Without History
Without History
Without History
Exploring the hidden gems of African History.
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They KNEW THIS but hid it for Centuries
28 дней назад
Ep 24. SHOCKING truth of 8000 yo Sahara boat
3 месяца назад
The Genius King
Год назад
@liammorris7324 Час назад
Watch empire of dust. The ties are not as undeniable as you claim.
@MaxPowers2.0 Час назад
WE WUZ KANGZ!! (unironically)
@MaxPowers2.0 Час назад
The British are a scourge...and the Americans and Arabs have been just as bad if not worse in their own ways
@pugh511 2 часа назад
@Spectre-wd9dl 2 часа назад
Why is Egypt the only place in africa that black people built anything other than mud huts? If they were capable of building such magnificent works then they should be all over the continent.
@Assimpleasthat100 3 часа назад
Jared Taylor is a clown from the past masquerading in the same lie...in the present... revelation=the half thats never been told.
@pirireis6419 3 часа назад
Egyptians were non negroidal people and till now we know nothing of the origins of theirs oldest civilisation on the river banks of the Nile.
@williamoverton7775 4 часа назад
The first homosapiens lived in Egypt
@Assimpleasthat100 7 часов назад
It's all about the half thats never been told so get your popcorn and watch the truth unfold as last life goes on.
@adriaanbertdeveldeharsenhorst 7 часов назад
The Anunnaki founded kingdoms and religions to control the planet and enslave the native earthlings. Not only black African people but all Gentiles.
@adriaanbertdeveldeharsenhorst 8 часов назад
The Anunnaki have been on earth for 450.000 years, They came from Niberu. We were here before. Not only in Africa. Africa is only a blip in time.
@miriamharvancik3964 8 часов назад
While I won't argue that there are what we'd call black traits in the pharo's depictions, they don't look American. When I look at people from Morroco or Ethiopia I see more common facial structures than I do from the faces of American black neighborhoods. There are 2 possible reasons for this: 1) There are multiple ethnic subtypes in Africa that we refer to as black and the Americans got slaves from a different subtype and 2) Inbreeding among aristocrats caused radical mutations that we don't see in the wider population, just like when European aristocrats get super inbred and therefore look different than the surfs. The Pharoo with the bright blue eyes stands out as something that can become more common when incest is stacked with recessive genetics, as does the fact that the "heretic pharao" has wide hips and long angular faces look quite different than the more common faces of the royal burials. I think the fact that King Tutt isn't 100% linked to African Americans is a direct result of the 'keep the royal line pure' attitude we see anywhere power is inherited rather than earned. I think the strongest evidence that the pyramids were built by black people would come from the working class graves that unfortunately come with less high-quality art from the era than tombs the rulers were known to marry their own half-siblings according to the big fancy tomb inscriptions. I would even go so far as to suggest that the actual pharos may have...censored their portraits and death masks to conceal less attractive mutations that multiple generations of sibling marriage lead to...just like we see in European royals.
