AI Denis
AI Denis
AI Denis
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"STOP making MUSIC" #ai #chatgpt #aimusic
2 месяца назад
STOP using ChatGPT #openai #ai #chatgpt
3 месяца назад
@reilwaystation4372 14 дней назад
do ai wife have a mute button?
@walterlebzax9585 24 дня назад
News readers must kiss their jobs goodbye. 👋🏿
@west_ldn_xxx5549 28 дней назад
Runway is a complete crap - in Gen 2 instead of movement in every 4th attempt you come out with a blotted image after 3 seconds, mega frustrating how many credits go to waste. I'm close to unsubscribing. It's starting to lose its meaning.
@sinbatu Месяц назад
Really Love all the links in the description.....
@areukiddinme8438 Месяц назад
bro why not just show the picture in python if you re using it
@RyouTheMad Месяц назад
any reason why you're not suggesting the use of Pinokio?
@TheSouthParkVidsFTW Месяц назад
3:00 he forgets to mention the 1 hour generation times for free user accounts :(
@thatguyrules9133 Месяц назад
Don't get a truth get in a way of a great story
@hipjoeroflmto4764 Месяц назад
It's only because paid users can cut in line to generate and then re cut back into line as much as they want so free can never try it, like seriously what's the point in paying if I can't even try it first
@ibarix Месяц назад
wtf, that daniel levy at 2:07 is an actor!!! wrong image.
@JabbarKhan-o6y Месяц назад
Work best video 😊
@GoonieAI Месяц назад
Depends on image to video for me, been using Luma for my recent videos! Look forward to access from the others.
@makavelismith 2 месяца назад
Oh I'm unsubbing from OpenAI. It just hasnt come about yet.
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
Let's see what Ilya comes up with, I really do hope that his AI is actually safe for the consumer, and not only the investors!
@makavelismith 2 месяца назад
@@ai-with-denis Let's hope that his ideals don't limit him to the point of non-competition. That might be the sad reality of it. Fingers crossed that his brilliance gives him the edge.
@thepotbellyninja 2 месяца назад
Wrong pic of Levy
@hiddenintheshadows530 2 месяца назад
I'm dead, that's what happen when you watch A.i RU-vid channels
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
Happens to the best of us! Lol sorry!
@B0K1T0 2 месяца назад
4:05 "a machine would understand the world just as well as any person".. in other words, it won't have any clue about its surrounding environment and because of that act on it in insanely irrational ways?
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
At least it'll be fun to watch! ... Right...?
@pretoasted 2 месяца назад
I sure wish some/most of my previous teachers could have been replaced by AI... some of them weren't even beyond the level of a 2000s chat bot. I certainly had a few good teachers as well... but the things I liked about them could be replicated in AI, such as teaching style, types of tasks/projects assigned, testing methods, etc.
@pretoasted 2 месяца назад
What one person claims is 'safe', is often 'restricted' or 'limiting' for others. Thankfully, there are many open source alternatives; They may lag a little behind in abilities/features/development, but that gap is getting smaller all the time.
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
That is what we need though! Not a company telling us "Trust be bro" but actual, open source, provable software that we know for sure is safe. But well, for profit and open source is not really something that works all to well together I guess.
@morgan1719 2 месяца назад
Which of the SSI partners is a CIA asset? It's impossible to have an important platform without it being infected by three-letter agencies.
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
Your guess is as good as mine. Who knows!
@samvirtuel7583 2 месяца назад
Yes, trust a guy who sets up his business in a country practicing apartheid, child killing, and religious communism.
@ElBeeEss 2 месяца назад
Wait, though. That pic is of Daniel Levy the actor, of Schitt's Creek fame. Is he also into AI?! LOL!
@paul-nikolapn4545 2 месяца назад
No. it's a different Daniel Levy, nice visual pun, though 🙂
@thepotbellyninja 2 месяца назад
@@paul-nikolapn4545 yep - they used the wrong pic
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
Yeah it was a mistak... Actually, You know what? No, I like it better if its seen as a visual pun. We have totally not used the wrong picture at all! It was all planned all along!
@ElBeeEss Месяц назад
@@ai-with-denis 🤣😂🤣🤣 Your secret is safe with me!
@rickyvonicky4371 2 месяца назад
if someone says something is safe you should always believe them .
@samsebin7895 2 месяца назад
@kristianlavigne8270 2 месяца назад
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
"Trust me, it's safe!" Was the last words said moments before disaster lol
@user-cw4hp2eh2y 2 месяца назад
I dont get the idea of the video. Your previous video in which you showed how you created a song with Ai was such a mind blowing video. Need more on that series.
