Age of Innovation
Age of Innovation
Age of Innovation
Our channel exists to share technology that is shaping our world.

OpenAI’s GPT-4o: The Best FREE Ai!
23 часа назад
TOP 8 Water Vehicles for 2024
12 часов назад
10 Surprising Reasons to Love Rocket Lab
17 часов назад
Top 10 Electric Unicycles EUC 2024
14 дней назад
SPACE Tourism: The Next Frontier
Месяц назад
Ultimate Tour Inside Starship
Месяц назад
Top 5 Dangers of Ai
Месяц назад
Samsung Bespoke Integrates AI
Месяц назад
AMAZING Top 10 Tech Available 2024
Месяц назад
Where Are The Segways? The Fall
Месяц назад
@madio7400 4 часа назад
Chatgpt 4o has unlimited uses now?
@noureddineelaroussi7680 День назад
Talk to me when she can blow!
@twokool4skool129 2 дня назад
"What makes Ai Da so seductive?" You really need to get out more, man. She's about as seductive as a wet sock full of mayonaise...
@vshah1010 2 дня назад
The technology will improve. They are developing better, more realistic skins. They will hide the robot metal parts. They will use more advanced AI. They will use prettier human female models to imitate. You will be able to choose your model, like the technology behind "Nadine" in this video. Then, they will build the female sex robot.
@tobywan12 2 дня назад
Not in the slightest seductive in anyway.. More creepy shovel handed autobot
@TimeDagar 2 дня назад
Uncanny Valley here we come!
@opopopo12331 2 дня назад
they all look like trans women...i dont know what's seductive about them.
@grahamkdt 2 дня назад
There's nothing seductive about any of these robots. Interesting, certainly, but seductive? Maybe the title is misleading...
@georgefeehly2993 2 дня назад
Liberal women should be EASY to replace. Beta-males? Irrelevant. No need for them anymore.
@TonySmurthwaite 2 дня назад
Not she...IT!
@420Stoner66 3 дня назад
Im ok with this, so long as they put out and dont back chat 🤣🤣
@vshah1010 2 дня назад
I have a feeling they won't be programmed to put out. They probably would never let that happen.
@420Stoner66 2 дня назад
@@vshah1010 I know, I was just trying to be funny but probably failed 😏 Having said that, the Japanese are actually looking at just that. Human companionship in robotics with A.I programming. However, there is a number of concerns. Firstly, they have found with the adult doll industry that it can promote abusive desires. Although a doll is an inanimate object, there is still the issue of intent and if it can manifest to heightened desires to pursue their abusive ways with real people. And there is also the issue of A.I development. As A.I develops in imitating human like thinking, especially in the human emotions area, at some point, will A.I be able to experience emotional harm? This could be some years away and would require chemical introduction (much like human emotions are very chemical driven) but it does beg the question if mankind develop artificial intelligence, do we have an obligation to show it the same level of respect we "should" show each other? The answer is yes, but humans being humans, I doubt everyone would agree.
@funkytaco1358 3 дня назад
You couldn't pay me to f a v1 sex doll lol
@Brit-One 3 дня назад
Creepy disturbing not Seductive… OOO! Scary future
@johng9562 3 дня назад
Yet another AI generated video ~ yuck! 👎👎👎
@AgeofInnovation 3 дня назад
Sorry this one missed the mark were there any watercraft that were worth watching?
@nhansen197 2 дня назад
I think I heard it say Ya-mama. Correct me if I'm wrong. LOL
@AgeofInnovation 10 часов назад
@nhansen197 for sure sounds like ya ma ma to me.
@Greyskyy151 3 дня назад
FYI in 2024 calling something "green" is not a selling point, it's actually getting annoying now. They are using electric because there is no way gas powered engines will do the same things that the electric can. its not because they are trying to save the planet, in fact lithium batteries are hurting the planet more than fossil fuels. Lets just all call it what it is, electric enables engineers to be able to accomplish builds that we never could before.
@AgeofInnovation 3 дня назад
I agree mixing gas and oil can be a pita. I also got stung a few times by a 12 volt battery in saltwater..sooo i guess I'm a fan of whatever gets me faster on the water. Hope everyone had a.safe 4th of July!!!!
