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10 Maps That Divide South America In Two
15 часов назад
How Well Do I Know CANZUK Countries?
14 дней назад
3 Times Invasions Were Actually Funny
21 день назад
The EU Will Charge To Enter Next Year!
Месяц назад
Supermarkets In London Have Gone Insane
Месяц назад
Sweden Is Paying Immigrants To LEAVE
Месяц назад
Which US President Does The World Want?
Месяц назад
The Labour Party Just Lost 7 MPs... How?
2 месяца назад
Who Will Beat Trump In The Election Now?
2 месяца назад
Why Is Europe Building So Many Walls?
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What Does The UK's New Opposition Do Now?
2 месяца назад
@jamesbisonnette 9 часов назад
The Sun in Argentina Flag is Inti or The Inca or Inca Sun. It is in Uruguay flag too and it was in the first flags of Peru, you only needed to wikipedia Argentina flag. Fun fact: Brazil territory in the Southern hemisphere is bigger than the 48 contiguos United States
@alldecadesplaylists1017 12 часов назад
You are brave to even talk about this.
@PartyDude_19 12 часов назад
Technically speaking the closest thing to a still existing successor of the Roman Empire isn't Italy but instead the Vatican City.
@michaelsimons1489 12 часов назад
I’m not South American and I do exist
@_TheNoobPlayer 12 часов назад
You mentioned that a reported only 3% of Lebanese had a favorable rating of Israel. One question, and one question only: Why did you forget to mention that the reason that the Lebanese hate Israel, is because in the 80's they cooperated with Lebanese terrorist groups to replace their government with one favoring Israel. And they killed EVERYONE. Innocent men, women, children. Do you expect ANY country to like another one after so many of their civilians had been killed for fun?
@isaacbakan1295 13 часов назад
I find it interesting, how despite Protestantism being so common amoung white people, well at least until the recent less religiousity, the only truly big countries in population in Europe where it's the majority, are the UK and Germany
@Aleblanco1987 14 часов назад
When will you come to Argentina Andrew? ps: we call chile, argentina and uruguay "Cono sur" or "south cone"
@nik021298 17 часов назад
Colder countries in this map are wealthier
@SolarisGO 18 часов назад
the real capital city is the friends we made along the way
@PrimumQualia 21 час назад
i wasn't expecting Chile to like the US, cus If you know, ya'know.
@Selangorean 21 час назад
Bros more neutral then Switzerland
@wasteman3717 22 часа назад
this shit is so disgusting. please stop speaking on this and stick to minecraft man. Israel is literally modern day south african apartheid and you are out here saying that they are allowed to do this???? The pager attack was one of the biggest terror attacks in modern history, literally the definition of bombing indiscriminately since they could not have known who they they were blowing up and you describe it as just a mistake? Every country in the middle east hates israel for good fucking reason. Would you condemn polish people for fucking hating nazis settlers who wanted to ethnically cleanse them. I'm so fucking ashamed to be from this fucking shit hole of a country, causing death for millions world wide for the past who knows how long and the people in it are too fucking pretentious and racist to actually notice.
@wasteman3717 22 часа назад
186,000 dead in gaza and the west bank. how is this even a debate. how can you watch this all unfold and not leave with a burning hatred for the zionist project. all you people do is point and scream "HAMAS HAMAS" but fail to recognise that hamas literally only exists because settlers stole their land and massacred them. If anyone has read this and wants to stop defending modern day nazis, please research the 1948 Nakba and the formation of israel, learn about the conflict that you claim is too complicated to touch, do the fuckng work and stop being useful idiots to the Zionist narative.
@IM_8685 23 часа назад
I thank Louis Rossman for pushing self repair bills ,making maintaining your device be it a laptop or other devices that come pre built easy for any consumer to do,as those companies that want to hide explosives in their devices will say no one is allowed to open our devices or make it super hard to open .
@IM_8685 23 часа назад
Be it someone else rigging them up but when you open the device for maintenance you would notice ,hmmm this device has some extra modules for cheap what might it be no labels on here....
