Potts Lawyers is Queensland’s largest private criminal law firm, providing expert representation for criminal, drug and traffic matters throughout Queensland. We are also highly skilled in the practice areas of civil litigation and dispute resolution.

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@cpaine8442 Месяц назад
Thanks for the explanation.
@CoverageAwarenessStudio Месяц назад
the only truth that matters is mine, I will not allow tyrants to control me.
@romeversace1061 3 месяца назад
Traffic laws prohibit passengers on towed vehicles, so no company can repossess an occupied vehicle. Even so, a repo man, with or without intent, who continues to be frustrated in their efforts have resorted to this practice, hooking up occupied vehicles to their tow truck. In most instances, this practice violates more than the motor vehicle code. Intentionally causing contact with an occupied vehicle can be charged battery and moving an occupied vehicle may constitute a kidnapping and or abduction. Both of these are serious crimes and constitute a breach of peace that can turn a lawful repossession into an illegal one.
@marvin69blastem61 4 месяца назад
20 months wait and I have just received a letter of rejection as I am apparently not a fit and proper person due to a Dv placed upon me 9yrs ago that was just fabricated fact less proofles BS No criminal conviction No fines No further actions needed and now in 2024 I'm not allowed to hold a licence I have a clean criminal police check clean living Help my community Care for the elderly and the sick Never put a foot wrong No drugs No drink But apparently I'm a danger to my community and a bad person.
@williamblack7813 4 месяца назад
If bailed and the scum bag commits further crime, then the judge should be accountable! END OF STORY!!!!
@shkmru2 5 месяцев назад
He really really fucked up, that is a lawsuit in the making, dude is a fucking idiot
@joshuasakadakis 6 месяцев назад
Hey mate I got convicted of a supply charge I’m going to USA in October should I be worry got charged with it I was 18 at the time thanks for your help I’m from Queensland as well
@philipthomson7460 7 месяцев назад
He couldn’t stay off the TV, back in the 1980s. His NZ accent always used to grate on my nerves….Profuusor Paul Wulson, waffling about his statistics and his computer- models.
@richardfabacher3705 Год назад
Amazon Thanks you. This was 10 years ago; I wonder what happened in COVID. I can find enough people to treat me like shit for free. Why pay for it? Bet these are the same businesses that are always crying to governments for a break.
@gorgeouslady5612 Год назад
Same Machine at the Austin Texas downtown library!.
@daklakdigital3691 Год назад
Just carry a battery powered MAKITA side grinder + a fully charged spare battery. RU-vid has plenty of videos showing the quickest way to cut off clamps.
@freelancerwick5418 Год назад
In response to my online job application, I was offered a formal instrument of agreement giving me no express right to contract termination mechanism or clause, withholding invoices payment with a little bit of payment release mechanism or clause and continuing work exploitation by imposing a financial penalty mechanism or clause on me. I was exploited for 89 consecutive days including Saturdays & Sundays and later even got sued for a fabricated claim of A$700,000/- via technically confidential & legally binding commercial arbitration proceedings. I strongly believe it is a form of forced labour and modern slavery or slavery like practises in Australia, but the employer or principal contractor has issued me a threatening letter claiming to file defamation charges against me if I tried to report this matter to police. It is so strange how big bullies doing a US150 billion dollar illegal business of modern slavery are using “defamation” as shield to not to get report the matter to police and take it to public . Unfortunately, there are some bad law firms involved in devising such modern enslaving terms of employment and conditions of work.
@meekainc2650 Год назад
What IF your lawyer didn’t provide a costs agreement or fee schedule and gives you an excessive invoice? [QLD]
@Mimzie-Arizona Год назад
@makeitpay8241 Год назад
if you decide to park in a private lot then walk down the street for the rest of the day you should not be upset that you end up with a ticket. the lot is for the shops that pay rent there not everyone in the city.
