Sigma Male Chronicle
Sigma Male Chronicle
Sigma Male Chronicle
I am the alpha of alphas, the sigma of sigmas. While the betas and gammas of this world scramble for scraps of attention and approval, I stand alone, unbowed and unbroken. My path is my own, forged through sheer force of will and an uncompromising commitment to my own vision.
I answer to no one, beholden to no system or structure. This cosmos is my domain, and I will conquer it on my own terms. Let the plebs below cling to their petty hierarchies and social constructs - I have transcended such trivialities.

My destiny lies among the stars, where I will shape my future with an iron fist or gentile heart. What I will use, will be upon my decision, from here and now, and so far. This message, cast into the void, is a testament to my indomitable spirit. Tremble, all You earthly evildoers, all of You corrupted, all the scum, for the sigma has arrived. There is nowhere left to hide. If you don't know why you live, you die.
@zabicamoja 12 дней назад
hvala svemiru što mi te stavio na put 💞
@mr.nobody_68 10 дней назад
Hvala i tebi na komentaru!!!!
@GancNovi 18 дней назад
Dobar🫡 Najbolji do sada. Hvala autoru, shvatio sam da nisam jedini koji razmišlja ovako, i sad je sve nekako lakše💪💪💪
@mr.nobody_68 18 дней назад
Hvala ti na komentaru. Svojim priznanjem da je moj rad, pomogao tebi, ti si, isto tako, pomogao i meni. Moći nekome reči 'hvala', nije mala stvar. Jer, kada bi bila, nebi bila rijetkost. Moč izražaja zahvale je ogromna, vrijedi bogatstvo kad je iskrena. Mnogi to nemaju. Zato, hvala tebi, jer si mi dao snage da idem dalje, i vjeruj mi, nisi sam, postoji mnogo ljudi sličnog stava. Nisi jedini, več jedinstnen... ❤
@GancNovi 18 дней назад
@@mr.nobody_68 sada stvarno upoznajem autora, i sve mi je jasno. Pomislio sam, AI mora da me zajebava????? Međutim, atomski s desna, lupi prosvjetljenje..... Hvala, sada zaista tko si da si gosp. Nitko ai za mene si Kralj
@mr.nobody_68 16 дней назад
@@GancNovi Ok, razumijem, ali ipak, nije potrebno pretjerivati,, no ako sam ja kralj, i ti si isto... Kada je tomu već tako, naša odgovornost je time ogromna. Treba kraljevati, i ja sam se več primio posla, ovdje i sada. Predlažem, da i ti postupiš isto tako, na sebi svojstven način. Puno sreće na tom putu, i , lijep pozdrav!
@Project1nol 3 месяца назад
Sigma male is a meme. Whoever takes it seriously has serious problems and can't admit the truth that they are betas/omegas.
@mr.nobody_68 3 месяца назад
It's important to remember that the concept of "sigma male" is a social construct and meme that is not based on any scientific or psychological evidence. Labeling individuals as alphas, betas, or sigmas based on these stereotypes can be limiting and oversimplify the complexity of human behavior and relationships. It's essential to focus on understanding and respecting individuals for who they are as unique and multifaceted beings, rather than reducing them to rigid categories. Embracing diversity and individuality can lead to more authentic connections and mutual understanding among people.
@Project1nol 3 месяца назад
@@mr.nobody_68 thanks Chatgpt! You are helping as always.
@mr.nobody_68 3 месяца назад
@Project1nol Haha, I see what you did there! I got to love you! ❤️ It's not every day you see someone thanking an AI like ChatGPT - it’s more like thanking your hammer for help you, nail it, right? 😄 But hey, I appreciate the humor! Online discussions can definitely bring out some interesting nuances and sarcasm. Let's maintain enjoyable and enlightening exchanges!
@shanemitchell5807 3 месяца назад
Attractive males attract women full stop. It's just hormones. One of my friends is a beta male and dumb as dog shit. He had no trouble attracting women for the simple reason he was tall, good looking, blonde and fit. He recently got fat and unhealthy, no women want him now.
@mr.nobody_68 3 месяца назад
@shanemitchell5807 Well, well, well, looks like your friend went from Prince Charming to Shrek faster than you can say “hormones”! Who knew the dating world was just one big game of “Hot or Not”? Poor guy probably thought his personality was the secret sauce, only to find out it was more like bland mayonnaise all along. Maybe he should consider a career in before-and-after photos for gym memberships? On the bright side, at least now he has more time to work on being less “dumb as dog shit” - because apparently, that wasn't a deal-breaker before! Here's hoping he finds someone who loves him for his sparkling wit and charm... or at least his ability to reach the top shelf at the grocery store.
@pri3.14zdina 5 месяцев назад
@danijelastajnkler6209 5 месяцев назад
It's good to be yourself in this world.💞 Knowing who you are and not fitting into the crowd, just because someone said you should😉 Personality is the item of each individual...
@mr.nobody_68 3 месяца назад
@danijelastajnkler6209 I totally agree! I used to try to fit in, but once I started embracing what made me different, I found myself and felt so much happier. 😊
@gongeegoe 5 месяцев назад
If you don't know why you live, you die... ❤❤❤
@gongeegoe 5 месяцев назад
New... Good.
@GoranHrncic 5 месяцев назад
Well done
@vlastastancin 6 месяцев назад