@adriaanbertdeveldeharsenhorst 8 часов назад
According to probability calculations the age of the universe is not enough for the human DNA to evolve from casual mutations. So we have been there from the beginning. Recreated by Vishnu every 622 trillion years. The kingdom of God is the universe. Those who believe are eternal beings. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc Age of Universe according to Vedas WRITTEN ON 15TH APRIL 2006 "I wrote this article long back so putting it here without much modifications. It talks about the current age (and total age) of universe as described by Vedas (sacred books of Hinduism). According to modern science, there are two theories: a. The Steady State theory, which says the universe is never born, never dies, and is always like what it is. b. The Big bang theory, which says the universe began with a point of energy exploding in a "big-bang". Since the universe is expanding and evolving, 1st theory is not 100% correct automatically. Big Bang theory says that the current age of universe is 11-20 billion years. But according to new observations, i.e. clusters of galaxies, super-clusters, Great Wall (Tully's complexes), it is quite evident that our universe is much much older than that. Lots of cosmologist believe that big-bang theory is not correct although it is most widely accepted. In short, modern man is not aware of forces and science which are needed to expain the creation of universe. Lets look at vedic science and what it says. Right now I am quoting only what it says: a. Total age of universe is 311.04 trillion years (human years). b. Current age is around 155.521972944 trillion years. How it is calculated: -> There are 4 ages on earth which keeps circulating: Satya Yuga - 1.728 million years Treta Yuga - 1.296 million years Dwapara Yuga - 0.864 million years Kali Yuga - 0.432 million years Total: 4.32 million human years. -> This yuga cycle is called maha (in english, it means great/big) or divya (divine) yuga. One thousand such cycles forms one day of Brahma (a demigod in hindu religion which governs the universe). So one day of Brahma is 4.32 million * 1000 = 4.32 billion human years. Each such day of Brahma is called a "kalpa". His night also constitutes 4.32 billion human years. During his day, life exists in universe. In nighttime, no form of life exists. So one complete day and night has 8.64 billion human years. -> Age of Brahma is 100 years. Each year of Brahma has 360 days and same number of nights. Thus, total age of Brahma is 360 * 100 * 8.64 billion = 311,040 billion human years. i.e. 311.04 trillion years. This period is called "maha kalpa". -> The life span of the universe is one "maha kalpa". i.e. 311.04 trillion human years. This time span is also the duration of one breath of "Vishnu" (the ultimate god in hindu religion). When he exhales, thousands of universes emerges and one "Brahma" is born in each universe. When "Vishnu" inhales, all universes get sucked and Brahma dies. -> This cycle is non-ending and eternal. Thats why "Vishnu" is considered eternal in Vedic Science (or religion). How much old is our universe: -> Note that the period of Satya Yuga is 0.4x, Treta Yuga is 0.3x, Dwapara Yuga is 0.2x and Kali Yuga is 0.1x where x is the time-span of one maha-yuga cycle. I will use 'x' as 1 maha-yuga cycle subsequently. -> In 1 day of Brahma, there are 14 "manvantara". Each "manvantara" is divided into 71 "maha-yuga" cycles. So total make 14*71 = 994x (mahayuga cycles). -> Remaining cycles (1 day of Brahma contains 1000 maha-yuga cycles) are used to fill gaps between manvantara. Before and after each manvantara (called as "sandhya" and "sandhyamsa" respectively), there is a junction of 1.728 million (age of Satya Yuga, or 0.4x) human years. Total number of junctions are 15 (since there are 14 manvantaras). So total gap period is = 0.4 * 15 = 6x. Hence total makes 1000 maha-yuga cycles or 1 brahma day. -> According to the Vedic texts, current age of Brahma is 50 Brahma years and 1 brahma day (we are in the 1st day of 2nd half of brahma)and we are in the seventh "manvantara", in the 28th turnover of its 71 yuga cycles. In this cycle, we are in the start Kali Yuga. Age of kali yuga is not known perfectly but it is around 5000-10000 years. For calculation, lets assume 8000 human years. -> So current age of our universe (in terms of maha-yuga cycles) = (50 * 720 * 1000) -- 50 years * (360 days + 360 nights) * total no. of cycles in one day/night + (6 * 71) -- 6 manvantara each of 71 maha-yuga cycle + (7 * 0.4) -- 7 junctions or gaps for 6 manvantara + (27 * 1) -- we are in 28th cycle of 71 + (0.4+0.3+0.2) -- In this cycle, we are in Kali Yuga. Satya Yuga, Treat Yuga and Dwapara yuga are 0.4x, 0.3x and 0.2x respectively. + around 8000 human years -- very small, so ignoring it. Thus total age = (36,000,000 + 456.7)x = 36,000,456.7 * 4.32 million = 155,521,972.944 million years = 155.521972944 trillion human years. Now add the age of kaliyuga. i.e. around 8000 human years. One we calculate the exact age of kaliyuga, we can know the exact age of universe. How ancient Indians (or Vedic people, more precisely) come up with these numbers, I dont have a clue." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc Evolution is an invention of the Zionist Communist Leninist Marxist bolsjevists Satanist Khazarian Mafia Rothschild Fed Bilderberg WeF Vatican Anunnaki bankers cartel Mafia. The Adamics are Sumerian Anunnaki hybrids, a genetical cloning experiment to degrade the earthlings to slaves. As the Indians say 'you can't eat money' We were there long before the Anunnaki goldgrabbing genocidal warlords Jahweh alias Lucifer alias Marduk alias Mammon alias Moloch alias Baäl alias Enki etcetera etcetera 👹 Eating from the Tree of knowledge hasn't brought anything good to mankind. Unless you consider slavery and living in cities civilization. The cave paintings were made by people who incorporated the star constellations in their drawings in order to warn us about upcoming catastrophic events. In this very moment we are living one.
