Hermitix Podcast
Hermitix Podcast
Hermitix Podcast
Hermitix is a podcast focusing on one-on-one interviews relating to fringe philosophy, obscure theory, weird lit, underappreciated thinkers and movements, and that which historically finds itself 'outside' the academic canon.

The aim of the podcast is to allow autodidactic thinkers, amateur philosophers and the generally curious an insight into the work of thinkers who are often impenetrable to those outside of the academy.

With the discussions at Hermitix aiming to be informal idea barrages which attempt to retain the excitement of 'the fringes' without falling into the structural 'niche' pitfalls of the academy.

The range of speakers Hermitix intends to interview includes, but isn't limited to: PHd students, authors, philosophers, theorists and prominent bloggers.
The Work of William Golding with Tim Howles
28 дней назад
The Golem by Gustav Meyrink (Book Review)
2 месяца назад
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (Book Review)
3 месяца назад
The Qabalah with John Michael Greer
3 месяца назад
The Mysticism of Jacob Boehme with Aaron French
3 месяца назад
@clumsydad7158 Час назад
thanks, i was totally ignorant about this artist and scholar
@samanthapeters90 10 часов назад
This is fabulous!!! 😊
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
Hi your next read should be Jung's collected Letters I am in Vol 1 now,, 1905 - 1950,,,and later on Vol 2 1950-1960....You will learn alot from Jung's letters. Take care Paul New Orleans
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
No Jung';s idea of alchemical magic is called SYNCHRONICITY,,, where 2 thing seeming cometel=y unconnected,, takes place in real life. I have had this event often. When someone is in touch with The Self,,, which I call God as this is how I experience life via God, not via The Col Un....magical things happen. Its all over the bible. Jung like me, have no use for any magic in any form. JUng and I live for the expressions of our deepest self. Call it The Col Inc or God, your choice. God has come to me in powerful ways, so i can not call it the Col Unc..although i understand perfectly what Jung is expressing.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
ACTIVE IMAGINATION,, a process imaginative I never understood, ,,,til now that is.. I am in active imagination with CG Jung,,, I can enter conversations with Jung anytime I wish,,, WE do have our disagreements/arguments.. Many times I drive Jung crazy w my lifelong since birth neurosis....he can not stand when I express doubts/lack of faith, etc,, things I should habve learned known LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ago,,, but persist in retardation/stubborness,,,so what does Jung do??? well he gets on his little sail baot and goes out on the lake alone,, leaves me standing w the Zurich Jung group in its earliest yrs,,, they all too just smile and walk off, leaving me alone in my RESISTENCESSSSSSS... I drive JUng absolutely nuts, Von Franz does not know what todo, just walks off w the group, as if I am helpless/even hopeless. JUng wants me to carry on his ideas and confront all JungismSSSS as FOREIGN agents of snakeoil.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
Do not care for Jung's Red Book, and do not care for The Jungian material other than Von Franz and a few slect others,,,,,,,, Edinger = no, Been working at Jung off/on past 40 yrs,, I am JUST NOW startinga critical reading of Jung,,, There is some of Jung that I cast aside ,while his ideas on psyche are pure gold... I am now 68,, it took my some 40 yrs to make Jung understandable. He is as you say paradoxical, which all gnosis expresses.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
I HATE all religions,, I had all allll of HENRY CORBINs books, I threw them all away. Jung gave very high regards to Corbin's works ,, I HATE sufISM and allllll religions. They are cults of evil
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
I HATE all things Aristotle as the greatest of all the Alchemists, GERHARD DORN, greatrest disciple of Paracelsus, informs us, as mentioned in Jung, to avoid the plague called Aristotle. and I also can not stand the Neo Platonics, Platonius, Proculus ,, I love IAMBLICHUS
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
FRICTION, Jung said in one of his letters, My life is The Clash of Opposities.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
EXCELLENT at 33:05 The underworld where most human's live, = no real life just dull living,, = Zombified. Its really The New Nihilism,,
@dethkon День назад
Thanks for having a Lacanian on! It’s a good balance after all the Jungians you’ve talked to!
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
The 2 big fastest growing cults are The New Nihilism and The New Paganism. Both threaten the life of all truth seekers, = We are in grave danger of many enemies. = It is for real, = AI is here and now. It is NOT future any longer
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
its too late for many, The antichrsit beast system threatens all at every age, Young old, all ages are threatened w death of the psyche. this is a extremely dangerous epoch to live in, either one is w God of else is against God zero middle ground.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
I do not believe in astrology/birth star signs etc = new age bunk garbage,,,,hoiwever it is a coincidence i was born Feb2, age of aquarius..odd
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
Ive been to hell many many times. Its NOT a place you want to end up,, Triust me on that note, NOT wish to end up. wow what horrors. what regrets, sadness, UNREALLLLL Ive been there. Many times.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
In paul's letters he often speaks of this mystery that God most often chooses the fools to become His Greatest work.. Why this is ,, is a mystery, But God has chosen me and I must do God's Holy Work.
