Hey everybody! I'm Billie and I have Narcolepsy. I make videos every once and a while, mostly about narcolepsy. Hope you enjoy them and maybe learn something along the way.

And you best subscribe while you're here!
What is Narcolepsy?
11 лет назад
My Diagnosis
11 лет назад
Sleep Awareness Week!
11 лет назад
I don't really like cake...
11 лет назад
The Angry Narcoleptic!
11 лет назад
Not my smartest idea
11 лет назад
Deep Thoughts with Billie
11 лет назад
Sleep Paralysis
11 лет назад
11 лет назад
11 лет назад
Narcolepsy Noob
11 лет назад
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
11 лет назад
Narcolepsy 101
11 лет назад
Pop Goes My Heart
15 лет назад
@BadrEddineGlouch 3 года назад
@MrTaryn32012 4 года назад
Audio cuts on at exactly 2 minutes
@monstermax01 5 лет назад
you made me smile, had a rough week with multiple Cataplexy attacks, had it a long time now! but thanx again!
@dedrabelcher1887 5 лет назад
Thank you for this video. My 17 year old son is experiencing this. This weekend was bad. As a mom, it's hard to watch. He fell to the ground while making a joke. It's good to see someone with a positive attitude about the whole thing.I do have one question, do you drive?
@billiesmalls12 5 лет назад
Yeah I drive. I live in an area without much public transportation. I have made rules for myself that I've kept for 5 plus years now. 1. I don't drive when I'm tired(I usually take wakefulness meds right before I do much driving) I've been known to even take a nap in my car. I've even turned right back around to nap for a second time because I thought I was ready but was not. 2. I don't drive on my own more than an hour, give or take. As for the whole cataplexy/driving issue. It really helps to abide by the law when driving that way I don't get nervous when I spot a cop car. As I stated in the video, I've had many years of experience in not letting things get to me. This helps when other drivers are tailgating or doing something else crappy. I just try not to get bothered by it and let them pass or I back off them. I know how easy it can be to get startled when driving so I would just caution a young driver or any driver really, to constantly be on the lookout. Know what you'll do in every driving situation. The only time I've had a vehicle/cataplexy issue is when I was a passenger and our vehicle was hit. Hope this helps.
@downbntout 5 лет назад
Please remake the vid it's meeee
@downbntout 5 лет назад
Yup like when the floor looks like a good place to lie down
@rebekahshtayfman1967 6 лет назад
I couldn’t hear you on more than half of the video 😢
@SonyaJeanette 7 лет назад
I have ONLY cataplexy, withOut Narcolepsy, It is COMPLETELY different. You have Narcolepsy, cataplexy is part of that! with Cataplexy your muscles go completely Limp and have no strength, paralyzed is when you can not feel anything. there is a difference. I have done my homework, and you should too. i am not trying to be mean, but you are partly wrong on a cataplexy person. I should know. I have that RARE thing called Cataplexy. it sucks too, Im grateful I do Not have narcolepsy. please dont think im being mean, I must make people aware. I just havent found ANYTHING that says what you say cataplexy is. just curious, Is that what your Neurologist told you?
@dedrabelcher1887 5 лет назад
This sounds more like my son. He has a sleep study scheduled this week. I really need correct info. We have just discovered this with him. It's hard not to freak out!
@brittneyjones9196 7 лет назад
why isent the sound working? it cut out all of a sudden
@rinalisagarcia1212 9 лет назад
OMG!! I have been struggling with E.D.S. for YEARS. My doctors have no idea what is wrong with me. I just feel this need to sleep whenever the sun is out. But then I get confused because even if I fight to stay awake during the day, at night I am wide awake sometimes and I just don't understand it. People just accuse me of being lazy. I was told I have C.F.S. But I was never sure that was it. AFter seeing this video, it's like bam, that's it!!! I am going to talk to my doctor about all of this and see if I can get him to understand. THANK YOU SO MUCH TALKING ABOUT THIS!!
@AYeahNoMindIftikhar 10 лет назад
Great video, very informative. Has anyone ever said you look like Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs?
@moorecz1 10 лет назад
My reaction to the narcolepsy diagnosis was the exact same as yours. Funny how we can adjust to such strange things until we perceive them as normal.
@lcozzarelli 10 лет назад
Ha! It's Christmas Eve Day, and I just watched your vid. Thanks for putting yourself out there! It was a very entertaining and informative vid. I'm on day 5 of Xyrem, and now I know I'll be able to awaken if there's a fire! Definitely a miracle drug so far :D
@cate2728 6 лет назад
lcozzarelli I’m watching it exactly four years later. Merry Christmas!
@gmarioni 10 лет назад
Great video! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Its amazing to find out the incredibly affinity of the narcoleptic in just a few experiences. I guess I will have to buy Julie's book tomorrow and read it myself. By the way, you mentioned a Network or something?... I would also like to have the opportunity to talk to other people with the same condition and exchange, comments, other experiences, about treatments, news on medications, not traditional medicine... Would greatly appreciate the help!
@lunarshift1566 10 лет назад
I like you're attitude towards it. Thanks for the vid!
@Creative_Catherine 11 лет назад
Wow your schedule is so different from mine lol. I take my dose, then I wake up 3.5 hours later, take my second dose, then I have to sleep for another 4-5 hours to feel 100%. I've been on it 2.5 years :) it's a lifesaver!
@cate2728 6 лет назад
Catherine Vasquez Re you still on it? Any problems?
@larsickenroth7169 11 лет назад
Hey, cool vid. I was quite afraid to take it the first couple of times. Question: can you even get to sleep without Xyrem? I've been taking it for about 3 weeks now and sleep great. But inbetween the doses I'm wide awake. Still on the lowest dose (2.25, 2 times a night), works for like 1,5/2 hours sleep per dose.
