@NeonKatt101 3 дня назад
Hey im the person you were fighting against, i love the glazing but i was still so new to sea, i dont think i even knew my opressors outranged my riptides back then, i just knew rez sub go brrrrr. ANd i remember you kickcing my ass with the subs,, i used the same start to come back the same way XD ALso i had like 20 corsairs and something happened to them on front i didnt know arty was so dangerous, and lost like 18 of them just before i found out you were back in water ,so i couldnt stop you XD
@roguel1ke 3 дня назад
@@NeonKatt101 was a wonderful game thank you. Happens so often we have to play these roles and there is simply no guides!! Thus the video lol.
@NeonKatt101 3 дня назад
@@roguel1ke yeah I just know the jellyfish don't help as much when I had so many oppressors as they just outrange. I'd definitely highlight teamwork as a huge thing for these games. As it really did wonders for both of us!
@roguel1ke 3 дня назад
These sneaky bases go up quick I lost to one in this Fridays video coming out. Hard to deal with if it’s a dedicated build also
@NeonKatt101 3 дня назад
@@roguel1ke yeah I got way better at scouting. Even like to leave some torpedos behind in cove xD
@mattstreet4104 5 дней назад
I've had full control of the sea before and then been surprised by a wall of 30 Halberds that just overwhelm and take out my whole naval presence (which I'd stopped investing into due to complacency). They can be brutal
@mikekaydalov5188 6 дней назад
Dont you think Halberd is a little bit overpowered for a “t1”? His hp is just bizarre.
@roguel1ke 6 дней назад
100% it’s OP as it’s a sea unit that can close range melt enemies especially t1 land units early in the game. Against navel t1 it’s useful when used against the navel base, but it’s barely competitive as navel units are stronger stats wise than land usually (duck being an exception) That’s hovercraft for you a little gimmicky to compensate for their power in both land and sea. It’s why I think the normal all rounder hover tank is pretty bad stats otherwise everyone would just build that.
@mikekaydalov5188 6 дней назад
@@roguel1keyep agree, perfect for t1 era, but not without its flaws.
@mrnoid9949 7 дней назад
Thank you for making BAR videos, having a calm and perceptive approach to what can be done, where one can improve. Looking forward to see more and more people checking this game out, now that uThermal got into it, previously Winter played it about a year ago or so. The third faction is coming up nicely, adjustments are being made to units. Looking forward to see the Hovers worked on at some point, to have them as a fully fledged way of starting/playing alongside of the already established possible openers (bots, vehicles, ships and planes) It is surely a slow burn for the more adult audience, who are into bigger scale team oriented RTS. i don't think i'we ever seen anything close to BAR, where we can have even 25v25 or even more players atst on a map. p.s.: I'm secretly wishing for more Co-Op options, but lucky for me 3rd parties are working on custom Raptors and Scavengers gamemodes, develloping interesting mutators for them to keep the difficulty and the exitement high. There is this entire PvE community, paralell to the more streamlined PvP gamemode in BAR.
@roguel1ke 7 дней назад
@@mrnoid9949 heya I try thank you! I’m very into BAR right now, just enjoy gaming with random people likewise. The competitive games can be a bit too serious/competitive sometimes but i don’t mind that’s life lol. I lost sea last night and someone said thanks for holding so long it’s so awesome plenty of BAR players are quite mature and understanding but sometimes not 😂. I’m sure this game will get so much better with this developer and design team, they know what they are doing
@mrnoid9949 7 дней назад
Seaplanes, specifically torpedo gunships are useful against ducks and other water units, they can be considered tier 1.5, decent between 8 and 15 minutes, if you can protect them against the opposing fighters and other AA. Hovers could be good too, however they're generally undesireable due to theyr high cost and low performance. Maybe someday Hovers will be just as exellent of a starter as bots, vehicles, ships or planes but they need to be worked on, to balance the units out.
