Rogue Insider Podcast
Rogue Insider Podcast
Rogue Insider Podcast
Does reading books making a podcast? I guess not but what else should I call it?


All That is Right
4 часа назад
Dimensions of the Credibility Gap
16 часов назад
track id: Shire Oak - Winter Flower
21 час назад
14 дней назад
The Second Alternative: Poeisis
2 месяца назад
The First Alternative: Metaphysics
2 месяца назад
The Modern Age as Mobilization
5 месяцев назад
Blood, A Southern Fantasy
6 месяцев назад
Blood, a Southern Fantasy, part 4 , ch 23,24,25
6 месяцев назад
Blood, a Southern Fantasy, part 4, ch 20,21,22
6 месяцев назад
Blood, a Southern Fantasy, part 4, ch 13
6 месяцев назад
Blood, a Southern Fantasy, part 4 ch 10,11,12
6 месяцев назад
Blood, a Southern Fantasy part 4, ch 6,7,8,9,10
6 месяцев назад
@krischena 8 дней назад
this is the profound splitting i have seen. . . a wisch deep into a dark scorpios mind and acts apon whole referances are made. this is my richt my responsabilety i need to know IF jou see me? jes love, ive seen jou. . . .jou needed my eyes to see jou didnt jou? well very welcome by that but. not abley to grasp the licht not familiour with it nor accepting ANY inferances in the depth of this inner investigation. What can man do? NOTHING.
@krischena 8 дней назад
this is a beautiful & profound Round-a-bout typical scorpio
@rogueinsiderpodcast 8 дней назад
I let myself give this chapter a lot of character - because of the theme of satire - do you think it's too much?
@pietypietduhpiouspoet6408 7 дней назад
you sure as hell do not sound like him ... but neither does this txt ... not like him at all ... i can't even believe he wrote it ............
@RichInk Месяц назад
These reading may get a larger number of listeners in October. I am teaching a course on the philosophy of practice. I will offer these clips to the students.
@rogueinsiderpodcast Месяц назад
Please do!
@itzyaboijiff1960 Месяц назад
36:38: dadadadadadadad..
@rogueinsiderpodcast Месяц назад
What a weird error
@itzyaboijiff1960 Месяц назад
@@rogueinsiderpodcast this has been documented for years now but there is very little on yt about the subject rn and b&n is releasing the book on 12/20 call me crazy but somethings are niche because "we cant handle the truth"
@reedwilliams1868 2 месяца назад
For how memed this guy is. I'm surprised on how difficult it is to find discussion on his actual writing here on RU-vid (are any of the people talking about him actually reading him?). I found this essay very difficult to understand (specifically the section about schizophrenia). Someone please help. I understand (at at some level accept) that "ordinary" cognition is somewhat of an arbitrary boundary, and that schizoanalysis, as a process can potentially yield interesting and useful results, but what is with the implication that schizophrenics have some kind of precognition? Or that their ideas are somehow coming from the future? I don't understand that part. Is it related to how capital is understood as schizophrenic (as well as being the primary driver of social evolution)? A little bit lost on this one. He did write it pretty cool though.
@rogueinsiderpodcast 2 месяца назад
I believe that Land is arguing that time is an illusion that allows us to make sense of our world because it actually operates in more dimesnsions than we have access to. And therefore it may seem that certain developments are "coming from the future." I don't really have a solid grasp on it though.
@reedwilliams1868 2 месяца назад
@@rogueinsiderpodcast Having read a bit further in Fanged Noumena now, my reading is that to him nothing about the human experience holds a privileged position whatsoever. In fact in later essays like Machinic Desire he goes on to advocate for the processes of capitalism to usurp the human beings which started it. THIS is what seems to hold a privileged position to him. Is the technological singularity unformed, waiting to be developed? or does it make just as much sense to say that the singularity is reaching into the past to form itself in our world? To Land, they're the same thing (at least that's my reading)
@rogueinsiderpodcast 2 месяца назад
@@reedwilliams1868 Yeah it's never been clear to me whether, for Land, Capital is constructed as a Marxist(Hegelian) henomena that emerges from the innate logic of the world or is some outsider force that is consuming our existence. I haven't read much Land though tbf.