@user-cw4hp2eh2y 2 месяца назад
Would love to watch more of suno and your creations
@carlosrivadulla8903 2 месяца назад
@garandthamb8 2 месяца назад
This is exactly what black mirror was trying to warn us about😭🤣
@vylbird8014 2 месяца назад
Well, this is an unhealthy way to grieve. And worse, the tech isn't going to work very well. Even if the chatbot can serve as a good enough model - it can't - you'd need a huge amount of training data. Unless the subject has kept logs of every conversation they've had over a few years, it's not going to be a very good impression.
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
AI image generators, AI music generators, AI writers, AI - every single creative thing you can think of. Where does that put us? Well, as it turns out, maybe this AI art craze is not as bad as it seemed... "STOP Learning ART" #ai #chatgpt #aiart And check out my website to get amazing AI CheatSheets for FREE! - aidenis.com/ And follow me on LinkedIn if you are interested in the latest in AI! - www.linkedin.com/in/denis-panjuta/
@centurionstrengthandfitnes3694 2 месяца назад
In the absence of any documentation signed pre-death by the deceased expressly stating a desire not to be 'avatar-ized', It's up to the individual seeking comfort and solace, as far as I'm concerned. If my mother would benefit from an AI avatar of my father in her twilight years, I'd support that. If companies were to use it in a manipulative or self-serving fashion, however, like seeking to influence purchasing decisions, I'd support punishing those companies to the limit of the law. I can forsee trouble, though: for example, 2 women wanting to avatarize the same dead lover/husband/ex-husband, but getting into a fight over who has exclusive rights to his data. Same with parents who have split up wanting to block each other from avatarization of a deceased child (essentially a custody battle over the avatar). For myself, I won't need that any of that (I'm too rational... maybe), but I would like access to avatars of the world's greatest thinkers and teachers in order to optimize my learning. Anyway, great topic. Thanks for provoking the thoughts.
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
This entire AI thing is still in its infancy, and we will for sure see laws being made to process situations like those you suggest. It's just waiting and seeing how things work out. Quite interesting, and maybe somewhat scary at the same time. Thank you for watching!
@centurionstrengthandfitnes3694 2 месяца назад
@@ai-with-denis I never find it scary. What I do find scary is how apparently 'scary' other people find it all. To my mind, AI and its rapid pace of change is the most exciting and potentially uplifting thing that has emerged in my lifetime.
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
@@centurionstrengthandfitnes3694 Oh yeah, that is for sure. We are literally seeing history in the making here. We are obviously also quite exited for what AI has in store for us. Let's see where we are in a few years from now. Although still a bit scary, existing times nonetheless!
@webgpu 2 месяца назад
you ask a question to the MOST INTELLIGENT LIFE FORM ON PLANET EARTH, and you expect it to be trustworthy? you are being extremely naive in two ways: you believe what AI says is true without even questioning it, and even if this AI is really trustworthy, you 2: believe that the company behind the AI is instructing it to say the truth. Oh man... how can such naive people be still alive? (i mean, how could they have reached such old age for someone naive without having put their lives at risk)
@GaryBonaducci 2 месяца назад
IIRC The television show Westworld looked into this subject in season 2. It was science fiction back then; but now, just a few years later, it's actually possible in theory. Loosely following the show's premise, I could see how a real-world application for using AI to resurrect the dead could become socially acceptable: There's a lot of AAPL stockholders that criticize Apple CEO Tim Cook as not being an effective leader as Steve Jobs. What if an AI could be created to think just like Steve Jobs? At first, this AI would assist Tim Cook in making creative and strategic decisions. When the AI Steve Jobs' performance starts to surpass Cook's performance, shareholders decide that the AI should take over the CEO position. Other companies take notice, and they also develop AI CEOs to assist or replace human CEOs. For example, Ford resurrects Henry Ford, General Electric resurrects Thomas Edison, and so forth. Thus, using AI to bring back the dead doesn't have the same negative stigma that it does when grieving family members do the same thing. In fact, it becomes desirable to do so because trillions of dollars of stockholder's wealth is created by the 'good' decisions made by AI CEOs. Then, the practice of using "AI to talk to the dead" becomes widespread and socially acceptable?
@viewtifuljim 3 месяца назад
Psychologists are already in short supply, all I can say is good luck to the next generation. Did you know the average daily "screen time" of this generation of children is approximately 9 hours. This is another effective mass manipulation by "successful" business sucking money and life from vulnerable people, preying on the human need to hold onto memories, reinforcing the avoident processes people tend towards instead of grieving and accepting their reality, moving on and processing their traumas. Good coverage on the topic and opinions, thanks for sharing your content as always! This kind of ai tool is another step towards "The Matrix" 😅
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
Things are moving alright! Sometimes moving in a direction that can be a bit scary! Let's hope we get these things under control over time! And thank you for watching!
@ryanlarson8096 3 месяца назад
There is no "safety" in AI. There are going to be 1000s of AIs, and you'll take your chances.
