Verify Road Trip
Verify Road Trip
Verify Road Trip
We take real people on the road to get their questions answered.

Produced by WFAA-TV in Dallas, TX a division of TEGNA Media.
How climate change impacts hurricanes
2 года назад
3 года назад
Letter of Opposition
3 года назад
Convalescent Plasma
3 года назад
@nsmrt9 День назад
Now let's see the documentary that convinces the climate change believer that the whole thing is a hoax. I'm sure there's probably one; or one coming up soon. Or there could be one now thats buried so deep we won't be able to find it...
@user-ns8hw9re2s 5 дней назад
great topic
@Susan-kd3rv 10 дней назад
Antarctica was a hot and sunny at one time , was that climate change co2 , humans need co2 to survive, there’s a lot of money being made in climate change and control enough said ,
@DS-dn5zy 23 дня назад
Peaks huh? Explain how they were ice skating on the Thames river in the Maunder Minimum period for 70 years
@jrhowarth6053 24 дня назад
Don’t lose it - but I still have questions. How do they sample ppm carbon in the atmosphere? How do they know what ppm carbon was in the year 1000? And -6000 bc? Why would carbon be in the air and not in our basements? Diminishing marginal returns suggest it’s impossible for high rates of change to not diminish? Projections like no snows on Kilimanjaro by 2020 have been hopelessly wrong - what makes you think 2050 now? Isn’t trash in the ocean more important than this? Doesn’t a Tesla run on coal? Isn’t coal slightly worse than gas? If I live in the snow a couple of degrees warmer sounds like a good idea? An octopus mating scientists opinion is as good as a layman right? Not all scientists specialize in climate right?
@PhecdaPlato 24 дня назад
Fake Democrat news!! Stop trying to scare people.
@alghawasion11 Месяц назад
This not specific to USA it is regular in my village and nearby areas in pakistan
@BamBooSticksYT Месяц назад
pitbulls are nice if you take care of them but pitbulls are still really good pets to keep even stray pitbulls most of them are nice and kind people need to stop being a asshole to pitbulls
@denisevogt3831 Месяц назад
Nicholas Tesla figured out how to capture FREE energy at the turn of the century, but that is not something you can trade on the stock market, so of course he was shut down like all orher advancements in the past. We are totally enslaved to a corrupted system and the globalist in control pushing the climate narrative make us think we are the problem as we pay our carbon tax, retro fit our homes and pay their horrendous gas prices. They make money off of us laughing all the way to the bank..
@TK-ro5nn Месяц назад
The reason they're so biased: They're being paid $$. Science doesn't even always get it right. Continual corrections and revisions are not seen as failures, but as progress. Constantly refining our understanding of nature. Those "mistakes" become stepping stones to a more complete picture. Science is full of mistakes. Sometimes it is just marketing and propaganda. There is plenty of data that debunks all the media paints. It's just what is pushed forward by the media. You get more favor for making people understand the world is ending than you do with a status quo posture. The fact they paint so one sided should be the biggest sign. There could be ulterior motives here. Just look who owns the media. Follow the money.
@stevensingh3588 Месяц назад
Money wasted
@xbrandi12345x Месяц назад
Can this have a counterproductive outcome with long-term use? I have heard people say that you kill any good bacteria this way too. I don't know anything about bacteria other than it gives me the heebie jeebies to think about it being on my skin so I have a lot of questions. Hand sanitizer can be drying too which can lead to broken skin and that could make it easier to get an infection, right? I am not saying we shouldn't sanitize, I am just asking if there's any downside to regular hand sanitizer use. Before the pandemic, I could find decent hand sanitizer. Since the pandemic everything has seemed like garbage. You think it would be the other way around.
@stevenashley7651 Месяц назад
Everything in Texas sucks as Texas sucks
@Kshthymyla 2 месяца назад
One piece: how are ancient temperatures determined?
@royrice8021 2 месяца назад
One “small” problem; they didn’t have cars in the late 1800’s…………….🤔😳👍
@TheDalaiLamaCon 2 месяца назад
After John Christy there was not one critical argument presented to counter the infantile narrative. This is a shameful presentation, moreso because you knew the guy you took along had no mrans with which to counter the arguments. A despicable character you seem to be.
