Torah Thinking
Torah Thinking
Torah Thinking
The Presidential Debate and the Hand of God
23 часа назад
Why this Exile is So Long
Месяц назад
The Might of God at the End of Time
2 месяца назад
The Redemption Process: How it All Unfolds
2 месяца назад
The Future of America at the End of Time
3 месяца назад
The Purim Story Reenacted in 2024
4 месяца назад
The Retribution Before the Messianic Era
4 месяца назад
The True Nature of the Darkness Before the Mashiach
5 месяцев назад
Tisha B'Av & Current Events
6 месяцев назад
The True Essence of Chanuka | 2023 / 5784
7 месяцев назад
The Middle East Conflict at the End of Time: Part 2
8 месяцев назад
The Middle East Conflict at the End of Time
8 месяцев назад
What Really Happens on Yom Kippur
9 месяцев назад
The Satan's Most Powerful Weapon
9 месяцев назад
Why People Don't Change
9 месяцев назад
@jakobw135 2 дня назад
Officially, English has 650,000 words. French has 450,000 words.
@jakobw135 9 дней назад
P S. & N.B. Can you say, turning the right thumb one way, that since your safety and health may be compromised by giving your FULL KAVANAH to the mitzvah when you are on top of the tree, therefore, turning the left thumb the other way, it will be counted for you and to you, nonetheless!
@jakobw135 9 дней назад
Here's another argument: since the Universe is a PRECEDENT to the owner, being created first, and the Shabbos is a reflection of that creation, and you can violate it to save somebody's life - therefore,certainly the owner can forego the income that you would produce going down and up that tree!
@jakobw135 9 дней назад
Why don't you just say that you want to do the mitzvah B'Kavanah and B'Shalom - and come down safely and in safety. Whatever it costs the owner, will come out of your pocket. It's just the price you pay for fulfilling a commandment!
@biblicalmessiah 13 дней назад
May HaShem bless you with what he knows you need the most in his Eyes.
@urielm774 20 дней назад
Is rabbi still based in Laekwood? Does he visit Los Angeles anytime soon?
@jakobw135 23 дня назад
."..THAT let's you ..." NOT then let's you
@jakobw135 23 дня назад
Why do you keep harping on the issue of existence and free will? Face the fact that G-D has ABSOLUTE FREE WILL. Now that the Universe is here thanks to His Free Will and action, YOUR CHOICE of what to do, is left up to YOU!
@jakobw135 23 дня назад
Of course you have FREE WILL! G-D sets up the entire situation - then let's you FREELY CHOOSE, and finally, enacts the REPERCUSSIONS! You can actually do something that was NOT SUPPOSED TO happen! The Creator then DIVINELY REPAIRS the UNDESIRED result - to produce OVERALL GOOD!
@jakobw135 27 дней назад
You keep using the term SPIRITUAL, and yet you admit that we really DON'T KNOW what it means! How does that make any sense? Perhaps we can look at it like this - we differentiate between PHYSICAL objects and energy OUTSIDE of us, the perceiver - and what we SENSE about the aforementioned, in our MIND! IOW, the spiritual is a reference to NON-PHYSICAL or IDEA BASED awareness and consciousness because of our experience in the world and of the world. In the future State or the World To Come, perhaps there will be a greater unity between these two states, with all the PERFECTION that entails.
@jakobw135 27 дней назад
Perhaps the idea of BEAUTY you describe refers also to that of Klal Yisroel - where the WISDOM expressed in the multitude of views of its human constituents blends into one harmonious whole! But that means taking each one of those individuals seriously and integrating them with everyone else - REGARDLESS -of his particular proclivities, training, and self-control! IOW, being willing to LEARN from everyone!
@jakobw135 27 дней назад
Where do you get the idea that if a man sees a woman he wants - she AUTOMATICALLY becomes his wife!?
@jakobw135 27 дней назад
Actually, the PHYSICAL UNIVERSE is a revelation of G-D, if you know HOW to look.
@jakobw135 29 дней назад
Having the TENDENCIES towards evil before birth, does not take away the FREE WILL and power to overcome those inclinations!
@jakobw135 29 дней назад
Isn't the fact that Yaakov Avinu DEFEATED the angel of Esau show that the younger and the lesser was actually GREATER?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Actually the Jewish people at the time of Achashveirosh DID vote for that King, by acquiescing to his claim that Jews no longer need the Redeemer, nor ERETZ Zion!!
@omniteksilbear4559 Месяц назад
39:00 David was posed this question. His answer was create in me a clean heart Hashem. Hashem gave him everything :D
@omniteksilbear4559 Месяц назад
This is what society is missing. A place where men can go and discuss great concepts with a man who knows.
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Is it true that when G-D uses suffering as the means to do - GOOD, He is HIDING that GOOD from the YETZER Harah, so that it shouldn't INTERFERE?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Aren't the South Koreans VIOLATING the commandment that forbids Gentiles from studying Torah?
@omniteksilbear4559 Месяц назад
Maybe they want to convert O.O HASHEM said you will be examples unto the other nations so they can know of me and my ways. in my personal opinion, HASHEM always trumps the Talmud/ Halakha.
