Pizza Dad
Pizza Dad
Pizza Dad
Rambling about video games, comic books, and anime since 2014.
We Need To Talk About Youtuber “Advice”
2 месяца назад
Life is Strange: Before The Storm Review
2 месяца назад
Playing EVERY "Modern" Simpsons Game
2 месяца назад
Final Fantasy XVI - A Complicated Modern Classic
5 месяцев назад
Looking Back At Final Fantasy XV (8 Years Later)
5 месяцев назад
A Short Hike Review - Deliciously Cozy
6 месяцев назад
A Very Brief Review of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (2023)
7 месяцев назад
Looking Back At Life Is Strange (8 Years Later)
8 месяцев назад
Starfield Review - I Didn’t Love It
8 месяцев назад
Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways DLC Review
8 месяцев назад
Looking Back At Ghostwire: Tokyo (1 Year Later)
9 месяцев назад
Don't Celebrate Volition's Closure
9 месяцев назад
Playing EVERY Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi Game
9 месяцев назад
Playing EVERY TMNT (2007) Licensed Game
10 месяцев назад
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Review
11 месяцев назад
@joshuaiable 11 часов назад
I would rather has a freedom wars 2 game then them trying a sao title again. Freedom wars has a way better story and fluid movement and fighting. I know we won't get it but get a million sao games , but I feel like freedom wars should be brought back .
@ryans3186 День назад
I’d pay good credits for a charr pornstar skin
@jacerokks 3 дня назад
This game has been a gem.
@hackerman1647 4 дня назад
i was just gonna make a video on this game myself. great work! not to sound like a bot but i really liked the way you edited your video keep it up
@vulgarscreams 4 дня назад
I'm at 27 hours. I absolutely abhor this game. Everything about it.
@hanskywalker1246 8 дней назад
Tbh, I was so hyped when I saw it but now I'm mad, this game is not on ps4 and I can't play it, f*ck it
@hopefulmonster 8 дней назад
Maybe I'm just a cynical pessimist, but there is open thing I can think of that is worse than the fanservice bait you describe (which I'm also afraid may happen) and that's something like what happened in the Star Wars sequels, fan dis-service. Taking all the things you loved from the original and shitting all over it. Chose bae? Well they broke up or Chloe died of cancer. Chose Bay? Well she refuses to talk to anyone from Blackwell because reasons. As you said, apart from the polaroids and voice it could have been a completely new character, and maybe was in early development.
@robbyrhodes4572 8 дней назад
I hope they dont rehash LIS-1. I just hope it takes place after the Arcadia bay ending.
@VORASTRA 5 дней назад
They'll give you a choice, like in the previous games
@starlight161964 8 дней назад
no doubt it gonna be a great game, but i hope they keep also another option open, where chloe dont die,then she must be around in both dementions. maybe this game turn into friends, with max new friend, en chloe? that coud be nice. enyway, no doubts this game gonna be great, like all other parts.
@brendm 9 дней назад
I personally don't really like what Decknine does with Life is strange. My favorite games in the franchise are precisely Lis 1 and 2, the ones that DontNod was behind. Their stories are very different and yet they give off that vibe that we are playing Life is strange. But before the storm and true colors don't give me the feeling that I'm playing the same franchise. That's one of the reasons why I'm more excited to play Lost Records than Double Exposure.
@Vin_Venture896 9 дней назад
I do worry that the plot will be unbelievably mid and the plot will just be them repeating the same plot beats while going ‘Remember when this happened?!?’ I hope they don’t over rely on Max.
@c0smic.gaming 9 дней назад
2:14 where is that animation from?
@PizzaDad 9 дней назад
It’s from a True Colors trailer, I think it’s specifically for the Switch release.
