Audrey Getman
Audrey Getman
Audrey Getman
My name is Audrey. I'm a 26 year-old living with a rare disease called myasthenia gravis. Follow along as I navigate my life with a chronic disease, as well as share some of my interests with you!

@paullira6181 12 дней назад
So how are you doing with MG?
@starcorpvncj 2 месяца назад
Well presented. I've been 73 yearvold male sufferer force months. Likevyou I had to rell the neurologists what was going on. Cheers
@annkingston7460 4 месяца назад
Came here to ask the same:)
@suesturgis5821 4 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing!
@FloridaClay 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the informative story. Having my chest scan to see if I need one in about 2 weeks.
@crystalr9633 6 месяцев назад
How long did it take you to recover from the actual surgery and when did the pain start to get better? I had mine done alittle over a week ago and the amount of pain and discomfort is insane
@techducation3454 7 месяцев назад
are you fully recover now or still taking any madicine for MG. please reply me if you see my comment
@kevincarter5756 7 месяцев назад
What were you diagnosed with?
@jamiesavell7501 7 месяцев назад
I was diagnosed with MG last summer after 11 years of eye ptosis so bad it was/is affecting my vision, but the neurologist who was seeing me gave up on me because 2 meds didnt work. He sent me to have another eye surgery. Ive already had 2 by 2 different surgeons and both surgeons didnt think another eye surgery would help. Luckily, i saw my primary care and he is sending me to another neurologist in Jan. Anyone have any advice for having a doctor not give up on you? That has been story after story for me. Thanks!
@amantomar1390 8 месяцев назад
Hey mam i from India 23 year old male my robotic surgery done
@amantomar1390 8 месяцев назад
Hey i am from India 23 year old i male am suffering MG
@Teenibash1969 Год назад
Good to see you look so well Audrey. I was diagnosed in July 2021. I had a droopy eyelid and double vision. I had leg weakness and cramps and fell a lot. I didn’t get a CT on my thymus until April this year and my thymus is fine. In the past week my eyelid has returned to normal.
@techducation3454 Год назад
question 1: how much time take your MG dieseas after surgery in recovery. q2: are you still taking madicine for MG
@julieberns1474 Год назад
Fellow MGer here. You mentioned being AChr postive. Any idea why the first blood test didn’t come back as postive?
@tylercoates8183 5 месяцев назад
Sometimes if it’s really early in the disease when they test, it won’t show as positive
@Snarkapotamus Год назад
It took me 6-months to get into a Neurologist and about 5-minutes for her to make a preliminary diagnosis as gMG. Which, is what it was proved to be via various tests...
@crystalr9633 2 года назад
can myasthenia gravis cause constant muscle fasciculations and numbness, tingling, pins and needles and vibration sensations?
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
I've heard yes, but everyone experiences it differently, so it would definitely be a conversation to have with your doctor.
@crystalr9633 2 года назад
@@AudreyGetman thank you im seeing a new nueroglist today hopefully I can get some answers
@arijjouini6603 2 месяца назад
I’m getting those too .. what did the neurologist told you ?
@crystalr9633 2 месяца назад
@arijjouini6603 I had testing I had an emg and a sfemg that both came back abnormal shows I have evidence of a nuero muscular junction disorder they are/ were thinking myasthenia Gravis but treatments they have tried me on for that I have not responded to and I also have lupus on top of that
@arijjouini6603 2 месяца назад
@@crystalr9633 i also didn't respond to medicines they give me .. i'm on 40mg of prednisone now and i take 5 pills of mestinon and nothing seems to work . What treatment they gave you ?
@tracysternburg 2 года назад
Wow, it’s nice you had someone who took you seriously and who had some knowledge. It took almost 6 years and endless demoralizing and everyone telling me I was depressed. It was the bigger hospital in Denver that has decided I do have MG even tho all my blood tests all came back negative. Waiting for the EMG. Thanks for the info.
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
I'm so sorry that happened to you, that's terrible. I hope it got better for you!
