I'm going to mostly publish Starcraft 2 mutation solos. Regular Co-Op was too easy, so I began to beat the regular missions alone without an ally. And then that was still pretty easy, so now it's on to the mutations. So many of them. Gonna conquer them one at a time.
[Challenge B+] HftS, Props on MW - Abathur
7 часов назад
[Challenge B+] HftS, Props on MW - Dehaka
7 часов назад
[Test Time] Kerrigan
12 часов назад
CCC Mutation Advice - Miner Concerns
14 часов назад
What's still missing in 2024?
19 часов назад
@zachariastsampasidis8880 10 часов назад
Kerrigan p1 is comfy
@mtsen771 8 часов назад
Yeah. Also not having to use omegas and just spreading creep the old fashioned way makes it less boring for me somehow.
@zachariastsampasidis8880 8 часов назад
@@mtsen771 masteries here were energy/ aug wave/ attack speed and basic ability damage right?
@psycho14 14 часов назад
Can you show your masterys
@TwoTuuu 7 часов назад
it's at the end, although the cat face does cover most of it.
@zachariastsampasidis8880 День назад
I assume the other patern is too difficult for kerrigan. What about a couple ultralisks?
@TwoTuuu День назад
not exactly. this was a deliberate choice because hybrid reavers produce big explosions and are melee. ultralisks would get rekt by explosions (and immortals)
@zachariastsampasidis8880 День назад
​​@@TwoTuuui have been thinking about how nice it would be if kerrigan had the zergling reconstitution ability from the campaign. Have the spawning pool slowly spawn free zerglings and revive them periodically. Would be a great boost for early and mid game especially for rifts
@baltoandtogo 2 дня назад
That was a hilarious amount of effort to get that second pirate ship. Ha! I'm going to play this mutation again tonight to try the same for fun, thanks.
@baltoandtogo 2 дня назад
I found using Mengsk p1 to be the way you described in the tier list video. I had some small difficulty because my contaminated strikes on the attack waves were not so accurate, and my ally wasn't prepared to defend waves, but they never got up my ramp at home. I made a bunch of ESOs, and I even more or less quit searching out mineral and gas pickups after a while. I also did not expand to my natural after watching another of your videos. It was really pretty easy.
@KimmoPronger 2 дня назад
Thank you, as ever, for featuring my creations! This one I had a bigger blast testing out!
@baltoandtogo 4 дня назад
You said, "Pirate ships don't affect heroes." What did you mean by that? They can't damage them at all?
@TwoTuuu 4 дня назад
the pirate ship's stun doesn't work on heroic units
@baltoandtogo 4 дня назад
On RtK, my Tychus is often out late. Maybe the first wave timings vary? So, do you ever build a turret for that?
@TwoTuuu 4 дня назад
zerglings arrive at around 2:50. 2 almost-finished ebays can stall them (cancel when they're about to go down). vultures and reapers arrive at around 2:45. same thing or use 3. and then tychus comes out at 3 min and gets rid of them
@baltoandtogo 4 дня назад
I like these videos with the commentary. It helps me understand what the thought process is behind what's happening in game. Thanks! GGs!
@zachariastsampasidis8880 5 дней назад
What happens with swann gas drones in slim pickings? I know kerrigan res drops get halved
@TwoTuuu 5 дней назад
+1 instead of +2
@baltoandtogo 5 дней назад
What do you mean by putting static D "in front of the second area"? I think this means to put some static D down after you clear the second set of slivers to receive the attack waves from the upper right?
@TwoTuuu 5 дней назад
the spot between the first and second sets of shards. if you want to put it at the choke after clearing the second set, that's fine too
@baltoandtogo 5 дней назад
@@TwoTuuu Outstanding, thank you.
@zachariastsampasidis8880 6 дней назад
Drones!? You are attacking with Drones!? Twotuu this isn't a game!
@baltoandtogo 7 дней назад
@zachariastsampasidis8880 7 дней назад
Wait how did switching start locations affect the central encampment?
@TwoTuuu 7 дней назад
the 10 min wave goes to the natural with more buildings. by starting on the right side, my natural would also be on the right side, so the 10 min wave will walk down the middle instead of to the left. and then they'll get nuked along with the central encampment.