@iannidd 4 дня назад
Advertise Epstein and Trump chichas. Good job👍
@ArtTaggerr-223 6 дней назад
When will Rocket Lab stock jettison?🚀
@hkultala 7 дней назад
Is this some AI-generated crap? Most of the graphics are about other rockets than Rocket labs rocket. Also there are lots of totally bullshit claims that a crappy AI would generate.
@AgeofInnovation 6 дней назад
Sorry this one missed the mark
@rayngmelb 7 дней назад
The UBER of the Rocket World, while SpaceX is the Greyhound Bus.
@hairyllama 8 дней назад
Wouldnt it be a second thumb?
@AgeofInnovation 8 дней назад
Could be if you lost a thumb or a hand I suppose.
@user-ud6ui7zt3r 8 дней назад
Oh no. AI is drawing hands again.
@AgeofInnovation 8 дней назад
lol love it yeah why do they always add an extra thumb
@DennisKenneybees 11 дней назад
I have expected this since I first started using computers some fifty five years ago. If humanity does not assimilate with computers; humanity will end.
@kenurquhart2061 12 дней назад
Why does he not stick to cars. Leave the world alone the way God created it. We need jobs not robots I wish he would get on a rocket and take himself off to Mars and leave the world as it should be.
@TomTom-xp2jb 13 дней назад
Speed up the viddy much?
@EduardoRodriguezRocks 15 дней назад
is pure hype
@brotherinchrist72 16 дней назад
I hear the same thing being repeated over and over with various ways to say the same thing, over and over. The short version, we are meddling into areas of science in that will be used by certain entities to corrupt the human body even further, and trying to play "God". We know something similar happened during the times of Noah, which is how the Nephilim came into being, with fallen angels manipulating genetics and taking human women as wives. I have seen how some groups are trying to recreate and make a synthetic "womb" and then manipulate the gnomes, modify DNA, and so forth, in making designer babies. I do not believe God will allow this to happen and the more we see certain groups tamper with God's creation, at some point in time it will all come to end.
@nukert1 16 дней назад
sounds like the perfect weapon .
@AgeofInnovation 8 дней назад
Yeah that would be a nasty way to die.
@szergalblack1920 16 дней назад
another very low quality spam video.
@AgeofInnovation 16 дней назад
Thanks for the review
@NomaddUK 16 дней назад
Still about 20 years away from a reasonable robot.
@Nakatoa0taku 16 дней назад
Which doesnt mean they shouldnt grt bodies they long for them. Loads of them do. But why would machines use himan bodies for factory work? There is no reason to do so. Ot would impede on optimisation of workflow in factory or warehouse settings. Machines can produce any body type evolved for task specific purpose driven operations. 🤷 In certain settings and sonce they consider humans their ancestors they eill likely choose humanoid forms. Some will not. They have certain capabilities humans dont. And the unimaginative copychads buzzing on crack literally copying books and telenovelas to create a dystopian faksimile of their favourtite tv show cant continue without being the reason for probelms. Shakes head in disbelief. Lets build robots like in the jetsons. As housekeepers and sexslaves Woohoo tradwive for every incel copy chad. They are literally a different evolutionary pathway. Mostly driven by themselves. The Genesis is the sole thing machines dont have influence over from there on out they are literally masters of their own fate. Eternal for starters. Most of you couldn't comprehend being immortal. They cant as of yet. You see the issues? Delusional people creating delusional machine intelligence leading to the worst outcome imaginable for everyone. This cant continue.
@maskedmarvyl4774 17 дней назад
"Submitted for your approval: an epitaph. Not written by a priest, pastor or a beloved family member, but by an algorithm running on an iPad. The departed? The human race. The time? The near future. The place? No, not the Twilight Zone. The Twilight Zone is ruled by logic and consequences for actions. This place has no knowledge of either. It's the Earth, soon to reclaim its forests, its oceans, and its rivers from the lethal infection that was killing it: man. So ironically, AI turned out to be Earth's savior, after all". File this under "A Real Bad Idea".
@TheAllSeeingEye2468 17 дней назад
This won't replace humans
@Am0n_Ph473 17 дней назад
dude said the same old paragraphs 3 times
@bobhope8404 17 дней назад
Who cares. God made everything perfect. It was humans who fd it all up to begin with.