@kbucket 2 месяца назад
Folks need to remember that pitbulls are not a naturally occurring breed… we literally made them this way. We need to take responsibility for our dogs. Not just for other people’s safety but also for the dogs sake.
@OttoMatick53 2 месяца назад
The sun and solar wind controls earth's climate and there is nothing earthlings can do about it.
@marianlazarski291 2 месяца назад
Niech Trzaskowski je robaki my wolimy schabowy i ziemniaki /Atmosfera zawiera 78,08% azotu, 20,95% tlenu , 0,93% argonu, 0,04% dwutlenku węgla i niewielkie ilości innych gazów. jeśli CO2 spadnie do poziomu 0,02 % zastrzyma się nieprzerwany proces fotosyntezy i życie na planecie ziemi zacznie wymierać / handel powietrzem jest najbardziej opłacalny ETS I ETS 2
@hammondhikes7784 2 месяца назад
Joe Rogan is why I’m here in 2024
@CritterHouseUSA 3 месяца назад
For most of my life I didn't drink milk because I really didn't like the taste. In the past 4 years, I have been drinking 1-2 glasses of milk a day and I have gained 40lbs. My mother still refuses to drink milk, eats at least twice as much junk food as I do, and she's nearly 100lbs lighter than me. I do think there is a connection.
@joeandrijeski5085 3 месяца назад
In order to make solar panels, wind mills and battery's you destroy vegetation which makes desert land to mine the minerals needed to manufacture those things which adds to the co2 emissions at the same time you still need crude oil to mine and manufacture them all those things combined add to the so called problem also wind mill towers don't last forever and they can not be recycled where do you put them then?
@collingood7766 3 месяца назад
This documentary is 100% bullshit
@h8GW 3 месяца назад
You need to put these resources stop this at it's source: people who are irresponsible with animals. They're almost as bad as people who are irresponsible with firearms.
@mplaw77 3 месяца назад
Criticism of the 200 years (overripe) "greenhouse gas theory" going back to Fourier in 1824 (He was more circumspect and closer to reality than the IPCC) "1. There is no physical mechanism by which a gas can absorb energy without simultaneously creating an equal and opposite emission spectrum, and in the open atmosphere of our planet, there is nowhere for energy to hide other than in ice or water. Carbon dioxide can not absorb and preserve energy. At no stage is cooling prevented, and even if it were, that would not increase the originally achieved maximum temperature. A blanket can, at best, maintain your body temperature; it can not add heat and give you a fever; it does not make you warmer, it just keeps you warmer. 2. Quite the opposite. The earth would be warmer if there were to be no water vapor in the atmosphere and by some margin (but only during the hours of sunshine of course). Observational evidence can be seen on a daily basis when comparing maximum temperatures in deserts that have coastal fringes (e.g., Sahara, Namib, and Atacama), where it will be seen that there is a direct link between humidity and maximum as well as minimum daily temperatures. The absence of water vapor allows more of the sun's radiation to reach the ground and thus create a warmer earth locally compared to an atmosphere with greater water vapor and at the same latitude. Conversely, the absence of water vapor will allow greater cooling at night whilst high humidity areas benefit from greater preservation of warmth, a sort of “greenhouse effect” in reverse. 3. That statement only holds true in high-humidity areas and then only during the hours of darkness. The presence of water vapor creates a cooler daytime atmosphere and a less cold (not warmer) atmosphere at night. At no stage is heat added nor created by the presence of water vapor or any other substance. In any case, earth is already enveloped in the perfect “blanket”: the vacuum of space - void of matter and having no temperature of itself, we could not ask for a better insulation. As per #1 above, a blanket can, at best, maintain your body temperature; it can not give you a fever, and neither can a thermos make its contents warmer. 4. If ever there was equilibrium between temperatures on earth and solar irradiance, the weather as we know it would cease to exist. As is, solar radiation often varies more from mile to mile along any longitude or latitude than anyone could ever imagine and all climate-related “averages” are purely mathematical entities that bear no relation to the actual situation at almost any point on our planet other than perhaps the coldest areas of the poles during their respective long periods of winter darkness when there is not enough energy entering the local climate system to create the greater variations witnessed in more temperate climate zones. Just looking at the maximum and minimum temperature of a particular place in a moderate climate zone and deriving an “average daily temperature” from such observations bears no resemblance to the ever-changing temperatures throughout the day. In between the observed maximum and minimum temperature of the day, it could have hailed or snowed or rained or have been overcast in several episodes. The struggle to reach equilibrium is what makes the weather so unpredictable and equilibrium can never be reached. 