Easy Evangelism
Easy Evangelism
Easy Evangelism
Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of every people group." Yet, only 3% of followers of Christ will ever lead another person to Christ in their lifetime. So often what we as believers lack is not motivation, but simple skills and experience. We haven't had anyone to train us how to share our faith! Easy Evangelism exists to equip ordinary believers with simple, field tested tools, to evangelize and make disciples of anyone, anywhere, anytime, even among the least reached people groups of the world!
@milos1516 2 дня назад
Jesus loves you all
@Array8 9 дней назад
This is fantastic. It really gives you the servants mindset. We are here to serve and love others. You can walk up more confidently, knowing you're not trying to sell them anything. You are giving as God gave. Sowing seeds is all the part you may be afforded, but I was saved by 3 or so people working on me. We sow, another waters, but God gives the increase.
@darrellinph2180 12 дней назад
Thank you
@xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836 14 дней назад
In my time being born again King James Bible believer. Speaking to another of the word of God (the King James Bible, and the truths found therein), it is as a fruit. If one take a fruit off by force in an untimely season, it is hard, and no sweet nor yet juicy and therefore not satisfying. But wait till the time of ripening and the taste shall be goodly, the juices will flow much from each bite, and when it is finished, it will have been throughly enjoyed and satisfying . Many are false brethren, even hating the Lord for they cast doubt upon his word, the King James Bible if not cast it to the ground altogether with their words.if they have not a more sure word of prophecy as we who read and believe the King James Bible, how can they be sure of anything that they preach which cometh from any of their bibles? Is there no perfection on earth still as there was when the Lord walked the earth? or yet when he commanded his prophets to speak and to prophecy? Is the world destitute of perfection? Is their no sure word of prophecy? If no, what is the gospel? What is the ministry of reconciliation? It is as nothing. As the alter that sanctified the gift, and the temple that sanctified the gold, even so doth the word (being perfect) sanctify all that is written therein.
@PInk77W1 16 дней назад
“Preach the Gospel at all costs If necessary use words.” St Francis of Assisi
@easyevangelism7581 15 дней назад
This is completely apocryphal. Assisi was a preaching friar, a Franciscan. His vocation was to preach, thus to use words. Not to mention the fact that this apocryphal statement completely contradicts Scripture and the ultimate models of Jesus and the apostles, who, if they were anything, were preachers.
@PInk77W1 15 дней назад
@@easyevangelism7581 It’s a figure of speech It’s not a dogma
@Sanslab-wu8tv 18 дней назад
Faith and repentance?
@aaronvnandihal 18 дней назад
@evanmbiter 19 дней назад
"Hey have you ever heard the Gospel?" if yes "Do you mind if I share anyway, since there are a lot of false gospels that exist." If no "God is love. We all fall short and sin. Love is just and merciful. Because God is loving He must judge sin, we all stand judged and are due to face His wrath as slaves of sin. Because God is merciful He provided a way out from under the weight of the law and His wrath, and a way for us to be regenerated. If we trust Jesus shed His sinless blood, died and rose from the grave He forgives us of our sins and gives us a new heart that wants to look God as our Father genuinely and delight in Him, freeing us from being slaves to sin. The rest is our mind catching up with that reality and taking hold of His teaching and truth until He returns, or we die. We aren't saved or kept saved by obedience or intentions. We can only be lost through unbelief (trusting in our own righteousness, to be or remain saved) or blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (attributing clear works of God, healing/deliverance, to demons and Satan)."
@aaronvnandihal 19 дней назад
@ETBrothers 19 дней назад
Love that first question!
@balchandrabhat6903 26 дней назад
Last night jesus came in my dream and said jai shree ram❤
@Ghouxl 26 дней назад
Amazing video brother
@ritachouinard3252 26 дней назад
je souhaite que le tout soit traduit en francais ou du moins en sous titrage ???
@BrianGuess-l8p Месяц назад
Now here is a good question if the person speaks a different language and says don’t know Your language but takes the track how do you know what to pray for then?
@tesfaeyesusdegife2758 Месяц назад
1 verse 1 Story Perfect world...perfect reflection...1 command Bad news...wage of sin is death(breaking law...death) Alcohol money relationship break religion ......Good news (gift ...eternal life ) By the work of God on Jesus penality on the cross ....you might follow him to deserve)
@Blankee-o1t Месяц назад
Great ideas, thanks!
@christinapsalmist4267 Месяц назад
Can i evangelize if dont get a peace about it ?
@tinamaganda9821 Месяц назад
This is great… thanks for sharing
@piplee1439 Месяц назад
Silver ? Steel u liar
@craigzezima5458 Месяц назад
So good. Thank you
@prayerforceone Месяц назад
Helpful and simple. Thanks.
@andrewlorenz4912 2 месяца назад
What if they don't believe in God?
@prayerforceone Месяц назад
You might respond with something like, “I didn’t believe either until…” and share your story of how God changed your life.
@dayakarrao2206 2 месяца назад
Gospel: whatever you HAVE & whatever you USE with a PURPOSE. So, what is the PURPOSE of yourself(human).
@kenmathis9380 3 месяца назад
One thing this video makes clear is that most Christians do not, do not, do not understand unbelievers.
@ievavilcaka9298 3 месяца назад
This is so awesome. Keep making these kinds of videos. It helps a lot.
@easyevangelism7581 3 месяца назад
Thanks for watching! I helps it helps you to be bold in sharing.
@hamadalfehaida3411 3 месяца назад
Well that’s a total scam did your religion teach how to scam other people?
@tiedryflies 3 месяца назад
What is the gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV.
