White And Red Band Bialo Czerwoni
White And Red Band Bialo Czerwoni
White And Red Band Bialo Czerwoni
Marlon Zbigniew Kasprzyk is a co-founder and leader of the legendary band from Chicago, USA Bialo-Czerwoni - The White And Red Band. He is also an author of many hit songs performed by the band and covered by musical groups in Poland as well as all over the world.
He authored songs like: Wróżka Czarodziejka (Raz Letnim Popołudniem), Serce (Serce to Nie Sługa lub Ciemna Nocka), List do Matki (Pamiętam Jak Opuszczałem), Dwa Jabłuszka (Pod Bluzeczką Dwa Jabłuszka Masz), Hej Jasiu Kasiu, Polskiego Ducha Nie Złamiesz, and Many, many more!