@adriaanbertdeveldeharsenhorst 8 часов назад
According to probability calculations the age of the universe is not enough for the human DNA to evolve from casual mutations. So we have been there from the beginning. Recreated by Vishnu every 622 trillion years. The kingdom of God is the universe. Those who believe are eternal beings. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc Age of Universe according to Vedas WRITTEN ON 15TH APRIL 2006 "I wrote this article long back so putting it here without much modifications. It talks about the current age (and total age) of universe as described by Vedas (sacred books of Hinduism). According to modern science, there are two theories: a. The Steady State theory, which says the universe is never born, never dies, and is always like what it is. b. The Big bang theory, which says the universe began with a point of energy exploding in a "big-bang". Since the universe is expanding and evolving, 1st theory is not 100% correct automatically. Big Bang theory says that the current age of universe is 11-20 billion years. But according to new observations, i.e. clusters of galaxies, super-clusters, Great Wall (Tully's complexes), it is quite evident that our universe is much much older than that. Lots of cosmologist believe that big-bang theory is not correct although it is most widely accepted. In short, modern man is not aware of forces and science which are needed to expain the creation of universe. Lets look at vedic science and what it says. Right now I am quoting only what it says: a. Total age of universe is 311.04 trillion years (human years). b. Current age is around 155.521972944 trillion years. How it is calculated: -> There are 4 ages on earth which keeps circulating: Satya Yuga - 1.728 million years Treta Yuga - 1.296 million years Dwapara Yuga - 0.864 million years Kali Yuga - 0.432 million years Total: 4.32 million human years. -> This yuga cycle is called maha (in english, it means great/big) or divya (divine) yuga. One thousand such cycles forms one day of Brahma (a demigod in hindu religion which governs the universe). So one day of Brahma is 4.32 million * 1000 = 4.32 billion human years. Each such day of Brahma is called a "kalpa". His night also constitutes 4.32 billion human years. During his day, life exists in universe. In nighttime, no form of life exists. So one complete day and night has 8.64 billion human years. -> Age of Brahma is 100 years. Each year of Brahma has 360 days and same number of nights. Thus, total age of Brahma is 360 * 100 * 8.64 billion = 311,040 billion human years. i.e. 311.04 trillion years. This period is called "maha kalpa". -> The life span of the universe is one "maha kalpa". i.e. 311.04 trillion human years. This time span is also the duration of one breath of "Vishnu" (the ultimate god in hindu religion). When he exhales, thousands of universes emerges and one "Brahma" is born in each universe. When "Vishnu" inhales, all universes get sucked and Brahma dies. -> This cycle is non-ending and eternal. Thats why "Vishnu" is considered eternal in Vedic Science (or religion). How much old is our universe: -> Note that the period of Satya Yuga is 0.4x, Treta Yuga is 0.3x, Dwapara Yuga is 0.2x and Kali Yuga is 0.1x where x is the time-span of one maha-yuga cycle. I will use 'x' as 1 maha-yuga cycle subsequently. -> In 1 day of Brahma, there are 14 "manvantara". Each "manvantara" is divided into 71 "maha-yuga" cycles. So total make 14*71 = 994x (mahayuga cycles). -> Remaining cycles (1 day of Brahma contains 1000 maha-yuga cycles) are used to fill gaps between manvantara. Before and after each manvantara (called