Thomas Horne
Thomas Horne
Thomas Horne
A beautifully heartbreaking documentary a dear friend of mine co-directed and co-produced. I have received permission from the original creators to post.
@andybray9791 5 дней назад
AIDS is punishment/unawareness for all sexual deviancy inc straight. At least awareness/treatments are better now. Weird that people thought that aids just happened to homosexuals.
@_letstartariot День назад
And all the people (men, women, children, babies, unborn babies) that didn’t get it from sexual contact, what are they being punished for? Is God punishing primates with SIV? Is God punishing cats with FIV? A cat dying from feline AIDS, what terrible sin did they commit? Make it make sense. Pathogens don’t worship deities.
@uodbouqwerty7128 5 дней назад
Gary Walshe's Stache must have been legendary before he got sick 😢. What a shame.
@CalebHerscher7155 6 дней назад
Painful to watch, so sad ……rest in peace……..
@SophieJackson1993 7 дней назад
Gay newspapers?
@uodbouqwerty7128 5 дней назад
Yes, male newspapers that have sex with Playgirl.
@DCFunBud 11 дней назад
“I was not the type to go to the bathhouses.” Yeah, right. You’re still going.
@stefs7141 12 дней назад
Those bathhouses sure didnt help
@Auroraeevee-m1q 27 дней назад
My uncle worked in an AIDS hospice in the early 90s. This was at a time when a lot of people didn't want to provide care to AIDS patients. Whenever anyone asked him why he was willing to work in the hospice, his answer was, "These people need healthcare, just like anyone else. If I don't help them, who will? Someone has to do it, so why not me?" I think that my uncle did God's work in that hospice. He provided compassionate, non-judgmental care to people who needed it. Diseases don't discriminate. ANYONE can get AIDS, lupus, cancer, muscular dystrophy, depression, or any other illness. Diseases don't care about your religion, sexuality, income level, ethnicity, educational level, etc. They just don't care. They can happen to anyone. Think of how YOU would want to be treated if you had AIDS (or cancer, or herpes, or any other disease). If you feel that AIDS is a punishment from God, I want you to consider how God or Jesus (or whoever you believe in) would treat an AIDS patient. Would they hate them, or help them? Would they comfort and care for them, or curse them? Would they show mercy, or judge them?
@KyleDrummond-bd4rl 20 дней назад
God bless your uncle, I lost my brother to Aids in 91 and he was gay
@Auroraeevee-m1q 19 дней назад
@@KyleDrummond-bd4rl So sorry for the loss of your brother. My uncle has also passed away. I hope that he and your brother are at peace in the Hereafter.
@kittiesshortie5011 Месяц назад
People forget that no one knew HOW it was transmitted… so why be so harsh on people that gloved and masked up ? All people knew is that it was an automatic death sentence.
@tedted4660 24 дня назад
Well, Pattie May, people were quick to call it a gay disease, so the same people could have realised it's not transmitted that easily, between people on the street or on the bus, or whatever. Doesn't take a PhD in medicine to logically understand that.
@bassinblue 22 дня назад
@@tedted4660 They didn't call it a 'gay disease' without reason, given it was predominantly gay men who were being tested positive for HIV and passing it around quicker than any community. It's even documented (look it up) that Gaëtan Dugas, 'patient 0' of AIDS knew he was dying, yet arrogantly persisted in having intercourse with other men, knowing he'd pass it to them; I am not making this up, you can check it for yourself.
@kevinprior3549 Месяц назад
As I'm a Queen fan, i & everyone else know that Freddie Mercury died of AIDS in 1991. And i guess since his death, i have been interested in the subject of HIV/AIDS.
@etheldingleberry8075 Месяц назад
The best way to avoid AIDS is not to have promiscuous butt sex. It’s quite simple, really.
@marcK599. Месяц назад
HIV is passed through blood
@kittiesshortie5011 Месяц назад
Yes, through breaks in the skin, among other ways.
@bobv8219 Месяц назад
So many talented men in so many ways , their love for humanity is off the charts. Love is everything.
@jeanv1352 Месяц назад
Religious people are always so mean.
@Falangemary123 Месяц назад
Aren't they? It's so black and white for them. And the things they get up to behind closed doors .. I cannot get over the bravery of these men being interviewed
@polemeros Месяц назад
You think so? Try dealing with a progressive open-minded liberal if you want mean, dogmatic, with black and white thinking and absolute judgement.