@saimbhat6243 2 месяца назад
You voice has that hoarseness of early male puberty. It is so unpleasant. Notwithstanding the quality of you content, i don't think anyone care bare to listen to your voice for more than a minute.
@rogueinsiderpodcast 2 месяца назад
Thanks, don't forget to check out my other videos.
@RichInk 3 месяца назад
You read Sloterdijk very well. Thank you.
@RichInk 3 месяца назад
Thank you.
@AncientRylanor69 3 месяца назад
Johnny Dangerously
@AncientRylanor69 3 месяца назад
@RichInk 4 месяца назад
Thank you.
@miza4667 4 месяца назад
Very trippy
@owenintheagon 5 месяцев назад
I love the framing of cultural and philosophical history through an interpretation of movement. The spatial component to history and philosophy is so under appreciated with a few exceptions (Sloterdijk, Virilio, Schmitt)
@rogueinsiderpodcast 5 месяцев назад
A true 'Spatial Theorist'! It's been said 'Sloterdijk does to space what Heidegger did to Time', ie: Invite us to take it seriously.
@Ph0bbe1 5 месяцев назад
Loved the reading of Sloterdijks ‘What Happened in the 20th Century?’; very excited to listen to the other parts.
@owenintheagon 5 месяцев назад
For sure gonna get a copy of this. Can see some possible agreement between Sloterdijk and Virilio here
@rogueinsiderpodcast 5 месяцев назад
Yes! Speed and Politics is sitting on my windowsill right now, looking at me expectantly.
@BipolarBear-tc5oe 5 месяцев назад
Which countries are better for trading when playing the autocrat playthrough? Will trading with Valgsland upset the sollists? What is the best strategy for winning the war alone?
@rogueinsiderpodcast 5 месяцев назад
This playthrough was a while ago, I just remember always playing for deterrence. I assumed a war starting was a failure mode.
@gerrardstones4246 5 месяцев назад
Big ups from France...Great reading .....allways on point
@rogueinsiderpodcast 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! 🤗
@jacksonvega7751 6 месяцев назад
Wow never heard of this. Love me some Moorcock
@rogueinsiderpodcast 6 месяцев назад
This ones a real mindbender, if you liked the chaos theory in Stormbringer this brings it full mandelbrot.
@jacksonvega7751 6 месяцев назад
@olgaseliazniova997 6 месяцев назад
@rogueinsiderpodcast 6 месяцев назад
@MrEman1088 6 месяцев назад
Were you drinking while reading this?
@rogueinsiderpodcast 6 месяцев назад
Almost Certainly.
@MrEman1088 6 месяцев назад
Nice! That fits 😂
@MrEman1088 6 месяцев назад
If you don't mind me asking, what were you drinking 🤔
@rogueinsiderpodcast 6 месяцев назад
@@MrEman1088 Probably a nice Scottish whisky blend like Teacher's or Grants.
@Hiding-oe3ix 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for this upload
@rogueinsiderpodcast 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for listening
@atkkeqnfr 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this.
@tobiasdarknubb6685 8 месяцев назад
Thanks so much for this upload! For some reason i cant buy an audiobook for this off audible. Stoked to be able to continue the series.
@Auto..Payge. 9 месяцев назад
Hi ya fellow Aussie ❤ you have a lovely reading voice and oh my goodness the birds! How beautiful! I live in east Gippsland and it’s just gorgeous ❤
@gerrardstones4246 9 месяцев назад
@theory_underground 9 месяцев назад
Someone in our Nick Land course just shared this. I love it! Subscribed. Thanks for making this.
@gerrardstones4246 10 месяцев назад
Wow and more wow....today in a nut shell....❤
@gerrardstones4246 10 месяцев назад
Yes....very true and terrible...the budda bomb...this is all been played out now in Gaza .....