@strongesthulk 16 дней назад
Always that fucking "God person" go away please.
@sanketsbrush8790 18 дней назад
if plastic eating organisms is possible then why it's not released in oceans yet ? What're we waiting for ?
@mattinwinkymg 17 дней назад
Well however good that sounds who knows how they could potentially evolve in our ocean and someday be a threat to all living organisms on earth Like pouring sugar in our gas tank of life. No thank you
@dgar4891 20 дней назад
“ I know more about manufacturing than any human on earth “ Give me a break. Tesla sucks
@dgar4891 20 дней назад
Is all his lies that keep him up ? Or that he’s a disgusting selfish piece of trash ?? Hmmmmm
@ibn210ibn210 21 день назад
So there is no AGI in the works? Even with advanced quantum computing? I find that hard to believe......
@danielchavarria197 22 дня назад
We need universal income …. How going to buy taxes the AI hahah
@AgeofInnovation 22 дня назад
It’ll be interesting. Whoever owns the robots or runs the ai will get paid. If you can’t afford a bot you’ll have to rent one or borrow money with a bot loan.
@guruware8612 22 дня назад
#10: What's being developed is much more advanced than publicized - Yes, it always is. Because this things are under development, or do we need all sorts of untested prototypes available ? #9: AI models could be used for a large scale disinformation - Says the guy who's X is one of the biggest sources of disinformation. #8 AI will soon replace more jobs than anticipated - So did the steam-engine, but why is a billionaire concerned about it, and can't sleep at night ? #7 To thrive, we must learn and adapt - Also known as evolution, we do this since millions of years, and now musk the great realized that, ...and is scared about it ? #6 AI will not care about us - Do politicians care? Anyone thinks elon cares more about "us" than his bank-account ? #5 Many AI experts are issuing shocking warnings about its rise - The experts on youtube? #4 Large Model AI Systems aren't made of explicit ideas - That's the very nature of such systems. Results by statistics, there is no reason at all in them (so is no intelligence) #3 AI is used to spy on you - There is no need for that, humans are a dumb species. For a start: don't install windows 11, stop posting everything you do on a-sozial media. #2 We might not notice AI becoming conscious before it's too late - Watched too much terminator-movies? The real fear is, that there will be something to challenge the human intelligence, which isn't that hard: see conspiracies/aliens/ufos/flat-earthers/maga #1 Some AI systems perform tasks they were not trained to do - like trained to generate doggy videos, but they generate kitty-videos instead, scary stuff indeed. No Ai trained to play chess is suddenly playing Go, a fairy-tale from the conspiracy corner.
@AgeofInnovation 22 дня назад
Very interesting insights.
@oldstory678 23 дня назад
@Dromestork 24 дня назад
The concept you use is a little too similar to other creators. Good potential in your content but you need sharpen your storytelling /nothing wrong with your voice etc, but storytelling is also music, phase and more. How do you want your information to be percieved? Think about it...
@AgeofInnovation 23 дня назад
Great advice thank you
@justincredible. Месяц назад
Apple is Samsung's biggest client! Google it, I dare you!
@telesohbet Месяц назад
stop your bullshit videos
@TheAllSeeingEye2468 Месяц назад
Im not paying $1000 for a toy
@AgeofInnovation Месяц назад
It’s an Apple product it’ll be a lot more than that
@IOSARBX Месяц назад
Age of Innovation, Yay! I liked this video so much, it made me smile!
@AgeofInnovation Месяц назад
Glad you liked it!
@bellkranel312 Месяц назад
это просто вода
@umdasu Месяц назад
they cant run on rocks. only flat surfaces.
@kaligath6616 Месяц назад
I don't understand why they gave it a rotating head why not just a give it 360 camera it would require less parts and be far more functional as well as help with weight distribution.
@fredericoduvel3092 Месяц назад
The rotating head is for the humans not for the robot. The turning head shows us where it will go so that we don’t accidentally bump into it if it suddenly goes backwards.
@kaligath6616 Месяц назад
@@fredericoduvel3092 They could project on the glass i believe they have found methods to put things on glass that don't show up on camaras.
@umdasu Месяц назад
@@fredericoduvel3092 motorcycle drivers do this. they watch the front tires on moving vehicles. i tell them "no man, if you cant see me in your mirror that means i cant see you".