@roguel1ke 7 дней назад
@@mrnoid9949 tq for the tip! Really that is a life saver! I hate ducks haha.
@mrnoid9949 7 дней назад
As Hermetics say: As above, so below... You made my day! Thank you sir!
@roguel1ke 7 дней назад
@@mrnoid9949 haha glad you appreciate
@flamingtube10 7 дней назад
how do i set a permanent control group?
@CarelessOcelot 7 дней назад
Use Alt+Number rather than CTRL+Number to auto designate a unit type to a control group. Note that this setting persists and can be used on multiple units. Use Alt+` to clear the unit type from auto control group. Assuming Grid Key layout...i think this is the same on the other layout too.
@flamingtube10 4 дня назад
@@CarelessOcelot ty
@jmurrayufo 7 дней назад
Awesome commentary, easy to follow and still learned! I am beans at playing sea so this sort of content is wonderful.
@perafilozof 8 дней назад
Thx for making more BAR videos! But really, Glitters front with 10+ mex is a vehicle must.
@roguel1ke 7 дней назад
@@perafilozof ok why is that you think? My understanding of vehicles is they don’t require the same sort of investment in an effective ‘ball’ like Sheldon’s. The staying power means you can scrimp on units and apply more pressure for lesser cost I’ll explore that this week I just recorded a video on that. There’s ofc OP units like snipers that you can have a really good effect with, without building too many troops, yet that’s later t2 because of the power cost. I like vehicles myself because I just like what a tank does and suits me.
@CarelessOcelot 8 дней назад
Try to keep the maces out of balling up - wolverines and tanks have aoe. Your main advantage with bots is maneuverability and numbers which help you get the flank bonus which is needed to overcome vehicles. Right Click Drag lets you draw a line your units will try to form up on as opposed to just right click. Also recommend trying out the controls for - Right Click to set Priority Target rather than Attack its a little tricky to get used to at first - but you might find it easier to focus on maneuvering your bots and right clicking an enemy to set their target without disrupting their movement.
@CarelessOcelot 9 дней назад
This is an example where your opposing air went straight for t2 sacrificing t1 figs. You must scout your enemy for this. If they have no or few figs, you have to decide at that point to either punish them with a t1 air assault or try to catchup in eco. I prefer the air assault because assuming you are roughly equal in eco-ing up you can never catch up to someone who never planned for a t1 fight.
@roguel1ke 8 дней назад
@@CarelessOcelot excellent point!
@Tobias-ld2pv 9 дней назад
Great Video. Love the explanation of the thought progress. Especially because it is a more "normal" level of play. Replay casts of pros can be at times daunting and demoralizing. Still getting the hang of quickly teching and booming against ai in skirmish. Maybe you could comment on how exactly a t2 transition should look like/occur?
@roguel1ke 8 дней назад
@@Tobias-ld2pv will do! Appreciate this feedback a lot Thankyou!