@t.c.l1625 10 месяцев назад
Whut? Like whut? What is this? Is this Marx? I admitedly dont know the full extent of his work. This is such an analytical take on what we create. I understand the finitude of resources, and the capacity for souless ambition in men. However i cannot fathom or grasp why the bleak outlook these ideals take upon life as just nothing more than a numbers game and a ticking countdown to doom and gloom with everything humans do. Life is ephemeral and finite yes...that is what makes it special and miraculous. It is not suppose to last forever. Its suppose to end eventually. Nature shows this. Life moves in cycles. The idea of the future is just that, its imagining a presupposed outcome. Like, lifes more than just a nihilistic analysis of what is produced by mankinds deeds. We dont see what ideals and time, circumstances, coincidences lead to the coelescence of what we create or why things exist the way they do. We dont see things, for their potential, we analyze things and confine them to categories. What story is behind that which is created? What went into the conceptualization of the idea, what experience was had before an object was brought into being? What lead to the events and circumstances that brought that to being? Does the mystery not give that childlike wonder to ones heart? Or do we give way to allowing thoughts to bear down upon everything with such absolute certainty that we kill that perception of life? Does the analysis just ultimately infer that creation itself not just as an act but as a state, has no inherit meaning or purpose other than the label it is given by a majority? Or that due to the fact the creation exists, its beauty is only weighed and measured by an equal tradgedy that its existence is only a thing because it takes from the world? Thats absurdly rediculous and somewhat juvenile to see the world in a way as nothing more than a collection of potentiallity being measured as nothing more than mere assets in the hand of us apemen. Even more rediculous, the lack of imagination needed to reach such a conclusion while preaching that the systems that produce this issues are nit inheritely brought forward by the same nihilistic view of the world. This just sounds like a have not arguing that it is wrong that the haves have. No shit. You have less they have more, your unhappy about it. But you wouldnt be if you had more. But if you dont want more, what is the problem? You want to portion up the world for others? Thats no better, your still cutting existence into pieces at the end of the day. Its like stating all should just be reduced to zero for being a creation to avoid any conflict. Brother, conflict, like peace, exists. Theyre a juxtaposed union of opposites that balance out one another. When one has too much and the scales tip to far, it comes back to topple on them. Cuz possessing is building a house of cards and demanding nobody fart and knock it over. Life is messy, so are the ways we go about living and making things. Its not supposed to be a perfect world we live in. Its not how the objects of our creation are utilized, be it art or systems that house what man creates, nor what these creations of man represent to a collective, but the story it tells to the individuals perspective. You the observer, are also that which is observed in this life, and so are the experiences that go along with it. Art is an expression of the inner to the outter, a communication and transmutation of ones life given semblance and form in the external world fhrough material. Alchemy made through the love of the human heart. That is creation. It need not be translated into a physical form to be of value to ones life as something that had an effect upon them. Mere ideals and concepts play the same role. In the case of anything you give a value, be it art, a system, a method, an ideal, a belief, a toilet to shat in... You as the being you are, give the object its inherit value by comparing it to your own taste, your own ideals. I'll put it out, this is not my wheelhouse. Im just a rando observing this, and i will compliment this was a beautiful reading you did, well spoken and articulated. Admitedly i have not read Marx, but he kinda just sounds like a nihilistic douche. So much grandiosity in tearing down things for being how they are. Like no doy things suck. Things suck because our tastes are picky. Life is inheritely challenging, we struggle with our own nature of existence, let alone what to do with that. The things that suck, suck the way they do, for the inherit purpose of telling you they suck brother. Its called an opinion. It can be your own or one you adopt from others, but at the end of the day you make your bed and lay in it. You make the world either a stage to play upon or a prison of your own thoughts. Ideals only plumit when you choose to see reality as a confinement, not an experience to be had. Life is a prison because one makes it so. Its creativity that does indeed build these monoliths that others take advantage of, but fuck, con men exist to do their work. We exist to do ours. Theives carry no honor in an ephemeral world where they can churn the same ideals endlessly in new forms, and thats the point. Its not that it sucks due to that fact, it means you have nothing stopping you from doing what these assholes are doing in a better way and finding solutions to