@Lazarusman 23 часа назад
Lebanon used to be a Christian country now its a hellhole
@konstantinosdragasespalaio4178 11 часов назад
It wasn't a Christian country
@MegaSubzerro День назад
No idea why Lebanon isn't joing with Israel vs Hezbolah.. stupidity
@konstantinosdragasespalaio4178 11 часов назад
With Israel? They hate Israel
@val6766 День назад
The reason Greece holds a lot of ancient Macedonia territory is because in 1913 Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia offered Macedonia help to get out of Ottoman Empire but once they kicked the Turks out they each took a part of a country for themselves Greece taking the biggest part so the land they claim to be theirs they stole and the only way to keep it is to get rid of the real Macedonia so there’s never a chance of losing that stolen land look it up google is free🫡
@thatspecialben7252 День назад
Occupied Palestine
@Alexandros.Mograine День назад
I hate both sides of this whole war and the argument around justifying stuff. Both sides are so bias and cringy.
@sanderlmgent День назад
Bro can't sit still 😂 He keeps hobbling
@Respectable_Username День назад
Including "children" in the headline is important to remind folks that _these are real people_ getting caught in the crossfire. This isn't the other country's military. This is innocent civilians, including the most innocent civilians of all, children. There is a big difference between attacking military targets and attacking civilian populations. One is just war, while the other is a war crime.
@JLVN010 День назад
@ibx2cat WTF you talking about!?!? Hezbollah is bombing the north of Israël with rockets EVERYDAY since 7 Okt 2023! And the people of Libanon and the goverment itself has done NOTHING about it. Did ya’ll forgot the Beirut explosion of 4 August 2020 and the Majdal Shams attack of 27 July 2024 ?!?!
@jesualdocortez6426 День назад
the US should stop funding the country with illegal settlements and whose currently under investigation for war crimes by the ICC and ICJ. I mean a new investigation by ProPublica found that top US govt aid agencies told Blinken Israel was deliberately preventing food and medicine from entering Gaza. But Blinken told Congress Israel was not blocking aid.
@quatreraberbawinner2628 День назад
Israel is a terror state funded by U.S tax dollars
@fedorbutochnikow5312 День назад
Why not make kids in the lab and then put them out for adoption? Create incentives to adopt children, one of the reasons why women don't want babies is because of the suffering caused by pregnancy.
@derangedcrouton1864 День назад
In israel rn, yesterday morning a siren went off at around 6, woke me up didnt know whether it was hamas or hezbollah, its a bit wierd that hamas hasnt fired rockets into israel in a while, i havent heard that siren go off for 10 years since i was here for my barmitzvah in 2014, back then hamas was a lot more aggresive with their rocket attacks and because israel stood back and tried so hard to be diplomatic hundreds died... this isnt better, thousands of palastinians are dying now but the attitude here is that october 7th pushed them over the line, the fury felt amongst israelis is strong, they want hamas annihilated no matter the cost, 40% of the country is protesting for palastinian rights but 60% feel that fury. I know from the outside you can look at this situation logically and see israels actions as cruel and extreme but you should know that what you dont feel that israelis do is the extreme desire for vengeance and sorrow regarding the hostages just stoking the fire even more, its a small country, many people here know each other so a lot of people are family or friends of the hostages/ the hostages family members, this is a lot more personal than the outside world sees it. From the outside you can understand why palastinians hate israelis but dont really care much for why israelis hate hamas, not palastinians, theyre sort of indifferent to palastinians and dont care if they die because they know the palastinian people want israels erradication. A lot of people since the 40s have been born in israel and so have had to face this reality considered oppressors and a big part of israels military doctrine is a sort of "they will kill you if you let them" mindset, whether they like it or not, being an israeli with all its implications makes them feel like targets, this encourages them to want to uphold the security of the country in the face of the scrutiny they receive from their neighbours. This doctrine compounded with mandatory military service from the ages of 18-21 strengthens their patriotic resolve making them feel more dutiful towards the protection and decimation of their enemies who would wish them and their families harm, emphasis on families too, because the culture encourages family and lineage as well as friendship and community (jews are very communal), many marry at a young age in their early 20s and have children shortly after, these familial bonds make them feel even more that its their duty to protect them, even if innocent palastinians die in the process. Its sad but this is just the way it is, palastinians are also told their whole lives that their one purpose in their lifetime is to restore palastine and kill all jews, their whole lives many feel that oppression and desire nothing more than the total genocide of the jewish people and israel, peace is not their goal, the very nature of the doctrine on both sides perpetuates this conflict and so ensures that it will never end because their goals are in complete contradiction to one another. Not all palastinians are militants but the ideology is strong amongst them which is why you cant destroy hamas because no matter what, the more and more children are born in palastine lent this purpose from birth the more hamas fighters youll see popping up, theyre a ideological hydra. What scares me the most is how israel has changed and now i wonder what the governments true goal is in contrast to what it was 10 years ago when multiple ceasefires were made and broken by hamas, does the israeli government still desire peace? Idk... and the mindset amongst the population tells me theyve had enough....
