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@Aldo_raines Час назад
Lauren would go on to become a “tradwife” and then massively regret that decision, comparing the lifestyle to slavery. Don’t know if she regrets any of this bullshit, though.
@rosePetrichor 2 часа назад
Honestly I think this video is undermined by your initial careful severing of the 'practical' death penalty argument from the 'moral' one. At the end of the day, most proponents of the death penalty are that way because they DO believe that someone can give up their right to life through immoral acts, and it's this which motivates almost all of their arguments. They WANT people to be killed for committing crimes, they think it is morally desirable. you can knock down as many of their justifying excuses about crime statistics, cost and deterrence all day long, but it doesn't address why the death penalty actually exists or retains such persistent support.
@spinnigold 4 часа назад
Whenever HP comes up, aside from JK’s more recent decent into madness, I always think about Ursula Le Guin’s reaction to the first book when it came out: that it was typical boarding school fantasy fare, nothing special; but that there was a strange streak of cruelty running through it that she found deeply concerning. Le Guin knew, somehow, before all of us that JK was a cruel person. She absolutely clocked it.
@eagle287ruby8 4 часа назад
America is not a democracy. It is a free enterprise system
@LambsyLamb 4 часа назад
Actually Israel isn't, if you're gay you can't marry and gay people are vilified outside of Tel Aviv. A few years ago a gay activist was murdered by a religious nut when she marched in a gay pride parade.
@dajana520 5 часов назад
lushous malfoy
@tawsifking9336 6 часов назад
Ever heard of the country Singapore? It has one of the lowest crime rates in the world
@HuskerPower97 11 часов назад
Wow you realy do suffer from "victom mentality"
@krillr_prawn 14 часов назад
this video has not aged well. Lauren is more or less on the money. Look at the immigrant to local populations in major European cities such as Brussels and London.
@CMGThePerson 7 часов назад
@user-mq9sm7oe5f 15 часов назад
"And I think I'm right" is a weird follow up to a clearly stated opinion.
@user-mq9sm7oe5f 15 часов назад
I've always been confused by the term "gender critical". To me, it seem pretty clear that these people are wholly uncritical of gender, failing to deconstruct it and see past it.
@wylser 17 часов назад
If the two robots looked male and the leads were gay you would not have made this video. Just because they look female, you go off into this weird tirade.
@slashb7836 18 часов назад
The Time Turner thing was so weird on all sides. They were, as originally presented, perfectly fine. It was a stable time loop all along, the only ones "saved" are people whose deaths weren't seen on page, because they were always saved. That was the whole point of the Patronus. He knew he could do it because he realised he had been the one to do it in the first place. Your time turner actions have already happened (and it's very short-term, matters of hours only). That's why when Hermione was noted to miss class, she couldn't just go back and take it. She had already missed it, the proof she couldn't go back and do it was because she hadn't. Easy, simple, doesn't open itself to most time travel shenanigans. This one one rare case where the fanbase was insufferable about something way before JKR was, and really does point to a decline in her writing imo
@micahmix5738 18 часов назад
I know I’m not the first to say it, but your outrage and disgust over transphobia and TERFism is so refreshing as a trans person. Sometimes it really can feel like we’re fighting this battle alone, so it’s almost energizing to hear you fight on our behalf. Thanks, Shaun.
@saszablaze1 19 часов назад
in our world, NO ONE would be allowed to "transition"; if you cannot do it naturally, it sjhouldn't be done. should never be state or taxpayer funded. transition is a cosmetic surgery. delusional based. you can't meet any criteria where a health professional will not be breaking the hippocratic oath, to cut and castrate men who want to "become" "women"; NHS: herbal endocrine support elimination of endocrine disruptors in household, diet and environment, no more cooked grains or sugar, no dairy, giv ethem psychological therapy. coonversion theeapy pof 80% raw vegan will ALWAYS yield conversion success. trans gender dysphoria comes from multigenerational diet based degeneration of gut and mind and body; trauma endocrine disruptors in the environment and diet. and often autism is a huge contributing factors. she doesn't hate "trans" people;; she hates abusers.
