Our mission is to introduce you to new technologies and show you little tricks in certain areas of programming. We also want to produce small tutorial series, which are not intended for beginners but rather for the average programmer. So this channel is for coding nerds who like programming and want to educate themselves further.
@danielpiedraquintero 24 дня назад
How many of you are coding in web assembly?
@TheDa6781 Месяц назад
Soo, we have gone back to java applets ?
@_____case 2 месяца назад
This will take 20+ years to happen.
@moveonvillain1080 2 месяца назад
I am from future and even Angular is still going strong. lol
@comed1an 2 месяца назад
1:54 the correct pronunciation is 'woz-i'
@kcsiddhartha 2 месяца назад
The comments sound so smart 🤓
@planesrift 3 месяца назад
It has been 2 years.
@laughingvampire7555 4 месяца назад
No, it has been 2 years and it hasn't happen and there is no sign is going to because WASM has no access to the DOM. WASM has been and will be used for calculations and other heavy processing stuff, but rendering will continue to be our headache with HTML+CSS+JS
@roulzhq 4 месяца назад
Very good points of course. If it does not get direct DOM access, it won't replace JS. Bur what if it did not need the DOM? Gonna drop another video soon. And yes I just did an ad in a comment. Capitalism won.
@AndrieMC 5 месяцев назад
JavaScript won't ever be replaced, You need it to load web assembly, your wasm uses functions written in javascript
@TrzCinA122 5 месяцев назад
Seems like webassambly purpose is different than JS. Js still is the best for ui related stuff.
@hellelo.5840 6 месяцев назад
Wasm is just JS telling all other programming languages: "all of you, tru me, I'll give you a chance"
@thatsalot3577 7 месяцев назад
It didn't 💀
@Jaykh2o 7 месяцев назад
This makes me do that FUUUUTURE squidward meme
@roulzhq 6 месяцев назад
@sjzz 8 месяцев назад
can I replace create with is store from all the places ?
@caty863 8 месяцев назад
As a data analyst, I am thrilled of the possibility of sharing my interactive shiny dashboards with colleagues without having to jump through the hoops of shiny app hosting.
@calebprenger3928 9 месяцев назад
you literally do not understand web assembly or web if you think web assembly is going to replace javascript. It literally needs javascript to run!
@ashish_prajapati_tr 11 месяцев назад
helping you to break RU-vid algorithm
@roulzhq 11 месяцев назад
The GOAT right here
@JamesSmith-ix5jd Год назад
So we went full circle but now your browser is your JVM?
@csaratakij6339 Год назад
Yeah, we came full circle with how common language runtime (CLR) works with web browser at the additional overhead.
@eldarshamukhamedov4521 Год назад
Lots of things to be excited about with WASM, but I wish folks would stop saying things like "use any language to write UI", implying that Rust/C++/etc. would be a good choice for UI development, but that's really not true. High-level, relatively "loose" languages, like TS/Swift/Kotlin are ideal for UI work; no one's going to write UI in Rust/C++.
@Im_Ninooo Год назад
just a heads-up, the WebAssembly Studio domain you've linked seems to be inactive.
@heroe1486 Год назад
Those SO surveys are a joke, JS before html/css although one is mandatory for any website the other not, standalone node servers won't make it for it. Shell scripting that low although mandatory as well ? So they do everything from GUIs and never login to any remote server ? Even serious communities are now just a bunch of inexperienced folks.
@bswill5077 Год назад
i wish but nah man lol
@vaijns Год назад
One use-case I'm surprised people aren't talking about much: Compiling your models to WASM so you can use it on the frontend and the backend. That's something I'm trying to achieve rn with a fullstack app I'm building. My backend being written in C++ and my frontend being Typescript with Angular. So I have a model that I'm sending from the server to the client which then just displays it. And when something gets changed there it would get sent back to the server. So I'm using the same model on both the server (backend, written in C++) and the client (frontend, written in Typescript) for which I have to copy the same exact model. Why not just compile the server-model to WASM and simply use it from within the client-code? I could have the exact same code/algorithms for (de-)serializing (for sending it via HTTP) the objects which means whenever I change the server-model I just have to compile the WASM binaries and the client would be up-to-date as well. Maybe I'll learn about some problems with that, as I'm just about to really implement that. :D The few issues I found so far were that I couldn't just pass a JS Array for a C++ std::vector and Typescript definitions, which I wish could be generated while compiling the WASM binaries (Which is already possible for Rust WASM, so probably just a matter of time someone creates a good solution for this). I think JavaScript/TypeScript and it's frameworks are great for what they're supposed to do, which is all kinds of UI stuff. While I still prefer languages such as C++, Rust, C#, Java, ... for writing backends. I don't really like the "one language for everything" idea. But for that it'd be just a cool way to use WASM to save some time.
@noertri618 Год назад
I think webassembly is the bridge to run python in the browser, so this webassembly is like compiling code to exe but for browser??
@mikkeljensen1603 Год назад
webassemply is gonna be as important as serverside rendering and css for web dev
@t6hp Год назад
Hello, I'm just one year old in the programming world @ 28 years of age. I would like to learn more about how can I utilize C++ to create web pages or servers and stuff since I'm kind stuck with it for now while I try to practice problem solving. Do you have any specific recommendations? Most resources I found are not beginner friendly at all..
@diemantrabeats7551 Год назад
This was great, that last example got a tad confusing haha… I think I’m missing some TS fundamentals, I didn’t know about the whole looping over itself
@yadav-r Год назад
Autodesk runs their 30yrs old code using this tech stack.
