Rep. Lizzie Fletcher
Rep. Lizzie Fletcher
Rep. Lizzie Fletcher
Lizzie Fletcher represents Texas’ Seventh Congressional District, in the greater Houston area. A resident of Houston and Congressional District 7 nearly all of her life, Congresswoman Fletcher was elected to represent the district in 2018. Prior to her election, she represented Houstonians in the courtroom as a lawyer on a wide range of matters. She is a graduate of Kenyon College and William & Mary Law School, where she was the editor-in-chief of the William and Mary Law Review. In the 116th Congress, Congresswoman Fletcher serves on House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.
@PAMELAPORTER-ci7mr 15 дней назад
Another intelligent lawmaker from Texas. While working to provide energy with an eye on climate change, politics should be abandoned.
@As_Sulay 3 месяца назад
🔜a-💿-} A because \ 2:18 💿🇻🇳🗃️ 4:02 4:05 2:22
@As_Sulay 3 месяца назад
Land Control 4:21 👩🏽‍⚖️ 4:27
@aliasadmalik6308 4 месяца назад
I don't think social medial is about "authentic" content, it is about freedom to express oneself. Unwanted content can be blocked by the ones who don't like or don't agree with the content shared, period. State has more than enough mediums, including social media, available to express and spread its point of view.
@rodericstanley2258 Год назад
good luck with the Hyde amendment. You are doing brilliant work.
@56jmack Год назад
Maybe if the republicans stopped kow towing to the energy companies, and start making them invest in the infrastructure of the grid, by legal enforcement if needed, then maybe we wouldn't have these problems. It's all well and good for republican senators to jet off for warmer climates, whilst their voters freeze at home,because the GOP is too busy sucking up to the energy companies, because they are amongst their biggest donors. They donate to the republicans because they know the republicans will not do a thing to sanction them, they donate to republicans so they can carry on ripping off the consumers, supply them with an outdated, pathetic third world service, and the republicans will do nothing,nada,zilch about it
@UberHypnotoad Год назад
I’m not anti-gas stove, but the Texas power issue should be a bigger call for investing in a more robust electric grid. If Texas had a robust grid, energy storage and more renewables, the outage wouldn’t have happened at all and your gas stove would be a moot point.
@suzannetrapani3745 Год назад
@misslegal601 Год назад
Well said, Lizzie! Thank you for all of your hard work!
@mehan98 3 года назад
Thank you for bring attention this senseless loss. But more importantly, that we will never forget David and his kindness. He will continue to live on through own #RAKDavid and the stories we share about him.
@warbirdnut9269 3 года назад
Freedom of speech includes both good and bad. Neither of which should restricted. The people can decide without the help of the government or organizations censoring speech. Censorship is used to block opposing view points.
@middlesister 3 года назад
All you’re doing is talking. Represent us! This is nonsensical bs. I appreciate this and I appreciate that. How about accountability on censorship?
@jimalldridge2170 3 года назад
“. . extremists organizations, and others have used online social media platforms” in bad ways. So the “extremists” and “others” are those who disagree with you? Or is it those who disagree with me? Or those who disagree with the current president or Congress? Who makes the judgement? The only answer is that there is no way to pick anyone to do that. Which is why the founders were infinitely prescient when they said that “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech . . . .” Again, that is “no law”. NO LAW! Could it be clearer?
@briandavis849 3 года назад
what a waste? a phony line of inquiry and wasted opportunity to confront these people on real problems. you’re not representing your district well.
@jameslopez4060 3 года назад
0:38 vom.today
@annamora2371 3 года назад
Well said Rep. Lizzie Fletcher!
@newmexicoballer3867 3 года назад
I didn't know you had a RU-vid channel. Awesome! You have a new follower. May God keep you in the safety of his hands when you return back to the capital 👍
@alexvillegas8971 3 года назад
Thank you Congresswoman Fletcher! Greatly appreciate your leadership, courage and clarity.
@glennellis1584 3 года назад
~ Bravo, a nomination for a JFK Library " Profile In Courage" award is on its way !!!!!