@OtomoTenzi Месяц назад
@@polemeros Liberals, the new NAZIS.
@stevensonrf Месяц назад
The rectum is designed for defecation, not procreation or fornication. Don’t confuse the digestive system with the reproductive system..
@user-yn9mx7xu1r Месяц назад
So true! The recrum is not a sexual organ!
@donrainesoh Месяц назад
@@user-yn9mx7xu1rsame can be said for the mouth yet str8 men are obsessed with both on women.
@marcK599. Месяц назад
HIV is passed through blood
@LLS710 Месяц назад
Yeah as if you haven't drilled a girl back door style; hypocrite, LOL.
@user-yn9mx7xu1r Месяц назад
@@LLS710 Why do you think a typical straight man is interested in a girl’s back door?! It is not like that for everyone. It is actually very likely that men who are interested in that are open to doing it with men also. If they are interested in the back door it is a red flag that they might not be straight after all.
@naschellep Месяц назад
It's so funny how people say gay people were being punished by God when everywhere else outside America, Aids hit the heterosexual community. What does that say? That in gays it's a punishment but in heterosexuals it's not? 🤦🏾‍♀️ RIP to all who died from this horrible disease 🙏🏾
@nikkiderringer Месяц назад
I was in prison for a while, in a 6 man cell. One of my bunkies had HIV and even in 2016/2017 people treated her weird. She was very upfront about having it and she was just the sweetest woman. I loved her dearly. She was one of those people who was in and and out of prison and when she was out she didnt take her medicine. She was homeless with no family and no way to get her medicine, but in prison the state paid for it and gave it to her. I remember it made her feel unwell. I havent seen her since my release in 2017 and ive looked her up, but haven't been able to find her. I often wonder what happened to her. I hope shes okay.
@OtomoTenzi Месяц назад
Was she on AZT??? 🤔
@nikkiderringer 22 дня назад
@@OtomoTenzi I'm not sure. That sounds familiar but I couldn't really tell you what she took.
@seand67 Месяц назад
Amazing documentary. R.I.P. to everyone who passed
@OtomoTenzi Месяц назад
Yes, rest in pieces... ☠💀☠
@susanyoung6632 Месяц назад
Here it is - 2024 - and it makes me so sad the persecution all these people faced. I get angry about it 🥺
@rouguy1972 2 месяца назад
RIP all these beautiful souls, shame on you to all the ignorant insensitive assholes making derogatory comments
@LLS710 Месяц назад
Some things never change. They feel they have the higher moral ground, so they will never feel "shame". It's just the way they are.
@Perfectpearl 2 месяца назад
@Hollyucinogen 2 месяца назад
Dude, this is a documentary about AIDS. It's not supposed to be entertaining and fun. If you want to be entertained, then go watch Family Guy. Duh. 😵‍💫
@nikkiderringer Месяц назад
Did you think it would be entertaining? It's literally a documentary about AIDS. That isn't a fun or entertaining topic. If you want fun and entertaining, don't click these docs.
@MariaSanchez-tn9zp Месяц назад
Jesus loves you🙏
@buljkhalifa 22 дня назад
@jazzyflorida3757 2 месяца назад
What a great documentary of a dark time in our gay history , we lost so many young beautiful and talented men. Would love a follow up to this to film, to find survivors and others that participated in this original documentary and see where they are now, and how their life unfolded after this pandemic.
@hellsbells1262 2 месяца назад
I feel a lot of compassion for the LGBTQ+ community. Thankfully I was never raised to be a hateful human being. I have very wonderful gay friends, by far the friendliest of friends I have. I cannot fathom the hate towards the gay community. Live and let live people. Life is too short.
@СергейПринц-я8ж 2 месяца назад
Мы с мамой тоже поймали ВИЧ,но я то ладно я бисексуал,но я подозреваю девушку,у нас в России девушки гулящие и то что у них есть дети и то что они тихие и скромные-это далеко не показатель,моя мама гадалка и мой отчим приходил погадать и как-то полюбили друг друга.Он не знал,что у него ВИЧ.У мамы когда нашли ВИЧ на нервах случился гипертонический криз мы не могли ей сбить давление,забрали в больницу,там ей объяснили,что это не конец,и не обязательно быть проституткой или наркоманкой,у многих учителей может быть эта болезнь,и даже у мусульман,мусульманских женщин заражают мужья,так что когда мы ходим к врачу полно мусульманок,их заразили мужья,но и некоторые мусульманки не такие уж и набожные,так что это тоже не показатель,что они- мусульманки.А мы лечимся и живём обычной жизнью.И да у Чарли Шина тоже ВИЧ,а у нас несколько актёров умерло в наши дни,боялись работу потерять.
