Eric Nyenhuis
Eric Nyenhuis
Eric Nyenhuis
The love of doing film. I am high emotions and love when trying to capture what I feel.

There is no comprise no short cuts.
I’ve watched Australian muscle and seeing my wife and how her inspiration has changed me for the better.

I have to dedicate my love and hard work to my Mom and my Wife Jennifer for showing me what true love really is.

It’s sacrifice and hard and at the end of everything the best love two people can have.

I hope to never change how I’m feeling right this moment as my wife is my soul.

I love you Jennifer Taupin Nyenhuis I
@ThoughtPolice007 9 дней назад
That guy laughing in the background ruins the entire interview
@EricRolpheNyenhuis Год назад
1. Narcissists don’t have sex because they want to feel intimate and vulnerable with someone, but because they want to be admired and seen as the best lover that you’ve ever had. It’s never about you - it’s all about how they think you see them. 2. Narcissists want to be idealised and need you to show them that you think that they are best person and the best lover in the world, regardless of how they actually perform in bed. They will do whatever it takes to make you think that they are incredible because they need your validation. If you do not validate them continuously, eventually they will start to withdraw or even to become abusive. 3. A narcissist will be so self-centred that they will be sure that they are always right. Even when it comes to discussing what feels good during sex, they will be sure that they know better than you do what your body feels like. If things don’t go well, they will convince you that it is your fault. They will never try to reach a compromise or resolve a difficult situation through conversation. 4. A narcissist will be so convinced that they know you better than you know yourself that they will often talk down to you and belittle your opinion if it is not consistent with what they want it to be. If you try to assert yourself, they will put you in your place, often in a sarcastic and unpleasant manner. 5. Because they are sure that they already know all there is to know about sex, a narcissist will rarely want to talk about it or hear anything about your point of view. They are not interested in anything that might challenge their self-image as the best lover you’ve ever had. 6. A narcissist doesn’t really care about you at all, except insofar as you can bolster his or her self-image. They will put in some effort in the early stages of a relationship, but as soon as they feel that they’ve got you hooked, your emotions and needs will be completely irrelevant to them. 7. A narcissist always believes that they are right and that their views are the most important, so when you differ, they will try to convince that you are wrong and that your views and priorities, and even you yourself, are flawed. 8. When their relationship is no longer new and has ceased to provide the narcissist with the affirmation and excitement that they crave, they will start showing you, through their words and actions, that you mean absolutely nothing to them. 9. Narcissists use sex and the pretence of emotion to control others. They like to be in control, and often derive pleasure from giving or withdrawing sex or affection to this end. 10. Narcissists are not really capable of feeling guilty, and feel no shame about lying if they think that it will get them what they want. 11. A narcissist may appear generous at times, but they are never truly interested in being kind to others. They may buy generous gifts for the person they are in a relationship with, but only with a view to getting what they want. In bed, even if they take an interest in your pleasure, it is only so that they can feel good about themselves and their sexual performance, and not because they actually care about you in any way. 12. When they do something wrong or hurtful, a narcissist is unlikely to apologise or admit that they were at fault - and even if they do, it’s only because they want to get something out of it. 13. While your relationship may feel exciting at times, especially near the beginning, you will realise that there is no true emotional connection. Often, you will notice that the narcissist you are involved with won’t even look you in the eye, such is the extent of their self-involvement.
@bendaniels7346 Год назад
Eric you should give up on her entirely bro
@ilikepotatoes1345 Год назад
I don't know what dogged horrible schizo rabbit hole I just found myself in, but I'm kinda enjyoing myself.
@damiencaragounis Год назад
real talk
@EricRolpheNyenhuis Год назад
Finding out after four years of marriage I was married to a Narcissist .
@bazzturd9414 Год назад
Who the FUCK are ye, mate?
@willyhwang1059 2 года назад
nice car, is that white challenger also yours?
@EricRolpheNyenhuis Год назад
@reallybadstartrekfanfilm7419 2 года назад
Ululululu! Uluuuuuuuuu! ULULU lu lulu! Luuuu!
@EricRolpheNyenhuis Год назад
Thank Gabe
@reallybadstartrekfanfilm7419 2 года назад
Eric, please go potty into my body.
@tothgergo1974 3 года назад
@shannonreynolds624 3 года назад
Oh Eric, I feel so honored. You are just too cute for words, bless your victim heart because we all know you stole money from people. Oh, tell your dear mother that Mary says hello will ya?
@EricDangerNyenhuis 3 года назад
WOW you told us you had 6 months to live 4 years ago then you told people you were going to "Slip and fall" at the event and you told a LOT of people you were in the Military until you were exposed. FAKE VALOR and you tried and failed to Fair Game me. Keep Posting your a nut case.
@pancrasehybridwrestling7153 2 года назад
Yeah who had money stolen you? It’s ironic someone that steals valor is accusing someone stealing.
@reallybadstartrekfanfilm7419 2 года назад
@@pancrasehybridwrestling7153 Eric is so sexy.
@EricRolpheNyenhuis Год назад
Its funny Shannon You tried to fake your way into the Warriors event by claiming you were someone else and telling me you had six months to live and OMG Your still alive..Then you tell people you were in the military. FAKE VALOR...The ONLY PERSON saying I stole is your crazy ass. You dont remember telling people you were going to fake an injury at my event to collect...Uh Yeah KOOKOOOO
@EricRolpheNyenhuis Год назад
@conan1982 3 года назад
So when are we going to get our money for the botched Warriors 2 Fest back?
@EricDangerNyenhuis 3 года назад
Go to 41 Maujer St, Brooklyn, NY 11206 to get your refund
@EricRolpheNyenhuis Год назад
Botched? umm did you miss the 250 unknown bikers there dismantling the event? Then you werent there.,..and if you were then you got in and met the warriors and saw two bands. So was was botched? The $12.000 I lost?
@shannonreynolds624 4 года назад
Vin number JG67SA 82262 and this is what vinwiki has to say about it: okay so this car is royally fucked rust everywhere, locks missing, trim missing, mirrors missing, transmission missing, there's something wrong with the front right wheel floor panels rusted, hood rusted it's a rust bucket Is it illegal to swap out an engine?
@CHRISREAUME 4 года назад
I do Believe this is the car that was shipped with my Falcon XB in 2008
@shannonreynolds624 4 года назад
Hello Eric, how's tricks?
@JFPriest 6 лет назад
Congratulations.. Now go see them Live.. I saw them at the opener in Wilkes Berra, Pa... Amazing.