Rachel B
Rachel B
Rachel B
I’m a Type 1 Diabetic trying to figure it all out. Still getting used to an insulin pump and the rest of adult life.
Vlog 13: Moving, Part 1
2 года назад
Date Night at the Movie Theatre
2 года назад
It’s Been Awhile, but I’m Back.
2 года назад
NYC Vacation
2 года назад
Best Friend Reunion after 9 Years
3 года назад
Vlog #4
3 года назад
Vlog #3
3 года назад
Weekend Road Trip in the Tesla
3 года назад
Vlog #2
3 года назад
Vlog #1
3 года назад
Corey’s New Tesla Model Y
3 года назад
Night Routine/Balcony Gardening
3 года назад
Post-Pandemic A1C
3 года назад
2021 West Facing Balcony Garden
3 года назад
Indoor Vegetables, & a Venus Fly Trap
3 года назад
@kathya1956 Год назад
I don’t think lavender needs a lot of water
@ShepherdsChapelonYT 2 года назад
Looks great! Going to try it. Thank you
@ShepherdschapelYTexplainsbible 2 года назад
Let's turn to God. Shepherdschapel YT explains whole bible God bless.
@bluroses4 2 года назад
where did you get those garden beds?
@rachelb6040 2 года назад
At our local nursery.
@dishasaxena9782 2 года назад
How was your overall experience with West facing gardening esp for vegetables?
@iron_stormer352 2 года назад
Best band ever!!!!!
@sunnythompson5970 2 года назад
AHHHH the trap that is adulting.
@mbsil5331 2 года назад
Rock on
@bolduush 2 года назад
@EccentricNature 2 года назад
Looks like a fun band to catch live.
@rachelb6040 2 года назад
It was so much fun!
@sunnythompson5970 2 года назад
I want that mirror...
@lechichon5530 3 года назад
Of what degree was your sprain?
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
According to the ER doctor: “it was an impressive way of not breaking it”. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@lechichon5530 3 года назад
@@rachelb6040 omg, and how's your ankle now?
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
@@lechichon5530 Almost back to normal.
@lechichon5530 3 года назад
@@rachelb6040 that's great, do you still using the brace?
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
@@lechichon5530 Nope, no more brace.
@kittykat8970 3 года назад
Yeah, the more videos I see Buddha in, I am convinced he is the orchestrator of all of this lol
@kittykat8970 3 года назад
OMG! I am happy that you are there for each other.
@kittykat8970 3 года назад
That Salmon shirt on him is EVERYTHING!
@kittykat8970 3 года назад
BTW bring him back on your vlogs your gay friend has a very electric smile and I love his energy.
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
When it’s possible, Babycakes will be included. 😁
@kittykat8970 3 года назад
How is his/their house that clean and they still call it "disheveled"?
@sunnythompson5970 3 года назад
I am throwing that hat away!
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
Keep the hat!
@EccentricNature 3 года назад
Eeghads! Crazy about the infusion. I find it important to keep treating herbs consistently. Once they've had aphids its always possible for them to come back.
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
The lemon verbena gets a spa day once a week now.
@EccentricNature 3 года назад
Glad the soapy water worked. I never seem to have to do well when I try and eliminate aphids. Must be the type of soap.
@BrainStormAcres 3 года назад
Hey Rachel, nice show. Great tea from Erick. Thanks for sharing! Sad to say, if you have blossom end rot in a tomato it will not be edible. It’s best to pull them off and let new ones develop. Good luck!
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
I’ll cut the rest of them off today. 👍
@BrainStormAcres 3 года назад
@@rachelb6040 sorry about that! Better to use the plant's energy to try again!
@BrainStormAcres 3 года назад
Lavender normally loves water - as long as the soil is well drained. Nice looking tomato. You got some good advice on treating the tomato plants for blossom end rot. BER doesn't respond to any treatment once it's started on a fruit. The best thing to do is pick those fruits and toss them. The treatments are a preventative. So, there should be less BER on newly set tomatoes after the treatment. Good luck!