@СергейПринц-я8ж 2 месяца назад
Надеюсь у тебя есть переводчик,мне через переводчик писать было бы трудно,и совсем забыл у меня соседка гуляет от мужа,а муж тоже гуляет от неё,он полицейский,у нас полицейские гуляют от жëн,у них есть дети,она тоже тихая и скромная,но в тихаря ходит на свидание с таксистами,так что там тоже ВИЧ не за горами.Про мой ВИЧ я не знаю мужчина или женщина меня заразила,но подозреваю женщину,я не ненавижу женщин,но её образ жизни такой.Не обязательно быть проституткой или наркоманкой,чтобы поймать ВИЧ.Ужасно,что в наши дни люди от этого всё ещё умирают потому что просто боятся потерять работу или что будут обсуждать и сплетничать.
@ds8290 2 месяца назад
I remember my mom’s friend died of AIDS in the 90s. He was a gay man and his partner died of AIDS before he did. This man loved me as if I was his own daughter, especially when I didn’t have my father around. His kindness was neverending. I will never forget going to see him in the hospital in San Francisco and how skinny and emaciated he looked. We knew he was dying and I didn’t want him to. Even in his pain and suffering, he still managed to smile and tell me how much he loved and cared for me. RIP Roland, you’re not forgotten.
@abhilashnair-mx1hu Месяц назад
😢😢me hiv positive
@MariaSanchez-tn9zp Месяц назад
​@@abhilashnair-mx1huJesus loves you🙏
@abhilashnair-mx1hu Месяц назад
@@MariaSanchez-tn9zp 🙏
@prairiewitch8217 2 месяца назад
It’s also inspiring. I keep crying
@prairiewitch8217 2 месяца назад
This is excellent documentary. It’s also heartbreaking 💔
@susanyoung6632 Месяц назад
This is one of those documentaries that should be available forever.
@alwaysarchie 2 месяца назад
Somehow, I got here doom scrolling through RU-vid. RIP Keith Jones. The last time I saw him in the '90s, he was barely breathing and emaciated in his last hours at home. His family let me moisten his dry cracked mouth with a small damp sponge on a stick. He wouldn't die until his mother said goodbye. The world has people who presume to speak for God and will make a choice to blame the victim then hide behind their judgmental beliefs instead of showing the same love, compassion and empathy as Jesus. The Bible is not to blame for the hate. It has some valuable, worthwhile morality lessons. But you can't reason with those who twist its teachings to serve their own interests or use it to condemn other innocent human beings who've done no harm to them or anyone. Most other gay men I've known have been peaceful and kind, surviving and thriving while knowing all the while there are dangerous kooks who not only wish them dead, but would also celebrate it.
@LisaGreenfield-Lesly 2 месяца назад
Spot on! Well stated! ❤
@DADTWAT 3 месяца назад
I worked in the medical field in Aust in the 80s... the sad fact was all these so called 'alternative treatments" had zero effect against a syndrome which destroyed the immune system... tragic seeing desperate people reaching😊 out for useless treatments... even AZT introduced in about '87 was largely toxic & ineffective.. patients had to wait til mid "96... by that time thousands had sadly died....
@kendrawood3910 3 месяца назад
Y friend died of AIDA at 18 hemophiliac. Any loss to this is a tragic loss..Who cares how you got it REALLY COMPASSION PEOPLE!!
@Lucy-el9mm 2 месяца назад
Always be a stigma around getting it sexually. It’s shitty but the truth unfortunately
@СергейПринц-я8ж 3 месяца назад
Мы с мамой заболели ВИЧ,но сейчас с этим можно жить,но у нас город небольшой и к таким как мы боятся даже подойти это в столице ничего,а в небольших городах и сёлах и деревнях это ужас ужасный.Мы просто устроили с мамой свою личную жизнь и такой сюрприз,мама как узнала у неё начался гипертонический криз и ничего не помогало пока в больницу не забрали,очень она разнервничалась,мы не наркоманы и с такими никогда не общались,и не падшие люди,но я бисексуал,в принципе у таких как я такое всегда будет,но моя бисексуальность-это моя природа.Мой отчим очень богатый человек и как бы нас никто трогать не будет,но чтобы нас шарахались мы тоже не хотим.
