RevLudd, Communism Today.
The Red Flag - Billy Bragg
11 лет назад
@ivandinsmore6217 12 дней назад
The anthem of Socialism, the ideology that caused the deaths of more people than any other and gave us Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, the most evil men in history.
@wesleywong8393 Месяц назад
Nothing changes ,why do we not understand
@cringlator 2 месяца назад
We are so back lads 😎
@A10warthoglol 2 месяца назад
@alexroselle 2 месяца назад
Who else is re-watching this on “Flag Day” (June 14th in the USA)?
@oldtomfool 4 месяца назад
@andrewmaccallum2367 4 месяца назад
Solidarity ✊️
@jessicawaye4459 6 месяцев назад
Ecosocialism is the way to go!😅
@fredfairley7724 6 месяцев назад
remember our bloodstained history...
@jxnglxst6874 6 месяцев назад
I don’t know if you’ll ever see this but I’m looking for a documentary or an article (really anything) on the conception of the cpusa and the roll folk and country music had. I saw a documentary about 2 years ago on blues music and jazz; i remember it having a segment about how the cpusa was a primary factor for country music being so popular. It’s of my own opinion since seeing this video that cpusa used folk/country music to lure in burgious and thus plays a role in establishing rock and roll/ honky tonk. Obviously all these music genres take from the Blues and its scale. My point is Jazz music while it was big, it had subconsciously always been over shadowed by decadence. We live in a time of great immaturity and I think the music everyone listens and goes out of their way to find has had great affect on that.
@alasdairmacfearnua630 7 месяцев назад
Crveni pozdrav or red salute from ex Yugoslavia, Belgrade
@DuncanMcintyre-jk3qb 7 месяцев назад
Dick gauchan -quality
@DuncanMcintyre-jk3qb 7 месяцев назад
Every one needs to hear this song -it’s got heart and lives us all
@jimbojohnson7360 7 месяцев назад
Abolish income tax, instead tax all financial transactions where money passes from one person to another. Worlds problems solved. I think only the bosses (nowadays mega rich billionaires) would hate it.
@Taliesin-xd7ke 11 месяцев назад
Without us there's nothing, yet when we can't we're nothing. Fair? Thoughts.
@lorenzbroll101 Год назад
I just love to see a fellow comrade doing well in life! Singer Billy Bragg, 61, will make £2.4MILLION from the sale of his four-bedroom Victorian seaside Chesil Beach mansion.
@tednash5440 Год назад
heretics all! thou shalt not covet! traitorous scum. doubt any of you would like 1980s soviet moscow.
@justsomeuser7484 Год назад
you sound like a protestant.maybe thibnk about your own heresy first
@fredfairley7724 6 месяцев назад
traitorous scum? unbelievable words coming from you. bootlicking fuck.
@turtle1701d Год назад
We will keep the red flag flying here
@jackmcgregor1983 Год назад
By far my favourite version of this song.
@gabrielehaefs9378 Год назад
Dick Gaughan should also be mentioned!
@hedenism2007 Год назад
This is a brilliant song which needs an aggro hardcore punk arrangement, to match the aggro times in which we live. Fuck Keith and his red tories.
@LFlynn Год назад
I’ll preface this by saying that I don’t believe communists should be opposed to the blocking of the progressive encroachments made by capital. Though I also agree that reforming capitalism to be friendlier isn’t a part of a “Communist Programme”-as Rosa Luxemburg so beautifully put it, “For us there is no minimal and no maximal program; socialism is one and the same thing: this is the minimum we have to realize today.” You’re absolutely correct in saying there’s a serious limit to the reforms which are won under capitalism. You’re also correct in pointing out that these reforms don’t change their fundamentally capitalist character. “At a further stage of evolution this form also becomes insufficient: the official representative of capitalist society - the state - will ultimately have to undertake the direction of production. (…) But the transformation, either into joint-stock companies, or into state ownership, does not do away with the capitalistic nature of the productive forces. (…) The modern state, no matter what its form, is essentially a capitalist machine, the state of the capitalists, the ideal personification of the total national capital. The more it proceeds to the taking over of productive forces, the more does it actually become the national capitalist, the more citizens does it exploit. The workers remain wage-workers - proletarians. The capitalist relation is not done away with. It is rather brought to a head.” - Friedrich Engels, Anti-Dühring Marx explains in Capital that wages are determined according to the “cost of production” of the worker’s specialized labor capacity, and in the “reproducing the worker himself”. He also notes that there is a moral element which is determined via class struggle-i.e., the struggle of the two opposing classes over the share of surplus-value. From here we can conclude based on common trends, as some notable theorists such as Paul