Meet Nancy - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
7 месяцев назад
A Spider and a Fly...
8 месяцев назад
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Launch Trailer
11 месяцев назад
@kauafilipe9994 9 часов назад
what u all gonna do about the hackers, gun. Mediaa
@792pps 17 часов назад
i love this game so much❤
@Iconmanzshorts 22 часа назад
🤑Im make this on roblox
@user-qx1mr9wn1s 2 дня назад
Can you show me sissy’s next update? Can you be outfit?
@user-qx1mr9wn1s 2 дня назад
Can you show me the next outfit?
@user-qx1mr9wn1s 2 дня назад
Can you show me the next outfit?
@99thJediWarrior 2 дня назад
To be honest, I thought Kane Hodder was the model for this character until I saw this!
@D8LS_ 5 дней назад
الاعلان صارله سنتين ياسرع الايام
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Alil more stuff maybe be alil more useful 💯
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
I think the hiding spots would come more in handy alil more stealth now you can go two gone scrapes or a lock pick bone scrape or heal lock pick or heal bone scrape, use the hiding spots alil more
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
But I think the game is great maybe y’all can make a saw game or a new Jason game since the sweater wit Jason he can be defeated that’s a route you can take then tommy it’s kinda cool how Jason has the exits the car escape and how you can get the sweater knock his mask off
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Idk about the lobbies doe how that can work and this is just my opinion
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Some ppl quit early and it’s a disadvantage if somebody else willing too fulfil let them spawn in
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
And I think far as lobbies if somebody quits as a family if somebody else is tryna get in a game they can spawn in that game a fulfil the role
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
So victims know how to play family knows how to play alil difficult or alil more obstacles on some maps wouldn’t hurt
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Cuz I think now if ppl play the game they got they strategies down pack
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Since leatherFace goes on chases and has the power hit so when new maps come if they are bigger add alil more gates they have too unlock and then the family can rest they traps
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Like I think the mill coulda been a map like escape the basement then escape the mill the mill can be big put cuts and short cuts in there then your outisde and then the escape route I think another map wit like a chase like the family house
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
And maybe add alil more gates too unlock before a exit on some maps
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Certain maps Is a advantage for some family members and certain victims abilities can be more useful on certain maps
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Like how Danny is on Nancy’s house just stuff like that and I think there should be a escape on a map like a car escape for Danny where he collect knowledge gotta maybe collect or find some keys, or hot wire a car, find some gas, maybe fix a tire or sumn like that on a map there’s a car exit they gotta drive and give leatherFace like a short cut too run too stop the car
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Now the victims when it come too the victims they are victims I don’t think there’s nothing wrong wit them But based off how I said the family house a character like Connie where she can quick unlock or Ana, Leiland cuz his burdge certain maps certain ppls abilities would be alil more useful on certain maps
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
I also feel like if there was away watever y’all have in mind idk but maybe y’all can change Maria too the family since she’s been missing and make it like she turned and she can do everything the victims can do, far as a chaser, and give her the ability too not be able to be sense make it like she can sweet talk grandpa cuz she’s the family lol and then she had the ability when every someone think the cost it’s clear it’s not she just can pose as a victim and slash n dash catch somebody off guard make em reset
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Ima start wit the family first and the maps here my opinion When it comes too the family I do think leather face having more skins even though he’s fine like a skin where his mask is a victims face would be cool I think on maps like the family house that should be a map that’s very hard too really escape and like on the movie he should have a a spawn up stairs Like if you use leather face cook & hitch cook can double lock the doors hitch has his traps he can trap the window put a trap in front of grandpa and trap the car battery exit wit cooks double lock pad, so now the family can guard the house and the window exit is like away of distraction so if somebody Jump out the window you’ll need a heal wit you in ya inventory but now that takes a family member outside which give the victims a opportunity too unlock the doors do the fuse or vale open the house defuse the traps stuff like that I think leatherFace on the family house his abilities or power should be alil higher like he hit 10 percent harder and grandpas abilities work alil better on that map but only that map I think when it come too gas station the cooks abilities should work alil better like his locks is alil harder to pick his abilities is alil more boosted since he was at the gas station and maybe his hits is alil more powerful I think on the slaughter house when they seen hitch they passed the slaughter house he cut his self I think on that map maybe his traps could do alil more damage since he can be a chaser so his traps does alil more damage on that map and his abilities is alil more boosted Nancy’s house I think since that’s her house her abilities should be alil boosted her traps can do more damage maybe I think when it comes too the mill that map can be a free for all you know since Hitch, LeatherFace & Cook is on the very first movie Certain parts & maps work too there advantage And then Johnny & sissy like vilmar watever his name is y’all can tie him in but Johnny is a power house sissy is a great chaser with poison but watever maps then on can do y’all thing or make them apart of the team but I’m saying since hitch cook & leather face was the on the very first one far as family y’all can maybe make maps that’s alil more of advantage for certain family members maybe they hit alil more harder, they traps do alil more damage, or they poison last longer just little simple stuff like that
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Ima try keep it short and not say the samethings lol
@CHOSENCHILDD 7 дней назад
Ight I’m back wit opinions
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
Didn’t a sheriff on the victims end brawl wit leather face
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
That’s my opinions
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
It can be based off the movies & storylines but it’s still a game as well so it can have alil something else too it
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
If somebody quit wit the family allow somebody to join & jump in that game too refill that spot
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
I think right now the game is cool can just add alil more maybe
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
I’ll admit wit a good family team it’s hard too escape they’ll go 4/4
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
But I think in my opinion the game is good & fun family wise if ppl got the right builds & knows how too use them the family is actually very good
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
I just try give more ways or my opinion idk how much y’all can do or the things like that like the limits y’all can go
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
Different maps from different movies in the family house grandpa could have a spawn up stairs
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
It’s just my opinion I think the game is fun at this point more maps more leather face skins
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
50/50 but like a 60/40 due too the victims can get they way out of stuff wit the bone scraps plus they alil injured y’all better then me
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
Wit the ways you can loop and stuff it seem more like the victims have the edge unless the family is good
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
I feel like the game should be 60 percent family is overpowered 40 percent victims
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
Keep the maps but add more maps wit alil more of a challenge the mill coulda been Ight basement, then mill, but you gotta unlock mill exits too get outisde then you unlock the battery door, generator door, the turn them off & then you escape
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
Like family house the mill got the outisde exit but they gotta escape the basement then mill then outside then the escape routes and too out run the family put wells in the mill, but short cuts and cuts
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
I think some maps should be alil more like the mill for example right
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
And then Danny’s character since he has knowledge I think a car escape where he has too fix the battery get gas hot wire maybe give him alil driving route
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
Like if a family member quit early another person can join that game, like say somebody quit and the family down one somebody else can spawn in
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
It can have alil more things too it too make it better
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
I think this game really has so much potential it’s a fun game
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
Not all the time but sometimes there’s a family member that can get close they gain they trust and then plot twist come and they are in on the whole thing
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
She coulda came after hands maybe the ultimate family member ain’t that how it be though
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
It go girl girl for the victim to end it it was going girl boy girl boy girl boy too girl girl
@CHOSENCHILDD 8 дней назад
I don’t think Maria should of been a victim cuz how she escape it’s been too long she’s alive but she’s corrupted she’s a family member now