5. A brand new Law of Physics here, where parts within a system can behave contrary to the 2nd Law but the whole obeys. Only in “climate science” can such chicanery be accepted as academic judgment. Thermal energy cannot flow into itself, only into something that has less energy than itself. That's a law of nature, not a law of “systems”. 6. A photon will not be able to raise the temperature of the object it is hitting if that object is at an equal or higher energy level. In IPCC graphics, that photon warms the earth and the process starts again - quite impossible (see IPCC graphic below). As per #5 above: Thermal energy cannot flow into itself, only into something that has less energy than itself. That's a law of nature, not a law of “systems”. 7. Thermal insulation in the setting of our open atmosphere does not make the system one degree warmer than it would be without that insulation (the widely accepted “insulation” being the “greenhouse gases”, not the air itself (nitrogen, oxygen)). For a given energy input, a resultant maximum temperature is achieved and regardless of the amount or type of insulation, that maximum temperature can not be increased. As per #1 above, a blanket can at best maintain your body temperature, it can not give you a fever and a thermos does not make the contents warmer, it merely slows down the rate of cooling. 8. An “infrared greenhouse effect” (whatever next?) would need “greenhouse gases” to hang on to received radiation and only water has that ability which is best seen during the hours of darkness, not whilst the sun is adding energy, when in fact water and water vapor keep soaking up energy and prevent the atmosphere from warming up as much as it would without water and water vapor (quite the opposite to what is being proposed). 9. A 77 degree average surface temperature due to the purely radiative impact of the greenhouse effect? Radiant units do NOT combine in reality - 101 W/m2 directed at a blackbody that's radiating 100 W/m2 raises its energy to 101 W/m2, not 201 - but in the much-heralded Kiehl-Trenberth budget, they DO combine. Let's look at the numbers, then. According to the accepted Kiehl-Trenberth radiation budget (see below), the earth's surface averages 168 W/m2 for solar absorption. K-T has the surface lose much of that energy by convection and evapotranspiration, though, so that 324 W/m2 of back-radiated power brings the surface up to 390 W/m2, corresponding to 15°. But in this case we'll reduce convective and evapotranspirative heat loss to zero, which leaves us with the original 168 W/m2. Now, within these parameters, how much extra back-radiation is required to bring the surface up to 77°? SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR W/m2, for a total of EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY TWO W/m2, which corresponds to 77°. (Bonus question: If the greenhouse effect generates enough radiative power to raise the earth's temperature to 77°, but most of this heat is dissipated, then why is there no sign of this excess energy being blasted away from the earth? Satellites only see the earth emitting 240 W/m2.) The average solar irradiance for a blackbody earth - one that absorbs every photon the sun can provide - is 342 W/m2, corresponding to an average temperature of 5.5°. Yet here, illustrious academia estimates conjure 852 W/m2 out of nothing 10. “Radiative equilibrium” is an arbitrary construct to BEGIN with. You just subtract a planet's reflectance from the available irradiance and divide by 4. That's IT. There ARE no other steps. Since Earth reflects about 30% of sunlight, then, 1368 W/m2 × 0.7 = 957.6 W/m2. Dividing by 4 gives you 239.4 W/m2, so that becomes earth's equilibrium figure and this corresponds to a temperature of 255Kelvin. Now, is the earth's average SURFACE temperature 255K? No, it's warmer. So you say that “somewhere up there” is where earth's radiative equilibrium is to be found, somewhere in the troposphere. It's all so silly. But once you convince yourself that the surface does NOT principally determine the earth's temperature, you can convince yourself that it IS determined by the atmosphere and that “greenhouse gases” RAISE the “equilibrium point” higher and higher. And as you see, you can even go as far as asserting that the surface absorbs no sunlight." Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory John Christy, ABC Lecture, 17 July 2023 Lecture given by John Christy, Ph.D. "Scientific Facts of Global Climate on July 17, 2023. His presentation was sponsored by Advocates for Balance at Chautauqua and was given in the Parlor at the Athenaeum Hotel and Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, New York. Dr. John R. Christy is a Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kDAXzcMD2Ng.htmlsi=_78chfSumf3NHQB9
@bo2web 3 месяца назад
Like in Hesdalen 🇳🇴 Norway where European 🇪🇺 academics studies are made on it.