Mattick do-a wonderful theorist who I would suggest to anyone wishing to actually learn more about Marxian economics-that the capitalist class often relies upon the State to offer things such as heavily subsidized crops (common examples being corn, rice, and wheat which are also utilized for meat in the form of cheap feed) and other more affordable necessities to ensure lower wages and to ensure accumulation can run a bit more smoothly. And, of course as Engels pointed out, as capital becomes more unruly it is sometimes nationalized so as to ensure capitalist production continues to run smoothly-Britain in 1945 is a good example of this; far from their nationalization of key sectors being a “socialist” policy, it was a requirement to ensure capitalist society continued to function. Of course, this tendency to nationalize and massively invest in non-productive sectors-this is often done in order to avoid directly competing with the bourgeoisie-can only be done insofar as the process of valorization continues. However, as social profit tendentially falls, as accumulated capital finds it needs ever more surplus-value to put itself back in motion, leading to crises, this form of investment becomes increasingly difficult, in fact fetters the productive parts of the economy. As Mattick says in his work Economics, Politics, and the Age of Inflation, “[...]Management of the economy by means of monetary and credit policies and by means of state-induced production must eventually find its end in the contradictions of the accumulation process.” This fact has led to the enforcing of austerity measures-the constant eating away at these reforms-which the working class everywhere bears the brunt of, as we’ve seen time and again in the age of neoliberalism.
@woodyholmes6086 Год назад
Time for a change of tune. m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wBcIRtgFdys.html
@twottle_bird8985 Год назад
@jipangoo Год назад
Don't forget it
@paulcornish6284 Год назад
Not Labour, For now✊🏻🚩
@Komotau4691 Год назад
How German Christmas caroll became red :D But good song especially Billy version.
@michaelmoran9020 Год назад
Accelerationist garbage.
@RevLudd Год назад
How is this in any way accelerationist?
@michaelmoran9020 Год назад
Any relief for the workers from the existing system is an undesirable distraction from revolution and communists should oppose it, or at least turn their nose up at and disengage. Conjugate of that is that workers suffering under the system is desirable to raise their consciousness and make them more open to revolution, accelerationism. In the long term, we're all dead. Turning up your nose at any short or medium termist improvements in the lives of workers in favor of maximising the probability of a utopia in the far future is, among many other things, intellectually lazy.
@tijmenwillard2337 Год назад
So you're willing to let people suffer and die just so they are more likely to root for your cause? The problem is not that universal healthcare exists, but that it was decided to pay for it through taxes that swing disproportionately to the poor workers and not towards the profits of the economy
@marcino457 Год назад
Vaushite detected, opinion disregarded
@RevLudd Год назад
People suffer and die because of capitalism to a far greater degree than they ever would just because they have to pay slightly more for healthcare. If you’d listen to the video again, perhaps you might understand that the point of this is what Communists should do in a world where this policy position is the norm for the left wing of American politics. To put it more simply for you I suppose: not once do I ever support the destruction of existing systems of healthcare as that would equally be a waste of time as advocating for their creation. We have limited time, limited resources and a huge hill to climb in order to succeed as Communists. Supporting Medicare for All does nothing towards advancing Communism, so it’s just a waste of our limited resources. With this attitude of yours do you even believe Communism can be achieved?
@tijmenwillard2337 Год назад
@@RevLudd plot twist, the US health care system is the most expensive health care system in the world. It's also very exclusionary, because if you can't pay, you can't use it.
@RevLudd Год назад
@@tijmenwillard2337 Do you believe Communism can be achieved?
@tijmenwillard2337 Год назад
@@RevLudd does that matter?
@stevenweasel2678 Год назад
@cheddyh4032 Год назад
@ManyDog Год назад
Maoists taking out the dentist scum
@TheBeastlyplayback Год назад
Lol, nothing like a the people's war criminal sizing the people's executive power to make that workers state really settle in.
@RevLudd Год назад
Very shocking indeed. 😲
@melaniemarshall4366 2 года назад
The Peoples' Flag Is Red & Black! THE RED ONES JUST FOR BUREAUCRATS! (Lol)
@bigkarl6367 Год назад
Anarchist cringe lol
@modelemployee 2 года назад
One of the best English-language songs of all time in my opinion. Gorgeous. Overflowing with truth, history and pride.