@CoconutSummer2020 3 месяца назад
Hello what was the verse being use by this presentation? Thanks
@easyevangelism7581 3 месяца назад
Romans 6:23
@ForeclosureGhost 3 месяца назад
The ultimate goal of the Gospel was, and is, not harmony on earth, but PEACE WITH GOD (Rom. 5:1). Jesus said the gospel that you preach will not bring peace, but it will stir the multitudes to wrath. And I agree. Jesus also said "Do not think that I came to bring peace ON THE EARTH", but He did come to make peace between God and humanity (Rom. 5:1). If you are truly preaching the gospel of truth Jesus taught you know it makes people angry no matter how you present it. Don't be a fake gospel spreader. And don't praise yourself for the things you think you've done good. Only God does that. The kingdom is at hand.
@zincman1995 3 месяца назад
U da Man!, thanks
@JesusPulse 3 месяца назад
I used to distribute drugs on the street and now I distribute gospels on the street thanks to people like you <3!
@easyevangelism7581 3 месяца назад
This was encouraging. Thanks for sharing!
@JesusPulse 3 месяца назад
@@easyevangelism7581 Thanks let me know if you'd like to collaborate.
@Rampaigee 3 месяца назад
Dope dealer to hope dealer 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙏🙏
@easyevangelism7581 3 месяца назад
@@Rampaigee Praise God!
@kierontuliao3918 Месяц назад
Thank God
@eltonron1558 3 месяца назад
Offer a prayer. That way, you can prove 2 things. Who you offer the prayer for, needs one. You can prove you defy the instructions of your own savior, by not going to your closet, if you pray in public. Mt. 6:5-7. This person mentioned the gospel without detailing it. The simplicity of it, the simplicity of just quoting Jesus on the gospel. Something impossible by Sunday Christianity, who insist on their own Lord's day, and obviously, own gospel. Why can't you just READ, what the gospel is, then repeat it? Mk. 1:14-15. NO, YOU GOTTA complicate it, with lengthy, complicated, confusing need for a savior gospel, completely different from Christ himself. Why can't you just repeat the gospel FROM Christ, and call it the gospel, because HE DID? Sunday Christianity. Doing it's part to prevent the return of Christ, with another gospel. Then evangelizing it.
@easyevangelism7581 3 месяца назад
The name of the video is "how to start a gospel conversation."
@mevingorayah 4 месяца назад
Is it possible for have this 3 circles hindu version chart downloadable? @Easy Evangelism
@allegory7638 4 месяца назад
I simply ask people right off the bat, "what's your final destination?" Most people's favorite topic is themself and the conversation is off and running. I have found this to be the easiest way to get into it, never know what their response will be but the door is open, I have most people are willing to talk for a while though.
@adajesus758 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much sir, i pray God gives me a child of God as a husband together we will win many souls for God
@vaibhavhalankar5840 4 месяца назад
What's the name of your god. You got no god. Jesus wasn't a god. Being a Jew he was a carpenter. In India also you created your fake god's. People which get's convert are just after money. These people always envy there neighbour. As long as these world exist church's and masjid won't stop conversion. You people are after power.
@rahulshinde6210 4 месяца назад
"Constant kindness accomplishes much!"
@rahulshinde6210 4 месяца назад
Remember a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated!
@jessicafernandez777 5 месяцев назад
Hello, thank you for your video. I need help. I had a dream I was going to hell, and the Lord has put it on my spirit to evangelize, ans i started a ministry but its not the same as evangelisim and i just reached the part where you began to explain that people base their salvation on their work performance, which is me now. It felt easier when i first started my walk, and somehow i feel like i did something wrong and need help and guidance...i need spiritual milk and am scared.
@schwizelled 3 месяца назад
I would implore you to search "Ray Comfort witnessing" and you will get a straightforward, clear presentation of the Gospel as well as how to do it. This video is not terribly bad, but the method presented definitely soft peddles the gospel and beats around the brush.
@Codewitheyezyc 5 месяцев назад
This is the best and easiest way to share the Gospel
@samuelsanchez8212 5 месяцев назад
First of all good afternoon everyone and secondly this is an interesting message especially for a person like me who's never been a people person meaning I've never liked crowds or one on ones even in school when I was younger I'm in my 50 s now and always have been a loner my name is Sam thanks and I'll keep praying for you all god bless
@findmetim 3 дня назад
Hi Sam, If you are praying for us, then we are not alone! Prayer unifies our connection in Christ to each other. Thank you for your service with us in prayer 😅. "So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9:38 (Amplified version) Keep praying brother!
@jakejeff4145 5 месяцев назад
Is it ok to give out tracts
@justicecountryman4060 4 месяца назад
I love to give those out in times where I can't have a full conversation!! Just make sure they proclaim the true gospel in an understandable way, of course, preferably with Scripture.
@adajesus758 4 месяца назад
@kylebaird4642 6 месяцев назад
Awesome video, thanks!❤
@kylebaird4642 6 месяцев назад
Great video!
@jyotivyas9286 6 месяцев назад
Thanks i got ur channel. Its easy to make more hindus aware ...my Sister brothers. Joy Shri Kalki bhagwaan.
@jyotivyas9286 6 месяцев назад
😂😂joy shri krishna...Om Namah Shivay.
@jyotigupta9448 6 месяцев назад
Let them fight 😂 we will see who wins
@jyotivyas9286 6 месяцев назад
Yeshu is not Sadguru. He is dead.no karma or dharma or reincarnation for you chrustianis😂😂
@jyotivyas9286 6 месяцев назад
Stop your shitty evamgelism
@homebrewer7 6 месяцев назад
I know this approach works. Meantime you only ending planting seeds.
@xquisitty 6 месяцев назад
So good! Thanks!