@stacyx521 11 лет назад
I hate getting sucked back into paralysis over & over again. Thank u for the videos!
@carrieannburns 11 лет назад
so cute and i take Modafinil, it doesnt give me sores :(
@carrieannburns 11 лет назад
your not supposed to drink coffee when you have narcolepsy and are on medication hehehe :P
@carrieannburns 11 лет назад
I yawn too!
@carrieannburns 11 лет назад
I hallucinate ALL the time, and sometimes i dont even know when i do until i confront a situation that i thought happened and it didnt because i had hallucinated the memory... this is the scary thing (though none of them are scary i only seen or hear / have memories of conversations that are real... like a convo with a friend ect...) also i have only seen things like a deer running down the road once, and a cat walking around the room.... I have narcolepsy.
@carrieannburns 11 лет назад
Send me your email i will send you a TON of info resources and links / communities
@MayaUrias 11 лет назад
Yeah I will do my best to continue to fight. I thank you for responding to my comment.
@carrieannburns 11 лет назад
ps subscribed
@carrieannburns 11 лет назад
Thanks for making this, it will inform more people about narcolepsy... Very informational, nice to meet more people with it, via internet, though sad to hear you suffer too!
@summerphotodiary 11 лет назад
thank you for this video, it is super motivating. I had an attack in english and everyone just sort of thought i was taking a while to answer haha so this video has taught me a lot thank you!
@TomEveson99 11 лет назад
Yea, thanks from me also, very good!
@daud8472 11 лет назад
I just put this up in Narcolepsy Friends, thanks for making the video :)
@MayaUrias 11 лет назад
I recently discovered that I might have cataplexy. I have all of the symptoms but I am going to a doctor to be sure. I collapse during the emotions of sadness and anger. I also lose control of the muscles in my neck and become dizzy when I laugh. I have a few of the other symptoms but I wanted to keep my comment short lol
@MichelleAndersonMD 11 лет назад
Absolutely love this!
@exAngel91 11 лет назад
I like your videos! Hope you post one today for Suddenly Sleepy Saturday!! Maybe an overview of Narcolepsy? Thanks for uploading them!! I subscribed to your channel :)
@daud8472 11 лет назад
I love your videos and most of them end up being a link in my Facebook group 'Narcolepsy Friends'. Thanks for the videos you do, it helps keep the topic of narcolepsy alive. :) Og and what is your name on Facebook again?
@JulieFlygare 11 лет назад
Great video, Billie! Thanks for mentioning my TV interview. "That must be why he's so kooky" LOL. Gotta love the Trump.
@daud8472 11 лет назад
Another good video mate. I was on this for a while but my put on a load of weight and got high blood pressure in the end. But it is a good clean drug and little to no come-down from it...
@MichelleAndersonMD 11 лет назад
Oh, Billie, I'm so happy for you and super excited Nuvigil is working for you! For me, Nuvigil is great and I feel motivated. I'm so glad you finally found the caramel for your apple!
@Yo.Momma-_578 11 лет назад
also do you know of any support groups or anything? im having a harder time dealing with this then i thought i would, but all these forrums are completely useless, noone will ever get back to me and ive tried all the sites my doctor gave me..none of them help...ive been going everywhere looking for something, which is how i found you lol
@Yo.Momma-_578 11 лет назад
i have both types..i got diagnosed because of them too. i dont have cataplexy so it was hard for them. i see people standing over my bed they dont have features at all theyre just black figures. they even touch me and shake the bed...i thought the lucid thing would make it better for me too but it actually made it worse and even triggerd paralysis.
@daud8472 11 лет назад
Your welcome mate, I enjoy watching what you have to say about your narcolepsy. They are wonderful videos so I put them up in my facebook group, 'Narcolepsy Friends'. :) Hope you are having a good day today babe :)
@Nathan0490 11 лет назад
Thanks for the video Billie! I can't wait to start reading the book now. It arrived this evening.
@daud8472 11 лет назад
Fab video again mate. You always hold my attention cos I am a drifter but anyways, great job... Nd Thanks :)
@JulieFlygare 11 лет назад
Thank you for reading my book, Wide Awake and Dreaming! I love the quotes you shared here. Can't wait to watch more of your videos.
@Umnipheii 11 лет назад
I love this video! Thank you so much for posting. I have cataplexy and this video helped me feel more positive about the whole.. "dead cockroach" thing. Your attitude towards it all is great I hope I can learn to accept it as much as you have and laugh about the situations rather than make them worse by stressing.
@ellywhale 11 лет назад
thanks for this video! its great to hear other narcoleptics talking about this kind of stuff, because i really believe it makes it easier when you know other people are experiencing the same thing! especially since symptoms other than sleepiness and cataplexy get ignored a lot when people talk about narcolepsy...
@daud8472 11 лет назад
I hope you get to do some for Channel Seven 'Sunday Night'.
@daud8472 11 лет назад
Hi I really want you to contact me as I'm wanting to get you on TV... Please write to me. d a u d 8 4 7 2 @ y a h o o . co . uk
@MichelleAndersonMD 11 лет назад
I love your honesty and it was incredible meeting you. Thank you, these videos are very important and you are most certainly making a difference.
@daud8472 11 лет назад
Hello mate. I'm loving your videos and I want to get you on TV...
@TomEveson99 11 лет назад
Very Good, I've added your video to my Narcolepsy playlist(educational.. best of) all the best
@dozydelilah 11 лет назад
Good discription!!! What meds are you on!! I'm on xyrem, provigal and anafrinal!!! It's working well I'm working 4 days a week and doing ok!!!