Hi am Days4truth welcome to my channel.This channel not only contains Christian videos but also eye opening videos that shows what is going on in this dark world.

The videos are to help the sleeping mass to wake up from their sleep as the bible says in Ephesians 5:11-18

11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible-and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

15 Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

So be sober in all your ways as you await for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Be blessed
Apostle Gino Jennings - God's Appearance
2 года назад
Pastor Gino Jennings - Sabbath Day
2 года назад
Pastor Gino Jennings - Holy Communion
2 года назад
The Devil Runs the  Show
2 года назад
Apostle Gino Jennings - God's Prisoner
2 года назад
Bohemian Groove
2 года назад
Pastor Gino Jennings - Divorce
2 года назад
Pastor Gino Jennings - Idolatry
2 года назад
Apostle Gino Jennings - Dreadlocks
2 года назад
The Sins of Sodom and Gomorrah
2 года назад
The Devil runs the Show
2 года назад
@AvrArv 2 часа назад
All mafia in Europe are freemason satanic...
@YouFollowMe2024 6 часов назад
Great work saint God Thanks you keep pushing forward
@Jesusisking3733 22 часа назад
Then why Jesus Convicted Kathryn Kuluman to preach
@joeyrix1986 День назад
Lol, my dad was mason and they couldn't manage a spaghetti dinner fundraiser let alone take over the world.
@Vokana 22 часа назад
Thank you!
@SyvilMedia День назад
@brianjohnson5252 День назад
The EPISTLE OF BARNABAS chapter 6:12 says: For it is concerning us that the writing says that he says to the Son, “Let Us make man after Our image and likeness, and let them rule the beast of the Earth, and the birds of the heavens, and the fishes of the sea. And the Lord said, when He saw our fair creation,”Increase, and multiply, and fill the Earth”, these things were spoken to the Son. The gospel of John chapter 1 verse one : in the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God. At the end of this sentence it tells you to go to proverbs chapter 8, verse 22 at verse 30 it reads.: Then I was by him, as One brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; at the end of this sentence, it tells you to go to Matthew chapter 3 verse 17 and Colossians 1:13 it describes there who this is talking about Matthew 3:17 :reads: And low, a voice from heaven, saying, this is my beloved Son, in Whom I am Well pleased. Colossians 1:13 reads: Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and have translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. The Word of God is the Son of God. God the father, God, The Word, and God, the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. The Son (The Word) and the Holy Spirit have different functions, and they carry out those functions as ordered by the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD. This in no way proves that the Trinity exist the word Trinity was added by the Roman Catholic Church. You cannot find the word Trinity in any of the 88 books of the Bible nor could I find the word Trinity in the 135 books of scripture that I have, that’s a man-made word that is not in any of the scriptures it’s man-made so don’t use it or 4:35 you are being guilty of revelations chapter 22 verse 18 to 19 : For I testify unto every man that here is the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add onto these things, God shall add unto him, the plagues that are written in this book: Notice how they didn’t call this book a Bible because a Bible is not the complete book of scriptures. Most Bibles only hold 66 books of scripture. Some Bibles may hold up to 88 books of scripture that not all the scriptures we are supposed to study and learn from the Scriptures and not be confined to the Bible, it does not give us all the scriptures, yes, you could still find salvation in the 66 books. I’m just saying when you just use the Bible you deprive yourself of all the knowledge that was put on this planet for us to seek. Verse 19: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. I pray that this has been helpful in leading you to the Holy Spirit of Almighty God, which we all must use to rightly divide God’s holy words. Please continue to listen to Gino Jennings as it is my opinion that this man is 98% accurate with the things he says, especially for man who doesn’t have all the scriptures. It’s pretty amazing. At the end of the day, we are in the flesh and yes, the flesh is sinful and yes, man makes mistakes you can’t expect man or woman to be perfect. We will not be perfect until we are out of this flesh. Stay Holy for the Lord thy God is Holy. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@11bravo80 День назад
I can't stand when an interviewer constantly interrupt somebody😮 Big Mouth big ego
@thegospelofchristsaves7174 День назад
This verse shows the Trinity of God...Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Genesis 1 verse 2 shows the Spirit involved with creation. John 1 shows Jesus involved with creation. The Word was with God and was God. All things have been made by Him. The Word in verse 17 is shows to be Jesus Christ
1 timothy 2v5-6
@user-fb6hx8un6k День назад
Jesus is a prophet of God! Easy and simple! Do not confuse yourself and the viewers!