@JoshuahnJackstonburg 3 месяца назад
Earth's average atmospheric temperature(s) since all life began until now has been many degrees higher (warmer) than today. Ice is the enemy of life. And, by the way, too many CO2 particles in any 'balanced' environment will cancel each other out (dipoles) so there can never be a runaway effect on Earth from CO2 - hence why life has thrived with much-much more CO2 in the environment than there is in our time - whether it was quite a bit hotter or just slightly milder. So, beware of Ice Ages. Venus and Mars both have over 95% CO2 in their vastly different atmospheres - and yet temperatures have no part in its prevalence. Earth's CO2 percentage isn't even at 0.04! All other gases 'balance' out to over 99.96%!! Nobody ever measured pre-industrial levels, because there were no accurate means to. The worst polluter today is the weapons and war industry - especially that of the U.S.A. - which is always intensifying and expanding.
@JoshuahnJackstonburg 3 месяца назад
The Romans grew grape and olive varieties in England (Britannia) for certain wines and oils - been too cold for those varieties since then. The original Picts of Neolithic Skara Brae in Scotland's Orkney Islands long abandoned their homely settlement village(s) due to unpredictable temperature drops. Vikings successfully inhabited southern and mid Greenland when there were large and open pasturelands for livestock and forest valleys for hunting as well as many lakes and rivers for fishing; has been way too icy and bleak since then. Lapland used to have loads more greenery, insect and bird diversity throughout the year when the Sami Reindeer Herders also thrived better than they ever have since. There are hundreds of similar examples in history - especially all across northern Russia. Check Mt. Samalas' (Lombok) sulphureous volcanic explosion (1257) and know why Earth went into the 'Little Ice Age' that we are now very surely naturally coming out of - finally.
@vincent-jy9on 4 месяца назад
I thought this was going to be a fair debate on climate change. You're another climate idiot. Will you ever ask a single question from a real so called denier. You're only trying to convert 1 person at a time. You can show him all the bull shit things that you say are caused by climate change.
@vincent-jy9on 4 месяца назад
sorry but you picked a person who never even saw another video or debate on line with people who have done research on the truth. I've seen her before and she is a moonbat
@vincent-jy9on 4 месяца назад
I wish you could try to get 10 real scientist from each side to debate on a public stage. I know i could get at any time 10 so called deniers any time for a debate. The people that believe it is happening will not do it in public. I don't want 10 ex weathermen that are being paid by solar . wind . or government money. None will do it.
@fredschoemaker7042 4 месяца назад
THE CLIMATE-CHANGER GOD-ROCK = AS I HAVE FOUND FACTUALLY IS THE LITERATURE STATES MAJOR ERUPTIONS EVERY 50 YEARS Mount Ruapehu, at the southern end of the Taupō Volcanic Zone, is one of the most active volcanoes in New Zealand.[90] It began erupting at least 250,000 years ago. In recorded history, major eruptions have been about 50 years apart,[90] in 1895, 1945, and 1995-1996. Minor eruptions are frequent, with at least 60 since 1945. Some of the minor eruptions in the 1970s generated small ash falls and lahars that damaged ski fields.[91] Between major eruptions, a warm acidic crater lake forms, fed by melting snow. Major eruptions may completely expel the lake water. Where a major eruption has deposited a tephra dam across the lake's outlet, the dam may collapse after the lake has refilled and risen above the level of its normal outlet, the outrush of water causing a large lahar. The most notable lahar caused the Tangiwai disaster on December 24, 1953, when 151 people aboard a Wellington to Auckland express train were killed after the lahar destroyed the Tangiwai rail bridge just moments before the train was due. In 2000, the ERLAWS system was installed on the mountain to detect such a collapse and alert the relevant authorities.