@zachariastsampasidis8880 7 дней назад
@@TwoTuuu TIL
@TwoTuuu 7 дней назад
@@zachariastsampasidis8880 technically, i can start on the left and expand to the right, but... why?
@theraginggamer095 7 дней назад
what's the HH bug? the immortal vikings one?
@TwoTuuu 7 дней назад
something to do with making a strike fighter platform invincible.
@swordier4658 7 дней назад
What if I'm not good enough to help? Can I at least cheer from the sidelines?
@Rengor1997 8 дней назад
I wonder if Zagara could do Onslaught with P3 without cheese by picking a weak zerg ground comp and just massing bile launchers for defense + Nydus Worms as map boss + spotter/hunterling
@PrzemysławBieganowski 8 дней назад
that was real hardcore - especially in end when 1 bot died and other hardly alive
@Coffend 8 дней назад
i love you twotuuu
@baltoandtogo 8 дней назад
@3:10 I think I was successful blocking this spot two days ago. But now, even if I cover the whole area with buildings, I'm getting 3 waves spawning from this area that attack my buildings. In regular Brutal, that's OK because it holds them there while I move to defend, but against transmutation, I think that would create a ton of upgraded units. Is there some trick to this that maybe I'm missing in the video?
@TwoTuuu 8 дней назад
if it's the second set of bots, the spawn point is to the bottom left of the barracks on the ramp. the structure you use might affect it. maybe units might work better.
@zachariastsampasidis8880 9 дней назад
Actual question on transmutation and other "unit summoning" mutators: Iirc, voidrift units and Aggressive deployment give no essence or biomass right? However, if a unit originally summoned that way transmutes, then the new unit WILL give biomass and essence right? Similarly, what happens if void reanimators or Just die affects them? Obviously first death of just die NEVER gives either biomass or essence but the second death does, though I haven't chanced upon Just die/Rifts and either of the reviving mutators to know what happens then
@TwoTuuu 9 дней назад
if a unit transmutates, it becomes a new unit and will give essences/biomass. not sure about reanimators, though
@levsonc 10 дней назад
Got it with H&H P2 on ToP in another Brutal+1 run and couldn't do anything. Magmines and Strike fighters are not enough. Goliaths killing air units before they come close, if something is still alive it's not enough to fight BCs. UPD: corrected map name
@zachariastsampasidis8880 9 дней назад
ToA? which map? Solo run or?
@levsonc 9 дней назад
@@zachariastsampasidis8880 ToP. Usual coop, not solo.
@PastryScent 9 дней назад
You want your own BCs to survive the yamatos. Wraiths and Vikings die too easily. The BC weapon upgrade is also nice as long as you have other units to take care of the lower hp enemies. And even though it's not p1 you should still use the stronger death effects mastery and kill your own hellion before each major fight. Strike fighters are less useful for p2 and not very good against this comp, kind of a waste of gas to get more than 2 or 3 of them.
@zachariastsampasidis8880 9 дней назад
@@PastryScent good advice, though it's possible the mutators "forced" extra resources such as the SFP to be utilized. HH P2 is mostly about BCs though just Raynor P3
@levsonc 9 дней назад
@@PastryScent Goliaths have shred BC to pieces before army get close, so it's hard to keep them alive. And BCs are expensive and charges are limited to get them. That was the problem. The trick with killing to get death effect is neat, never though about it.
@huynhphucm445 10 дней назад
"Who doesn't mind fighting this comp?" Imo, Alarak p3. He himself can just spam destruction wave and clear the early vultures (and also their mines if you're lucky). Havocs can be obtained early so cloaked wraith is no problem. Most of the comp focus on ground only so you will have enough time to build the death fleet. At the point the bc come, you would have a decent fleet to engage them effectively. But a down point is destroyers are squishy and out-ranged by the goliaths, so try to wave knock them close to the fleet for quicker elimination (alarak might get yamato the moment he jump in too). Despite lacking aoe, this comp is somewhat durable and can delete your ground stuff really fast, that's why I find the early to access air units of alarak p3 reliable to deal with it.
@ancalagoonn 9 дней назад
BCs don't yamato heroic units so Alarak is safe from that, but I think the mothership is not ,and they can also yamato destroyers.
