Catholic World Encyclopedia
Catholic World Encyclopedia
Catholic World Encyclopedia
NOTE: My project has been put on hold until the summer. A huge improvement should start in June, God-willingly.
Purpose:Exploring controversies and sharing little-known facts and remarkable works of art, music, science, and architecture
@stephanebelizaire3627 Месяц назад
Cheers and Vivat for Saint Pope Paul VI !
@madushanl3087 7 месяцев назад
Amen st james
@vadasultenfuss6450 7 месяцев назад
Botafumeiro swinging Music!!!
@notyou9743 11 месяцев назад
Wow. This is what we need today. Rid the Church of evil crazy Bergoglio and his abnormal crazy nutters
@monicadabney8471 Год назад
Many of the women should have been wearing past the shoulders veils....not hats. Hats are a bit too prideful. Think about it.
@YooTuba 8 месяцев назад
Given that the women in this video have probably passed away by now, you'd best be just praying for their souls and not committing sins of pride and judgmental attitude yourself. Think about it.
@monicadabney8471 8 месяцев назад
@@YooTuba I happen to love this film of the true mass. Societies changes to modesty were noted and has steadily gotten worse over the decades. I happen pray for the souls in Purgatory. Wasn't meaning to give the impression that I was JUDGING these souls. No. Many hats just do not allow the soul to keep focused on the mass. The long veils are wonderful to decrease distractions. PAX.
@68sgstandard Год назад
This Mass is the Mass of Easter Sunday. The "Mass of Christ the King" is the title of the musical setting for choir of the Ordinary of the Mass, i.e., the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Credo, the Santus and the Agnus Dei. The Ordinary are the sung prayers of the Mass which are the same at every Mass though at certain times of the year the Gloria is neither prayed nor sung. The Schola Cantorum of seminarians from the Archdiocesan Seminary in Mundelein, Illinois, chants the Proper chants of this Mass for Easter Sunday. The Ordinary can be chanted in Gregorian Chant as well.
@TonyNapoli 2 года назад
As a child of the 50's, I would sit on the couch with my Dad (fallen away catholic) and we would watch Bishop Fulton Sheen & the Mass together while my mother would take my siblings to a protestant church service..So in the beginning, I was always Catholic 🥲
@johncahalane7327 2 года назад
Of course within the year JFK would follow Pope John XVII
@horizon-one 2 года назад
Pope Paul VI was replaced by a double. Ochestrated by Freemason/communist Cardinals. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tXg9lOVjgXY.html
@edvaldopazebem 2 года назад
Odeio ter que aceitar o idioma inglês como língua mundial. Se ainda fosse pelos ingleses, mas é pelo americanos. Povo inculto. Sem educação e respeito por ninguém.
@eddyrobichaud5832 2 года назад
If this is not idolatry what is?
@blindnord5146 2 года назад
worshipping actual objects not using them to worship
@eddyrobichaud5832 2 года назад
@@blindnord5146 this is idolatry towards one man the "pope " which by the way Jesus says in Matthew 23:9 do not call no one father" pope " for there is only one" Father "and he is in heaven .
@blindnord5146 2 года назад
@@eddyrobichaud5832 catholics don't worship the pope as God
@eddyrobichaud5832 2 года назад
@@blindnord5146 it's not worship its idolatry
@monicadabney8471 2 года назад
Makes one teary.🙏🌹
@franckranaivo666 2 года назад
@ClutchEastwood 2 года назад
Intro too long... sry, bye
@alexedelweiss3267 3 года назад
He kept in secret a long term relationship with the actor Paolo Carlini.
@patc6146 3 года назад
full churches, younger priests, flowers on altar, loud choirs, so much reverence....what changed???
@barbararuden7848 Месяц назад
Vatican II
@larrygraysmith8411 3 года назад
Thank ya Paul VI! Thanks for destroyin' a mass Thanks for complete destruction of our liturgy Thanks for empty semineries, monasteries, convents and churches Thanks for liberalism, homosexuality, communism, freemansory and modernism that rule over the Church Thanks for invalid priests and bishops Thanks for Vatican 2 and its heresies Thanks for waterin' down our religion Thanks for such abomination as Novus ordo mass is Thanks for kickin' Holy Mother Church on her knees And mostly, thanks for damnation of countless of souls.
@solitarywolf2993 4 года назад
Not long ago I learned about the tridentine mass but didn't really understood although I felt it so holy..thank you for this which provided with more knowledge...here in Puerto Rico I've never seen a tridentine mass which is a shame..its so different and holier..I wish they could bring it back..🙏🌹🙏
@mikeritter6311 4 года назад
The last "pope" it should have been cardinal siri. (Gregory xv11)
@michelenodespairbear1268 4 года назад
The site in description box can no longer be reached, doesn't matter though. Thank you for this beautiful Mass w/ Ven Fulton Sheen as narrator.