@fredschoemaker7042 4 месяца назад
@fredschoemaker7042 4 месяца назад
THE CLIMATE-CHANGER GOD-ROCK KNOWS WHEN & WHERE & WHY CLIMATE CHANGED EVERY 50 YEARS MAJOR TECTONIC PLATES CRACK WIDE OPEN ==OPENS UP THE EARTH MAJOR VOLCANIC-EARTHQUAKES FOLLOWS MAJOR VOLCANIC-SMOG ERUPTIONS FOLLOWS MAJOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES OUTBREAKS FOLLOWS MAJOR EXTREME WEATHER FOLLOWS MAJOR COLD FREEZING SNOWY WINTERS ==CLOSES UP THE EARTH TWO SEISMIC SHIFTS HAPPEN IN A 25 YEAR PEROID THEN THE EARTH STAYS CLOSED FOR 25 YEARS THEN THE EARTH RETAINS TO THE CORE 1.125 KILOTONS OF SURFACE WATER YEARLY THEN AFTER 25 YEARS THEN EARTH HAS RETAINED ABOUT 25-30 KILOTONS OF SURFACE WATER THEN THE EARTH HEATS UP AND STARTS THE EARTH 50 YEAR = " CYCLE " = NOTES :=THROW-BACK THURSDAY ==THE CLIMATE-CHANGER GOD-ROCK SAW A DISTURBING NEW REPORT ON CTV ABOUT AVIAN FLU IN BIRDS SO THEY SHUT DOWN THE ZOO = WHY ARE THEY NOT INVESTIGATE THE AIR THAT THEY WERE BREATHING 1.=DENMARK KILLS 17,000 MINK WITH COVID-19 AND VANCOUVER MINKS FOUND WITH COVID-19 2. =FOUND A CAT WITH COVID-19 IN VANCOUVER 3.=FOUND A DOG DEAD FROM COVID 4.=A COUGAR IN A ZOO IN USA WAS FOUND WITH COVID-19 5.= IN A ZOO TWO HIPPOS WERE FOUND WITH COVID-19 6.= SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO DEER 60% HAD COVID-19 7.= CHINA CHICKEN WERE BLAMED FOR AVIAN FLU 8.=CHINA PIG WERE BLAMED FOR FLU OUTBREAK 9.=IN SPAIN SHEEP AND RODENTS AND FLEAS 10.=WAKE UP ==IT IS IN THE AIR ===THAT EVERYONE OF THESE ANIMALS BUGS AND HUMANS NEED CLEAN AIR =OXYGEN AND NITROGEN ===NOT SULFUR DIOXIDE & CARBON DIOXIDE & CARBON MONOXIDE & HYDROGEN HALIDES & HYDROGEN CHLORIDE & HYDROGEN SULFIDES & HYDROGEN FLUORIDES ==THESE POISONOUS GASES ARE IN OUR BREATHING AIR QUALITY HERE YOU ARE WITHOUT INVESTIGATE OUR & THEIR AIR THAT THEY WERE BREATHING DID YOU ==NO IS THE ANSWER THE CLIMATE-CHANGER GOD-ROCK SHOWING THE SYMPTOMS OF ALL THE GASES FROM A VOLCANO-SMOG ERUPTION = VOG = COVID-19 VIRUS What gases are released during a volcanic eruption?===Ninety-nine percent of the gas molecules emitted during a volcanic eruption are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). The remaining one percent is composed of small amounts of hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, and other minor gas species. =SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 VIRUS :=Fever or chills , Cough , Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing , Fatigue , Muscle or body aches , Headache , New loss of taste or smell , Sore throat , Congestion or runny nose , Nausea or vomiting , Diarrhea , Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone , Persistent pain or pressure in the chest 1.==SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO CARBON DIOXIDE POISONING :=The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. CO symptoms are often described as “flu-like.” If you breathe in a lot of CO it can make you pass out or kill you.==A high concentration can displace oxygen in the air. If less oxygen is available to breathe, symptoms such as rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, clumsiness, emotional upsets and fatigue can result. As less oxygen becomes available, nausea and vomiting, collapse, convulsions, coma and death can occur. 2.==SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO SULFUR DIOXIDE POISONING :=Inhaling sulfur dioxide causes irritation to the nose, eyes, throat, and lungs. Typical symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, burning eyes, and cough. Inhaling high levels can cause swollen lungs and difficulty breathing. Skin contact with sulfur dioxide vapor can cause irritation or burns. 3.==SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN HALIDES := Depending on the concentration of the chemical and the length of time of exposure, skin contact with hydrogen fluoride may cause severe pain at the point of contact; a rash; and deep, slow-healing burns. Severe pain can occur even if no burns can be seen. 4.==SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING : Dull headache , Weakness , Dizziness , Nausea or vomiting , Shortness of breath , Confusion , Blurred vision , Loss of consciousness , Carbon monoxide poisoning can be particularly dangerous for people who are sleeping or intoxicated. People may have irreversible brain damage or even die before anyone realizes there's a problem. 5.==SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VOG GASES :=Health concerns after a volcanic eruption include infectious disease, respiratory illness, burns, injuries from falls, and vehicle accidents related to the slippery, hazy conditions caused by ash. 6.==SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN SULIFIDE POISIONING :=Hydrogen sulfide is a mucous membrane and respiratory tract irritant; pulmonary edema, which may be immediate or delayed, can occur after exposure to high concentrations. Symptoms of acute exposure include nausea, headaches, delirium, disturbed equilibrium, tremors, convulsions, and skin and eye irritation. 7.==SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN CHLORIDE POISONING :=Hydrogen chloride gas can irritate the lungs, causing a cough and shortness of breath. Breathing high levels of the gas or vapor can lead to a build-up of fluid in the lungs, which may cause death. Because hydrochloric acid is corrosive, it can cause eye damage, even blindness, if splashed in the eyes. 8.==SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE TO HYDROGEN FLUORIDE POISONING :=Depending on the concentration of the chemical and the length of time of exposure, skin contact with hydrogen fluoride may cause severe pain at the point of contact; a rash; and deep, slow-healing burns. Severe pain can occur even if no burns can be seen. Health hazards can range from minor to life threatening. Exposure to acid gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen chloride can damage eyes and mucous membranes along with the respiratory system and, under extreme conditions, can lead to death. SO IF YOU READ THIS MOST OF THESE SYMPTOMS ARE SIMILAR TO COVID-19 VIRUS = NO --THEY ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 VIRUS AND THEY ARE COMING FROM EVERY VOLCANO ERUPTIONS AROUND THE ENTIRE WORLD AND WE ARE BREATHING ALL OF IT IN OUR LUNGS - WAKE - UP WORLD
@fredschoemaker7042 4 месяца назад
SO F.B.I. & W.H.O. & C.D.C. COULDN'T FIGURE OUT WHERE COVID-19 VIRUS = 1 VOLCANIC-SMOG ERUPTION CAUSES SUFFOCATION=" INFECTIOUS DISEASES " = RESPIRATORY DISEASES=HEADACHES=FATIGUE=CHILLS=FEVER=DIZZINESS=EYE& STOMACH & SKIN IRRITATION( MEASLES ,, SMALLPOX ) mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=6e453c997a&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-a:r-1101670124478799182&th=18e0be9c770a2267&view=fimg&fur=ip&sz=s0-l75-ft&attbid=ANGjdJ8KfsOFekGXWh-P5ImfsDSPmS98YG1NR-PXLL1RmwBofwuvPLCzqWUcItHOoGfCgnku8aecm_Quklj4EXnfMXphzwRg2NjWSJKmqL9tTptG39KdD95K5CUq-aE&disp=emb&realattid=ii_ltdlmyv00 SAKURAJIMA VOLCANIC-SMOG ERUPTION RIGHT ACROSS THE BAY = IGNORANCE & STUPIDITY A HEALTH MINISTER THAT DOESN'T LOOK AT EVERYTHING = WOW = WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE A JOB WHERE IS IT COMING FROM EVERY 50 YEARS mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=6e453c997a&attid=0.2&permmsgid=msg-a:r-1101670124478799182&th=18e0be9c770a2267&view=fimg&fur=ip&sz=s0-l75-ft&attbid=ANGjdJ9mxJjSZbNR2lNxL1F6U5Wt64BTvvU4wT2-UA73p6LIQb0GHA6SLh1JLjRigI2L1a-CwbQjGKIW7WifQQAnNy0vznp4N_Cjf_YMkBysEK615Wp2tC8HW2WQTlU&disp=emb&realattid=ii_ltdlroef1
@fredschoemaker7042 4 месяца назад
@fredschoemaker7042 4 месяца назад