@Ghostchanter 10 дней назад
Keep pushing yourself and your build order from your spawn can have units over the other side of the map before they even reach the water. I’d focus more on pumping that economy too. You clearly have good tactics and control over your units though which helps - resources well looked after are resources well spent 😊
@roguel1ke 9 дней назад
@@Ghostchanter thanks! I had a game last night when I rushed and built supporters because I noticed the enemy navel went hover and was worried about goon rush, and easily won sea with a supporting destroyer very fast. I feel like I’ll just donate a heap of metal to the navy if they can minimally defend my rush as I’m not that good microing while attention is split. The timing push a little later with a small navy I play for good trades and see how that goes, usually it works
@oholmes1701 10 дней назад
Hounds have a 2ndry fire mode 'Gauss' much more useful than the primary, would give it a try! LLts kinda useless after 5min, with anti swarm towers that's basically no defence, Heavy lazer, dragon claws and gauntlets all are good defence, some might say units > porc however a good defence means you can do stuff with your army rather than sitting on your lane which seem to do all battle. Speaking of army, plz try making 10 grunts to every thug you make, will find you have a lot more options and can raid etc
@roguel1ke 10 дней назад
Thanks, good tips! I usually only use gauss against tick swarm as it’s more reliable hitting them but I must I’ve seen some better players in games use it constantly. LLTs yeh they suck just something cheap and convenient for commander to build, to deter aggression or guard against ticks it seems
@timmietimmins3780 10 дней назад
@@roguel1ke They are very good, but in a specific comp. They are used to hit very fast units that could get past your conventional rocket or plasma units, but also, they provide front line fighting power, in direct mass combat. The thing is, maces already do this fine. You don't get that value. LLT's are great if you have say, wolverines, or rocket bots, to give your long range skirmishers somewhere to stop retreating and make a stand. you can expect to lose LLT's whenever they enter combat, but normally, your army stands in front of them, and they are the fallback position, NOT the front line. Heavy laser towers imho, have no real role against vehicles. They are relatively fragile, they have not great dps per cost, and they get outranged by vehicle artillery in T1. Their main utility is that they can hit rocket bots reliably, have enough range in excess of rocket bots that you can stand in front of them and the heavy laser can still fire if your front line is engaged, and as a result, greatly help a front line against rocket bots. But against vehicles, they don't really have the dps to do a lot to tanks, and they don't have the range to hit artillery. and they are quite vulnerable to artillery. Against vehicles, imho, you will be much happier with dragon's maws and agitators The dragon's maws are good against tanks and resistant to artillery, the agitator is good against artillery as long as it has a front line unit keeping the artillery far enough back, (at least 300 units behind a front line of dragon's maws). And mines are also great, but that requires you yourself to be vehicles. Tanks tend to move in a large ball, rather than dancing in a spread line like bots are good at. And it's more punishing for them to abort an attack after they discover land mines, as they are much less agile.
@timmietimmins3780 10 дней назад
Maces DID get a recent buff. 11% more health. Thugs also got another 100 health, but got a nerf to build time so they don't repair faster, they just have more total health. As for how to defend against vehicles? I think you build the wrong kind of porc, lacked scouting, didn't invest enough into APM free repair, and frankly, had too many maces. Maces are at their best when retreating. they get much more accurate against advancing enemies, but the range advantage against tanks gets a lot larger. You can trade very profitably against stouts as long as you are walking backwards. You get limited value out of more maces, as AOE starts becoming a real problem for them like any other unit. You want a front line you can back away through and not feel like it dies immediately for no value. IE: not really light laser towers. Dragon's maws (I don't know claws, maybe they just have too bad single target dps) help fill the gap, because it's radar immune, and because it can zone artillery away from your build power while being highly artillery resistant. This is what you maneuver in front of and behind in T1. What you want though is plasma artillery. Because vehicles repair so well, they really want repair power, and they don't get lazarus, so they build con turrets. You can one shot these with plasma artillery in high arc mode. This drastically helps you defend against vehicle pressure, while also punishing wolverines. Just remember the rules. at least 300 units behind the front line, so it doesn't get spotted and you can't artillery it down without the front line brawling with you first. A plasma artillery can just one shot all the mexes, take out all the build power it can find, and then slowly work down anything else it can hit. Also, you should have built way way more early ticks. I saw a ton of engages where not having vision cost you. The laser turret duels? ticks. you are wasting energy firing by radar there. The pawn probe? ticks should have done that, you wouldn't have lost any units. The next two engages, where you maces stumble into range of a LLT in one, and a dragon's claw in another? ticks. The allied team mate rushing in with rockets? he needed vision there. You could have provided it with a single tick. You should always have a tick in your production queue. Really, dismantling porc, you need to know what's there, or you take terrible engages. Basically every major battle I saw you fight, you started by stumbling within range of enemy porc. This is costly for you. it's one big part of why your maces melt so quickly (it's also that you have a 3 deep line against artillery). They can see as far as they can shoot, but that's not enough. You need to see as far as the ENEMY can shoot, which is over 400 units. Thug/mace can't handle that.