@Lilyanna298 8 часов назад
Did you watch the video? Why would she wish death on Trans women if she doesn’t hate Trans women? Why does she support abusers like Avi Yemini (a wifebeater), Trump (a serial sex offender) and Kaeley Triller Haver (who groomed a minor) if she hates abusers? All the research shows that Gender Affirming Care leads to better mental health outcomes and lower suicide rates Sources Gender-affirming Surgery Improves Mental Health Outcomes and Decreases Anti-depressant Use in Patients with Gender Dysphoria (2023) Chou et al Association Between Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Mental Health Outcomes (2021) JAMA Surgery Pediatric Gender Identity Gender-affirming Care for Transgender & Gender Diverse Youth (2020) Gender-affirming Care Saves Lives (2022) Kareen M. Matouk and Melina Wald The 'life-saving' science behind gender-affirming care for youth (2022) Yasemin Nicola Sakay Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care (2022) Diana M. Tordoff, MPH1; Jonathon W. Wanta, MD Arin Collin Top Surgery and Chest Dysphoria Among Transmasculine and Nonbinary Adolescents and Young Adults (2022) JAMA Pediatrics Medical Association Statements in Support of Health Care for Transgender People and Youth (2023) GLAAD Association of Pubertal Blockade at Tanner 2/3 With Psychosocial Benefits in Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth at Hormone Readiness Assessment (2024) Journal of Adolescent Health What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being? Cornell University Gender-affirming care is preventative care (2023) The Lancelet TLDEF's Trans Health Project Working for Transgender Equal Rights 2023 Transgender Legal Defense & Education Why get rid of medical treatment with such good results?
@CMGThePerson 7 часов назад
@dariocarraresi1823 6 часов назад
1) Your "cure" needs a citation. 2) "It's unnatural, therefore it's wrong" is the exact same argument bigots use against abortion, gayness, mental medication and so on.
@davidtaylor142 6 часов назад
"If you cannot do it naturally it should not be done" Damn I guess there goes all surgeries and medicine then
@saszablaze1 3 часа назад
@@davidtaylor142 yeah, most surgeries are invasive, and unnecessary if we tackled the roots of the issue: poisonous consiumption, and multigenerational degeneration of the species through toxic living environments and diet. medicine? yeah big pharma needs to go, and we can just continue using herbs like we have since the dawn of time.
@graymarch666 20 часов назад
I enjoy thoughty2s history videos. I really liked his video on jack the ripper. But his political opinions are... kinda illiterate tbh. I don't really think he knows what he's talking about when it comes to actual politics. He just seems really ignorant and illiterate.
@lucyjane1183 20 часов назад
🤣😂🤣this hasn't aged well, what with Fauci confessing about the jab and all the other shit he made up. I think you owe Dore an apology🤣
@user-mq9sm7oe5f 21 час назад
tbh the racism towards the house elves seems more like the subjugation of women, you know "innately caring and nurturing" bs to justify essentially slavery in the household.
@randomnessltd 22 часа назад
*insert Spider-Man pointing meme here*
@deserticus18 День назад
For many the lack of context is the cause to be indiferent , most think that the oct 7th attack was the beginning and cause of the genocide, so i'm begging youtubers to show the previous attacks from Israel and the response of palestinians, that would help to identify the real causes of this genocide, that in turn may give us the strenght to demand our autorities to boycott and divest
@dot2dot969 День назад
Gordon bennet, looking back on this i cant believe i used to watch f00t when i was in highschool... I was an awful person back then oh gods below.
@saszablaze1 День назад
the silent majority do agrree with us. they're too scared and/or codependent to admit it, but they do. behind closed doors, in private conversations most people who pander in public are totally against this lunacy.
@CMGThePerson 22 часа назад
I don't agree with you
@saszablaze1 20 часов назад
@@CMGThePerson no one cares. your delusions and comprehension issues aren't reality's problem.
@xant8344 19 часов назад
Actually the silent majority is pro trans rights. In private conversations they talk about it all the time
@saszablaze1 19 часов назад
@@xant8344 bollocks. utter bullshit. you have no clue. you;re delusional. your echo chamber doesnt count.