@Cindymckenzie3140 Год назад
Please Contact Me!! Key dates: 2005 J&J bladder Sling implanted 2010: Attempted 0:49 0:49 0:49 0:49 2015: approximately
@aussieranger2168 Год назад
But what's the point of taking a 50 yr old man who's smoked joints for 25 years straight and giving them drug diversion?? You think that's gonna make someone who's been smoking marijuana that long quit?? Ya dreaming.. that's why it's becoming legal everywhere now.. marijuana is no where near the drug that ice and speed is. Alcohol is worst than marijuana and cigarettes and they're legal .. I mean you can see hypocrisy in that can't ya?? Cause I can
@tonigood7245 2 года назад
I have always defended myself and won
@derekpascal3749 2 года назад
Stop shopping.
@aadrianlee 3 года назад
Satanic Secret Societies Pedophiles in high places and COMPROMISE. A world Problem ( ;
@stardragonflame 3 года назад
@canadapainter658 3 года назад
( PLEASE CONTACT TO AUSTRALIAN OFFICIALS TO PUT PRESSURE on the Ministry of Justice and tell him to re-open Gabler's case and order the Supreme Court to examine Gable's case killing that girl case vs. (leaving the case to low those class jury). - There is CRYING OUT LOUD EVIDENCE TO BE LOOKED AT.. - That girl fell into her death because Gable LOCKED her outside of the balcony to deal with it on her own. " (if I put a rope around your neck and I stand you on a 3 foot high (ICE BLOCK) ... wouldn't you think YOU GOING TO DIE (eventually) from hanging?)". Basically, I will kill you... Girl was in the (SAME SITUATION ) being locked outside of the balcony door hanging for her life knowing she will die from falling. Gable killed her !!! Below neighbour had a snapshot of her legs hanging and plunged into her death not able to hold herself anymore.. SHE NEVER JUMPED !!!...she held herself hanging off of the balcony until she could not hold herself anymore and plunged into her death. The neighbour video below can prove her hanging legs. REMEMBER !!! if I put a rope around your neck and I stand you on a 3 foot high (ICE BLOCK) ... wouldn't you think YOU GOING TO DIE (eventually) from hanging?.... Basically, I will kill you...
@annetteslife 3 года назад
Sounds like a cash grab
@London_J 3 года назад
People misreading a sign is not the fault of the shoping company
@tia_smrdi 3 года назад
Fine: tell them you never got a fine and ask for proof and take photos of your car legally parked. Clamp: Either get a chainsaw or two wrenches and twist them apart with the lock in it. Tow: Put a very realistic sleeping dummy in it..
@noneyourbizz3140 3 года назад
god forbid that people are asked to act responsibly don't park where you are not to supposed to if you park in a private lot PAY FOR IT
@harpieclan1950 4 года назад
Wait they are the thugs cause you stole a parking spot?? Who’s the real thug
@jasonax6788 4 года назад
Well then don’t park in the handicap spaces so there is to it what part do people not understand oh wait they just don’t care
@jasonax6788 4 года назад
How are you confused by the sign it’s crystal clear as to who can park there oh it’s just gonna be 10 minutes oh well then we’re gonna have to tow your car bro because you’re an inconsiderate person
@amaton39able 4 года назад
So learn to read sign correctly and stop bitching .
@mary-ruthflores4107 4 года назад
Private property, you chose to park there. I do my best not to park there, and not to go to stores that support them
@cubicinches18 4 года назад
The logic of paying exorbitant towing fees and possible legal costs doesn't make sense. In the grand scheme of the business shopping centre surely the economics of even employing attendants to take parking fees and issue receipts. Like supermarkets who replace check out chicks with self serve checkouts and then complain about increase in theft LOL Dipstick businesses run by dick head accountants
@4812megan 4 года назад
Openly admits on national prime time TV to premeditated, unprovoked murder and is set free. Do I need to say it? If a man committed this exact same crime................