@huynhphucm445 7 дней назад
@@ancalagoonn indeed the destroyers will go down a lot cuz they will tank the shots from goliaths, wraiths and bcs, but they are quite cheap and can rebuild instantly as long as the mothership still intact (or if Alarak not sacrificing them all)
@baltoandtogo 10 дней назад
"Oh, no. They blew up. Who cares." Hilarious. GGs!
@KimmoPronger 10 дней назад
Ah, yes. Classic Mech. Not one time did I remember actually looking forward to facing that composition. From what I can tell, they are the composition that comes with the earliest possible burrowed (mines) and cloaked (Wraiths) units. And the first wave is among the fastest to arrive at your base with those Vultures, too. Honestly, this and Explosive Threats might be tied at the bottom for me. But the lack of AOE made me go "Hmm..." So maybe it isn't all bad with them. Then again, their lack of AOE is compensated by the BC's burst damage in Yamato Cannons.
@PrzemysławBieganowski 10 дней назад
4 seconds? what a thriller 😱
@zachariastsampasidis8880 10 дней назад
Wait no bunker from first wave?
@PowerIon 10 дней назад
Coming to see your shorts every week now, thank's for the information!
@Knowbody42 11 дней назад
You could also use feedback if you're Artanis, or EMP if you're Nova.
@levsonc 10 дней назад
Mengsk ghosts also have EMP
@baltoandtogo 11 дней назад
Man, this is great! I didn't memorize all of the blocks, but I played several games today. And blocking that left side just above the bonus with buildings is a huge quality of life improvement, not having to worry about that spawn point. Then, building in the southeast and northeast corners is something I did sometimes, but I didn't realize it would actually stop attack waves, so now I'm doing it as a habit. And knowing that the southeast gets one attack wave regardless when the right side bot finishes harvesting lets me prepare ahead of time. It's still a challenge for me to not lose a bot, especially on the second set, but it's much more comfortable with this knowledge. GGs!
@TwoTuuu 11 дней назад
recently i've only been using the ones for the 4th and 5th. the first 3 are not hard enough to warrant their use
@WilliamAppel3 11 дней назад
This is so cool that years later we are still learning stuff about co-op!
@amplesstratleholm7609 11 дней назад
Now I know why they wouldn't spawn on a spawn point after building up a billion cannons there 😆
@baltoandtogo 11 дней назад
Excellent! Thank you!
@zachariastsampasidis8880 11 дней назад
What happens if all spawn points are blocked though
@baltoandtogo 11 дней назад
I think he said it will randomly choose a spawn point, in that case.
@TwoTuuu 11 дней назад
@@baltoandtogo yes, that's right. a random point will be chosen
@PrzemysławBieganowski 12 дней назад
greatest risk of cloaking strategy is that no-det hybrid may stick to nearby bot thereby damaging it with nuke blast
@theraginggamer095 12 дней назад
I was expecting Raynor to be the torture tier since he kinda sucks all around, but he normally ends up there I suppose
@amplesstratleholm7609 12 дней назад
Played this, 5 minutes in my head already hurts... Had to physically look away because of it
@Neometalll 13 дней назад
spawncamping is an advanced technique? wut
@jannol1269 13 дней назад
2:20 I use grid hotkey so you can tf yourself
@jamesdemski5231 13 дней назад
I play zag alot so I could understand what u were saying .. but to read every thing ... I would need to watch a bunch o times or pause it alot .. anyways .. its always good to see some sc2 stuff with another deep thinkers touch.. I dig it yo
@PrzemysławBieganowski 13 дней назад
a quite tricky challenge for abathur - to need so many ravagers ... and much skills to operate their biles efficiently
@Neometalll 13 дней назад
They can transmutate from attacking stetellites but since those only have 5 hp the chance is very low. However if they destroy one that is being placed down it counts as a kill and is a guaranteed transmutation.
@TwoTuuu 13 дней назад
oh good to know. i dont recall ever seeing them transmutate from hitting already-placed stetellites, so i've never noticed.
@Neometalll 13 дней назад
chance to transmutate is dmg dealt divided by 2 so only 2.5% for this case
@PrzemysławBieganowski 14 дней назад
phoenixes arent serious problem until they reach your mineral lines (rip poor probes)