Marcio Trailer 2010
14 лет назад
Marcio Trailer 2009 (Part 2)
14 лет назад
Marcio In China: How To Flare
14 лет назад
Marcio In China 2009
14 лет назад
Marcio Trailer 2009
14 лет назад
Marcio Moves Hip Hop Arena 2009
14 лет назад
Marcio HIP HOP ARENA 2009
14 лет назад
Marcio Mix PowerMoves
14 лет назад
Marcio PowerMoves
14 лет назад
@nb00. 5 месяцев назад
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@nb00. 5 месяцев назад
@nb00. 5 месяцев назад
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@nb00. 5 месяцев назад
@housnimkouboi7127 6 лет назад
Moi je vote les comores
@breakdancerQ 12 лет назад
@BBOYBUDDY11 No no,I was replying to a guy who said it in a manner like everybody can "easily" learn these high level powermoves(in disrespectfull way). Well Just read the comment of "graffitor" he was disrespecting the shit out of powermove,I guess you'll understand then.
@luanvietkong 12 лет назад
anyone tell me who is this champ > 2:53
@bboytactic1 12 лет назад
@bboytactic1 12 лет назад
@ABoyNamedAsTy 12 лет назад
@graffitor man. :D not everyone can learn powermoves,it's very hard,you must freaking love them,like girl-friend to be a good powerhead.And Marcio is very original,he has original powermoves. Learning foundations,footwork and toprock is easier than powermove,thats why there is a lot of guys doing only footwork.It's painless and easier.
@123boynike 13 лет назад
1st song - Diary of Jane
@breakdancerQ 13 лет назад
@graffitor "Everybody can learn powermoves."please don't tell me you actally think that's true. If you do than you deserve fucking slap in the face from everbody who does powermoves.
@bboy1yoda 13 лет назад
@superdudeboy =) let em be stupid =)
@superdudeboy 13 лет назад
@bboy1yoda haha. you're right.. i don't know either. I tried to make a point, but some peeps don't seem to get it.
@bboy1yoda 13 лет назад
@superdudeboy i dont know why u respont to these retards :P just keep your mind open an up for new stuff =) 100% agree
@superdudeboy 13 лет назад
@graffitor ''You just have to make a lot of push-ups'' ? man, you seriously don't know what ya talking about, do ya? To become as good as he is now, you have to dedicade ur life too it. Powermoves are getting underestimated, i know some powerheads and they train harder then the most styleheads out there. And yes, you are right about the fact that breakdance is about opening mind and making progress by ur own moves. And that is exactly what HE does. By example: hopping thombstone airflares?
@bartvscalvin 13 лет назад
lol check at the end of the video the guy with the black polo on marcio's team hugs the black bboy who looks like a ganster.
@bboypier1 13 лет назад
Clean powermoves . Nice (:
@superdudeboy 13 лет назад
@graffitor I disagree, powermoves are an part of the bboy culture, anyone is free to express it the way he/she wants. And on top of that, powermoves ARE his flava. he doesnt have toprocks, because that isnt his bboy flava.
@breakdancerQ 13 лет назад
@superdudeboy exactly!lol
@superdudeboy 13 лет назад
@graffitor Duh.. 6step is pathetic, why would u do that if u can do powermoves
@EurAzNxA 13 лет назад
@TrekaXxx i respect your opinion man ;) but i think that the korean's style is more better !!
@Yangmang 13 лет назад
@EurAzNxA my eyes are perfect, u watch ur judgement, iam just rational
@EurAzNxA 13 лет назад
@TrekaXxx not true man .. you have to wash your eyes sorry :p
@lilmaximum 13 лет назад
holyy shit marcio is a monstaaa
@Yangmang 13 лет назад
was the pic at 1:33 real, cus i heard he had an accident in china not sure if its that, or it was halloween
@TheWu89 13 лет назад
damn he's clean in this jam...and fuckin sick
@Yangmang 14 лет назад
@EurAzNxA hahaha no marcio got better power than bruce lee, and he is greater than or equal to the end wen it comes to skill, so sorry
@KARENAKOS 14 лет назад
@DemolitionPresent +1
@FloMonKish 14 лет назад
that was some ill shit
@dra23D 14 лет назад
great song !!
@BboyChroma 14 лет назад
Powermoves combo like 30 s. dope condition!!
@FAStudioProduction 14 лет назад
i think bboy marcio more dope than cico ..
@DanielKinghorn 14 лет назад
THREDED AIRFLARES?????????? omgwtfbbq
@Leetheras 14 лет назад
1:33 is the pic fake or original ? wtf
@TheBiggyAlex 14 лет назад
breaker ownd hiphoper >.>
@EurAzNxA 14 лет назад
bruce lee and the end are better !!!!
@inoout 14 лет назад
@inoout 14 лет назад
damn nice
@isaiasxveganx 14 лет назад
2nd song Haste the Day - An Adult Tree
@BboyChroma 14 лет назад
Where is this 0:53 ?
@dra23D 14 лет назад
punisher vs marcio?
@kleepper 14 лет назад
@coman2suicida 14 лет назад
@coman2suicida 14 лет назад
@Yangmang 14 лет назад
best airtrack form in da WORLD
@breakdancerQ 14 лет назад
nice marcio