@missbarn2396 День назад
After hearing this information, my response is, where do i sign? Let's do it❤. I would love some supernatural ability as well 😂
@franross4180 День назад
you couldn't even cast out a devil.. all you did was send him back to his seat..
@franross4180 День назад
you are not anointed by God..
@franross4180 День назад
you suck
@AcaciaResearch19k День назад
December 25th has nothing to do with Jesus birth but winter sioltuce Christianity is nothing but Sun worship the real Pagan and devils are not Freemasons Easter has nothing to do with Jesus but has everything to do with spring equinox Christian are sun worshipers sun the churches are put there to deceive you that is why 90% of the world in the world is controlled by less than 10% of the people.. he has some good points that are accurate but thiis person is very misinformed
@sweettexaslatina54yrsyoung День назад
THANK GOD, this brother in Christ now has come to the light. GOD is so GOOD to us always for HE is our PROVIDER,PROTECTOR, AND OUR EVERYTHING!✝️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💪🏽✌🏽❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🥳
@SeaBass9x19 День назад
Bunch of weak people yapping. Thats all im reading. This guys a total goober . Lol have fun waiting on your savior.
@FLOATERS-w1o День назад
@jakebrockway6368 День назад
So how does he know this info that “ they only tell you at the highest levels” if he admittedly was never at the highest level?
@NoSoupForYou-zu9dj День назад
There was a movie series called, Left Behind, and The Simpson’s were making fun of that movie with this skit. That’s why it’s called, Left Below in the episode. But yeah they’re mocking God too. Matt Groening is a Freem*son after all. Many of the writers also come from Ivy Leagues, which have secret s*cieties. They know what they’re doing.
@johnmurphy3349 2 дня назад
He is absolutely wrong, God can use anyone he has no respect of person, the holy Ghost is neither male or female, who cares if a male believes he only can teach the word, all mankind is one, we mankind have set up pride which God hates, a leader is a leader, did not Jesus teach when he was a child
@xmonch 2 дня назад
IMO, This is bias by his religious views and not a true reflection on the true idea of the Freemasonry
@agbangbekelvin7938 2 дня назад
@naldy_thegreat1667 2 дня назад
That’s a lie because Freemason do not recruit
@KeesieLeGoat День назад
They actually have a website where you can apply
@Vokana 22 часа назад
@@KeesieLeGoathalf true, if you’re paying to apply it’s false. The lodge contacts you after you show interest and sends you a petition. There’s a lot of fakes out there
@Truthseeker424 2 дня назад
Apostles’ doctrine is apostles’ doctrine… I don’t see no problem as long as they stick to the truth. But many of them don’t.
@Alfhar 2 дня назад
So he was just in the blue lodge? Isn’t everything you learn there just misinformation anyways? 😂
@godman9074 2 дня назад
1 Corinthians 9:14 In the same way, the Lord has ordered that those who preach the gospel should get their living from it. God ordained that preacher to get paid even Jesus said so. But yes many abuse the church
@godisourfather9376 2 дня назад
And what they do to children, they all will answer to Jesus Christ of Nazareth for their crimes.🕊✝️🙏✝️🕊⏳⌛🔥
@True_Holines 3 дня назад
These Homosexuals BETTER Wake Up And REPENT!!!✝️🗣️
@ArchibaldElvira-g1f 3 дня назад
Clark Deborah Hall Thomas Wilson Michael
@jessewilson1622 3 дня назад
I lived beside elderly mason. Helped him out a bit nice guy. One things for certain other masons never came by to check on him.