@saszablaze1 18 часов назад
@@xant8344 there's a difference between us supporting these peoples rights to everything everyone else has, vs rights to our womens prisons, bathrooms, changing rooms, refuges, retreats, rights to "affirming" "healthcare" paid by all of us. wanna butcher yourself? pay for it like the rest of us into tattoos, piercings, etc
@sambowman91 День назад
Well. Um. Shit… You know when people say “you ruined my childhood” they mean “you pointed out how Blues Clues could be interpreted as sexual if you really try and that’s funny” but I mean like “looking back, if I was a better child, I would have noticed more of these things and that makes me uncomfortable.” Good video.
@saszablaze1 День назад
you don't comprehend care if you think children should be given puberty blockers. when "trans" rights impose upon womens and GIRLS' rights, then yeah, we gonna have a fucking problem mate. is that your actual voice, or is it a text to speech?
@CMGThePerson 22 часа назад
Who gets puberty?
@saszablaze1 20 часов назад
@@CMGThePerson come on stfu. go troll someone who is your intellectual equal. not here. ;)
@Lilyanna298 8 часов назад
What rights do I have that Trans Rights is trying to take or has taken away from me? Why get rid of puberty blockers when they are reversible and have been shown to lead to better mental health? Source: Association of Pubertal Blockade at Tanner 2/3 With Psychosocial Benefits in Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth at Hormone Readiness Assessment (2024) Journal of Adolescent Health If you are going to argue that they don’t lead to better mental health or aren’t reversible, cite your sources Since you care about women’s rights so much: What do you think about KJK supporting Trump who opposes equal pay laws and wants to take away life saving reproductive rights and being a member of Hands Across the Aisle, who are fighting to take away reproductive rights from women?
@CMGThePerson 7 часов назад
​@@saszablaze1That's... not an answer
@davidtaylor142 4 часа назад
​@@saszablaze1 "I'm not owned you're owned! I'm smart!!!!😢"
@mira-me5hs День назад
Something I noticed is that googling for the Lily Cade rant first gives you a Newsweek article that is claiming to be a full transcript, but is only covering one of three blog posts she put out that day (in case anyone else wanted to look this up two years late). Notably, if you look at an archived version of her blog then one of the other posts (Dead Whores Tell No Lies) also includes quite graphic death and rape threats against trans men, followed by more hatred against trans women and talk about 'the children'. That felt relevant to the nature of the rant and it's a bit of a shame that this video (as well as the Newsweek article) didn't cover that part, given the often occuring erasure of trans mens' issues in this wave of transphobia.
@emma_nutella58 День назад
The fact that Zionist cheer and smile at innocent people being mercilessly slaughtered and preventing them from getting food and water have no right to call themselves human
@NerdinessD День назад
Lets deport all of those migrants back to the place they come from and lets see what would happen.
@thepakistanipotato День назад
Labor shortages in the us and Europe?
@thepakistanipotato День назад
It’s not the fault of immigrants that governments are incompetent, it’s the fault of the government
@CMGThePerson 22 часа назад
Idi Amin did that and it basically nuked Uganda's Economy
@NerdinessD 18 часов назад
Yeah, it's the fault of the government that they failed to deport these refugees.
@CMGThePerson 7 часов назад
​@@NerdinessDWhy are they Refugees?
@NerdinessD День назад
this aged so well so well Now europe is literally in an immigration crisis....now we have to pay taxes for these people to stay in our countries for free Bravo!
@CMGThePerson 22 часа назад
Oh no! Anyway
@NerdinessD 18 часов назад
​@@CMGThePersonAnyway what?
@Hasansworstnightmare 8 часов назад
​@@CMGThePersonare you on the spectrum?
@CMGThePerson 7 часов назад
​@@HasansworstnightmareYes, problem?
@Hasansworstnightmare 7 часов назад
@@CMGThePerson of course you are
@daleksex1628 День назад
Mahoo terkooroo Oh my God I'm suffocating
@BasicallyIKilledTheCat День назад
Use to watch thoughty2 until out of nowhere, in an a unrelated to any modern politics video, he ranted about “people with dyed hair” or something, it just was so unprovoked and my mood was just so dampened
@StudyLeiFengGoodExample День назад
You would think Shaun would be embarrassed enough by now to just delete this 30 minute video of straight L's lol.
@CMGThePerson День назад
What Ls? That the bonkers illogical fairy tale is a bonkers?