@lillyrocks2011 5 месяцев назад
Hi, how are you? I have been without the right diagnosis for years. I recently discovered that there's something called seronegative Myasthenia gravis. Do you have your eyelid/s dropping? I have other autoinmune condition. So it's harder that doctors take you seriously. I'm surprised that in tte USA can happen to be without diagnosis😢. I'm in Mexico and in Germany the few time I was there and with my ex bf whos doctor were telling me that is fibromyalgia. That left me without diagnosis for years and I'm still struggling to get the right diagnosis of my other strange symptoms. 😢
@crystalr9633 2 года назад
when you get a chest ct scan and it shows thymus tissue can that mean you have MG? I was diagnosed with lupus last September but Me and my dr thinks there's more going on... my muscles feel very tired from doing the littlest things just holding my phone or lifting my arms they feel so tired and oveeused... my eyelids also get very swollen and my eyes feel tired alot... I also feel my muscles spasing and twitching all throughout my body all day long it doesn't stop.... I had a chest ct scan it showed something near my thymus they believe it's tissue im getting another scan in a few days to see if anything has changed
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
It could mean it! A lot of neurologists will run blood tests to see if you have Acetylcholine Receptors, and that's indicative of MG too. My thymus had excess tissue, but it wasn't how they diagnosed me. They thought it could be contributing to the symptoms though, which is why I had it removed. Best of luck to you!
@crystalr9633 2 года назад
@@AudreyGetman thank you so much mine shows excess tissue too going tomorrow for another scan I am going to mention this to my nueroglist and Theotic Surgeon... did you have an emg nerve and muscle test done? I did mine was normal which is my nueroglist won't do further testing but I read you can still have MG with a normal emg
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
@@crystalr9633 I had an EMG which is what ended up diagnosing the MG. My blood tests came back negative originally which is why they did an EMG, and then my blood tests came back positive. I think I talk about this in my diagnosis story and a bit in my thymectomy story, so check out those videos for some more in depth explanations if you want! Good luck with everything, I hope it goes well!
@jaihindshobhamsinghalltopi1774 2 года назад
hi audrey its shobham from india audrey and you are awesome also audrey
@namratamatsya6753 2 года назад
i have myasthenia and my robotic surgery is in few days so it is helpfull
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
I'm happy to hear this was helpful! Best of luck with your surgery!
@Angelahuskin 2 года назад
So if they want to remove the gland does that mean u have mg?
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
Not necessarily from what I understand, it may be a precautionary measure. I would definitely ask your surgeon about it though!
@Angelahuskin 2 года назад
@@AudreyGetman yea I am am just tried of feeling of the way I have been feeling since august I think the worst part is the shortness of breath and the chest hurting
@sorcereous 2 года назад
@@Angelahuskin how are you doing now?
@Angelahuskin 2 года назад
What were your symptoms am nervous cause I have to see my Surgeon
@Angelahuskin 2 года назад
What were your symptoms am just nervous cause I see my sugergion on Wednesday I have no idea what he will tell me
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
I talk about my symptoms in my diagnosis story!
@mahkarsingh 2 года назад
Great👍👍 proud 💪of you
@cherylcarlson3315 2 года назад
Your pronunciation was great, organization of material great. I am so glad you got speedy answers. Referring to MGFA is on point as great resource.I was told because double sero neg, MG not possible and had 2 muscle biopsies and total of 3 EMG, last being with single fiber. First was told had inclusion body myositis despite having every one of MG symptoms, then no,then yes, then no...5 yrs!! falling like a bowling pin, blurry vision, difficulty swallowing, trouble breathing when sleeping. Being a nurse I pressed to try Mestinon and my life changed drastically, quickly. Current neuro says can't be MG with a good single fiber. Don't care. Mestinon has been a godsend, am over 60 now so no thymectomy and due to delays in treatment, no longer able to work. Would encourage pretty much anyone to read Chloe Atkins book "My imaginary Illness, a journey into uncertainty and prejudice in medical diagnosis". It helps to know you aren't alone or crazy.
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
Mestinon with a godsend for me too, my symptoms dramatically went downhill to where I put myself on a liquid diet for a week or two because I was having a hard time swallowing. Mestinon helped so much before my actual diagnosis, so I'm glad it's worked for you as well. Keeping you in my thoughts!