@johncaleb7 3 года назад
At least you were brief. Now could you please turn your attention back to your district that is becoming an embarrassment? We have criminals and a homeless problem on almost every major intersection. Pull together the resources at hand and help find a humane solution to a very large problem. Have a vision, a 5 year plan, measurable objectives, input from businesses and neighborhoods! Businesses are leaving Westheimer from the Galleria area and to the west...boarding up, fencing property and walking away. What are you doing about it? What’s the plan? Start by asking the police sub-stations for their input; they’re on the front lines and see the problems first-hand. Thank you for the email updates. I’ll be watching and waiting for your response to this city-wide problem.
@stacynalex 3 года назад
👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽
@stacynalex 3 года назад
Lizzie Fletcher, I made a mistake voting for you. You are as partisan as can be. Here you are ranting in the video above about an impeachment (based on lies it turns out) and yet you today supported another reckless and divisive politician (Maxine Waters) to keep bowing to your manager Nancy Pelosi. You’ve had countless opportunities to be different from your DNC-leashed crowd... what a disgrace. People don’t tend to want their Reps piggy-backing onto the politics of horrible humans such as these. Where is your voice? What are you even doing?! Stop supporting entities and bills that will NOT represent your part of Texas well. Today our national debt has hit $23 TRILLION. Our country will never recover and you can blame yourself and horrid House bills for this. Feel the weight of that debt please. PLEASE CHANGE. You’re not my favorite at all.
@YouScareMe1 3 года назад
@@stacynalex This whole comment is filled with lies.
@lisamilam4443 3 года назад
Thank you, U.S. Representative Fletcher.
@richpaul8132 3 года назад
Thank you Rep. Lizzie Fletcher! I can't stress how much the updates I receive in my email mean to me. I don't trust the information I see on the TV because of the biased, so-called 'journalism', that has taken over true journalism years ago. The mere fact that any reports try to minimize these recent attacks and dilute the major roll that Trump played in this mess, are insults to the intelligence of anyone who knows the difference between right and wrong. I'd like point out that if this attack took place on a private meeting of an obscure public organization and someone got up in front of a group of people that opposed the meeting, how would the legal system have dealt with it? When the attack resulted in 5 people dead, the prosecutor would have brought charges against the leader of that attack, which would have included manslaughter. That would be the minimum of the charges a prosecutor would have brought against the person who coordinated those to go out and stop the meeting in anyway they can, and "do what it takes". Trump's rabble rousing rally, created the air and set the tone. He all but actually told them to bring weapons and he did it all on video watched by the entire world (I didn't think Trump could embarrass the US anymore than he already had). You can be sure that in the fictitious scenario I used, the person who 'carried the lead' would be arrested and held in jail. In addition, he would have been charged with multiple violations. The first would have been conspiracy to incite a riot and complicity to 5 counts of manslaughter. The general public would have expected to see those charges. However, in the "real version" of that scenario, (which even has the video as evidence), Trump isn't in jail and unfortunately, I seriously doubt he'll be charged with any counts of conspiracy to incite a riot that make him complicit in any manslaughter charges. If it sounds to anyone, like it's taking things too far to charge the president with manslaughter, then why stop there? Let's just make it so anyone in or near the presidential positions be allowed to ignore all laws that apply to all US citizens. Then we can stop calling the US government a "Democracy" (or a reasonable facsimile), and call it for what it would be: a Dictatorship. Trump already got away with crimes of cooperating with a foreign power to spread disinformation about opposing candidates, in order to get elected, 4 years ago, (and that was the least of his crimes). As much as I wanted that first impeachment to get him out of there, I didn't even bother watching it. That's because I knew that he wasn't going to lose. In his first few months in office, he had openly fired so many high-level, experienced people who he knew could expose his organized coup of the US presidency. Through it all, the public just sat there, naively believing whatever obfuscated story FOX news was feeding them. I was absolutely confounded at how so many people could be so ridiculously gullible. I knew then that if he could get away with such obvious and transparent acts, he'll easily confuse them to believe anything. The vote to impeach him a second time is fine, but even with video evidence and 5 lives lost in his irresponsible use (and full blown abuse) of a public office, I'm not sure that he'll even be fined in the end. For those that believe he's just a target that they're blaming all these things on, and that he's not responsible for any of the former or present impeachment charges, ask yourself: How many times do you have to see smoke pluming up from a wooded hill before you finally realize there's a fire up there? The only reason Trump is in the middle of this is because he put himself there and he did it without the least bit concern for anyone's safety. This is the true mark of a egocentric, self-serving, narcissistic, megalomaniac. That's who is running this country right now... Feel free to go back to your cellphone video games. FWIW
@Rafael-p3z6i 3 года назад
Thank you so much Representative Fletcher - I hope you’re doing well and sending hugs your way!