@user-yo9pv1ni6t День назад
I am the mystical fool par excellent, I am the very archetpye of the mystical fool. Trsut my words, Have faith in what I just wrote,, Now at 68 I am embarking on stage 2 of my life journey. Challenges as if I have to traverese the entire Himalayan Mt Range, BAREFOOTED, with no supplies, only trust in God. I just ordered CATAFLAQUE this morning Paul New Orleans
@LeafRhetoric 2 дня назад
Words to live by.
@mandys1505 2 дня назад
at 21:00 yes the domestication of the wolf into a sausage dog! i remember now, the first mind-opening book i read as a teenager, was steppenwolf🎉 also, i thought of marcusse's book, one dimensional man, where he gives the example of a housewife listsning to Bach in the kitchen on the radio, and how it has been packaged and lost its profoundity
@mandys1505 2 дня назад
great conversation... just a note: seems like the audio is going in and out, like the microphone is not constant in relation to the speaker; maybe the speaker is looking away from it....
@Peter-ri9ie 3 дня назад
Have more or less by mistake stumbled into Ernst Jünger, the Weimar Republic and the intellectual development in continental Europe during that time this summer. This podcast seems perfect. Have subbed. Thanks 🙏🏻
@briandoyle14 3 дня назад
I think what people miss when talking about steiner is, none of these concepts he presented his whole life are based on his view. They're completely objective. It's given from the spiritual world. But one has to find that truth in their own heart.
@rossgopicotrain4042 3 дня назад
interesting contemporary philosopher; and one that has been obviously influenced by Foucault; as a significant number of his works bear the imprint of a man who sees through the gossamer of modern-day culture to see all of its ugly features: apathy; abulia; and enervation! Looking forward to this episode! RGB-Y4 out!!!
@DendriticFractals 6 дней назад
Holy = Full of Holes Such a filthy phrase Thanks for the talk gentleman.
@LinuxUser00 6 дней назад
Excellent! Might we some day see an episode on Carlo Michelstaedter, or Albert Caraco? Cheers
@Nithael_ 7 дней назад
Jung already “proved” if you like or at least put forth an extremely convincing theory that the psyche, -the center of the person as it were is indistinguishable from God. Jung showed that God is a psychic “fact” that arises in all persons in all cultures in all times. This also implies that the whole dichotomy between science and religion is essentially meaningless. You can approach God via the self. What is the self? Well you can read. 10,000 pages of Jung’s findings about that, including historical, religious and more modern psychological formulations of what it is. Faith is then understood completely differently as a result. It is based on something not flimsy at all but instead it is quite substantial and approachable. There is this idea that “nobody really knows” but this also seems false. We can know. It is possible and what we don’t know is more like mere details. Like we already know how to build real things with this knowledge, we already have available knowledge of the actual nature of God. We do not need the ultimate refinement of the theory to “prove” something first. . Just like we do not need a Unified Theory of Physics in order to build a car…
@Nithael_ 7 дней назад
Great philosopher. Essential to understanding the modern world. Looking forward to this!
@vincenzospaghetti 7 дней назад
Are there any footnotes for the opinions of Christian Patriarchs? Footnotes for some supporting sources that are of Hebrew or Ancient Greek, or at the least Byzantine? Maybe he does, but I have only deduced that he is the sole interpretor in this conjecture of biblical exegesis. Therefore, I have rightful doubts to his 'critical response process' being correct verse the millennia of apostolic succession and it's conclusion.
@TimeLord1987 7 дней назад
Likewise he doesn't appear to be interested in theologians "prying" into his writing.
@555KL 6 дней назад
@mostlydead3261 6 дней назад
u aren't tall enough for this ride..
@vincenzospaghetti 6 дней назад
@@mostlydead3261 is it that edgy? Oh my...
@vincenzospaghetti 6 дней назад
@@mostlydead3261 is it that edgy? Oh my....
@Stinkfinger. 8 дней назад
Thanks man so glad you popped up on my algo, subd and shared !!
@truthortreason9118 8 дней назад
Trappist monasteries are not solitudes. They practice a coenobitic way of life, as contrasted with the eremitic, as in a Carthusian monastery. Silence is the primary feature of the Cistercians. Thomas Merton was permitted to go live in a shed alone.
@dethkon 8 дней назад
I’ve been waiting for this one! Listening now.