@nightwing1343 9 дней назад
I agree with most of what you’ve said but with that being said, this game can still take place in the timeline where she sacrificed Chloe and it won’t break the canon. The comics take place in the timeline where max chose to sacrifice Arcadia bay and that’s considered to be a what if, so they can still do the same here. and being honest, I personally wouldn’t mind if it does take place in that timeline because this ending for max is one that’s been left unanswered for so many years, like what’s her life like now and how does the events of LIS1 and the sacrifice Chloe ending affect max now. if you chose to sacrifice the bay, they actually give you an idea of what max and Chloes life is like now and what theyre doing during the period that LIS2 takes place which is 4 years post LIS1, with the photo of them in David’s trailer and hearing the phone call that David has with Chloe, while not being able to hear her talk, David says that they’re in NY looking at art galleries and what not, so they’re having a good time. But if you chose to sacrifice Chloe than Max is never seen or mentioned again and it’s been left up to interpretation what happened to her but this game might be an awnser to what a max after that ending looks like now. Of course that’s only if they decide to go down that route, but if they do than I’m not opposed to the idea of it being in that timeline. but I feel like they’re gonna do the thing where it’ll pop up to ask you what ending you choose in LIS1 before starting the game, they’ve done it twice before with LIS2 than the LIS true colours wavelengths DLC. So they’ll most likely do that here too.
@VORASTRA 5 дней назад
I don't remember comics ever being considered canon. They felt more like glorified fan fiction. Id we choose to save Chloe, I don't think there will be comics references.
@nightwing1343 5 дней назад
@@VORASTRA I’m not saying that there will be comic references since yes the books are indeed not canon, nor did I say that they were, I was just using that as an example. but it doesn’t matter now anyway cause they’ve now confirmed that they’ll be honouring both LIS1 endings anyway so my point is kinda pointless now, but since the comics are a topic I will say that max’s new power is kinda reminiscent of elements from the comics, I don’t think that they used the comics as a reference or anything like that, but very similar non the less.
@K5ith 9 дней назад
yeah as cool as it is that Max is back i feel like Deck nine shouldnt have used her like this or atleast not at all. Dontnod should be the ones to bring back their previous characters if they so wish and not some other company just for fanservice and a quick cashgrab. im really disappointed that Max doesnt even look like she did in the previous games and she is too similar with Steph. i wasnt even sure at first if it was max because it just doesnt look like her at the first glance which is already a bad sign that this game is going to completely ruin the character.
@miaveranika30 9 дней назад
did you see that men? im guessing it is Nathan, there is two of him, so one of them is for bae ending (he is dead so he is like hologram) and the other (he is alive) for bay ending.
@Euprix 9 дней назад
I think that if they already revealed who dies that this game is gonna be so crazy thats just one of the littlest "woah" moments
@jjk-9 10 дней назад
I'm kinda excited about this, it's a sequel to my fave game. But im also worried. I like Max, but with her friendship and interactions with Chloe I love Max. Take Chloe away and it's very possible I wont like this Max much at all. Then as many people wonder, how will they handle the ending? I hope there is something new here and not just a rehash of the plot from the first game. Friend getting killed, try and save her and investigate. That was pretty much the same for True colours only it was the brother being killed instead. Im going to not think too much about this game until I see whatever they show off on Thursday. .
@mariaaaa1128 10 дней назад
Could it be that the time line in the game rn is following when Max sacrificed her friend Chloe to save the town instead which made her feel guilty and she didn't want to use her powers but her friend Safi is dead so she doesn't want to make the same mistake..
@mamamcfreeman105 10 дней назад
Chloe says herself they were delaying her destiny. She was always meant to die, y’all. Even if you picked her in the end, I guarantee she was still gonna die.
@gaybatgosqueak 9 дней назад
Just cuz she said that doesn't mean it's actually true lol
@creationguy3871 8 дней назад
Untrue. In LiS2, if you picked Chloe, we get unequivocal proof that Chloe is still alive and well with Max years after the events of the first game.
@applestain 10 дней назад
I played ALL the LiS games and I realized that my least favorite of the bunch are all by DeckNine. So this gives me little confidence in this new game that is SO unnecessary. From the trailer it just feels a bit insulting, since I feel Max would have already learned her lesson from the whole Arcadia bay fiasco and yet here its almost the same thing AGAIN. Before the trailer, I knew the next game was going to be with max again but I was optimistically hoping for something interesting and a good reason to bring her back as a character. I never liked Decknine's stuff but I was willing to give them one more shot. But watching the trailer, I think Im just gonna skip the game and solely play Lost Records. I find myself liking all of DontNod's stuff. Even LiS2.