@roguel1ke 10 дней назад
@@timmietimmins3780 good to know! They arnt bad I was just shocked against a conservative armour player how bad the trades were. Especially once the wolverines have a critical mass they seemed outclassed. What’s porc?
@roguel1ke 10 дней назад
@@timmietimmins3780 also you seem to have a good head for mechanics, I guess my point is with this frontline play is look you can take bad trades and really struggle with game knowledge even, but if you can conserve your forces somewhat and not suicide charge you can be a good enough punching bag for the game to turn. Frontline quite often gets greedy, doesn’t t2 at all or gets wiped from the pressure, and loses the game because of either one quite suddenly. And apparently it’s a lower chevron position lol
@timmietimmins3780 10 дней назад
@@roguel1ke static defense. It's short for porcupine. It would have been useful in this circumstance as it would have allowed you to concentrate more firepower in T1 on a small frontline, without becoming more vulnerable to AOE. As you identified, that was really one of your major issues. You are right, once you get to a mass of 3 deep units with them almost touching, Artillery start to get very scary. To zone out artillery, you will find it much easier with a smaller number of units that can be in a relatively loose single line and can move forwards and backwards unpredictably to somewhat avoid shots, and until wolverines hit absolute critical mass (more than 15 wolverines, if I recall), you can use pop up T1 turrets to have somewhere to retreat behind if you get pushed, and offer you front line combat power while not making you quite as vulnerable to artillery. After that, you really need to tech up (and this doesn't have to be to units, you can just build scorpions, which are much cheaper than a T2 lab but outrange wolverines), or go to counterbattery of your own, which can be plasma artillery in T1. You can somewhat mitigate this by having a front line of a modest number of your thugs, which just retreat to the rest of your thugs when pressured, but this means you have to give up substantial territory before you can start to actually fight decisivel, and means the enemy can somewhat slow push you. But you will lose fewer of them to artillery, and have less strain on your clearly overloaded repair capabilities.
@timmietimmins3780 10 дней назад
@@roguel1ke Yup, for sure, conserving forces is extremely important. I think a lot of low OS players notice they are losing units for nothing, and panic, and think "I have to do something, or this will just end in me dying". Not realizing that if your opponent is 20 OS higher than you, just dying more slowly IS victory. I notice you have very good force conservation in general, it's how you get like 40 maces, but almost every time you probe, you cause no damage and lose something for nothing. I don't blame you for doing this, it's hard to play against higher OS players. But I point it out because it's an extremely common theme in lower OS play. The feel you need to do something, and then just hastening the snowball against you. Your team mate never had the most remote chance of taking down that heavy laser tower, and he would have lost more slowly if he had not tried, but kept those units back to fight later.
@asvra8375 11 дней назад
you shouldnt teach others what is must or not when you have wrong thoughts about things in game and also you are playing low elo games
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
@@asvra8375 watch the video all the way through you’ll find I analyse other players who have timing attacks. Your feedback is noted, but this channel is entertainment and learning combined about a game, not anything too serious.
@Doterino 11 дней назад
Many mistakes were made but there is always room for improvement, best way to learn sea in my opinion is to watch higher os lobbies and see what they do and then adapt to ur playstyle. Good video tho :)
@congtoannguyen1940 11 дней назад
Great game my guy
@DarkSpiryt1 11 дней назад
You can add transport plane in this build - land in cove with commander faster, anty cheese option, more metal and ability to transport commander in case of hovers.