@dethkon 5 дней назад
It was alright. Interesting, but I found Erik kind of airy and unconvincing at times.
@mohammadmansournejad 8 дней назад
really enjoyed it. thank you.
@SamJCopeland-gj1vg 8 дней назад
I’m with Diocletian. Christians are goddam annoying.
@kaslkdjaslkdjaslkdjl 11 дней назад
A brilliant and thorough review covering many fascinating thoughts..... Well done.
@EdT.-xt6yv 11 дней назад
@rosycross3438 11 дней назад
Is it possible that perhaps God was not "left out" but that Christ is central as He is God personified and thus is "God in action" in this cosmogony by Boehme?
@avoidbeing 14 дней назад
the 5 syzygetic lemurs: uttunul (9:0): 'eternal,' 'utter,' 'null': flatline, void, eternity as no-time, linked to hell and old myths. mur mur (1:8): French 'mer,' 'mermaid': sea beasts, deep ocean time, scared of oddubb, ancient serpent. oddubb (2:7): 'duplicity,' Macbeth’s witches’ incantations: amphibious, double-agent, dislikes katak’s dryness. djynxx (3:6): 'jink,' 'jinx,' Moroccan Djinn: changeling, erratic movement, tied to myths of child abduction. katak (5:4): 'attack,' 'kataklysm': desert, heat, werewolf vibes, disaster bringer, hates mur mur.
@cathymelanson7119 14 дней назад
Terrific discussion - can’t wait to read the book!
@JC-qh6wl 15 дней назад
Great conversation
@abcrane 15 дней назад
something I grapple with at times, enjoying (reading, studying) philosophy, is that someone like Reich, who dedicated their life project to the nurture and healing of life, is that the act of "sitting and reading philosophy" is sometimes taking me very out of my body, and "intellectualizing" that sort of bio-energetic philosophy that should be implemented, lived, channeled into the real work with the hands in healing soil and body. the texts that liberated my mentality from the mysticism and/or "rationalization" of life then occupy my mind as my body lies dormant. my solution then lies in innovating/implementing new working models of education, work, and leisure that affirm and ignite bioenergetic flow/release. Reich lived his vision, he was "head in philosophy-science (they are not separate in the self-regulated body-mind!) , hands on practice in both healing of body and economy (work democracy)." A lived philosophy and an implemented science.
@dmarpps 19 дней назад
great conference, thanks for sharing it
@gailmanfred41 20 дней назад
Less likeable than the guy from No Longer Human - remarkable
@madshojmark 20 дней назад
Prof. Paul Bishop is such a resource when it comes to Literary Classics, Philosophy, Psychology, and Mythology/Symbolism etc. Also, he is an incredibly friendly and helpful person. For example, his perspectives and clarifications were of great value to me when completing an introductory article on Ludwig Klages (the first one of its kind in my home country, actually) for the Danish journal for Regenerative Philosophy, Anagnorisis, back in early 2023. He willingly, patiently, and meticulously answered each and every one of my questions (and I had a lot of them!) - despite me being a complete stranger from the Continent who had simply cold apporached the man on LinkedIn. And apropos Klages: Boy, this grossly underappreciated 'Lebensphilosoph' ought to have looked closer into the Grail. This extremely complex and elusive concept encompasses - or so it seems to me, at least - so many of the core tenets of Klagesian vitalism and 'Erscheinungswissenschaft' that it might just as well serve as the central symbolic illustration of his main ideas such as those relating to, e.g., ´Bild'/'Erscheinung', 'Eros der Ferne', etc. Anyways: I guess this episode of the Hermitix Podcast just added at least one more tome to my book wishlist, having already read the Eschenbach version as well as the original Chretien de Troyes version of the Parzival/Perceval story. Fascinating, fascinating stuff!
@classicbib3225 20 дней назад
Ahriman is fallen Archai spirit and should receive redemption after the redemption of Lucifer, in a distant future.
@aapesos 20 дней назад
hill of dreams is his masterpiece
@urniurl 21 день назад
John Lash called Parsifal the key myth of Western culture.
@christopherreynolds4446 21 день назад
Thank you Mr Moore for advocating Gaddis. I believe time will be good to his work.
@cloudyskies5497 22 дня назад
What a delightful review. I ordered the book while listening. I've loved statues of Eros & Psyche for many years (there's one in my city). I absolutely loved Alchemy of the Soul by Martin Lowenthal that places the myth into a framework of spiritual initiation. It's clearly time now to read The Golden Ass and I will take your advice and do it in the summer with strawberries!
@zagreus8622 22 дня назад
So, the indigenous peoples of North America would be the Burkeans and the Founding Fathers the Jacobins, is that right?