@kevinprior3549 3 месяца назад
Such a sad song to start this
@zoozoopeddles114 3 месяца назад
People of god in the comments not being people of god in the comments. 😢 it hurt and took down more than just gay folk. RIP you poor angel’s.
@brendabrooks6731 3 месяца назад
Why didn't they listen once they knew how it was spread, Now they want tocry about it once they caught it, I don't understand it
@frankjohnson150 3 месяца назад
Wow, what a bigoted response.
@chrissimpson6701 3 месяца назад
Because they wanted to continue in their sin. It was a punishment from God. Just like fornication and drug use. The only innocent ones were children and hemophiliacs. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Romans 6:23
@fieldysgrl98 3 месяца назад
@@chrissimpson6701shut up.
@taylorburtis 2 месяца назад
@@chrissimpson6701I don’t wish harm on anyone, but you better pray you don’t get HIV. Your choice of religion does not give you the right to be bigoted. Being gay isn’t a choice, but choosing to use your religion as a shield to be prejudiced and discriminatory is.
@lolaali5158 2 месяца назад
​no one cares about your imaginary friends. Get a therapist.
@beautifuldiva0208 3 месяца назад
9:51 they look just alike 8:00
@user-vn7ky2xr1x 3 месяца назад
Castro clones
@MA19PO 3 месяца назад
There is something predominantly wrong with gay people in general. Not much have change in their approach to sex not since Hiv is not a death sentence anymore.
@barbaradoherty4840 3 месяца назад
there is something predominantly wrong with your ignorant,bias comment,try opening your heart,we are all the same.
@cleopatra1633 3 месяца назад
Indeed, you are right. And people can react all they want to that statement but common sense is not a crime. And it does not mean you are a heartless or cold person. Free speach is for everybody. The elephant in the room, being promiscuous and unsafe lifestyles, has been there since forever, but many people still choose to ignore it.
@PATMCKEON007 3 месяца назад
Some people, GAY & STRAIGHT, got AIDS even thought they were in a long term relationship 😢
@TomikaKelly 3 месяца назад
A bad tree bears bad fruit. Nearly every gay person came from the loins/womb of a straight person, so if there is something "predominantly wrong with gay people in general" wouldn't that mean that there is ALSO something "predominantly wrong" with straight people?🤔 The only people producing the gays and straight people.... Don't straight people get and spread AIDS? 🧐
@frankjohnson150 3 месяца назад
Tell us you’re a bigot without telling us you’re a bigot. Let me guess, you’re a “christian.”
@JBeauregard-no6rh 4 месяца назад
My cousin died of AIDS at Beth Israel hospital in NYC, in August of 1992. I never knew him, as he moved to Florida when I was a baby. From what I can tell, he did not have an easy life. His mother had severe mental illness and his father was never in his life. He was raised by my very Catholic grandparents until he was a teen, when he then moved back with his mother. I doubt they were very accepting of him being gay. At some point he moved to NYC. My father and uncle went to visit him when he was near the end, they recalled him standing at the window, watching them leave. I hope he did not die without any loved ones near, however I suspect he did. He was only 27. I don’t have any photos of him and don’t ever remember anyone talking about him when I was growing up. It’s like he never existed. It’s so horrible how so many people have stories similar to his. I hope somewhere there is someone who remembers him with love. RIP Glen Halpin
@TomikaKelly 3 месяца назад
By 1992, AIDS had been around for over 10 years and it was fairly clearly understood how the virus was transmitted and which populations were at greatest risk. It's really quote a shame that your Cousin Glen didn't take the proper precautions to safeguard his life.
@rtweeddancy7155 20 дней назад
@@TomikaKellyAIDS has a gestation period of up to 10 years…sometimes longer. If Glen died in 92, he could very well have contracted the disease in 82 or earlier when NOTHING was known about AIDS. What I find very sad, is that people like Glen Halpin and my own cousin who died of AIDS in 88 are gone…but people like YOU are still here! I find that to be absolutely TRAGIC and most REGRETTABLE!!!!!!