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
@@DarkSpiryt1 thanks yes I saw that! I do it as well and when I don’t get sniped 😅 it’s a good advantage. This video was when I was quite Nooby still (I’m still a noob tbh) A commander initially helping then sacrificing for the greater cause of 1250 metal may be an option also to have a really strong navy something I haven’t done yet. Any edge in retaining the wreck field is critical imo
@DarkSpiryt1 11 дней назад
Pretty brave player, no llt and E storage on 4 winds O_o. I never make storage before 12 winds. If i have too much E early i put it into Air player to pump esencials faster. If you wanna have a consistent opening you can use tidals.
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
@@DarkSpiryt1 Im into min maxing and trying things out let’s say haha
@WASDhero 11 дней назад
excellent basic guides, I feel like we are learning to play the game in tandem and having input of another noob is amazing. I have some great tips, shared without order, about improving at the game: Set Attack (Default hotkey S) makes your units prioritize an enemy if it is in range, but do not make the units do anything else. Great to snipe out commanders, just set the S on them and micro into range. If they can choose between targets, they will choose the Com. Also great to have your snipers avoid shooting at the spam hordes. Fight command (F) moves the unit forward only if there are no thing to kill in range. Great for slow, methodical pushes, with snipers or starlights. Cloaking the Com (K) automatically sets it as hold fire. You can wait the incoming push and, when in range, blast them with the D-Gun. This works even against experimentals, so even if you have no troops you can stop unexpected incursions by positioning your com properly. If you move cloaked you will spend a huge amount of energy. Also, because cloaked units only appear on the radar when moving, you will appear in the radar if in range! D gun can shoot real fast if you have the energy for it, but the Com is very frail. Patrol command (H) acts as a fight command, unless the unit is a constructor. If so, they will also reclaim and repair everything in range. I love putting my cons patrolling behind the fortifications of the frontline. For bombing runs you click attack command (A) and click and drag right mouse click. You can paint areas very easily. Check out the Metal/Energy proportion of the units/buildings. Everything that has buildpower costs a ton of Energy. Solar panels cost no Energy and T1 Energy converters cost no Metal, so if you are overflowing one and starving on the other you should use your BP accordingly. If you are overflowing energy, build E storage, E converters or Buildpower (con turrets). Laser defense is also quite E intensive. To mass reclaim, click E, hold ALT, click on the unit type to reclaim and drag an area. You can easily reclaim armies and wind turbines and solar panels like so. Reclaim is very useful and wastes NO metal. Unfinished buildings will slowly return you the metal inputted at no cost. More on reclaim, I see players losing a chunk of the base and becoming demoralized. If you have the build power you can recover very quickly, your own wrecks will pay for most. This does not apply if nuked. The avoid having rezbots all clumped together reclaiming, spread them out and THEN shift queue the reclaim area command. They will be assigned orders depending on the position. T2 mexes give you 4 times the metal and should be the first thing to level up once you have T2 cons. Alt+Num sets an automatic command group for the unit type, including all new units built. Is conserved across games. "º" as number deletes the assignation.
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
@@WASDhero Showing me the ropes!! You will be remembered sir! 😊
@muratigentijan8911 11 дней назад
the air force is always hated on both sides real life and in game and bcuz if they dont do their job the game can be lost, if they do their ob the game can be won and all still hate em, its like a jealous hate, like we need em but we have em
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
@@muratigentijan8911 I gotcha it’s sort of like my business when doing IT you are only noticed given sufficient attention when some disaster happens haha.
@A123-d8o 11 дней назад
Thanks for making these. I have no idea what I'm doing in this game and your guides are helpful.
@roguel1ke 7 дней назад
@@A123-d8o Glad you found this useful! Thanks a lot for your support also
@Shoomer1988 12 дней назад
I'm an old TA veteran and still played the game every now and again. One of my all-time favourites but somehow I managed to spend the last few years never hearing about BAR. Only discovered it a couple of weeks ago and I'm all in. Thanks for the tips, I've subscribed.
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
TA was fantastic, really ahead of its time. I believe I bought each one but didn't really understand the multiplayer at the time. BAR is pretty new? I only just heard about it a few months back from a avid gamer friend, BAR is a game for gamers IMO and of course, all the while stealing good ideas from TA series.