@purpleclaws202 10 дней назад
Damn LIS2 wasn't that good
@applestain 10 дней назад
@purpleclaws202 it wasnt that good to YOU. DontNod is pretty sloppy with their delivery of games (this includes LiS1) but Decknine is just derivative and mid. I would rather play LiS2 with all its awkward and hammed up delivery just to get to the bits that actually hit than play through the stale mess that was true colors and before the storm.
@grannyperson 10 дней назад
life is strange is my second favorite game of all time, and its a game that i hold EXTREMELY close to my heart. its hands down the most emotionally impacting piece of fiction ive ever experienced. its one of those games that just clicks in all the right spots. but im so genuinely excited and terrified for this game. this is a sequel ive been BEGGING for since i beat it, but i was practically 100% sure it would never happen since they already said that they were done with max. so i was beyond surprised and excited when i first saw this, as a fully grown man, ill admit it, i went straight into tears. i really really want this game to be good, and i really am praying that they know what theyre doing. ive had sequels ruin franchises for me before, and im really hoping this doesnt happen here. we just gotta hope they dont fuck it up i guess lol.
@victorstone1801 10 дней назад
See I have no problem with Max being back…my problem is with them pretty much repeating the plot of the first game again instead of doing something completely different with Max
@purpleclaws202 10 дней назад
The 1st plot was finding Rachel's killer. This one is Safi yes but we now have confirmation that Max transport to different timelines without changing the past
@JanetDax 10 дней назад
To me Deck Nine has yet to prove itself worthy of the Life is Strange franchise. Just my opinion. There are fanfic writers that did better than BFS. A grown up Max sounds interesting and may be nice to see her hooked up with someone who doesn't need constant saving.
@purpleclaws202 10 дней назад
True Colors was cool
@txgoldrush 9 дней назад
Deck Nine is a Peabody winner with True Colors. That is proof enough.
@VORASTRA 5 дней назад
​@@purpleclaws202 it felt too short, the dialogues felt kinda boring
@jaykanuck1638 10 дней назад
I wonder what happened to Chloe if you saved her that is
@Wolfsayakashi 10 дней назад
Had your video recommended before I saw the announcement itself. Good video, good points. I am not that happy about a new game tho. It feels like they're just making this game for quick bucks because Life is Strange has a well liked fandom already which they can milk for easy money. Same case was with Before the Storm. It was nice that it was there, but if you look at it from a neutral perspective it didn't do much for the overall story. I'm hoping that isn't the case and they're not reproducing the a similar scenario to cash into the nostalgia of the fans, but to show how Max learned from her experiences with Chloe. Maybe even have her featured because of parallel universes and stuff but PLEASE let there be a message and let it be a good one.
@Chucky_the_killerdoll 10 дней назад
Great video and analysis. I'm only concerned about the final choice of the first game won't have a crucial storyline for the sequel of this. Cuz I don't know if they're going their way to make two stories based on your choice?
@terrellthaddies7867 10 дней назад
I think it will do great as a Life is Strange game. It intrigues me with Max being back and gave me 1st good impressions
@GABE_MANIA 10 дней назад
That title is real.
@benrussell-gough1201 10 дней назад
I think that Deck Nine will dance around which ending of Season 1 is 'canon' by not directly addressing Max's post-Bay relationships and life at all. At most, I suspect that Max may mention that there was 'a girl' from her high school that she dated for a while but because of the baggage of that last year in Arcadia Bay, they eventually broke up before the tension broke their friendship irrepairably. That can apply to Chloe and any alternate post-Blackwall relationship and thus is equally valid for both endings. In any case, I suspect that MaxSafi will be the prime ship in this game and this would be easier to exploit if there is no current or major past ship in Max's life. Why Max, though? The same dogged, stubborn unwillingness to let Time or Reality have its way with her life and the lives of those she loves. She also has a strong sense of right and wrong and will put herself at great risk if the cause is good enough for her - Saving Safi or finding out the secrets behind the people who killed her in the prime/initial timeline. She's a reflexive hero for all she's mild and shy and I think that the events in Season 1 will have hardened that reflex response and made her a lot more proactive about confronting evil in her late 20s.