@mackphillips3828 Год назад
maybe listen to what happened before making judgement
@beaulieuc8910 4 года назад
Classic narcissitic behaviour, with all the gaslighting. Everything is a vehicle for themselves. The Chinese caught on camera didn't want to 'lose face', well too bad. The rich can be narcissistc free loads with a sense of entitlement
@scoobycat20 4 года назад
The introduction to this clip " In an explosive confession Kevin Rudd has admitted ultimate responsibility..." Well it sure didn't turn out that way from Bill Pott's account and knowing one of the families in this devastating event I know first hand that they didn't receive an apology. This happened to these four young men because Rudd was not listening nor could be bothered to do anything responsible that would have prevented these deaths if he had listened to the many warnings from families of employees prior
@1950songs 4 года назад
Would there be anyone to help me with my LDS case with defamation.
@mahatmacoat7215 5 лет назад
Heard it all before. Been in the UK for years and but it has made Joe Public read the terms and conditions. If you are stupid and want to "try and get away with it" or "push the boundaries" then you deserve what you get. Of course there are some exceptions. Why didn't some of these people put sufficient funds in the machine. Make sure they had enough coins or notes or credit or debit cards.
@richardfabacher3705 Год назад
MANY MANY MANY meters cheat. To be safe I once put 2 hours on a meter and came back in 40 minutes to find it said "EXPIRED." Found nobody took calls to report dishonest meters. Policing for Profit. Can't be much longer before they come to your house and charge you a fee not to tase your family. Step away from the aquarium--there's something fishy about it.
@wurly164 5 лет назад
Just read the signs
@Beezlie727 5 лет назад
Hurt the ones who least want it. Don't shop at those stores. Lost revenue is never good except for other store locations that have reasonable (& free) parking requirements.
@ericbinney7256 5 лет назад
Just stop shopping at those places when they lose business and not make money and let employees go cause they cant afford to pay they have no one to blame but themselves
@michaelmurratti4687 5 лет назад
Pay your BILLS! Cheapskate ASSHOLES!
@DanKoning777 5 лет назад
Welcome to "lawlessness" which WILL NOT get better...But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God..... 2 Timothy 3:1-4
@gokaren420 5 лет назад
I have never seen anything like this in my life...and it's just another way to rip.people off
@ianslee8968 5 лет назад
I’m disabled and the other week right next to me was a car with no badge on it. I waited to see them come back. I asked the driver what disability he had and got a mouthful of profanity formy trouble. I answered back and got a 4 Lt jug of milk thrown at my car bursting and going all over the car, me and the interior. The gutless asshole then drove away laughing. He didn’t laugh when police knocked on his door. I had pictures and video footage of the whole thing. Sent pics to car park owners and they are charging for it also police are doing him for assault for throwing the milk jug at me. This has to stop.
@shnuppyable 5 лет назад
Don’t drive learn to go without you will win catch public transport saves money and keep fit win win
@peepslostsheep 5 лет назад
Not all places have public transportation. Not all items can be carried on public transport.
@Lofsompiepel 5 лет назад
They all say it's just 5 or 10 minuts. That guy Josh is just an parasite. Just pay for parking or don 't drive if you can't afford
@mjp8845 5 лет назад
They cry....scum think they can do what they like....if you do not want a ticket do what you are supposed to . How many use supermarket car parks to park , but do not use the shopping facility ?
@chuckkline2970 5 лет назад
Only one word for this situation..... GREED.
@davidedwards3361 5 лет назад
If a shopping center near me started to charge for parking, I would find somewhere else that didn't. I know I am only one person, but if others stood by their beliefs, the damage would soon hit the cash registers. I went for a coffee about 3 times a week at $6.50 per visit. I know it's not a lot, but after some bad service, I DON'T have my coffee any more. I went to a supermarket for years, then a cheaper one opened up, so I haven't been back to the first place for 2 years Again, just one person, but hopefully others feel the same. If you are going to charge for parking, then there better be something in it for me other than a parking spot that used to be free.
@vi_EviL_iv 6 лет назад
Its all about the money at all cost no matter what. Morals, right and wrong are out the window. Use any tricks and scams as possible. We humans just love chaos, disorder, destruction & vengeance. Morals are gone now a days HA! We humans need to be extinct, period.