@mikekaydalov5188 12 дней назад
Rez bots are a very good solution to energy stall at the start, before your geo is online. I dont really agree with the idea of not building afus, they are more efficient than tidal and in this way you will get a very fast growing economy. A good video to start, keep up the good work.
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
Thanks mate. I'll check it out better how to incorporate afus perhaps, my macro game isn't that strong I've learnt as I tend to play frontline / navy games and to build an afus usually a bit too expensive for me (needs 10k metal right?). I've only just worked out t2 energy convertors are so much more efficient than t1 energy convertors. And that changes things.
@mikekaydalov5188 7 дней назад
@@roguel1keyeah it is complicated, but it is why we love this game
@mattstreet4104 12 дней назад
As a navy player, this was informative and interesting Thanks mate
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
Thanks for your comment! Very appreciated to know that I helped a navy player also :-)
@redfiveg 12 дней назад
Im in this game lol o7 sir
@redfiveg 12 дней назад
Shabamalamabad teamwork DreamWork o7
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
Haha yeh I remember you! Well done and good gaming
@BeyondAllReasonEMU 13 дней назад
hovers match up terribly against all other unit types, being able to traverse sea and land has a price. the goons are the better hovers because you can run past the enemy army and hit the eco, often players will have very little build power on the land so taking out the mex's can provide you with a massive advantage, (especially when using very metal hungry naval units). the other is the rocket hover as it has a very high firing arc, meaning it can take the geo on the cliff out long before you tech up to t2.
@roguel1ke 12 дней назад
@@BeyondAllReasonEMU aye that seems to be consensus it’s situational but halberd is definitely the sumo but t1. Not like the sumo feels OP or anything but still has its place. The base hover tank sucks.
@BeyondAllReasonEMU 12 дней назад
@@roguel1ke the halberd is way too slow to be viable and as you found in the video the range is barely better than a supporter they also cost a ridiculous amount of energy and even some energy just to shoot, just go around them and kill the base or kite them.
@Anubis7169 13 дней назад
This pond position has a very good ~3min goon rush against enemy geo position. Someone made a vid about it a while back.
@roguel1ke 13 дней назад
Interesting, and annoying as heck to deal with. Usually geo is quite greedy early game so I can see why its hard to deal with. Goon's seem like hot trash apart from denying sea resources and zergling rush from unexpected angles then.
@WASDhero 14 дней назад
They called him a madman but I know he is a visionary regarding hovercrafts 33:00 Did you ever played SA FAF? I am interested in what you see different between the games...
@roguel1ke 13 дней назад
There’s a map called jade which I got wiped by hovercraft today easily I stand by my opinion they are OP😂. A good water map is Jade. What’s SA FAF? Probably not. Previous experience a while back Aoe and sc2 I got to gold league in early days, love rts and this game is a gem
@WASDhero 12 дней назад
@@roguel1ke SA FAF is Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Forever, a modded, fan-owned redesign of Supreme Commander, the game inspired by Total Anihilation from which BAR is a redesign of both. Similar gameplay, very different feeling and I think that is simply the map size (BAR is more of a knifefight) and better micro options.
@Adaminkton 15 дней назад
Nice comback, will note down the use of "localized" sub defense.
@roguel1ke 14 дней назад
Hell yeh! Attacking with a sub deathball on a flank is ideal I believe to get that firepower concentrated.
@plantedcircle9321 17 дней назад
Wow this is insane! I wonder if/when it will get patched... I learned a lot watching this guide and it was quite entertaining! I will absolutely be watching any similar guides and game analysis you post!