@haddow777 Год назад
What would be funny is Javascript developers trying to make a Webassembly in C/C++. I grew up with Turbo Pascal and C++, fled for my life to higher level languages eventually leading to Javascript when it finally grew up with the V8 engine and became a language actually worth using. Now I'm back to C/C++ working in embedded environments and talking myself out of smashing my brains into the wall daily. Now I'm hoping for faster progress in Rust in the embedded environment so I can flee from these horrible languages again. Yes, I know they're the foundation of most software, blah, blah, blah. I just wish something as basic as passing a method as a callback, because people have mixed C++ code with C libraries wasn't such a rediculous pain along with the many other various sink holes of insanity one can trip into while doing even some of the most basic coding that holds you up forever googling through various other people's attempts to climb out of their own similar sink holes of insanity. Just saying, more than anything else, it would be super funny to watch a Javascript developer learn C/C++. I used to know it, forgot a lot, but I at least had an understanding of the pain involved when I waded in. Younger coders who've never experienced an old style low level language with all its pitfalls and idiosyncrasies would just be walking into a bandsaw.
@CookingwithMerlin Год назад
Will never take over. Too many plug-in like things and there will be major security holes. Java still future. You simply can’t get rid of a Titan without taking all the minions down that protect it, with it. It’s as simple as that. It’s like trying to get rid of the federal reserve. Or Amazon. Can’t be done without a worldwide takedown with enough backing to replace it. Too far gone.
@DanyloSyrotynskyy Год назад
Wasm gonna work for vr web
@TheChrisey Год назад
I'm glad we finally got WebAssembly. We are no longer forced to use that terribly sloppy JS syntax and we can gain some performance too.
@nomoredarts8918 Год назад
Yeah, but if you need to do DOM manipulations (which is basically web development) you still need that sloppy JS.
@magfal Год назад
Nodejs is pushing garbage to the server(with very few exceptions like Graphile). WASM is pushing high quality code and tools out to the browser it just needs to get good hooks into the DOM to fully deprecate JS.
@andythedishwasher1117 Год назад
I'm getting really excited about the prospects of browser-native game development in the future. We're way past the days of Homestar Runner now. Trogdor 2023 could be a banger with Web Assembly.
@coder-x7440 Год назад
I can’t imagine doing a greenfield web app outside of web assembly at this point.
@ICoulntThinkofAUserNam547 Год назад
In its current state, it's a game changer for a tiny subset of work that is done on the web. if you're asking front end devs to switch from a dynamically typed lower learning curve language to something that is designed for systems (Rust C++) just to make the button point to a new URL so you can gain a couple ms of performance (That you don't need) you'll lose that battle - cost of switching is massive. it's cool you can do heavy computation in browser, but I'm not seeing a lot of use cases outside of games and CAD
@fieryscorpion Год назад
The benefits of using WebAssembly is that you can write frontend apps using backend language like C#. Give Blazor a try if you want to see an example. It’s a joy to work on.
@stevenismart Год назад
You get job security if you learn niche skills. Building anything that can be done on WordPress or other low-code tools is bad. Its also the ultimate cost saving tool if you don't mind losing a few ms. My friend got $1million dollars from venture capitalist for a WordPress site. Then he hired a few low salary WordPress guys from south east Asia to do their thing. The bankers, especially older ones, don't know web development and it shows. I just think he's so freaking lucky and makes me angry I took the time to learn web development.
@gdj777 Год назад
We are free from the Javascript shackles!
@datguy4104 2 года назад
Web browsers will be the operating systems of the future.
@Zx797 2 года назад
Wet dreaming 🥵
@CarlosWashingtonMercado 2 года назад
This is insane.
@blocksrey 2 года назад
Low-level is better in every case so yeah
@ygjt76v0----- 2 года назад
I was thinking learn js , than i hear this 🤦
@roulzhq 2 года назад
You can and should still learn js!
@ash-faque 2 года назад
that game is dead, shitty assembly
@ricardobento8421 2 года назад
How is it the future? Found literally 0 jobs asking for web assembly knowledge
@roulzhq 2 года назад
Not sure where you're searching and of course it's kind of a niche still, but I know a lot of people/companies who need it, me included.
@tjgdddfcn 2 года назад
Beacuse new stuff isnt gonna immedietaly start being used by big corporations my guy. And you dont learn webassembly, you learn a launguage that you then compile to webassembly
@ricardobento8421 2 года назад
@@tjgdddfcn how long is that going to take? Assembly showed up in 2015. 7 yars its the equivalent to 2 centuries in programming
@tjgdddfcn 2 года назад
@@ricardobento8421 it got accepted as the w3c standard only in 2019
@ricardobento8421 2 года назад
@@tjgdddfcn ok, 3 years now, nothing changed
@avolink 2 года назад
My prediction: TypeScript, a JavaScript's Super Set, will replace it as the W3C standard in the near future and for a long time (2 to 3 decades), while it slowly migrates to AssemblyScript, a TypeScript like compilable language, unless C# community, which is a way more mature language and fairly similar to JS, decides to implement the Frameworks and Libraries for it to lead the WASM Revolution. Only time will tell.....
@BattousaiHBr 2 года назад
krunker io uses wasm. i have a 165hz monitor and the game runs smoothly at 165 fps.
@fedoresko 2 года назад
Sounds like if JVM was made by browser manufacturers, to run in browser by default. But it took another 20 years to make their own VM.
@dewinchy 2 года назад
0:27 he says complex things are as easy to build as ever ... so it has always been easy - I guess it should be "as easy as never before"
@FPChris 2 года назад
Only when they give wasm DIRECT access to the Canvas putImageData and Uint32Arrays. THEN it will take over the world.