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
That’s good news for the lavender, but disheartening for the Roma’s…all but 1 have them I think. Good info to know though. Thanks!
@BrainStormAcres 3 года назад
@@rachelb6040 there’s a bright side for your tomatoes: the vines look healthy and calcium deficiency can be solved this year!
@nancytradewell2405 3 года назад
Rachel, the spots on the bottom of your tomatoes is blossom end rot. It comes from a calcium deficiency in your soil. Crush up some tums and mix it with water and water your plants with it. I have even gone so far as to pour milk on them!! It also could be under watering. Especially with this heat. They need lots of water but my guess is it's the calcium. Hope this helps!!
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
I’ll pick up some tums tomorrow. Thank you!!!
@tintucviet4887 3 года назад
Like 💖💖💖💖 video
@EccentricNature 3 года назад
What have you been using on the aphids so far? Things that work for me are diatomaceous earth, neem oil and soapy water. The soapy water is best to just get the ones on the leaves, but really you can just try to wash most of them off under a faucet first then treat the soil with neem or diatomaceous earth to prevent breeding.
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
I tried soapy water first, then was told to use Sevin, then I realized they were aphids which Sevin doesn’t kill, so we used Spectrazicide Insect Killer. 3 days after that last one the aphids were back just thick as before and the flowers all fell off, followed by the leaves.
@EccentricNature 3 года назад
@@rachelb6040 ugh. Yeah I stick away from insecticides and try all natural means.
@BrainStormAcres 3 года назад
Great view! Irene is doing a show tomorrow on insecticides that might help. Aphids can be tough beasts!
@BrainStormAcres 3 года назад
Hi Rachel. Saw you on Eccentric Nature's live so can to take a peek. I subscribed. I (Henry) and a Type II in good control. I was "diagnosed" 25 years ago. Formyears I was frustrated by glucose readings and A1C levels. Tests in the AM looked fine. Fasting tests always seemed to be after 11AM and were high. Finally convinced a doctor to prescribe a CGM for me after doing 6-10 finger pricks per day. Since then I've eliminated suggested meal plans in favor of foods that don't spike my glucose levels. I eat a very small amount of pre-prepared foods. I've found for example that I can eat one brand of bread with small impact on glucose, but another brand "with the same nutritional information" causes a big spike. So I can have a "normal" diet by choosing the right brands if I want, but the big thing is I know hat's going to happen with some degree of precision. The CGM keeps me from MANY sticks. Pricey but effective. A1C now sub 6.0
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
Nice to meet you! The CGM’s make life so much easier. I’m still trying to retrain my brain to do things better. I’m still aiming for an A1C of 7…fingers crossed.
@BrainStormAcres 3 года назад
@@rachelb6040 good luck! It's been a real eye openers for my docs. 10 carbs is 10 carbs, right? It's interesting taking hard data to doctor appointments. It's hard to argue with cold hard facts.
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
@@BrainStormAcres Generic doctors are very different from Endos. My regular provider only knows the basics and only goes off of the lab results when I offer up 3 vials of blood vs the Endo who is diabetic/is difficult to get an appointment with…but she gets into caloric intake, fat content, cholesterol, insulin timing, hormone stuff, water in take, and the list goes on. It’s a lot to process.
@BrainStormAcres 3 года назад
@@rachelb6040 fortunately my type II is easily controlled now that I have a way to evaluate everything I eat. Have a wonderful weekend!
@EccentricNature 3 года назад
Glad the massage therapist worked out.
@sunnythompson5970 3 года назад
Chapati when when we do B-Week?
@mrtt9800 3 года назад
Congrats. Waiting for our Y too. Red color.
@mrtt9800 3 года назад
You can lock the car without pressing on the app. Set it to walk away lock on the main screen .
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
There’s a lot of bells and whistles with the car. I’m looking forward to driving it again. 😁
@mrtt9800 3 года назад
You can see the brake lights if it turns on when you release the accelerator on the car displayed on the screen
@FeatureRequest 3 года назад
Got one in December. Love it.
@janie2shoes537 3 года назад
Your plants are looking great and I love those raised beds.