@nathanielscott6159 День назад
I don't think anyone smart looks at Andrew as a teacher; I think they see him as a rolemodel. I think he says some cool things, some of those cool things I think can be taken seriously for the sake of advice you may not have uncovered by your self. But this is a naive way to look at the world. These people do exist afterall. But I do think there is value, I think. Maybe. Hustler's is not where I know him. I do not associate his name to that. Instead I see him as someone who does believe in what he says. Again, I think there is obviously truth in the things he says, that if separated from the nonsense and considered along with your other sources you can gain wisdoms in a podcast sort of way. I could be built different seeing the optimisms as per my upbringing. But anyway, I'm having fun. Can anyone tell me what the patriarchy is, or masculine insecurity; female uprising, right fallacies, left superiority?
@elias90358 День назад
It always comes back to religion doesn’t it?
@KingGlorp День назад
God damn, he was right
@hyperionsixzeroeight5064 День назад
Some historians tell us that the (((tribe))) controlling Roosevelt and Truman chose the largest Christian cathedral in the largest Christian city in Japan as ground zero in Nagasaki, as per Talmud directive.
@leepackard1660 2 дня назад
Paul was correct
@johnchenthebest4495 2 дня назад
This aged far too well
@cosygoose1813 21 час назад
More like it was already a dumpster fire of a video that lies for attention.
@Lilyanna298 8 часов назад
⁠@@cosygoose1813Give specifics about what is a lie: Is it a lie that JKR publicly endorsed Caroline Farrow? Is it a lie that Caroline Farrow supports criminalising gay sex, is anti Abortion, Anti Euthanasia, and wrote that the Mass Baby Grave Catholic Church scandal was a sensationalised story? Is it a lie that she supported a Let Women Speak Conference which included White Power Leader Tommy Robinson? Do you think any of that is acceptable?
@SR-de8rd 2 дня назад
"Your honour, I was just playing a character, the human trafficking and rape was just method acting"
@drkreuzer670 2 дня назад
This video, single handedly changed me into a completely different person, so glad i have the guts to challenge my previous conceptions
@freshfishonly 2 дня назад
This video is made by AI, absolute normie arguments
@hallokino3781 2 дня назад
It don't matter if you're a conservative, liberal or progressive dad. Just be the best dad you can be.
@TheGamingCathedral 2 дня назад
Imagine hearing someone calling the existence of trans people "the end of days" and thinking "Yes, this person seems stable and worth listening to."
@cgmohammed 2 дня назад
@daniel06977 2 дня назад
This is very dry and boring. It would be fortunate if you showed some more bravado or emotion. This feels like you are merely reading a script without emotion.
@jonasdowner 2 дня назад
i feel pretty shitty about myself that i never considered kyoko's sapience. at all. i saw this as a story about the divergence in values between artificial and human consciousness. i considered ava's escape moral, and just assumed she considered humanity a risk, and wanted to exist without the danger of anyone knowing her secret. thanks for this. you've made my experience of the film more enriching, and have opened up some circuits in my brain that needed it.
@_Bees 2 дня назад
crazy us Irish weren't considered white at one point. There was the infamous "No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs" posted on bars, restaurants and hotels basically, we were seen one in the same as our coloured comrades. (Though it's not a competition nor a justification for us to spout racial slurs. Just means we should express solidarity to all those who are oppressed and suppressed by the boot of Capitalists, Colonialists and Imperialists.) I think us Irish did more damage to England than any Middle Eastern, African, Latin American and Asian peoples combined with the 800 years the British has put us through and is still ongoing with the partition of the North of Ireland. Especially during the period of the Easter Rising, Civil wars, methods of armed resistance against the British Colonialists and Settlers which extends throughout 'The Troubles' when we did bombed very important economic sectors of the British State to stop the war machine that was constantly oppressing us with extreme violence.
@cygnos6201 2 дня назад
This is one of the best videos on RU-vid. I congratulate you. I now feel tired.
@randomnessltd 2 дня назад
Jeremy mixing up Jeremy with Jeremy? The 3 Jeremys!
@djadrian9318 2 дня назад
Correction the expectation that women have for them not Society get that part straight
@dawn8293 2 дня назад
"women destroy civilizations" sounds like the ideal society for him would be gay men and ace men with no women. Perfect stability. No discord. Utopia. I dare him to try it.