THE CLIMATE-CHANGER GOD-ROCK What does the w.h.o. say about the health risks from an eruption? =Volcanic eruptions can cause: suffocation. infectious diseases, such as conjunctivitis. acute and chronic respiratory diseases from falling ash and breathing gases and fumes. ASK YOURSELF ==IF 1 ERUPTION CAUSES INFECTIOUS DISEASES THEN HOW MUCH INFECTIOUS DISEASES WOULD BE CAUSED BY THESE NUMBERS THEN WHAT DOES 14,130/2023 ERUPTIONS THIS YEAR CAUSE =2023=14.130 =A LOT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN OUR AIR =2022=13,240=A LOT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN OUR AIR =2021=14,434=A LOT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN OUR AIR =2020=12,621=A LOT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN OUR AIR =2019=11,062=A LOT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN OUR AIR =2018=10,991=A LOT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN OUR AIR =2017=10,155= A LOT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN OUR AIR =2016= 5,138= STILL A LOT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES =2015= 3,707=NOT MUCH STILL IT IS IN OUR AIR =2014= 4.730=NOT MUCH STILL IN OUR AIR QUALITY =2013= 5,928=SAKURJIMA VOLCANO ERUPTIONS BIG =2012= 2950=THIS IS THE START OF THE CRACKING OF THE TECTONIC PLATES = WHEN CLIMATE CHANGED MAJOR ERUPTIONS EVERY 50 YEARS =2011= 950 = MINOR ERUPTIONS YEARLY What are the effects of volcanic emissions? == Breathing air with more than 3% CO2 can quickly lead to headaches, dizziness, increased heart rate and difficulty breathing. At mixing ratios exceeding about 15%, carbon dioxide quickly causes unconsciousness and death. Volcanic Smog (vog) is produced from SO2 gas and is a hazard.
@steveo288 4 месяца назад
Why does everyone stay such a distance away? Figure out how far away these lights are and simply get closer the following night. I can't believe no one in that area hasn't tried this before.
@gonzaler99 2 месяца назад
It's been tried multiple times by multiple teams studying them. Plus it's ranch land, private property.
@tgslok0694 4 месяца назад
All arabs know what is that those light are apearing in every diseart
@workablob 4 месяца назад
They are correct about looking to the left. I got the little devils on camera.
@workablob 4 месяца назад
You have to wait until the sun goes down.
@workablob 4 месяца назад
When I saw them there was not a fancy pavilion. There was just a pullout on the road with a historical marker.
@workablob 4 месяца назад
I went there and saw it. As mom and I were watching the sun go down I established a baseline. Farmhouse lights began to turn on and the car lights on the mountain highway to the west were obvious. And then the glowing orbs started popping up and moving towards our location. I had been fascinated by this since my former brother-in-law recounted his experience witnessing it. This was 1993. I took my wife there in 2008 and it was overcast and misty and we didn't see them.
@kspradeep8397 4 месяца назад
Very good Journalism
@ma1375 4 месяца назад
#alexjones #timpool #joerogan #ufc #fl
@user-zj6oq5gl5k 5 месяцев назад
Oil takes over 300 million years to become oil. Solar Energy is produced at the speed of light.
@GodSpeedMcKee1717 5 месяцев назад
How far has man fallen away from the Lord only to gather ignorance as his one and only truth. They are Demonic Spirits. Demonic Spirits are pure energy, so the scientist was almost correct. Wake up, people. You are on borrowed time. Jesus will be here soon, and when He leaves, destruction begins. Give your life to Jesus Christ before it's too late.
@karlmiller4061 5 месяцев назад
Bugs or birds hitting power lines other little animals or moisture hitting polices some people say mirage people don't see the same mirage
@hrvojeleko5847 5 месяцев назад
AI , fusion power , terraforming machines ? Not a word about that.
@Dacijo 5 месяцев назад
The question being framed as an either or is the problem. The question should be about the worth of spending trillions of dollars, to not even fix the problem.