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
Thank you ☺️
@AaronMenchions 3 года назад
Don't beat yourself up. Being stuck at home in a pandemic has cut all our exercise, along with everything else. I started using the Tslim last December (after 37 years of needles, lol_. I love it, and my A1C dropped because of it, and that was with weeks of setting it up and tweaking anyways! The way I look at it is strive for something in the 7;s, and be happy, instead of going for a low 6 or high 5 and eating nothing but grass clippings.
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
I think stress has contributed a lot to my numbers/levels. I haven’t been able to stay at home or quarantine because of work and it’s been hard. And a lot of sleepless nights. I’m trying to be better though. But coworkers homemade Bosnian food is hard to say no to at work, and the carb count is nonexistent. And working hours are always changing. I’m looking into the Tslim a lot now after my appointment.
@tealelliott3870 3 года назад
Remember to increase fats when sharply reducing carbs so you'll feel full. Fathead pizza crust is easy to make and you most likely won't taste any difference from white flour crust. Check out spaghetti squash to replace pasta or be lazy like me and make "Italian chili" which is just a thick meaty sauce without any pasta at all.
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
I tried spaghetti squash… 😶…nope
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
Meaty sauce has been a life saver lately. Fathead recipes are still in the experimental phase. *long overdue update*
Hlw there!! You really have a good collection .Great going!!
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
Thank you! ☺️
@EccentricNature 3 года назад
Yeah! Bring on the herbs! :)
@tealelliott3870 3 года назад
I've had the same issues with my sensors. Every new sensor thinks I'm very low too. Ugh!
@sunnythompson5970 3 года назад
I thought Drug Dealers were supposed to be charismatic IRL?
@sunnythompson5970 3 года назад
Ugh, after college the friend thing went down hill real fast. WELCOME TO LIFE POST 20.
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
Yup 🥸
@tealelliott3870 3 года назад
If your coworker sees you eating sweets and not keeling over in a coma, maybe she'll at least be quiet about thinking she's an expert on diabetes. (But generally you can't fix stupid. Sorry if that was too harsh.) I did have "the 19 virus" last month. Thankfully I had a wimpy case. Four days of not tasting food and two weeks of coughing. I didn't feel as bad as I do with a common cold. I know many people have had serious problems and even died so I almost have survivors guilt that my case was no big deal. Merry Christmas!
@rachelb6040 3 года назад
😱 I’m so glad you’re okay! I’ve been dealing with the darker side of the virus at work and it’s been an emotional ringer. A coworker was out for a month with it and it took another month to get his taste buds back after developing pneumonia as a side effect. I’m just brushing people off now that “know more than I do”...it seems to be the safest option.
@tealelliott3870 3 года назад
Beautiful tree! I've got to challenge you to download the free Kindle app and buy 1 ebook. It will take up less phone space than 250 photos of a paper book. Also, you won't fill your bookcases to overflowing. Just try it, I'm convinced you'll love it. After all, I'm the geezer here lol. Merry Christmas!
@sunnythompson5970 3 года назад
That blankie is so pretty.
@titom5279 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing your story. I'm researching which pump to go with. Stay strong. Be confident. Your health is worth it. Doesn't matter what others think.
@starsixseven9259 4 года назад
If I see my sugars going high, I will ruby hand on it and smell it. If it smells a log like insulin, then it's going bad. Something quick you can try if you suspect your next one deteriorating!
@robertpeterson2558 4 года назад
I have been using Medtronic pumps for 15 years have had the easiest time getting supplies. Medtronic contacts my doctor when I need a script and they come in the mail on automatic order so every 90 days they appear for a year till Medtronic need to contact my Doctor again
@starsixseven9259 4 года назад
Something I found really helpful is Tidepool; it's a website where you can upload and see all of your pump data. It's a godsend when your pump fails entirely because it also records all of your basal and bolus settings. Don't know if you already use something like it, I just found you while wondering if anyone else had similar problems with the 670G (I'm on my 5th)... These pumps just break.
@sunnythompson5970 4 года назад