their mistakes. Thats growth. This? This is just observations that cover up a mindset of someone excusing stagnation in their life because bad men do bad things. Admitedly relatable, far from practical. Here's the thing to understand. We are human and thats good enough, we are not super-human, and for good reason. Life is a team effort and we all play the roles we do so life has the story it does. Those outside of your path arent your problem to solve, cuz. Their deeds are theirs to deal with the outcome of, believe me when i say no ill deed goes without life balancing shit out, or dont believe me, it matters not. The human ego and grandiosity dies with the body, because its a product of the mind. These men who run the world die with the body they use to manipulate the life they live cuz they were an identity of ideals. Men in masks of persona. Not men of virtue and wisdom. They dont get out with a free pass. We all wanna play a role in helping make the world a better place, but the only real way to do so is honestly this; When assholes come knocking, you bop them one, and if they shoot you...well, would say its not like you have much to worry about. Back to the main topic though, Art is an idealisation of ideas. You can confine it to anything. Creation is subjective in its purpose. If can seat can be a drum, or a hairbrush a microphone in the eyes of a child, who is to say your life itself can not be a work of beauty other than by those who doubt your existence as nothing more than a number? Do yourself the biggest favor, learn the lessons these speakers of knowledge teach, but get out from under the weight and gravity that these thoughts carry with them. What value do these words have if they only convince you life is just a dead thing? If the world is a dead thing, it is dead cuz you allow a man, no longer living nor in the time and place in the present as you are, make a boney little songbird, a mimmicing mocking parrot, out of your brain and thought processes in his stead, a tomb in his memory. The structure of ideals and beliefs become dogma over time. Careful not to fall for the trap of knowledge and forefit your own wisdom. Your own discernment of experience. History teaches, but life sings out in a million voices for your ears to listen to at all given times and it is free to you. Knowledge comes at a price. Its imperative we dont allow life to become just a repeat of the bleakest outlooks, less our lives fall into the same patterns of those same thinkers who's knowledge is given value by so many yet often learned from by so few. I hope this is helpful to those who read it. In no way is it my intention to dookie upon the creator of this vid, he actually has my commendment for a beautiful read through of this literature and my sincere thanks. Was an elequant and intriguing point of view to listen to. Thank you for the time and intentions friend🤜🤛 Good shit to ponder here.
@matthew8583 10 месяцев назад
Wow. Very cool.
@gerrardstones4246 10 месяцев назад
That reading with vid was art ...shadow human with bird song ...
@fabreezethefaintinggoat5484 10 месяцев назад
@gerrardstones4246 10 месяцев назад
Carbon been the new beast on the block .....love the bird song ..
@gerrardstones4246 10 месяцев назад
Rain and misty here in France.
@gerrardstones4246 10 месяцев назад
Today this is so spooky on the button that it seems like a magic....
@The06201980 10 месяцев назад
@The06201980 10 месяцев назад
Good to see you brother! But your audio is too low, barely audible I’m afraid
@rogueinsiderpodcast 9 месяцев назад
New phone mic acquired!
@The06201980 11 месяцев назад
Many big thanks for recording this special book! Just finished them since last night
@The06201980 11 месяцев назад
Good stuff! Is it your music?
@rogueinsiderpodcast 11 месяцев назад
No, just a mixtape I put together, 📚
@discariotxiii4105 11 месяцев назад
You've done a fantastic job! Thank you. As always, I am glad to see another Elric fan.
@frank.sophia 11 месяцев назад
For me the ease with which the speaker jumps between traditions is characteristic of Greek wisdom... The traditions that are being honored are each very culturally biased, but philosophy alone values truth above all else.
@The06201980 Год назад
This is so great! Many thanks for recording this wonderful book! Keep up the good work!
@rogueinsiderpodcast Год назад
Thank you, this pod is on hiatus at the moment but it will start up again at some point in the future. You might also enjoy my reading of "Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth": ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wmXUbNjh3Yc.html&pp=gAQB
@The06201980 Год назад
@@rogueinsiderpodcast I saw and plan on it! Thank you 🙏🏻
@Paul-dw2cl Год назад
Great reading
@Paul-dw2cl Год назад
sometimes that king is called Hieron, and other times Hiero, why is that?
@rogueinsiderpodcast Год назад
I think maybe Ancient Greek uses suffixes to indicate who is receiving the action?
@Paul-dw2cl Год назад
Dorian, Lydian and Aeolian are musical terms, that’s very interesting
@rogueinsiderpodcast Год назад
Yes! The modes are named after different Greek cities (pretty sure that's right).
@jacksonvega7751 Год назад
1:45:47 book 2
@travisedwards8299 Год назад
Who is the man Carus references in this chapter ? Surname starting with S ??
@rogueinsiderpodcast Год назад
Can you mark the minute where I say it? It might be a mistake.