@roberto71180 4 года назад
Pablo VI. El putito de Babilonia que prostituyo la iglesia con su herejia y su abobinable misa neoprotestante ....
@yusadani755 5 лет назад
Esehe̬ héčaruhe̬ líle ôdanuk̜o ere deyal ni Keróhe̬.
@gapfenix 5 лет назад
*THE IMMUTABLE LAW OF GOD* *I* I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. *II* *Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth* Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. *III* Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. *IV* Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. *V" Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. *VII* Thou shalt not kill (murder). *VII* Thou shalt not commit adultery. *VIII* Thou shalt not steal. *IX* Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. *X* Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. Exodus 20:2-17 KJV
@larrygraysmith8411 3 года назад
This is old covenant, abolished by Christ's resurection. We live in a new covenant, in a New Testament's covenant. John 12:45 "And whoever sees me sees him who sent me." Therefore II. point is no longer valid.
@leejennifercorlewayres9193 5 лет назад
Very informative. 😊
@bbr8886 5 лет назад
Flos Florum !! Cessez de crucifier votre Pontife, catholiques aveugles. C'est un grand pape....
@tobby12347 6 лет назад
Nice surprise to hear Carlton Heston doing the audio. God bless Paul VI!
@bobbaggo1811 6 лет назад
What is the music
@marionparton662 6 лет назад
Finally found the version I grew up with. Raised Church of England (Anglican) Was startled when I was looking for my favourite hymns to find different words.
@mnd1955 5 лет назад
@Marion Parton I also remember this version from my childhood. It is, in my opinion, the best version of this glorious hymn.
@vernonbrowne6127 3 года назад
This is my favorite version also.😁😁😁
@hubertkorzeniak5549 7 лет назад
Sedevacantists are terrible modernists and heretics! Blessed Pope Paul VI was one of the greatest bishops of Rome in Roman Catholic history!
@margueritecrain2764 6 лет назад
He demolished the externals of the Catholic Church...but She still can be found in the catacombs....
@jessec2138 7 лет назад
@stephenflerisoler4757 7 лет назад
The pope who had a beautiful presence
@jacobolsarnevich2753 7 лет назад
Pope Paul 6th was a great man, so many of you out there are jealous heretics and none of you will never amount to nothing.
@latinmasschoir5581 7 лет назад
Paul VI's spinelessness, his modernism and possibly his apostasy, led to the destruction of the Catholic faith. All Montini focused on was "creating man's habitat on earth". He gave no attention to focusing man on their eternal salvation in heaven. But Montini's main act of destruction and vandalism was Vatican II. and that appalling protestant liturgy, designed by 6 protestants, aimed as destroying the Mass and thus the faith. Then there was the Council's documents of ecumenism ,collegiality and freedom of conscience, all overseen and approved by Paul VI. Giovanni Montini would have had much to answer for before God Almighty.
@DungNguyen-wj8ll 7 лет назад
Jacob Olsarnevich cw fbn
@roberto71180 4 года назад
@@latinmasschoir5581. AMEN FRATRE !!!!
@Lanutriatraviesa 7 лет назад
He was a gay
@blindnord5146 2 года назад
like you
@Lanutriatraviesa 2 года назад
@@blindnord5146 and you
@YouDonteverhavetodie 9 лет назад
Thank you pope Paul VI, for all the perversion and nudity you gave us in the movies. What would we have done without you.
@catholicworldencyclopedia1074 9 лет назад
@110114125414551896305 What exactly do you mean? I realize that this 'pope' helped spread modernism and cultural decline, but what exactly are you referring to?
@Lanutriatraviesa 7 лет назад
Where are those movies? They say Paul VI was a gay ...is that true?
@francisbarca6608 7 лет назад
Lanutriatraviesa It matters not. He shipwrecked the Roman Catholic church. Ruined many souls. Even worse is that his heresies and stripping the sacred liturgies of their ability to lift one into the heavenlies still persist to this day.
@MathewAlex-hc4bf 3 года назад
@@Lanutriatraviesa no.
@1woksape606 3 года назад
All Christians, churches, leaders and religions not knowing and doing spiritual warfare and deliverance will be destroyed in these times of terrible spiritual warfare.
@catholicworldencyclopedia1074 9 лет назад
You should be able to close any ad that appears. I do not make any money off the ads.I am sorry that the ad blocks the view of the lyrics. There are also free versions and extensions for ad-blocking software. Search "Google chrome Adblock extension" and you will find free, easy, quick options.
@WolfgangOSS 8 лет назад
Good upload been looking for Catholic version
@catholicworldencyclopedia1074 9 лет назад
The video should be longer, but copyright claims and audio issues have made it much shorter. For the original program, see archive.org/details/AM_1982_12_23
@catholicworldencyclopedia1074 10 лет назад
Thank you so much for viewing...this is my first upload, and I should continue this in spare time.