@jesualdocortez6426 День назад
Idk man it’s hard to focus ur anger on Zionism when ur school and parents were blown up by a plane with the Star of David. Not really giving them a chance of nuance. Say how do you keep a theocracy democratic anyways. Also you can be against the Saudi govt without being Islamophobic.
@CertainlyCyan День назад
ah yes "the people of lebanon decided to fight israel" ignoring the fact that the majority of the people are against both israeli government and hezbollah and that hezbollah are basically iranians with lebanese ethnicity atp
@LaidBackDeveloper День назад
Israel did not invade lebanon. What in the shit is this clickbait title.
@saadalameri День назад
Many Sunni Arabs are actually glad of what’s happening to Hezbollah and some, especially Syrians, are actually celebrating, if Hezbollah’s actual enemy was Israel they would have gained their support, but in fact Hezbollah and the other Iranian militias killed a thousand times more Sunni Arabs than Israelis, their MAIN ENEMY is Sunny Arabs and to destabilize their countries. They don’t care about Lebanon, their loyalty is for Iran and now Iran has abandoned them and ran to use them as a bargaining chip to get a new nuclear deal with the US lol
@chestermencia День назад
An english, of all the possible nations, telling Argentines that they should like the US
@rhizoidx День назад
Lebanon has a right to defend itself.
@glaze-why-idk День назад
i kinda like the geography toycat better...
@MS-to6bq День назад
Respectfully, I think you should stick with topics you actually know about, like geography and Minecraft. We can all read the Wikipedia article on our own, and the information you added was generally simplistic, if not altogether wrong. This topic is well covered enough already without you adding… nothing to anybody’s understanding
@MS-to6bq 11 часов назад
For example, you say about a minute in that “the Israeli strikes occurred because of fears that Hezbollah’s involvement in the conflict could increase.” This simply false; nobody thinks this. The reason for the current escalation is that Hezbollah has fired thousands of rockets, missiles, and drones, at Israel over the last year, which has forced about 60k residents of the north of Israel to evacuate their homes in northern Israel. The Israeli government wants these citizens to be able to return to their homes, so Israel must stop the attacks from Hezbollah. That is why. It is not because of “fears that Hezbollah’s involvement will increase”. If you can’t even get this right, what value are you adding?
@softy_alt6596 День назад
Just found out toycat made this type of content and I think I'm in love
@triangulolegal6189 День назад
The murder rate in Brazil is highly dependent of the region, some cities have +90 murder rates in the Northeast and North regions and they keep growing. It's really horrible and instead of doing something about it, our president makes declarations about Palestine and Venezuela💀
@mxwsy_xo День назад
@UlisesShah День назад
The only reason why English is an official language of India is because many South Indians don't want to use Hindi (though I guess they could use Tamil)
@isaacbakan1295 День назад
So. Basically. Canada is part of America
@StardogGGs День назад
Wait Ibxtoycat has a news channel?
@Johnsonjon237 День назад
There was way too much enthusiasm in that opening fact Lol
@matjsz День назад
You guys really think we walk around the streets seeing people being killed around every corner? Because you are fucking right.
@אוריה-ז7ע День назад
Genuine question, What do you expect from Israel to do If Hezbollah and Hamas are firing from civilian areas? Is it not their fault and responsibility when civilians are hurt because of their actions? Obviously if Israel intentionally targeted civilians the death toll would be way higher. what do you expect from Israel to do? Let them continue attacking them? The UK went to war over a bunch of rocks and the US annihilated a region because of a terr0rist attack, why do you hold Israel to higher standards and only seem to care when Israel fights back? I don't want to bring the Antisemitism card but it sure looks like it.
@jesualdocortez6426 День назад
Most Americans and ICC and ICJ disagree with you. It’s hard to convince people your war crimes aren’t war crimes when everyone has a phone. Hospitals, schools, aid cars, journalists, aid workers all purposefully attacked by the IDF.
@OnlyGrafting День назад
​@@jesualdocortez6426and lo and behold the lil terror groups are often found hiding behind them 😂 No one's got the moral advantage, it's just international bias against Israel due to dirty middle eastern money flow.