@ai-with-denis 3 месяца назад
What do you MEAN you can talk to DEAD relatives? AI can do that? Isn't that kind of... wrong? Yeah, I don't know what to think about this... Use AI to talk to the dead? - #ai #chatgpt #tech And check out my website to get amazing AI CheatSheets for FREE! - aidenis.com/ And follow me on LinkedIn if you are interested in the latest in AI! - www.linkedin.com/in/denis-panjuta/
@Irosado65 3 месяца назад
AI is a tool. and you just cant let it run on its own ..but you shouldn't limit its use or capabilities because someone decides to use it for nefarious reasons .
@antaishizuku 3 месяца назад
Your overreacting to artificial narrow intelligence. Yes there are issues and concerns but overall despite its shortcomings its a good product. You just have to double check its responses and use common sense when considering its output. When we get AGI yes these concerns will be very valid but we are pretty far away from that. AI will eventually be smarter than us and then it will be important for everyone to work together for the betterment of all but untill then while safety is important we dont need to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
@ai-with-denis 3 месяца назад
I hope you are right
@antaishizuku 3 месяца назад
@@ai-with-denis ask me in 5-10 years and i might know the awnser. Lols in the meantime the world is a beautiful place full of wondrous experiences and fantastic adventures. There's good in this world here and now and its worth fighting for. Living for. Dreaming about. Everyday is precious. The only question we are face with ultimately is with the precious little time we have to experience this wonder. How do you plan on spending it. All i can think to myself is what a wonderful world! Ohhhh yes.
@Heisenberg2097 3 месяца назад
What a gossip girl you are... please find a topic that serves more than a tea party.
@paulwillisorg 3 месяца назад
We don’t need any “safety”.
@ai-with-denis 3 месяца назад
Depends on what you are looking at
@paulwillisorg 2 месяца назад
@@ai-with-denis We don't need baby sitters.
@mikemaldanado6015 3 месяца назад
Great video. Number one elon musk is not a scientist and all of his timelines and predictions have been off by a long shot. He did not even invent the electric car, he bought into a company that did and made the two founders put him on as a founder. Enough about him. I wrote AI programs back in college, and comp scientists have not been able to figure out how to make AI self aware and a lot think it's not possible. Yann is correct , llm's alone won't be able to become self aware because as noam chomsky puts it " “these programs cannot explain the rules of English syntax,” which renders their predictions always “superficial and dubious.”" They are essentially complex auto complete. Again good video, wish i had found this earlier.
@sillywilly7466 3 месяца назад
Oh really ? What a surprise.. I'll give you a tip - assume that everything is hacked, leaked, breached and compromised and just be aware of what you put out there.
@douggale5962 3 месяца назад
You are totally delusional. ChatGPT is a joke.. You are like children afraid of ghosts in the closet and under your bed. OpenAI's intelligence is all in your imagination.
@labnine3362 3 месяца назад
Moral, ethics and society: No tech company will limit itself with these concerns, even if there are laws. Flying in the face of those concerns is profitable, even if unethical whether tech the tech is an autonomous car or a microwave oven.
@PathofTotality888 3 месяца назад
Is it the chair or is it long hair?😂😂😂😂😂
@ai-with-denis 2 месяца назад
Might be... 👀
@mikemaldanado6015 3 месяца назад
Sorry chatgpt is nowhere nearer AGI than it's first release. LLM's cannot become self aware because they do not understand what the words they are using mean. LLM's are such a tiny part of true AI and we are getting no closer by putting all out efforts into improving LLM's.
@ai-with-denis 3 месяца назад
I believe that with this opinion, you will really enjoy this video we recently made... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-MCMS84yJvmo.htmlsi=yxYY9PlADP3ZVqUP
@valeriek8077 3 месяца назад
@mikemaldanado6015 I have already solved this problem at home for 10K. If I told you the answer, you'd say, "oh, of course". It is way easier than you three are thinking. I cannot imagine what OpenAI has done with data and $$$.
@mikemaldanado6015 2 месяца назад
@@valeriek8077 wait solved what?
@HerbQuest 3 месяца назад
Don't ban it plox, I just got pro lol
@ai-with-denis 3 месяца назад
Haha Well then let's hope they improve their security anytime soon!
@Anonymous-wd1dk 3 месяца назад
Idc i dont have anyone to take care of. Im not going to marry or shit. I just want money so i may just become a puppy and bag money while being lazy and using gpt
@Frog-kg3hu 3 месяца назад
I stopped using it when ChatGPT told me that lead was less dense than copper while theorizing a battery concept.
@ai-with-denis 3 месяца назад
All the praise to the AI Hallucinations! haha
@SPARKYTX 3 месяца назад
First of all - that's your fault. Seconf - you need to be sure you have all your data points covered before you use gpt.
@user-yn7ll3qz1p 3 месяца назад
Ask ChatGPT to list Dr Lawrence Britts 14 defining characteristics, it refuses... ask it about Klaus Schwab it tell you to ask his companies directly... ChatGPT is a fake and is used to push an agenda... a very sinister fascist agenda...