@MasonicImprovement 3 дня назад
I have great news for everyone - everything this man says is false. The bad news is that the naysayers will fall into two categories: 1. First category will say I don't know because I'm not 'high enough' degree. I'm a Past Master of two different Masonic Lodges. Both a Knight Templar, 32nd degree, and member of many other Masonic bodies. Some are invitational. 2. Second category will just call me a liar. This usually happens when category one fails or they just don't want to accept the truth.
@TheReaper1557 10 часов назад
Hey put a freemason sticker on the back of your car man, the police dont pull you over, just a heads up.
@jimmynoneya2584 4 дня назад
Did he say Benny Hill at the beginning lol
@andysmith9785 4 дня назад
He is not a mason lmao😂😂😂😂😂😂
@CheriHickey 4 дня назад
I like this minister. He speaks truth i used to listen to TD Jakes. I fell sad he is not right now. He was a great man if God now he's fake.
@Slim_Tyler 4 дня назад
Luke 4:16 Act17:2-3 Acts 18:4 Proves that Jesus(Savior) and the disciples kept the sabbath Mark 16:1-2 proves that they kept the sabbath(Saturday) before resurrection(Sunday)
@orlandoortiz2523 4 дня назад
Pastor Gino telling lies on the Catholics..SMH. You need someone on your staff to fact check. 😅 1. The Catholic church has an original 73 2. The King James bible has 66 book. King James took it upon himself to take some books out...did you know that King James wanted to take out the book of James, Revelations amongst other? God forbid! Pastor Gino just got something against Catholics. But he's our brother in Christ, so we must pray for him.
@ShemsuHor33 5 дней назад
My God.... the amount of ignorance and lack of true knowledge about the Rituals, Symbols, and overall Spiritual teachings embedded within Freemasonry coming from this man is ridiculous...SMH. So much misinformation due to his minimal knowledge, biases, and religious prejudice, continuing to lead people astray from 'the Light' that is Masonry. This continual spread of the stereotypical Satanic narrative is just beyond annoying and straight up false, particularly due to the misinterpretation and taking out of context certain Masonic teachings, such as Albert Pike's mention of the 'Luciferian energy' in his book "Morals and Dogma". All of this misunderstanding and twisting of knowledge is why Masonry any many other true Holy Orders safeguard their knowledge from the ignorant, so that the purity and sacredness of these ancient doctrines don't become twisted and corrupted by the profane, such as this man and many others like him. Now that does not go to mean that there aren't any bad or corrupted Masons in general, because there most definitely is, just as there are horrible Catholic or Christian Priests or followers, Muslims, Jews, etc... Human nature still is what it is, and there will always be "bad" or "evil doing" people, no matter what Sect or Belief or Order they come from or are affiliated with. Unfortunately, it is true that Freemasonry has fallen in many ways from its true path and has become a degraded secularized Order and into a mere 'gentleman's Club' in many aspects. Some Lodges or High up members having disgracefully used the power and networking connections Masonry has provided them access to for their own selfish greedy agendas, thereby giving the Organization in its entirety a very bad reputation and negative stigma, along with religious propaganda due to the Church throughout the centuries. BUT...Freemasonry in its purest sense, and most Noble purpose, is True Religion in the Highest sense of the word (NOT Dogmatic or Institutionalized Religion as we know it today) and is MOST DEFINITELY OF GOD - ***NOT THE DEVIL****. It Sacred lineage and ultimate purpose has always been to be the Guardian and Safekeeper of the Oral Law throughout its history, preserving the Divine Law of God which goes way back into the depths of antiquity - encompassing the teachings about the Nature and function of Divinity, the purpose of Creation, the nature and purpose of the Soul and its spiritual evolution, and its final return back home to Source (GOD). The whole point of the rituals and their allegorical stories, the symbols, the regalia, and hand gestures, are all components which help conceal and preserve the spiritual knowledge, protecting its purity from becoming corrupted by the ignorant and unworthy, and ensuring THE KNOWLEDGE continues to get perpetuated far into the future for all the many coming generations, so that Mankind may still have a chance for its overall Spiritual Evolution and help giving its upmost contribution to Universal Welfare and the Divine plan of God.