@bozbontins 2 года назад
Yet the criminal Putin still ended up leader of the original Red Flag nation...all our socialist idealism for nothing...so sad
@bobbydylanio 2 года назад
Certainly not for nothing.
@ModernEphemera Год назад
Russia has been a puppet of capital since 1990. But you can’t keep the red flag down. Wherever there are workers mistreated, wherever there are people mistreated in the name of “traditions” enforced by the rich and elites, wherever there are workers forced into senseless wars of nationalism by the rich and elites, the red flag can and will be raised.
@farokudahitam 2 года назад
The American Taliban Republicans will adopt this.
@lennonmanners-lolley7981 2 года назад
why should the workers share power?
@ModernEphemera Год назад
Share it with who?
@s.l.3673 2 года назад
Socialism I can abide by, but Communism and Marxism? No. The constant class struggle is inherently destabilizing. Ultimately, after almost a century of Communism/Marxism experimentation, it's pretty much dead since the fall of the Berlin Wall. All we have today is totalitarianism and authoritarianism, all for the sake of power consolidation to the elite class (yes, that's a class of its own). Nothing more.
@ModernEphemera Год назад
If you believe that there’s a powerful elite that’s somehow separate from the billionaire capitalist/investor class in modern globalist capitalism then I have a bridge to sell you
@josefmccauley 2 года назад
What we need is the FREE MARKET, FREE ENTERPRISE, CAPITALISM where institutions are PRIVATISED with equality of opportunity of MERITOCRACY and SUCCESS based on COMPETENCE. All of this as a society under the LORD jesus.
@moskaumaster1594 2 года назад
May the lord forgive you of your transgressions
@ModernEphemera Год назад
Free markets and capitalism don’t encourage a merit based society. Executives and major owners/investors don’t get there from being more meritorious than everyone else, at least not 90% of the time. They get there from family and a head start. And even if they didn’t, no one deserves to have to struggle for the basics of food and shelter in a wealthy society. Edit - Just saw you had the gall to mention Jesus. Jesus didn’t charge cash money to heal the sick or feed the hungry. When the temple at Jerusalem was making money off of currency exchange he went there and flipped over the tables. The soulless “win or lose” capitalism advocated is completely antithetical to what he said
@ledzep331 2 года назад
I stand beneath the scarlet standard.
@johnthehumanist2333 2 года назад
"We'll keep the red flag flying here" How? with the way socialist culture has been acting for at least ten years,how will you fly the flag with your arms inside your straight jacket? been on tik tok lately? and leave DEMOCRACY alone commies!🤮🤢🤑
@moskaumaster1594 2 года назад
Not a very good humanist are you?
@johnthehumanist2333 2 года назад
@@moskaumaster1594 Expand please!
@moskaumaster1594 2 года назад
@@johnthehumanist2333 can’t really have a belief in humanity and then be in favour of wealth consolidation and inequality
@johnthehumanist2333 2 года назад
@@moskaumaster1594 HUMANISM is a form of freethinking and centrist in nature,it is not communist or neo marxist. Pity "socialism" feels the need to dominate and take over every thing connected to human rights!
@johnthehumanist2333 2 года назад
@The lame idiot boy of dumb guys it is the left who have failed to distance themselves from their own extremists for years!
@jeremybolwell1283 2 года назад
@TheScrowlingFender7 2 года назад
@darian8802 2 года назад
Love & unity! 🤝POWER TO THE PEOPLE✊✊
@johnthehumanist2333 2 года назад
as long as the peeps are cultural marxists,eh!🤢🤮🤑
@dronacharyamitra1754 2 года назад
Red salute to Comrade ❤️🔥🔥
@matthiaswiegand1654 2 года назад
O Tannenbaum O Tannenbaum wie treu sind deine Blätter! Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit nein auch im Winter, wenn es schneit. O Tannenbaum O Tannenbaum wie treu sind deine Blätter! O Mägdelein O Mägdelein wie falsch ist dein Gemüte! Du schwurst mir Treu in meinem Glück nun arm ich bin, gehst du zurück. O Mägdelein O Mägdelein wie falsch ist dein Gemüte! Die Nachtigall Die Nachtigall nahmst du dir zum Exempel sie bleibst solang der Sommer lacht im Herbst sie sich von dannen macht. Die Nachtigall Die Nachtigall nahmst du dir zum Exempel Der Bach im Tal, der Bach im Tal ist deiner Falschheit Spiegel er strömt allein, wenn Regen fliesst bei Dürr‘ er bald den Quell verschliesst. Der Bach im Tal, der Bach im Tal ist deiner Falschheit Spiegel