@cherylcarlson3315 2 года назад
@Pablo Dc So glad you are doing well now. But know this, even if you were properly diagnosed with MG and now are "cured" there are many people who also went into remission,some for a long time, who had a severe MG crisis around surgery, illness or nothing. It is a good thing to keep MG going on you list in case you have surgery, get levaquin and wind up in a mess.
@wendymcevoy7135 Год назад
Hi not sure if you'll get this or not. I'm going to condense my comment because otherwise it's a book. Also a fellow Rn, medically retired. For over half my life I have been collecting autoimmune diseases. I think I'm up to 7. I'm 56 now. It's in my family on my mother's side. Dad had parkinson's and alcohol abuse. Anyway I think it was 2013 and I became very weak and fatigued, worse than usual. Ptosis in left eye at night. Saw Neuro, musk negative. Ice pack test positive. Other autoimmune stuff fluctuated all the time. Put on mestinon, imuran and Prednisone 50mg. Got better. Stayed on that for a while. Can't remember how long but got unable to stand side effects. Did pretty well with MG for awhile. Neuro said I had ocular MG. Don't know why because I had weakness in arms and legs, but ok. Fast forward to now. All my auto stuff wildly flared again. Off the chart ANA. ptosis back and increased arms and legs weakness, like pretty progressive. Extremely stressed out for 2 yrs. Hubs had massive CVA and I'm everything to him me and house. Couldn't get into neurologist so I saw PA. started mestinon 3 a day. Noticed a bit better in ptosis but everyday I felt worse. Weakness, extreme fatigue, hands cramping just doing minor tasks. Felt toxic from mestinon? I stopped it. Not able to get in to Neuro again. Messaged through patient portal. Just started on Prednisone 10 mg yesterday. I do think it helped a tiny bit so far. I asked for repeat labs but waiting for response. I'm getting close to the cut off for thymectomy. I would have it done if recommended. I guess I just wanted to tell my story. Don't really have any people who know crap about this to talk with lol. I think my MG reared it's ugly head from all the stress from last 2 yrs of hell being primary care giver here. My kinda question is if anyone reads this have you had any problems with mestinon if you were off it for awhile then went back on it. It just felt so toxic to me this time around. I feel better without it but I really wanted it to work. Getting neurologist appointment around here is like pulling teeth. Since the problem with the mestinon this time I thought about seeing if maybe we should try a smaller dose and go from there. Thanks if you read this. Have a wonderful day
@cherylcarlson3315 Год назад
@@wendymcevoy7135 you are heard. You are not alone. Wish I were smarter than just a nurse. Hope today has a bright spot for you
@jenniferzybert2884 2 года назад
Hey! Curious if you’re planning on uploading your video about your thymectomy?
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
Hi! Yes absolutely! I can film and upload that next, it's definitely on my list. Some stuff happened in my personal life this summer where I had to put my channel on pause, but that's definitely something I want to film and upload 💖
@veravero5715 2 года назад
Thank you so much for sharing .
@veravero5715 2 года назад
Can you please advice where to find a doctor who is good with that MG?
@AudreyGetman 2 года назад
Hi! It depends on where you are, but in the United States the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America has great resources for finding doctors! I hope this helps! myasthenia.org/Professionals/Finding-MG-Care-Providers
@veravero5715 2 года назад
Thank you so much for the reply. Stay well🙏 How are you doing after IVIG?
@tarynmg655 2 года назад
Fellow MG warrior here! Love it girl!!
@jennymck7320 3 года назад
My son is going to the pediatrician this Thursday because I suspect MG and I am terrified, it’s been over a year and a half of trying to get answers for my child. Thanks for sharing your story. ❤️
@AudreyGetman 3 года назад
Oh my goodness, best wishes for you and your son, hopefully you can get some answers soon ❤️ It's not an easy disease but it is completely manageable. Sending you so much love ❤️
@keelybaby17 Год назад
Thanks for fighting for your child. Mine didn’t fight for me. I’m 25. My symptoms started at age 7. You are a good mother.
@mateorodriguezquezada2431 3 года назад
Nothing is more beautiful than a person who is secure in the unique way god made you.
@timehealthfit1891 3 года назад
You're all that and a super-size bag of chips, want to be youtube friends?