as "sandhya" and "sandhyamsa" respectively), there is a junction of 1.728 million (age of Satya Yuga, or 0.4x) human years. Total number of junctions are 15 (since there are 14 manvantaras). So total gap period is = 0.4 * 15 = 6x. Hence total makes 1000 maha-yuga cycles or 1 brahma day. -> According to the Vedic texts, current age of Brahma is 50 Brahma years and 1 brahma day (we are in the 1st day of 2nd half of brahma)and we are in the seventh "manvantara", in the 28th turnover of its 71 yuga cycles. In this cycle, we are in the start Kali Yuga. Age of kali yuga is not known perfectly but it is around 5000-10000 years. For calculation, lets assume 8000 human years. -> So current age of our universe (in terms of maha-yuga cycles) = (50 * 720 * 1000) -- 50 years * (360 days + 360 nights) * total no. of cycles in one day/night + (6 * 71) -- 6 manvantara each of 71 maha-yuga cycle + (7 * 0.4) -- 7 junctions or gaps for 6 manvantara + (27 * 1) -- we are in 28th cycle of 71 + (0.4+0.3+0.2) -- In this cycle, we are in Kali Yuga. Satya Yuga, Treat Yuga and Dwapara yuga are 0.4x, 0.3x and 0.2x respectively. + around 8000 human years -- very small, so ignoring it. Thus total age = (36,000,000 + 456.7)x = 36,000,456.7 * 4.32 million = 155,521,972.944 million years = 155.521972944 trillion human years. Now add the age of kaliyuga. i.e. around 8000 human years. One we calculate the exact age of kaliyuga, we can know the exact age of universe. How ancient Indians (or Vedic people, more precisely) come up with these numbers, I dont have a clue." Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc Evolution is an invention of the Zionist Communist Leninist Marxist bolsjevists Satanist Khazarian Mafia Rothschild Fed Bilderberg WeF Vatican Anunnaki bankers cartel Mafia. The Adamics are Sumerian Anunnaki hybrids, a genetical cloning experiment to degrade the earthlings to slaves. As the Indians say 'you can't eat money' We were there long before the Anunnaki goldgrabbing genocidal warlords Jahweh alias Lucifer alias Marduk alias Mammon alias Moloch alias Baäl alias Enki etcetera etcetera 👹 Eating from the Tree of knowledge hasn't brought anything good to mankind. Unless you consider slavery and living in cities civilization. The cave paintings were made by people who incorporated the star constellations in their drawings in order to warn us about upcoming catastrophic events. In this very moment we are living one.
@maximillianphoenix9374 9 часов назад
Get help 🙄
@ryanbrowm5424 10 часов назад
Thanks for your time and research to bring us the truths of history!
@ta-setiwarrior1848 11 часов назад
The Chinese admits they came from black African 25 years ago. It only the racist people of western civilization.
@actionjackson9554 13 часов назад
We all come from Africa... ALKEBULAN
@GentilesOnly 13 часов назад
Dey tryna Eraze R Hestoree
@edegyed8855 16 часов назад
Ex @ mi Montaigne inja jesi Harryju Take a Black prsten Anaa kišem jer bi ga ajde imaj bok Arno preminuo Anker jesi Bajde u ej Anaa ić aj my gornjem onda san a Džingis-kan in brojanje je igrao my skin an my lord line jelo pigmenti sam bre studirati
@withoutHistory 16 часов назад
@@edegyed8855 ??
@edegyed8855 16 часов назад
Ex @ mi Montaigne inja jesi Harryju Take a Black prsten Anaa kišem jer bi ga ajde imaj bok Arno preminuo Anker jesi
@festumstultorum1462 17 часов назад
Did you say African Americans? How can you relate a continent whose existence and population has not been related to Africa in more than 15,000 years? We have a rather complicated problem of georeferenced location here?
@Wraith3100 17 часов назад
Logic says all of his words are wrong