@aaronxfire 10 дней назад
In my opinion I know l'm going ahead with myself, but this sequel spin off with just Max, that's where they can test Max powers, and later on they can just say Max can go to different timelines, where they can do Max and Chole again. This is my opinion because there's 2 endings, maybe there trying to find a way to test the fan base with this game, maybe make Max and Chloe sequel later on if it's possible, make a sequel with them again? It seems like there going with the ending where Chloe is dead for this sequel, maybe if they make a another sequel with Max, has to be with Chloe. But both endings are canon, we just have to wait and find out.
@jello4084 10 дней назад
this is a cool isea
@Vin_Venture896 9 дней назад
I mean there’s the comics which have already explored Max’s ‘universe travelling’ powers, but I actually don’t know if they’re canon lol
@Mystify0324 9 дней назад
@@Vin_Venture896well they’re offiicialy licensed but the actual creators of the comic series originally had them be a fanfic so it’s not canon
@HectorPerez-dg5bp 10 дней назад
Still legend🎉
@Jlpeaks 10 дней назад
It could be possible both bae and bay are valid. She is shifting through timelines now could be a switch between those two Hopefully they will do what they did with the cameo in LiS2 and just ask us what we chose so they can set the starting conditions right
@TevyaSmolka 10 дней назад
I am curious how this sequel to life is strange with max is going to go down.
@I5vix 10 дней назад
this game isnt even bad tho, it may not be the best but its still good. like would you rather play peggle or smth???? i dont really get why this game got such low reviews especially since its not even a bad game
@Tulemasin 16 дней назад
That's odd. I unlocked the "HD exclusive Boss Bash" level back in the day before PS4 even existed.
@demosneokleous4877 16 дней назад
It's a great adaptation because every NPC in this game is killable and even the younglings
@tony_4iL 16 дней назад
yo bro, thank you for making this video - it gave me a different perspective on youtube. i've been seeing so many "this is how you youtube"-type videos, and while sometimes they're insightful - man those vids can make you question yourself in trying at all lmao. your video has motivated me though, wishing you the best 🙏🏽
@PizzaDad 16 дней назад
Glad I could help. Wishing you the best on your journey.
@bradyjohnsmith 26 дней назад
This is a lot of fun when playing online
@themayhemera3046 Месяц назад
thanks for the wonderful video ! I finished the show like a month or so ago. needed some toradora content. Gonna try the gane out and give u a follow!
@taureanmitnaul6357 Месяц назад
please tell me the name of the mecha game your play [i LOVE MECHA its kinda a hyperfiction]
@PizzaDad Месяц назад
That'll be Love and Destroy for the PlayStation 1. It's a Japanese exclusive, but it's easy to play without a translation
@RokushoHasashi Месяц назад
Quantum Redshift reminds me a lot of F-Zero X 😎. I'm really digging the OG XBOX commercials, which is very nostalgic 😀 I bought GunValkyrie in February, and it looks and plays better on my Xbox Series X, and it needs to get an HD Remaster 😉. I know the 3 Burger King games all too well 🫅🏽🍔.
@McFrozenNuggets Месяц назад
I recently watched the show because Ami was voiced by Janice Kawaye, also known as Jenny Wakeman from *_My Life as a Teenage Robot._* To say the least, I loved it.
@------------Naheed------------ Месяц назад
The new map is not a hd exclusive. It was on the ps2
Love this game
I love this Game ❤💙💜🧡💚🐢
@Tobbyfeet Месяц назад
Hey! Some of my games on ps3 are good when it comes to recording but when it comes to Shattered dimensons, Edge of time and The Amazing Spider-Man the game recording is very blurry and the quality is not good at all. Any suggestions for settings?
@wise_thaat Месяц назад
Fuck I love this game so much and I'm so mad there won't be a sequel now
@torturedkfpemployee883 Месяц назад
Its like shining resonance where the characters and their personalities are the main focus the story and side content is just the extras
@vulgarscreams 4 дня назад
What personalities?