@אוריה-ז7ע День назад
@@jesualdocortez6426 and please note that the ratio of civilian per combatants killed in this conflict is the lowest in modern conflicts history. 1 civilian killed per 1 combatant killed, compare that to Iraq or Afghanistan where 12 civilians were killed per 1 combatant
@jesualdocortez6426 18 часов назад
@@אוריה-ז7עnot even remotely close. “The Israeli military campaign in Gaza, experts say, now sits among the deadliest and most destructive in recent history.” That’s soft pedaling the atrocities.
@jesualdocortez6426 18 часов назад
@@OnlyGraftingalso the population is mostly children. They have phones. We all have seen videos of dead children. They raided a hospital and found nothing. The flour massacre is also blatantly a war crime.
@Hordil День назад
Long time fan of the channel here. Commenting before I watch the video. Israel is doing good by finally stopping the terror that gets projected on it. Seems they know how to really start a 3 day special military operation.
@redjazzjrSRM День назад
Poland and Kievan Rus by percentage. Countries that have stopped existing several times
@Ostrov592 День назад
Hezbollah is a terrorist organization
@jesualdocortez6426 День назад
@Somtejesstudios День назад
@jesualdocortez6426 18 часов назад
@@Somtejesstudiosflour massacre, central kitchen, over 100 journalist killed, ProPublica released a story that their blocking US aid but Blinken lied and said they weren’t so we wouldn’t stop sending weapons. If a country doesn’t allow aid that we send they don’t get weapons.
@Bokmoh День назад
I have family there. It's not as simple as just packing up and leaving. Like fr where they supposed to go?
@arielshpitzer День назад
Hizbolla bombed northern Israel for the ENTIRE LAST YEAR... Now they cry about "Israeli Agression" LOL !!! such morons !
@jesualdocortez6426 День назад
@blueslime5855 День назад
Thanks for raising awareness about the issue in my country (Lebanon)
@FagnerAro День назад
Currently there are 67,500 Israelis displaced from the northern cities because of the constant attacks from hezbollah since Oct 7th. 10% of the land became uninhabitable because of the arsons. 67,500 people living as refugees in their own country. Tbf, Israel delayed too much these operations. The people of Lebanon who aren’t pro hezb do not deserve to go though any of this, but what other way could it go? Their country became a failed state used as a puppet by Iran.
@jesualdocortez6426 День назад
500k displaced in Lebanon. ICC and ICJ rulings. Columbia halting coal shipments.
@tareksadek9544 День назад
This video never mentions the fact that Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 (and committed war crimes), that they occupied parts of it until the nineties and that they have occupied Palestinian Territories in 1967 and have been controlling their population ever since. Omitting such crucial bits of info makes me skeptical towards this video and how genuine the analysis it presents may be.
@ThePinskinator День назад
This comment never mentions that Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 after years of terrorist attacks launched by the PLO from Lebanese territory. It conveniently ignores the fact that Israel went into Lebanon to defend its civilians from constant bombardment and terrorism. Oh, but let's not talk about that, right? Let’s just toss around buzzwords like "war crimes" without a shred of context or historical accuracy. And as for the "occupation" of Palestinian territories-let me break it down for you: Israel won that land in a defensive war in 1967 after defending itself from surrounding Arab nations hell-bent on annihilating it. What was Israel supposed to do? Sit back and let its people be slaughtered? These are facts you deliberately choose to ignore because they don't fit your narrative. Israel didn’t just stroll into these territories for fun; it’s been dealing with a hostile population and neighboring states that refuse to recognize its right to exist. But of course, you won’t mention the endless peace offers rejected by Palestinian leadership, the terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah using civilian populations as human shields, or the fact that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East where Jews, Muslims, and Christians coexist, and have more rights than in any surrounding country. This weak, skewed attempt to paint Israel as the perpetual aggressor is lazy and intellectually dishonest. If you're going to criticize Israel, at least come armed with facts and stop pushing a one-sided agenda that's been debunked a thousand times over.
@_TheNoobPlayer 12 часов назад
​@@ThePinskinator You can defend your country from terrorists without willingly killing every innocent civilian. Every non-Israeli source states this. Even Reagan, a right-wing American president, ended all American aid to Israel after seeing the gruesome footage in Lebanon. I really don't know how you can even attempt to defend yourself when even AMERICA started sanctioning you because of what you did in Lebanon
@FagnerAro День назад
Yalla ya nasrallah