@dr.deverylejones1306 5 дней назад
We need to understand 1st why GOD commanded the Sabbath day for was Holy. Listen GOD knew for man will work 24/7 to make money for GOD made Sabbath day for Man shall work 6 days And on the 7th day shall be His Sabbath day off for can man rest & can worship of GOD. This means your Sabbath day can be any day in the week if to start work on wed work 6 days your Sabbath day off is Tuesday for can man rest or can worship of GOD. For God or His Word Jesus said The Sabbath day must be on sat or Sunday this was of Mankind create. For Jesus always did things on their sabbath for made them upset for Jesus wanted to make his point. So stop this madness today the sabbath must be on a sat or sun.
@joshuarhodes4006 5 дней назад
He said looking like an ideeyot 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@antoniobriones-jl2ux 5 дней назад
All I hear is claims and I don’t see any proof of them ever being a Freemason. This is exactly what the outsiders say. Also you can tell he’s lying he fumbled his words aloooot😂😂😂.
@gizzelleboccia1806 5 дней назад
At 13:00 It got a little much how can we cross reference
@orlandoortiz2523 5 дней назад
Pastor Gino needs to get his history facts correct. The Catholic church has 73 books in the Holy bible. Baruch  Tobit  Judith  1 and 2 Maccabees  Wisdom (or Wisdom of Solomon)  Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus) King james took it upon himself to take out 7 books when he left the Catholic church. By the way, King James also wanted to take out the book of James, Revelation amongst other? King James also edited the Holy book,but the central story is still intact. So brothers and sisters please read our bible and let The Ultimate Author (God) talk to us with his Revelations. PNo matter what denominations, churchs that serve OUR Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ I love you all. Folks that are always beating up on the Catholic faith ; I truly ask. PLEASE go visit a Catholic church and SEE the reverence for yourself. Truly remarkable. Hail to the King of the Thrown Peace & Blessings
@reginakey8794 5 дней назад
Love this info thanks bless you for letting us know.
@jesselebleu6814 6 дней назад
@D-Paramountcy 6 дней назад
Jesus learned black magic in Egypt
@earllovejr9300 6 дней назад
Hard to believe anything coming out his mouth
@user-os3ug1tn4i 6 дней назад
Protect Him yeshua
@kellytehana1371 6 дней назад
This Pastor doesnt realise that All Sunday worship churches are under the Roman Catholic Church the papacy who say they have authority to change Gods law to Sunday. Choose people who you will serve God or Man for God the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is the same as yesterday today and forever.
@brothersandsistersunited 6 дней назад
I am a female apostle called by Jesus himself, and I hear from him very well. It is sad that pastor Gino is taking that one scripture and using it to tell women that they are not called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. You all need to study the Bible as well as the times the scripture were written. Yes I went to seminary school but before I went I studied the word as well as the background. Paul said women should be silent in the church and learn at home because they did not understand what the preacher was saying so they were asking their husbands questions during the service which was disrupting the church service. Please read and study for yourself and stop blindly following Pastor Gino. I am commenting because some of you who are listening and following him have calls on your life and not answering them because you are believing Pastor Gino. You don’t have to believe me research it for yourself. We all have a short time to get it right on this earth and a time to life with the consequences. I have nothing against pastor Gino and nothing to gain by commenting. I am just letting you know if you have a call on your life and do not answer it you will have to answer to god one day during judgement because there are souls that you have to reach for Christ. Pastor Gino will have to answer to god one day for all the women he has led astray with his false teaching. There are more scriptures in the Bible that support women preachers than against it please do your research.