад
The way I listen to this if I wanna cry
@Hardy_Azula 7 месяцев назад
@Moha4med 7 месяцев назад
@mellettron360animations5 7 месяцев назад
Who’s listening to this in 2024?
@misterio2772 6 месяцев назад
l or ;)
@Sozi99 4 месяца назад
@SoyErick908 3 месяца назад
me :)
@BeefTaco60 19 дней назад
Fuck yeah baby😊
@alwinc117 7 месяцев назад
Bro has no enemies🫂🤌
@eziisreal 7 месяцев назад
@shalmiroy 7 месяцев назад
the background,the picture,the distorted quality of the music -its perfection carved into even more perfection through these small elements omg
@justinehils 8 месяцев назад
What kind of Music is that?
@JesseLomeli-i3o 8 месяцев назад
Wind panels of express please guide the way.
@generalgrievous3133 8 месяцев назад
millions must adapt to the neu welt orden
@Black_Knight1241 8 месяцев назад
@pedram2910 8 месяцев назад