@roguel1ke 14 дней назад
The halberd? Its pretty neat. I remember a game when a player hit me with 30 or so of these in a huge line, despite that I controlled the sea and couldn't do anything against it as I eventually ran out of room to run lol. Thank you I'll try to improve always this is my new hobby (BAR game commentary) and plenty of BAR upcoming thanks for support :)
@A123-d8o 18 дней назад
Thanks for making this video. I'm just getting started. Played RTS before. I think more strategy / build guide videos are a niche that's not being fulfilled currently
@roguel1ke 18 дней назад
Welcome to my new bar series and thanks for the comment 😊. Since bar is an alpha release and also somewhat difficult 100% there’s a gap in information I noticed. In the future (I’m quite new also) I will showcase some more interesting plays and give newer players a chance in this competitive scene is the idea. I feel it’s one of those games not just reserved for elite players with the 8v8 and all the QOL features meaning a low APM player can still win and have a lot of fun.
@melng9 Год назад
Clifford the robot is a pretty cool dude
@roguel1ke Год назад
Clifford is into fisting the dialogue was pretty messed up lol, but yeh he is. Weird stats was mostly negative apart from the fisting lol
@dennisrobinson1519 Год назад
another great watch~ looking forward to the next episode mate! love the swamp and the blood spiders. should be laugh :D
@roguel1ke Год назад
Thanks Dennis good old swamp. Band of bones i'm sweating over
@dennisrobinson1519 Год назад
Great video. What is the mod name for the watchtower full of narkos?
@roguel1ke Год назад
Thanks dude! I suspected it to be living worlds, but I haven’t seen it before. One thing I did change was load order and put the hivers mod higher. I’ll produce a steam list of the mods soon 👌🏼
@melng9 Год назад
Those Night Wardens are vicious!
@roguel1ke Год назад
I thought they were my friends 🥺
@pickleboy_5597 Год назад
Found this while studying looking forward to future episodes❤
@roguel1ke 11 дней назад
Studying BAR also as you should ;-)
@pickleboy_5597 Год назад
Awesome video man!!
@roguel1ke Год назад
Thanks so much, appreciate your support and will remember the name haha, legend
@melng9 Год назад
@roguel1ke Год назад
Lol, shrek life
@dennisrobinson1519 Год назад
loving the longer vids mate. And i hope u make it to the swamp, its such a nice place :D
@roguel1ke Год назад
So many hours recorded now, longer vids ahead for sure. Swamp I may entertain for a base (its just quite dark!)
@BeserkersFury Год назад
Keep at it Rogue!!
@roguel1ke Год назад
Thanks @BeserkersFury, much appreciated 🙂
@roguel1ke Год назад
Will be; producing a whole series 100%, I've survived and built up for quite some time now (currently editing all the vids)
@ImReallyJustMalone Год назад
Hey I'm loving the series. Having a webcam makes things a bit more engaging. Not many other Kenshi youtubers do so. I would prefer slightly longer videos, but if this is your style then so be it :D KEEP IT UP!
@roguel1ke Год назад
Thanks for your support Yujiro and feedback, Goal is to make the videos a bit of entertainment to watch instead of just showcasing the game. I plan to get more like 8-15 minute videos released, while having a decent pace to the game + quality video 🙂
@EaGilgamesh Год назад
You can dismiss squadmates, i didnt know about it for a while so i ended up just killing the people i didnt want lol
@roguel1ke Год назад
Brutal but Kenshi's UI sure doesnt make it obvious, glad we can let people go (if they earn the honor lol)
@dennisrobinson1519 Год назад
Awesome video Tip: you can banish those dirty Sheks in the squad members tab. They leave you and become tech hunters if I remember correctly.
@roguel1ke Год назад
Thanks Dennis for your support bro! I can??? OH thats epic will work that in. Bloody shrek are so useful that tends to be the issue but hivers will reign supreme don't you worry
@dennisrobinson1519 Год назад
Love it! Kenshi is the best game. Keep the videos coming
@roguel1ke Год назад
Thanks for your support, yes it is the best - well, with mods. Check out the list in the description bro, lol. Game still works ... sort of.