@JoeyNYSDnomad 4 месяца назад
Dr .Volberding has always been a steady, rational voice of reason during this tragedy.
@kittiesshortie5011 4 месяца назад
All the criticism of caretakers coming into the hospital rooms gowned and gloved is so revisionist- NOBODY knew how it was transmitted ! it could have been airborne , skin to skin, etc. You can’t go back in time and be so dismissive of people who were only trying to stay alive !
@sassyg950 3 месяца назад
Yes and no……..I live in a country that was at the forefront of HIV virus prevention and many many people wilfully and persistently refused to believe the research and medical establishment that, in fact,it was quite difficult to catch HIV except in certain situations.
@LisaGreenfield-Lesly 2 месяца назад
AIDS hastened in the need for PPE. Most people didn't use gloves when they should've.
@JaylenPotts-zs2qw 4 месяца назад
Albany Ga needs a Hiv/Aids Awareness to avoid another outbreak.
@krazykdon 4 месяца назад
Every time I watch something about aids during the early years it breaks my heart. People were treated so badly. If you could just go back and at least hold their hand. Many people refused to even look at them.❤i wish i just say youre not being punished. This was during a time if you came out gay your parents would kick you out after they beat your ass, and never speak to you again. I can only imagine how they felt going to their parents, and letting them kno they had aids during this time. Gays nowadays have no idea what it is to struggle. These were pioneers.
@Jasmine-ju2yf 4 месяца назад
I was diagnosed last week with hiv I have not stopped drinking since I have already start taking my medicine I am 26, I have no one to talk too about it really I told my parents and my dad broke down I just have to take a pill every day but I don’t want to die of cancer but sometimes I just want to die hits a sad world after u are diagnosed
@juliekulatunga4188 4 месяца назад
@@Jasmine-ju2yf God Bless you. We are all here for you. You are not alone pet xx
@Denidrakes69 19 дней назад
I have watched my son struggle with gender identity since he was 2yo. Often I worry that it will be terminal for him. My uncle is gay, didn't come out officially until 59yo, and talks about gender dysphoria in the same way people used to speak about homosexuality. When I listen to the internal struggles these men had in their younger years, they sound remarkably like my son, and he's only 8yo. We haven't come that far.... And, I tell you what, if he grows up and enters a city, like these men did, where everyone is just like him, and he feels a sense of inclusion and belonging and of being wanted that he's never felt, I would certainly understand why he might equate sex with love and closeness. I'd wish that he didn't have to feel that way - but I'd absolutely understand why he did.
@TinaWilson-pv6ks 4 месяца назад
I just want to say I don't understand when people say being gay is a choice and if you are gay you are going to hell, or that aids is God's punishment for choosing to be gay. Why on earth would anyone choose to be gay? They get bullied and hated for it and tell me who would choose that? You are born the way you are and love is love, so if you are born that way then God created you that way so why on earth would God punish you for the way he created you? My son is gay and I am so proud of him for loving who he is, would not want him to change a thing about himself! Why can't we all just love each other?
@beautifuldiva0208 3 месяца назад
Being gay is like any other sin . You don't go to hell for being gay it's a sin to act on it
@chrissimpson6701 3 месяца назад
​@@beautifuldiva0208Stop telling this lie, if you don't repent of any of your sins, your going to hell, bottom line. God hates sin, it will not enter into Heaven. I was born black, I didn't choose it, although I love being it. It is not the same, it is a choice, they were raped and assaulted, then the spirit entered them. There is power and deliverance in the name of Jesus. Most of them grew up in church, therefore, they know better. Jesus loves them yes he does, he died for them too, but he hates their sin, your sin, and my sin too.
@lolaali5158 2 месяца назад
​@@chrissimpson6701shouldn't you be dodging bullets at a trump rally?
@jeanv1352 Месяц назад
@@beautifuldiva0208 Says who? Sky daddy?
@beautifuldiva0208 Месяц назад
@@jeanv1352 huh ?
@josephmarzullo 5 месяцев назад
23:00 he’s stroking himself ? 😂
@dghhambo 5 месяцев назад
If I was sitting next to him I would have screamed at the top of my lungs wtf are you doing!😂
@valsainking 5 месяцев назад
@@dghhambo He's running his finger along the rim of the cocktail glass he's holding.