@dawoodmunir3275 3 года назад
Thanks for your support and representing us, great work and leadership.
@JT-vb3zy 3 года назад
You've been an attentive, responsive, and respectable representative for our district. Thank you, Rep. Lizzie Fletcher - looking forward to more of your leadership.
@ericlucas97 3 года назад
You rock. I was blown away watching you live and even happier to have you as my representative.
@alexandersalinas6538 3 года назад
Thank you for representing us, Congresswoman Fletcher.
@whatixdfuddix6896 3 года назад
Lizzie, don’t you support Black Lives Matter? BLM says “all cops are racists”, and have been linked to numerous police assassinations (including non-white officers). I wonder why you changed your mind... You are a disgrace to TX-07 and the memory of officer Dhaliwal and all police officers killed in the line of duty. Your liberal policies will result in many more like Robert Solis walking free.
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
Lizz, Plz get in My Cellphone and Get in my Home, 100 Carnarvon Dr. Houston,TEXAS-'77024/77041. Plz pl have a look around, feel that it's yours, and Plz instruct to take good care of that, our Home. I feel the Smell of it . I loouv you.
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
I love you and America and Usaf and Usanaf. I loouv to serve all over my life. Till the end Breath. Wherever I am . Thanks a lot. I loouv you all.
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
Hope by ge end of he nxt year , We will be able to proceed with 75 Trillions usd Budgets And by nxt four years 750 Trillions usd Budgets ever with Usaf and Usanaf and u know how to in Politics for the nxt Four years too . I loouv my Home, Houston,TEXAS-'77024/77041, Dallas and you . Thanks a lot.
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
Lizz , Do me a Favor plz , get my Tel no.s , so that wherever I am I can feel that I am an American Citizen only by enlistments me and my Tel. No. It doesn't matter I have to be in USA all over the year , but as soon as the Covid-19 Epidemic will over , I should be able to live in my Home 100 Carnarvon Dr. Houston,TEXAS-'77024/77041 forever, Permanently. My cellphone no.s are +880-1-999-31-0470 +880-1-409-11-5291 And usaf no,a are 8006341291 8504179416 Thanks and Regards
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
Congratulations Lizz . Regards Rawno Kabir J BG/USAF.
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
I feel, I am that person who will be there for serve a great Nation. Thanks.
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
Very Nice , Enthusiastic Speech, I am inspired, thanks a lot Lizzie. God Bless you and us and Usanaf and usaf, Specifically. Regards
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
In Energy markets, What's the Fuel , you are considering, Honerable Lizzie . Climate is winter naw here , But on high Summer temperatures, different and Difficult to to work even in or with Different mentality people , What we do than . Shoot the Hunter's Down or How to Manage . Plz Suggest and Support me . Thanks to Support, Your eye brows are nice to look around. When you will twinkle , plz think twice of me and World Climate and Energy, Plz . Thanks a lot , Anyway. Thanks.
@mdkabirul5956 3 года назад
Congrats Lizzie. Thanks a lot.
@harvindersingh6152 3 года назад
ਖਾਲਸੇ ਦੀ ਚੜ੍ਹਦੀਕਲਾ
@shanagillum4082 4 года назад
He has a dad too
@shanagillum4082 4 года назад
And sisters and brothers
@box4859 4 года назад
Hillary Clinton wannabe who relishes in the idea of killing babies.
@seekingtruthfacts7743 4 года назад
For women and minorities,Trump’s Supreme Court will be America’s Sharia Law Tribunal. Justice narrett takes orders from the Vatican. She has a litter of seven and outlaw birth control.
@robertb1704 4 года назад
It is shameful that you call kids including black kids as a litter. How racist. You are recirculating old anti-Catholic views that were made against JFK in the 1950s and 1960s. People said that he would take orders from the Pope. Are you a member of the KKK?
@mandeepk985 4 года назад
Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
@AubreeAdams 4 года назад
Great and beautiful tribute.
@haksachdiawaz7282 4 года назад
Khalistan zidabad
@harvindersingh6152 4 года назад
ਖਾਲਸੇ ਦੀ ਚੜ੍ਹਦੀਕਲਾ