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Isn't our EMUNAH originally based on PERCEPTION of the MASSES?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Can't DEDUCTIONS, logical or not, be MISTAKEN? Whereas, PERCEPTION, is usually, INCONTROVERTIBLE (unless there's something wrong with your organs of perception)!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Your brother Shimon, mentioned in one of his videos, that if you do not perfect yourself with the correct choices in this world to become G-D - LIKE, then you invite ANNIHILATION, because the Creator can only exist, (so to speak), with PERFECTION ITSELF!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Doesn't SPIRITUALITY refer to the Divine or CORRECT use of the PHYSICAL that G-D gave Mankind - employing both the MIND & EMOTIONS in the process?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Isn't one of the signs or THE symbol of ALTRUISM - giving a gift and DOING GOOD to someone, when he DOESN'T DESERVE it? And doesn't G-D want you to imitate this trait?
@user-cb9rp9kw3e Месяц назад
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
We are part of HIM - and he has NO PARTS - is really not a problem, because that statement is from OUR POINT OF VIEW!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
When you talk about the ESSENCE of things and that we CANNOT KNOW anything OUTSIDE of that - are you not referring to the experience you have in your mind as a result of PERCEPTION? IOW, we posit that G-D is outside of your apprehension of the world,and therefore, UNKNOWABLE by definition?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Don't we say that NONE of the concepts we typically apply to THIS WORLD describe G-D in any way, because we declare that the Creator is OUTSIDE OF that which he created?!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Do we say that EXISTENCE (forever) is the greatest TOV because it's opposite - OBLIVION (forever) - is the greatest EVIL?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
When talking about OLAM HABA, and that the eyes have never be held it yet, maybe it's referring to what you see when you look UP on a starry night!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
The problem with TOV from our perception in our world, is that we experience it in ways that cause PAIN & SUFFERING!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Methinks there is a confusion between OPPOSITES and COMPLEMENTS. The latter can and must exist together, while the former, cannot because of the obvious CONTRADICTION.
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Why can't G-D exist and not exist at the same time? It seems possible as far as The Creator is concerned because He is - the ABSOLUTE UNITY OF OPPOSITES! In His world of undifferentiated and diffuse unity of everything - such a contradictory situation is certainly possible! Whereas in our BIFURCATED world, such a unity would be considered CONTRADICTORY.
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
SPIRITUALLY, you can derive the comment below about introducing a change when Adam and Eve were in the Garden and they were offered a CHOICE - between good, the precursor in Atzilus, and bad - the newly created physical world.
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Perhaps G- D created Time in order to produce a - CHANGE, with respect to DISTANCE - both in the physical and spiritual senses. In the DIFFUSE & AMORPHOUS world of Atzilus, everything is one, undifferentiated whole.
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
When referring to Ishmael and his descendants, who supposedly will do TESHUVA, that is NOT referring to Arab Muslims - because the addition of Islam makes its followers - AMALEKITES! Muhammad was obviously one because he displayed two characteristics we know they supposedly have - and those are: CRUELTY & a willingness to commit SUICIDE- HOMICIDE in order to achieve their WICKED ends!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
To the credit of those who founded the modern state of Israel, Ben Gurion did agree to make the official day off - the Shabbos! So you see there is a spark of Holiness in the current Israel!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
The ancient Greek mentality and so-called morality is based on pure science which describes and defines what a person perceives OUTSIDE OF himself. The Torah however, posits an an INTERNAL REALITY, and therefore,a MORALITY, of the perceiver and doer!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
The idea that someone or people, should serve ANYONE because they do the will of G -D, is repugnant at its core! Rather what we the Jews should be doing, is showing the world how to serve the Creator in each and every one of us, by raising the awareness of the individual to a higher level, using what G - D gave you.
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Why should the world THE MATERIALIZE? After all, don't we say and hope for, the Universe that will be perfected after the resurrection of the Dead - where you have the IDEAL combination of the spiritual with the material?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Rabbi Yom Tov Glazer mentions YOUISHNESS, which is developing yourself in and with Judaism. Unfortunately there are still those mostly in the YESHIVISH ENVIRONMENT, who will ONLY listen to what you have to say and allow for personal development - IFF - you follow their established protocol- which is- the sage and his passage or vice versa, NEVER giving your own views. IOW, the statements: I think, I see, in my view,in my opinion - are ASSUR - until 119 years and 364 days of your life steeped in Torah, have passed!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Regarding the Holocaust it's easy to blame the irreligious and the reform. What about how the FRUMEH treat their compatriots - especially the ones who are not as religious or following certain protocols - in ordinary conversation. Many fellow Jews feel like chopped liver or minced meat - almost a total lack of RESPECT!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Why are you diminishing the experience of G-D in this world? The whole point is to use this Universe to experience his ABSENCE - something impossible in the world of MALACHIM!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
One way to look at the difference between OLAM HAZEH and OLAM HABA, is that in the latter case: conflict, stench, and death are - ABSENT!
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Isn't it true that the greatest JOY you experience doing a Mitzvah, from either the details of its LAW, or the KABBALAH associated with it - does not compare to the PHYSICAL & EMOTIONAL PLEASURE a man gets from being INTIMATE with a woman?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Can't G-D change your Destiny and/or your Fortune for whatever DIVINE Reason he chooses? Are you not supposed to believe in The Creator Himself - REGARDLESS of the human or anything else in the Universe he uses for that belief? If on the other hand, you use a particular human being for whatever reason, as the center point of your belief, are you not guilty in some way, of the worst form of IDOLATRY?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Is the performance of the NEGATIVE and POSITIVE Commandments in that order - meant to FIRST REMOVE any impediments to perfection, and then pursue those methods that actually create and and enhance your INTENDED DEVELOPMENT?
@jakobw135 Месяц назад
Maybe the combination, or infusion of the soul into the body, is meant to show you how to unite with G-D in the here and now - the Universe as we experience it!