@Dimi374 4 месяца назад
Wow!! Disrespectful.
@beautifuldiva0208 3 месяца назад
@goldenaura949 2 месяца назад
He needs to chill 😂😂😂
@travelingdude1621 5 месяцев назад
I’ve met two actors from that movie. It’s hard to believe that movie came out over 30 years ago.
@MJ-nb7vg 5 месяцев назад
Who? Can you tell us more about them?
@AdamJurewicz91 3 месяца назад
Who were they?
@madoak5597 5 месяцев назад
44.07 that physician is wonderful. Also great seeing Rita Rocket. God bless them both for their kindness and humanity.
@rubydawn1 6 месяцев назад
the mothers are so amazing to stand by their sons. It must of been so hard for them and the way they supported each other is amazing. I love doing butterflies too I think this documentary is great for all things that we don t know about.
@nookie077 6 месяцев назад
When I look back at these old AIDS docs and hear the gay campaigners' speeches, who are fighting for justice, I don't recall hearing much about safe sex and condoms. I mean if I got AIDS after screwing ten guys up the ass hole in a bath house bare back, I'd be screaming "don't make the same mistakes I did.... be safe, use protection" etc.
@mrxman581 5 месяцев назад
Many were saying that. There was a huge campaign for many years about safer sex. They have free condoms at many places. The message was received by many of us. But it's the timing too of when the government agencies finally started funding research. For the first several years it wasn't completely clear that it was sexually transmitted. There was a lot of fear and shame within the gay community, too. And, discrimination from those who didn't have it against those who did. It was ignorance and fear. But, as the research data started coming out about how it was spread and that it was preventable, a whole generation or two changed their sexual behavior dramatically. Though that didn't last after about 25 years when much better antiviral drugs came on the market. I think young people today treat it like having diabetes. That's unfortunate.
@robertamcmunn3642 6 месяцев назад
It could have affected anyone, Why the gay community. You had enough on your plate before this. . God has nothing to do with the ass holes on earth. You are you .Thank you
@Shegosushimi 6 месяцев назад
Read the Bible you have a lot to learn.
@osu_ndn 5 месяцев назад
​@@ShegosushimiBullshit. Its all science. A virus has nothing to do with the bible or a fake sky god. Funny how jesus taught acceptance, compassion, understanding and love but so-called christians fail to practice his teachings on a daily basis. No gods, no masters.
@MJ-qb5ph 5 месяцев назад
@@osu_ndnThank you!
@jeanv1352 Месяц назад
@@Shegosushimi Shove your bible where the sun don't shine.
@StevyRich 6 месяцев назад
Whose song is that being played at the beginning?
@thatgirl9759 6 месяцев назад
The end credits says, "Will you be there," by Judy fjell
@StevyRich 6 месяцев назад
@@thatgirl9759 Thank you
@kevinprior3549 7 месяцев назад
Everyone says here they were diagnosed with AIDS. No mention of HIV or HTLV3 as it was originally called. So it seems these poor men got ill without any prior warning.
@Shegosushimi 6 месяцев назад
Who cares if there was a warning or not seriously stop listing and having unproductive anal sex period, grow up. Stop denying God.
@w.urlitzer1869 5 месяцев назад
@@Shegosushimi and who are you to judge?
@mrxman581 5 месяцев назад
​@@ShegosushimiNo one needs or wants to hear your proselytizing dogma. Keep it to your ignorant self.
@mrxman581 5 месяцев назад
There was still a lot that was not clear in the early 80s.
@UnionAdvocate 3 месяца назад
There was no HIV test at the time, so there was no way to determine if you were HIV positive until the opportunistic infections began appearing. At that point you had AIDS. There were tests to count T cells, but unless you had an opportunistic infection you wouldn’t get one of those tests. There just wasn’t a “before AIDS” diagnosis available until 1985, when the first HIV test became available. Basically, from 1980 to 1985 gay men just walked around wondering if they were next, and when the spots appeared, or pneumocystis showed up, you knew.
@andrewhall7176 7 месяцев назад
I wonder if Thomas Horne is a relative of Ken Horne?
@kevinprior3549 7 месяцев назад
Jim Henry's partner's deterioration was scary. Really scary!
@JasonLane-ci5ng 7 месяцев назад
I feel so sad for all of these wonderful People🌈💏🌈💏🌈💏🌈💏🌈💏🌈❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