Sarah Lucie
Sarah Lucie
Sarah Lucie
After spending most of her life in a state of unconscious suppression of self, Sarah Lucie breaks free in her debut album Light in the Dark. Her songs convey an embodiment of the peace and freedom that arises from alignment with one’s true identity. Through her voice, she guides people into their inner sanctuary to experience who they truly are.

Sarah Lucie channels her music from a higher guidance, and it touches unseen places within us. Through an exploration of the full magnitude of our humanity, her songs allow us to feel, accept, and integrate the entire spectrum of light and dark that lives beneath the surface in each of us.

Sarah Lucie finds deep meaning and fulfillment in connecting people to their inner world, whether singing for an audience, or vocalizing in one-on-one healing sessions. Through her “Into the YOUniverse” offering, Sarah uses her voice and her clairvoyance to guide others deep into their own essence, to explore and to heal.